famine queen

Chapter 25 Swamp

Chapter 25 Swamp
The terrain of Mangchuan Ridge is not flat, and there are many rocks. With the addition of large and small trees and bushes, the road is not generally difficult to walk.

Then Jin Mang discovered that Qing Feng and the others who were walking in the front began to cut down trees, and they didn't throw away the cut trees, but piled them up and piled them on the grain truck.

When they stop to rest, they use these branches to live and cook.

Jin Mang asked: "Is it okay to cut down trees like this?" Modern society is advocating green environmental protection everywhere, and she subconsciously feels that such behavior is not good.

"Even if we don't cut it down, there aren't many trees that can survive." Granny fanned the wind with a large dried leaf fan in her hand, and threw branches into the fire while saying: "Those old trees We try not to cut down big trees, and the impact will not be great.”

The farther you go to the outskirts of Mangchuan Ridge, the greater the temperature difference between day and night, and they always sleep by lighting a fire.

From Jin Mang's point of view, she would rather be cold than hot.

In the high temperature of [-] degrees, even if they have been sitting on the grain truck without exerting any effort, they will inevitably sweat profusely.

But in such a hot and humid climate, there are more and more poisonous insects in the mountains and forests, and they have to dress tightly.

Cleanliness such as Qingfeng even wore a pair of shoes made of gauze rattan.

——Speaking of which, the concept of shoes was proposed by Jin Mang. You must know that there is a thick callus-like periosteum on the soles of Anze's human feet. Shoes are not a necessity for them, and no one wore them before.

Because it was too hot, Qing Feng even shaved off Jin Mang's hair with a knife.

There is no way, she is still young, her hair has not yet hardened, although the soft hair feels amazing, but at this moment it will only make her scalp covered with prickly heat.

Jin Mang didn't care too much, she was a little Douding who was less than three years old, so she didn't care much.

In particular, she was not the only one who shaved her head, and the other children did not escape.

The further east you go, the more and more leopards you see. Seeing their convoy, those leopards will retreat without hesitation.

Jin Mang was a little puzzled, so Grandma explained to her: "We humans are the vanguard of the annual migration, and other animals will follow us. The reason why these leopards are like this is because they are also going to start migrating, there is no need to Because the territory is in conflict with us."

"Why do these beasts follow us?" Jin Mang was puzzled.

Grandma smiled, and said with a bit of pride: "Because we are the strongest."

Jin Mang: "..." He was speechless.

What Jin Mang didn't expect was that they had eaten more than half of the food they had stored before they left Mangchuan Ridge.

——Just because they didn't stop hunting on the way.

Jin Mang ate especially a lot, and she felt her face was fatter after more than ten days.

The other children obviously didn't eat as much as she did, not because they had small appetites, but because their parents didn't feed as much as Qingfeng Qingsui did.

The rest of the tribe saw Qingfeng and the others' actions, and their eyes couldn't help being a little subtle.

It's not that Jin Mang didn't notice these subtle gazes, but he didn't pay attention to them. No matter how much food Qingfeng Qingsui gave her, she would never refuse.

In the primitive environment, whether the cubs can grow up smoothly and become stronger often depends on the food they eat.

Only by absorbing enough nutrients in the process of growing up can she be as strong as in her previous life, or even stronger.

However, looking at the food consumed violently, Jin Mang still couldn't help feeling uneasy.

On the migration road, although everyone was mainly on their way, Jin Mang could tell that they rarely encountered hoofed animals, and there were not many small animals such as rabbits and pheasants.

If this continues...

Knowing her worries, Grandma couldn't help laughing, "You're actually thinking about this kind of thing..."

Jin Mang didn't understand, what's so funny about this.

Grandma finds it very funny, "In order to survive, it's not just ferocious beasts that migrate to Anze, but also hoofed animals. No matter where you start or what route you choose, you will eventually arrive at only one destination .”

She looked at the little girl in her arms, "Do you think there will be no prey by then?"

Jin Mang understood at once, the closer to Anze, the more prey there will be, but...

Jin Mang couldn't laugh at all, because it meant that they would face an unprecedented chaotic battlefield at that time.

A big fight for survival...

It's a smart kid.

Grandma looked at her granddaughter's slightly pale face, and thought in relief.

Excellent boys are certainly gratifying, but for the tribe, outstanding girls can bring more glory to the tribe.

Because she is not only excellent herself, but also brings excellent heirs to the tribe.

"The grain cart..." Jin Mang didn't know what she was thinking, and frowned, "Won't the grain cart become a burden at the back?"

"How could it be?" Grandma laughed again. She patted her head and said, "The grain truck can not only hold food, but also people. The guy drags you down, and your parents can't show their abilities no matter how great they are."

Jin Mang was stunned, and couldn't help showing a sudden surprise.

It's no wonder that grain trucks can still play this role.

To the east of Mangchuanling is a large swamp and water area, where a large number of crocodiles live.

——This is why there are so many leopards in the east of Mangchuanling, because many leopards feed on crocodiles.

Undoubtedly, it is very difficult for grain trucks to pass here.

Jin Mang thought they would make a detour, but they didn't! ?

After the grain truck got stuck in the swamp again and again, and even almost couldn't pull it up once, Jin Mang's doubts were almost written on his face.

Grandma explained softly to Jin Mang and the other children: "Although this swamp is difficult to navigate, it is not too dangerous because of the drought. The key point is that we can find some water sources further east."

After a pause, she looked forward and said, "Before arriving in Anze, getting food is difficult but not impossible, but water..."

"If you don't prepare enough water in advance, the difficulty of hunting in the later stage will increase exponentially."

Jin Mang expressed his understanding, but... can we really find water here?

Two days later, I watched a group of elders put the wet soil into the bamboo tube, and then poke a needle hole in the bottom, and use another bamboo tube to connect it, so that clean water can be obtained slowly.

Of course, a little bit of mud will still get mixed in, and the more it goes to the back, and it is easy to block and prevent water from coming out.

Jin Mang's eyes widened in disbelief, "How long will it last?" No matter how many bamboo tubes they have, the amount of water they can save in a day is limited, and...

Unlike ordinary rivers, the mud in the swamp smells very smelly. Who can drink this kind of water?

(End of this chapter)

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