famine queen

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

The rescue soldier said with a speechless face: "The earthquake in Tongcheng had a second aftershock. After the first shock, people in nearby nightclubs and other places basically escaped because they were awake. The large shopping malls are newly built, and the foundations are relatively good. So at the time, there was nothing wrong with it, but the tempered glass on the side was broken, and the gate became a decoration. Then some people got greedy and ran into the mall to make a fortune, but it happened to be hit by an aftershock. This time, the large mall failed , directly collapsed."

Another soldier next to him added: "There are a lot of people in shopping malls, especially in luxury stores such as gold and jewelry stores. 80.00% of the people are in this kind of place, and the number of people who died is relatively high. Of course, there is still a small Some are homeless people who spend the night in underground garages, and some employees live in underground dormitories."

"Didn't the employees go back quickly after the first earthquake?" Someone wondered?

Jin Mang was busy moving the person into the medical tent with his hands, but his ears kept on listening.

"No, a surviving employee told me that he was too tired and fell asleep. He didn't even know the earthquake had happened."

"No, why do I seem to have heard that there is a child?"

"Yes, how can there be children in this situation?"

"There are some scumbag parents who go out to gamble in the middle of the night and bring their children with them."

Talking on the lips, but not delaying their work, Jin Mang alone lifted more than a dozen people, and later helped to suppress six surgical patients.

——The anesthesia has been missing for the third day. It is said that there is a problem with a section of the road leading here. Now they can't go out or enter, so their anesthesia can only come from other rescue stations.But because of the earthquake, most of the roads inside Tongcheng were impassable. Although the army was clearing the roads, not to mention that many road sections were directly cracked, they still focused on rescue.

But not everyone can survive the operation without anesthesia. Among them, a young man died of pain.

Although it is a pity, there is no way to avoid this matter, because the other party's situation at the time, if he did not undergo surgery, he would still die.

That afternoon, Dr. Liu, one of the chief surgeons, had a relapse of stomach trouble. But because there were still people on the operating table at that time, he endured the pain without making a sound. After the operation, he passed out from the pain.Other doctors made a diagnosis and concluded that it was gastric perforation.

Fortunately, there were barely enough conditions for the operation in this resident, and the other chief surgeon took time out of his busy schedule to help him complete the operation.After the gastric perforation surgery, it was supposed to rest for at least a week, but after lying on the bed for less than three days, Dr. Liu went into the operating room regardless of everyone's objections.

Seeing this scene, Jin Mang's heart was inevitably touched.

"Aunt Hua, do you think it's okay for me to send some natural food to Dr. Liu?" Jin Mang asked.

Most of her natural food is sent to refugees and rescue soldiers, but to the garrison. Although most people know that they eat natural food, no one comes to grab a meal at this moment.

Even doctors like Dr. Liu and others who are the chief surgeons eat tubes of nutritional supplements that are military supplies to save time.

However, patients after gastric perforation have many precautions in diet.

Before Hua Rui could answer, she said, "I want to give it away."

"Wait." Aunt Hua said.

Seeing Jin Mang's frown, she hurriedly said, "I'm not trying to stop you, I just have a proposal."

"What proposal?" Jin Mang asked.

"Compared to sending ingredients, I think it's more appropriate to send ready-made meals. I'm afraid Dr. Liu doesn't have time to cook. And it's not suitable to send Dr. Liu alone. The other doctors are also very hard-working, so we can send them together." Hua Rui said.

But Jin Mang suddenly said: "Just send natural food to the cafeteria regularly. Not only Doctor Liu and others, but other people in the station are also working hard."

Hua Rui was taken aback, "Aren't you afraid of being exposed?"

"Exposure is exposure." Jin Mang suddenly didn't care, and she said, "Let me cook the meals for the medical staff."

As far as she knows, although staff like nurses occasionally go to the cafeteria to eat, most of the time they eat tubes of nutritional supplements.

"Okay, anyway, you are very energetic." Hua Rui said.

So from this day on, Jin Mang changed from sleeping five hours a day to four hours, and from getting up at five o'clock every day to four o'clock every day.

——In fact, their rest time is not fixed. Sometimes when the wounded are sent over, even if they are busy for [-] or [-] hours, they can't even turn around.

At this time, the corpses or the seriously wounded were sent over, and the workload eased little by little.

But everyone was not happy at all.

The roads in Tongcheng are getting smoother and smoother. When Jin Mang is free, he drives a van to go around, sending out more and more natural food every day.

One night, Su Yun asked her: "Are you also Shengqing?" She is not an idiot, many of the natural foods that appear in the van are not found in her green land.

"Yes." At this time, Jin Mang did not deny it.

Su Yun was a little angry, but not particularly angry. She asked curiously: "I can't see your green color, are you at least a crowned minister?"

Anyway, it's all exposed, so it's better to expose it completely.

Thinking of this, Jin Mang said, "I can see Han Yu's green color, what do you think?"

Su Yun's eyes widened, "I'll wipe it, is it real or not?"

"Speak politely, you will be a gardener in the future, isn't this going to pollute the flowers in Heze?" Jin Mang glared at her.

Su Yun slapped herself on the mouth and asked curiously, "Does Han Yu know?"

"If he knew I wouldn't have kept it from you." Jin Mang said honestly, "Isn't he the one to guard against?"

Hearing this, Su Yun felt relieved, and she asked, "Is the holy cauldron yours?"

"You can say that." Jin Mang said.

As early as last year, she bought the shares in Huarui's hands.Of course, she didn't buy all of them, and left a small part for the other party, so that the other party still retained the status of shareholder.

Su Yun asked curiously, "You didn't join Shengwang because...you, like Han Yu, have your own ideas?"

Jin Mang nodded, and said simply: "I want to build a Shengqing city, a city that only belongs to Shengqing, where we can freely display our identities without worrying about being persecuted by high-level officials."

Su Yun was taken aback, she didn't expect Jin Mang to tell her so easily, it was also because of the content of her words.

Shengqing City?
As a holy minister, how could he not yearn for it.

She coughed lightly and said: "When you go back, tell me about this Shengqing City."

Su Yun thought it over, and when the Tongcheng matter was over, she planned to officially part ways with Han Yu.This matter really cannot be delayed.

Jin Mang vaguely guessed what Su Yun was thinking, and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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