famine queen

Chapter 244 Unbelievable

Chapter 244 Unbelievable

Guan Meizhen had a relatively good life among those little sisters.

It's just that the good times didn't last long. The original wife of her benefactor at that time was not easy to mess with. She was kept in the dark all the time. When she found out that her husband was flying outside with colorful flags, she didn't come to fight and kill her. Instead, she collected evidence and directly shot him. Divorce proceedings.

Because the other party had the evidence of the transfer of property by the funder, part of Guan Meizhen's property was also seized and frozen.

Because of sufficient preparation, the original spouse recovered all the assets that the husband gave to the mistress in one go, and even took away half of the husband's property.

——Guan Meizhen had fallen out of favor at that time, and other mistresses might get compensation later, but her loss could never be recovered.

What's even more exasperating is that the former spouses of the former benefactors also came to the door one after another.

In the end, Guan Meizhen hid in the home of a little sister with the only jewelry she had.

In this way, she lived in that little sister's house for a year.

Then one day, the little sister was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and entrusted the house and son to her before she died.

"Leaving Sister Yanyan's house, I don't have a house to live in at all. The money she left for Xiaoxuan is enough for him to go to college. I thought about taking care of Xiaoxuan as rent payment, so I stayed." Guan Meizhen wiped Tears said: "Xiaoxuan is really a very well-behaved child. Obviously I am an adult, but in fact he is taking care of me most of the time. He is only 11 years old, and he gets up early every morning to make breakfast for me. The hygiene at home He is also cleaning, and his academic performance is very good. I can see that he regards me as the only relative after losing his mother. I..."

"I felt strange at that time. Thinking of myself and Sister Yanyan, I began to try to be a qualified guardian. I made up my mind, and when Xiaoxuan is admitted to university, I will take him back to the Xingxing Orphanage Look at you. I want to tell you that although I have been in a mess these years, I have not gained nothing at all, and that is Xiaoxuan."

"Who knew..." She choked up and said, "Xiaoxuan just told me the day before that his soul manifested as Shengqing, and the next day he was arrested by the police at school, saying that he killed someone."

Jin Mang frowned, "Where are you now?"

"I'm in Dursepa." Guan Meizhen said: "Xiaoxuan has been arrested for three days. I went to the police station to ask about the situation, but they refused to say more, they only said that they were still under investigation and told me to go back and wait for the notice. .”

"Since it's a murderer, there are always victims. Have you inquired about this?" Jin Mang asked.

"I have inquired." Guan Meizhen said: "It is said that a male student was pushed down from the top floor and fell to his death. But that male student was in the third year of high school, and Xiaoxuan's social circle has always been small because of his shy and introverted relationship. Apart from being at the same table, he has no close friends. Besides, with his personality, even if he has conflicts with others, it is impossible to push them down directly, he is not such a person."

"In that case, why was he identified as the murderer?" Jin Mang asked puzzled.

Jumping from a building is divided into subjective and passive. In the absence of evidence, jumping from a building is more likely to be equated with suicide.

"It seems that the boy in the third year of high school yelled 'Liu Yixuan, why are you pushing me?'" before falling down. Guan Meizhen's tone was a bit difficult at this point.

It's no wonder that Jinmang was dumb.

Guan Meizhen quickly said: "That must be fake, Xiaoxuan is not that kind of person at all."

Jin Mang: "Is there surveillance on the top floor of the school?"

"Yes, but it just happened to be broken." Guan Meizhen said: "Now whether it's the school or the police station, everyone thinks that Xiaoxuan committed manslaughter, but I don't think so."

Jin Mang pondered for a moment, "This is a bit too coincidental."

"What?" Guan Meizhen was taken aback.

"It's such a coincidence that the monitoring failed." Jin Mang said.

Guan Meizhen hesitated, "You mean..."

Jin Mang pinched his eyebrows and said: "Since Liu Yixuan is Shengqing, then our Shengqing City has a reason to intervene in this matter, just wait for the news."

She gave her a reassurance, "Don't worry, manslaughter alone will definitely not be sentenced to death, Liu Yixuan can afford to wait."

Han Yu has always been in charge of this aspect, so as soon as the phone was hung up, Jin Mang told him the matter in a concise manner.

After hearing this, Han Yu said, "I'll have someone check the victim's identity."

"You mean..." Jin Mang looked incredulous.

There shouldn't be anyone who would take their own life seriously just to frame others, right?
"It's hard to say without investigation." Han Yu said lightly: "The world is so big that there are no surprises."

Although Jin Mang felt that this possibility was unlikely, since Han Yu said so, she did not stop him.


A week later, seeing the investigation report handed over by Han Yu, Jin Mang was stunned.

"This... this... this is too unbelievable!"

Who would have thought that a boy would actually die just to frame others?

——And the reason for doing this is that Liu Yixuan is his half-brother, and his father always reprimanded him because of his poor grades, and often said, "If you don't live up to expectations, my property will be the same as that of Liu Yixuan in the future." You're okay" kind of thing.

Liu Yixuan was known for being outstanding in school, so the boy felt that what his father said was planning to hand over the property to his illegitimate son.

Children at that age don't know what the brain circuit is, and they do this kind of thing that hurts others and doesn't benefit themselves.

What's even more tragic is that his father didn't take Liu Yixuan's illegitimate son seriously at all, otherwise it wouldn't be Guan Meizhen's turn to take care of him.

In fact, he had long forgotten about the illegitimate son Liu Yixuan.On the contrary, that boy, since he saw Liu Yixuan from a distance in the early years, he has been paying attention to him all the time, knowing how good he is,

But what was even more exasperating was the boy's parents.

They probably also guessed what was going on, but they knew that Liu Yixuan was wronged, but they didn't say a word of justice.

Even, the boy's father, who is also Liu Yixuan's biological father, secretly tried to destroy the video data that proved that the boy went up to the top floor every day for a period of time before his death, and kept an eye on the surveillance from time to time.

——He felt that his son died because of the illegitimate child, so it was only natural for the illegitimate child to be taught a lesson, anyway, manslaughter would not be punished with death.

If it weren't for someone under Han Yu who managed to recover the video data and found a way to find the diary of the deceased, Liu Yixuan would not be able to wash it out even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Jin Mang twitched the corner of his mouth, this is really... the world is so big, full of wonders.

"The case has been closed, Guan Meizhen and that child named Liu Yixuan will be sent to Shengqing City soon." Han Yu said.

Jin Mang was taken aback, "Then Liu Yixuan is really Shengqing?"

(End of this chapter)

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