Chapter 42 The Will of Fire, Konoha Supreme

In Konoha's dead forest, a figure kept running through the dense woods.

And behind him, a black shadow loomed, and he could jump from one tree to another in the blink of an eye.

"it's wired……"

Seeing Naruto's running posture, Shisui always felt a little weird.

Because his running posture is not like a ninja, leaning his body forward, his arms are straight and slanted behind his body and fluttering with inertia, and his center is pressed against his front feet to exert force.

Instead, the hands are constantly swinging on both sides of the body, and the center of gravity is relatively higher.

"Is it because no one taught him, the ninja's running posture is obviously faster?"

Shisui scratched his head in doubt.

But after observing, he gradually discovered the advantages of this running posture.

This running posture seems to increase the sense of balance, reduce the weight of the body, and make running more natural and labor-saving.

"That's right, Brother Mian Ma."

At the same time, while running in the woods, Naruto asked in his heart: "Why did you ask me to write ideological and political homework and daily practice in that notebook?"

"And you can only write about the advantages, not the disadvantages."

"Of course, let some guys who like to spy on other people's privacy take a look."

The numb tone was meaningful, and he said with a smile: "Let them see how excellent the will of fire they firmly believe in is."

The so-called diary is just Naruto's homework after his ideological and political class, plus some daily training after class.

Serious people who keep a diary?
And who writes what is in their hearts in the diary, can what is written be called what is in the heart?
The title of the ideological and political homework that day was "Appreciation of the Will of Fire".

The central idea roughly expressed is Konoha supremacy.

Of course, only the advantages of Will of Fire and Konoha Supremacy are selected for analysis and appreciation.

"Where the leaves dance, the fire is also alive, and the fire will continue to illuminate the village and cause new leaves to sprout."

"The will of fire is the core purpose of Muye Village, and it is the responsibility of the villagers to Muye Village."

"If you live in a house and the roof leaks, it's your responsibility to fix the roof so the next generation can live here too."

Mian Ma also helped to polish up some of them.

It probably expresses my longing for Hokage, my love for Konoha, and my desire for friends.

But the shortcomings of the Will of Fire were discussed face to face between Naruto and Mima in the sealed space.


Mian Ma seemed to have noticed something suddenly, and there was a hint of playfulness on his face: "Naruto, don't take a detour today, I'm going to give you a practical assessment, and check your study status."


Naruto scratched his head when he heard this, and quickened his pace a little.

Instead of directly bypassing the bustling streets like before, he ran straight there.

Uchiha Shisui, who was following behind him and was in charge of monitoring in the tree, was also stunned.

"What's going on? Why didn't Uzumaki Naruto make a detour today? Did he go shopping?"

Doubts arose in my heart, but I still accelerated my speed and followed.

All the way to the street, I saw two groups of people confronting each other, with more than a dozen people on each side, and more and more villagers gathered around to watch the excitement.

One of them has a symbol similar to a Uchiha fan, and they are members of the Uchiha clan.

On the other side is the symbol of the Sarutobi clan, who is a member of the Sarutobi clan.

In both camps, several people have bruised noses and swollen faces, obviously there have been conflicts.

The leader on Sarutobi's side looked angry, but he still suppressed his anger and warned: "Yachiyo Uchiha! Don't bully people too much!"

"The matter of violent law enforcement has not been resolved before, and now you dare to bully our Sarutobi clan!"

On the contrary, it was the disdain of the Uchiha clan, who made no secret of their arrogance.

The man he called Yatsushiro Uchiha stood at the front, and said in a disdainful tone: "It's your clansmen who are playing drunk on the street and insulting our Uchiha clan, of course we, as a police force, will take you away according to the regulations! "

"You are avenging your own private revenge!!"

"Public revenge?"

Looking at the resentful Sarutobi clansman, Uchiha Yatsushiro smiled contemptuously: "It was your clansmen who violated Konoha's regulations first, why did we avenge ourselves publicly?"

"That is, if you hadn't violated the regulations first and resisted our arrest, how could we have used unconventional methods against your people?"

The quarrel between the two sides intensified.

The Sarutobi clan showed dissatisfaction and aggrieved faces, while the Uchiha clan showed excitement, as if they wanted to teach them some lessons.

Both sides are ready to move, and there is a tendency to break out again at any time.

There are more and more people around, but most of them are accusing the Uchiha clan of being unreasonable, expressing understanding and sympathy for the Sarutobi clan.

And in the crowd, a small figure wearing a hood hides among them.

"Naruto, have you analyzed the cause and process of the incident? What do you think about the Will of Fire based on this incident?"

Mian Ma's playful voice sounded again.

Naruto scratched the back of his head in distress and said: "The will of fire in my understanding is the ancestors dedicating themselves to illuminate their descendants, and extending hope and future to future generations."

"But it seems to be different from the will of fire I imagined, it seems, it seems..."

Naruto thought for a long time, but couldn't think of a suitable adjective.

Mian Ma smiled and said, "Do you feel that the will of fire has been distorted? It has completely lost its original intention?"


"Yes, that's how it feels."

Naruto suddenly said: "It seems that someone has misinterpreted its own meaning and made it gradually go to an extreme."

The core of the will of fire wants to express is Konoha supremacy, Konoha is everyone’s home, and needs to be guarded by everyone, only Konoha Village is the real and unique existence itself.

At first glance, this idea is correct.

But if it is misinterpreted or misunderstood by someone with a heart, then the will of fire becomes a "weapon".

The most typical is the views of Shimura Danzo and others on the Uchiha clan.

"Although you haven't done it yet, I think you will definitely do something in the future, so I will treat you unfairly, suppress you, alienate you, and make you do the work of a sinner."

Then when the Uchiha clan was oppressed to the extreme, voices of dissatisfaction appeared.

"Ah, you are indeed disloyal to Konoha, since you are going to make trouble, then we have to deal with you."

This embodies the most hypocritical part of "Konoha Supreme".

Because the definition of "Konoha" is often determined by the high-level Konoha, in their eyes, there is no Uchiha family in the definition of Konoha.

Just highlight a "loyalty is not absolute, then it is absolutely disloyal".

 Thanks to wisp, Fze, Oni sauce is ALPEH, if the name is too long, there will be rewards for fools to follow along, thank you for your like~
(End of this chapter)

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