famine queen

Chapter 259 Curse

Another voice appeared in Jin Mang's ear: [Great men and heroes should not be victims of the greed of the people, they are more qualified to bathe in the sun and wear golden glory.The bright soul should get a piece of green of its own, so that those mediocre people can only look up and ask for extravagance. 】

At this point, Jin Mang already had some guesses in his heart, and just as he was about to explore, he felt that his consciousness seemed to be compressed, and invisible water flowed in from all directions.

She struggled instinctively, and after an unknown period of time, she felt as if she had gotten out of something, and a lot of fresh air was used. She couldn't help shouting, but found that what she made was a loud baby cry.

Jin Mang suddenly realized that he was born again.

It is said that the scene of the birth of the child must be joyous, but the situation at this meeting is a bit wrong, it is too quiet.

Jin Mang frowned, could she be an illegitimate daughter in this life?Or a posthumous child?Or is it about to be abandoned?
Just thinking this way, she felt that she was wrapped up and placed next to the face of her mother in this life.

Jin Mang couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly, but felt a somewhat limp hand falling on his face, saying something softly.

——It was many years later that she found out that what her mother said was "my little Guoer will be a great beauty in the future".

Jin Mang could feel that more and more people came in, and they whispered something. During this period, her mother seemed to be watching her all the time, as if she couldn't see enough.

After an unknown amount of time, a mournful cry sounded, and Jin Mang felt himself being embraced by both hands and held tightly in his arms.

Everyone was crying, and she felt hot tears fall on her face.

Jin Mang realized that something happened to his mother?
She wanted to turn around and lean over to have a look, but her embrace was too tight, and she couldn't struggle at all.She was angry and panicked, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

The man holding her seemed to say something, Jin Mang couldn't hear clearly.

Only later did she know that her father hugged her and said to her mother: "Qingyan, look at Xiaoguoer who is crying, you love her so much, quickly open your eyes and look at her."

It wasn't until several days later that Jin Mang realized that his mother in this life seemed to leave after giving birth to her.

It would be a lie to say that she was not disappointed, but she was even more curious about why the other party left.

It can't be a dystocia and die, right?

Although this kind of possibility is normal, Jin Mang thinks... It's fine if he encounters this kind of thing once, can he encounter it twice?
She has a slag-absorbing physique and not a Kemu physique.

Thinking of this, Jin Mang's heart calmed down a little, and he hid his worries deeper.

The only thing that makes Jinmang more fortunate is that although she lost her mother in birth, her relatives in this life obviously love her very much. Every day, five people come and go in front of her to take care of her.

Although the eyes couldn't see clearly, Jin Mang could vaguely detect that the five people who appeared were four elderly people and a middle-aged man.

Also, although she does not have breastmilk, she does not lack milk powder. Occasionally, adults will sit beside her and eat. The smell should not be fake. It seems that this world does not have food like Heze. In short supply.

In this way, Jin Mang's heart calmed down a little, and he was in the mood to worry about other things.

Those two dreams... If I didn't guess wrong, it should be Chi Yu and Han Yu's body, the experience of that god.

Or to be more specific, the birth of Anze and Heze is probably based on those two experiences.

In the first dream, those people have lost their morality, eating their wives and women and their children when disaster strikes, they are worse than animals.The young gods harbored malice towards human beings and believed that human beings should become animals.

So Anze was born. The human beings in Anze have the strength and appetite like beasts. No matter how much they resist, they can't build their own civilization.

In the second dream, a great man who made great achievements was sacrificed to the gods by greedy and selfish people, but he still sounded plausible.

So Heze was born. In Heze, the bright soul can be turned into a thousand miles of green water, and the mediocre people need to rely on the existence of Shengqing to be safe and healthy.

However, Jin Mang was a little puzzled, why did he have such a dream?

I didn't have this kind of dream when An Zena's life ended, so it was obviously not a routine event. Could it be related to Han Yu?
Thinking of this, Jin Mang asked: [0909, are you there? 】

For a long time, she didn't get a reply.

Just when Jinmang gave up, the voice of 0909 rang in her head: [Ding——Complete the task "Expelling the evil thoughts of the gods and spirits of the Heze world", and get 2 other world survival points. 】

Jin Mang was stunned, didn't he not complete the task?
Seeing her doubts, 0909 explained: 【You finally devoured Han Yu's Luze under the pressure of Han Yu. In this way, his soul assimilated with you, and there was no trace of the evil thoughts of gods in the world of Heze.Based on this, you are equivalent to completing the task of expelling the evil thoughts of the gods. 】

Jin Mang was in a daze, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

[By the way, I swallowed Han Yu's Luze...] She frowned and asked: [Does this matter affect me? 】

She has checked, and her green pool in Heze has not been retained, so Han Yu's green pool...

If possible, she hopes to keep Han Yu's green color, not because the green color is useful, but because it is the only trace of Han Yu's existence.

The man who was so rational that he was almost indifferent, and finally drifted away from the world, and only looked at himself with light in his eyes, still left a deep mark in her heart after all.

0909 was silent for a long time, and said: [I don't know. 】

【What's the meaning? 】Jin Mang is puzzled.

【…This has never happened before. ] 0909 Road.

Jin Mang thought for a while and asked: [Han Yu's green color, is there a way to preserve it? 】

【I don't know either. ] The famine system made a buzzing sound, and 0909's voice was a little vague: [You have both the blessing and the curse of the gods on your body. Your curse... Somehow you are still unharmed. 】

Jin Mang was stunned, [Han Yu... cursed me?What did he curse me for? 】

【have no idea. ] 0909 said: [I can only detect whether it is a blessing or a curse, and there is no way to know the specific content. 】

After a pause, it said: [Not all curses are bad.Both blessings and curses are mantras, and all mantras are driven by emotions.And the difference between a blessing and a curse is nothing more than a difference in primitive emotion. 】

[Sometimes, love drives curses, and hate drives blessings. 】

[Han Yu's paranoia, possessiveness, and desire to control drive you to curse is not a rare thing. 】

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