famine queen

Chapter 27 Chestnut

Chapter 27 Chestnut
Grandma sighed and said: "During the fasting process, the more times they hunt, the tighter their muscles will be, and the weight will increase without increasing their body size. Sometimes, the size will be more advantageous."

When Jin Mang heard this, she immediately understood that she had a lot of fighting experience, so she knew very well that strength, speed and skill are important when fighting an enemy, but size cannot be ignored.

For example, those judo, taekwondo fighters often have nothing to do with sumo wrestlers, because the latter's body shape is not what the former can shake, and the fat layer of sumo wrestlers is very thick. You can hurt them, but it is very difficult. hurt them.

However, it doesn't mean that a large body has an advantage, and a small body has a disadvantage, depending on the specific situation.

But in any case, without affecting the speed, the heavier the weight, the better.

Even with such an explanation, Jin Mang still felt uncomfortable.

It's one thing not to starve, but it's natural for a creature to crave food when it's hungry.When Jin Mang was eating, he would feel such gazes from time to time, some came from Qingfeng Qingsui, and some came from other adult elders.

The children, including Jin Mang, were uneasy, but grandma was used to it, and she ate it with peace of mind.

In her words: "When they live to my age, they won't have to go hungry."

The terrain after crossing the swamp is easier to walk, and you can often see mountains on the road, but those mountains are not particularly high, and Jin Mang reckons that this place should be a hilly area.

At this time, the ground looked bare, and the ground was so dry that cracks spread out.No matter how economical they are, the water they save is still decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jinmang has not been idle for the past few days. During the journey, she has been observing the surroundings, and finally her hard work paid off. On the evening of this day, she found a small clump of slightly yellowish green behind a rock. .

It happened that everyone planned to camp here. After she got off the grain truck, she rushed over to remove the stones.

Sure enough, just as she expected, the ground under the rock was slightly moist, and a large number of insects were fleeing in all directions.

If you guessed right, there must be underground water veins below.

Thinking this way, after all the bugs had run away, Jin Mang started digging with his bare hands.The further you dig down, the wetter the soil becomes.

Seeing this, the others couldn't be clear about her purpose, one after another stepped forward to help.

Then that night, the people of the Youying tribe were digging soil and filling water until they could not dig out a drop of water, and it was almost dawn, and they were about to set off again.

It's just that they were really tired the night before, and halfway through the journey, everyone began to doze off uncontrollably.

Finally, seeing that this was really not possible, Lan Ya simply found a shady place to let everyone rest for a while.

Everyone couldn't bear it anymore, you know, even grandma helped last night, and Jin Mang and his children didn't sleep, but they slept on the grain truck for a while before.

Therefore, other people would lie down on the ground, just in case, Jin Mang and the others didn't sleep.

In fact, everyone will be hungry at this time. They haven't hunted today, so they can only go hungry first.

——There were fewer and fewer prey along the way, and sometimes I didn't see a rabbit for a whole day. Even if the adults stopped eating, the children like Jin Mang would inevitably starve.

It's a trivial matter to be hungry for half a day like today.

Jin Mang got off the grain cart, looked at the nearby mountain, raised his head and said to Grandma: "Grandma, let me go to the mountain to have a look."

Grandma turned her head to look and saw that the mountain was too small, so she nodded and said, "Don't go to the other side."

The other children were also a little eager to move, but when Grandma's eyes swept over, they all became quiet.

They don't have Jin Mang's strength and cleverness, and their grandmother would definitely not agree to it.

Jinmang went up the mountain to find something to eat, even if it wasn't meat, but maybe he could dig some sweet potatoes or something.

The hills are bare, the trees are almost dead, and there are only a few dry vine leaves on the ground.Jin Mang dug in places where there were vine leaves, but most of them found nothing. Occasionally, some rotten rhizomes could be found, but they couldn't see what they were at all.

She rubbed her belly and licked her dry lips, it was so uncomfortable.

Just when he was about to give up, Jin Mang dug up a... chestnut the size of a pigeon egg?
She bit it open hard, peeled off the meat inside and put it in her mouth. The unique sweetness of chestnut exploded in her taste buds, and the taste was extremely charming.

Really chestnut!
Jin Mang's eyes lit up.

She searched around for a while, and it didn't take long to find a dead tree that looked like a chestnut tree—this was just her guess. After all, although Jin Mang had seen a chestnut tree, he had only seen it, let alone The tree in front of him has also changed beyond recognition.

When Jin Mang was young, he used to go to the mountains with Jin Meili and Zhong Xiuxiu to play. At that time, a family in the village contracted the mountain to plant half of the chestnut trees on the mountain, but they were young and did not dare to touch the chestnuts that looked like hedgehog balls. Yes, and when they went, the chestnuts hadn't grown yet.

So at that time, they rushed to the bamboo shoots.

The chestnut forest was originally planted with bamboo. Although it was dug up after being contracted by someone, some small bamboo shoots still grew out.

Jin Mang and the others all love to eat tender bamboo shoots, so they went to the chestnut forest to dig bamboo shoots.

As a result, they dug up several sweet chestnuts at that time.

——The chestnuts fell from the fruit of the previous year and were buried in the soil to keep them for a year.

It took them a long time to dig out only a few. That's because the chestnut forest is owned by the owner, and the chestnuts will be picked when they are ripe. The few chestnuts fell naturally after the outer shell cracked. Sometimes they will be picked up before being buried, and the number is very limited.

But... as far as Jin Mang knows, no one in Anze eats chestnuts. Does that mean...there will be a lot of chestnuts buried in the ground?
Jin Mang swallowed, and then began to dig around the tree.

Sure enough, after a while, she dug up chestnuts, and in about ten minutes, she had a large handful of chestnuts in her hand.

Jin Mang was so hungry, she simply sat down and started peeling chestnuts.

After eating a handful, she digs again, digs and eats, so, after eating five or six handfuls, she rubs her stomach and gets up, and then...continues to dig chestnuts.

In the end, after digging a small pile, Jin Mang looked at the sky, and then stopped.

Just as she was about to go down the mountain, she was startled suddenly.

There is a sound, it seems to be... from the back of the mountain?
It doesn't sound like an animal, but it sounds like there is a quarrel?
Want to see it?
Jin Mang hesitated for a moment, and planned to take a sneak peek. She intended to see how many people there were in this human tribe who walked on the same path as them on the migration road, but...

Seeing the scene at the foot of the mountain clearly, Jin Mang turned around and ran away without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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