Chapter 67 Testimonials + Addition Rules
This book started writing on November 2022, 11. After more than a month of hard work, it is finally time to put it on the shelves.


This is also the first time I wrote a testimonial on the shelves. Of course, many people said that it was a miserable testimonial.

But I don't think I'm miserable. Except that I'm so busy rushing to catch papers and exams during this period, other times are quite relaxed.

So I would like to thank the readers and friends who have always supported me. This book can be written because of everyone's follow-up, rewards, comments, collections, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets.

It will be on the shelves tomorrow. If there is no accident, it should start at the fifth watch.

Now there are 3700 follow-ups, so start with 2500 first orders.

For every 300 more orders, I will add one more!
Of course, it is only for tomorrow, and the subsequent specific updates will depend on the final first order situation.

(In fact, if you work hard, you can do it every day, provided that your grades are good enough to allow me to straighten my back and explain the situation to my family members QAQ)

I will also pay back the three chapters owed before.

I won't ask for other rewards or anything else, everyone who has money will give money, and those who have no money will give personal.

I know that many readers are students without independent financial means. Maybe many people will run to watch the pirated version after seeing me on the shelves.

These can actually be seen by looking at the data. My rewards, recommendation tickets, and monthly tickets are less than half of those in the same period.

But I still hope that everyone can give me a first order, which can be regarded as a little encouragement for me, so that I can persevere.

Everyone subscribes a lot, and if the subscription score improves steadily, I will also be motivated to code diligently.

Okay, stop talking nonsense.

This is the first time that the results are so good. I am happy that everyone likes my book.

This is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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