Chapter 119 Avenger Sasuke Uchiha
In the ward of Konoha Hospital.

Sasuke, with red eyes, sat on the bed and sucked his nose hard.

But this small movement accidentally touched the wound on his face.


Sasuke sucked in a breath of cold air, and pulled the corner of his mouth lightly.

"Damn it! This guy really doesn't spare any sympathy!"

What's more, just now he kept beating him according to his handsome face!
Thinking of this, Sasuke glanced to the side angrily.

But it happened to meet Naruto's eyes, which directly made his body stiff

The teasing in those blue eyes couldn't be more obvious.


Sasuke's bruised face was reddish, and he turned his head aside in embarrassment.

Who knows why he couldn't help crying just now!

Obviously, obviously it can be held back!

"Damn! This matter will definitely be laughed at by Naruto forever!"

Sasuke hammered the quilt angrily, and the sadness and resentment in his heart dissipated a little.

It was at this time.

"Sorry to bother you at a time like this."

A lazy voice interrupted Sasuke's thoughts, bringing him back from that complicated emotion.

"However, as the only survivor of this incident, we still have some things to ask you to confirm."

Hatake Kakashi stood in front of Sasuke's hospital bed, holding a notebook and a pen and asked: "According to the information we know, Uchiha Itachi is the chief culprit who wiped out the Uchiha clan."

"Then what is his purpose?"

Hearing the man's name, Sasuke subconsciously clenched his fists, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

And deep down...


Sasuke let out a long breath, and suppressed the emotions in his heart: "The man said that he killed his clansmen to test his strength and gain more power."

Test your stamina and gain strength?
"That's it."

Kakashi bit the tip of the pen with a distressed expression, and said in a complicated tone: "This is really a speechless reason."

Although the whole incident seemed to reveal an unbelievable taste.

But as a witness, Sasuke insisted that the extermination of the genocide was done by Uchiha Itachi.

After the incident ended, Anbu launched a hunt for the masked man and Uchiha Itachi who claimed to be the Yuchu of the Sky.

But it has been more than ten hours since the night of genocide, and there is no trace of Itachi Uchiha.

I'm afraid he has already left Konoha.

Although the entire Konoha is shrouded in a sealed barrier, it is not difficult for Uchiha Itachi, who was once the captain of the dark part, to find a way to open the Konoha barrier.

That being the case, there should be no second possibility other than absconding in fear of crime... right?

However, there are still some doubts.

For example, where did the eyes of those Uchiha people go?
Another example is those Uchiha people who did not find their bodies.

Did they die in battle, or...

They didn't die at all?
The most suspicious point, why did Uchiha Itachi destroy the Uchiha clan under Konoha's nose?

Even if it is to use the identity of the same race, it is impossible to do it.

"Could it be..."

Kakashi narrowed his dead fish eyes slightly, and suddenly remembered the dozens of corpses near the Uchiha clan.

According to the investigation, those are root ninjas.

This had to make Kakashi think of something not so good.

Moreover, the third generation seems to have intentionally or unintentionally kept the Anbu ninja's patrol area away from the Uchiha clan.

There was only Sarutobi Shinnosuke's team left.

Oh no.

It should be said that only bloody corpses remained.

"I don't know if the three generations of adults can accept such a big blow."

Thinking of this, Kakashi sighed helplessly.

Immediately stood up, said goodbye to Sasuke: "Thank you for your cooperation, please pay attention to rest, I will leave first."

After that, he turned around and left.

But right now.

"Excuse me, how do you guys plan to deal with this incident?"

Naruto's indifferent voice sounded, and Kakashi's footsteps couldn't help but stop.

"How to deal with it?"

A trace of irritability flashed in Kakashi's dead fish eyes: "I'm sorry, these things are not what you should know."

In fact, he didn't want to be so heartless.

According to the investigation and analysis of the intelligence department, there are three main participants in this genocide.

In addition to the Uchiha Itachi who killed the Uchiha tribe, there is also a man wearing an orange spiral mask.

Kakashi suspected that he was the guy who created the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and this time the police force was also solved by him alone.

He was already hostile to Konoha, and destroying the Uchiha clan can effectively weaken Konoha's overall strength.

It is not surprising that such a thing can be done.

In addition, there is the man who wears a three-eyed cat face mask, is extremely powerful, and claims to be the Yuzhong of Heaven.

Origin, identity, purpose, everything is unknown.

And it is not certain that there are only these three people.

Since the establishment of Konoha, there has never been a genocide of such a bad nature.

The Third Hokage is still in a coma, and Minister Anbu has also been confirmed dead.

He is just a small captain of the dark department, and has no right to make decisions about such bad events.

...Just like he couldn't resist Hokage's order and had been in contact with Minato-sensei's child for a long time.

"Really, what am I thinking about?"

Kakashi shook his head, temporarily throwing out the bold idea in his mind.

In an instant, his figure disappeared in front of Naruto and Sasuke.

The ward also fell into an eerie calm for a while.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Sasuke glanced at Naruto, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "I don't need your care."

Naruto with his arms folded around his chest heard the words, a smile appeared on his face.

The person who should go has gone, but he can't go now.

"So, have you confirmed that Uchiha Itachi and that masked man are the murderers who destroyed the Uchiha clan?"

As soon as these words came out, Sasuke couldn't help being stunned.

if not?
Isn't it obvious?

"It's strange, you used to be very smart."

Naruto raised his eyebrows and said meaningfully: "Don't you have any doubts? Why was Uchiha completely slaughtered by Uchiha Itachi under the protection of Konoha?"

From Hatake Kakashi's words, he has roughly understood the genocide incident.

Uchiha, known as Konoha's number one wealthy family, has countless people who have awakened Sharingan, and is an important piece of Konoha's puzzle.

But such an eye-catching wealthy family was wiped out overnight?

What about the dark part and roots of the leaves?
Think about it with your toes, and you can know that Konoha must have played an extremely important role in this genocide.


Sasuke had already recovered his basic sanity at this time.

And after Naruto made such a quick call, he frowned for a while.

Just like facing Naruto, Uchiha Itachi has always been omnipotent in his heart.

But after getting along with Naruto for a long time, he gradually learned to think calmly.

Also unconsciously.

A gentle feeling gradually spread throughout Sasuke's body.

Cleared his mind and calmed the fear and confusion in his heart.


Sasuke frowned, and murmured: "If you want to eliminate the Uchiha clan in the village silently, you must not only bypass the village patrols and guards, but also eliminate everyone silently."

However, that night was by no means "silent".

Someone fired a large number of flares into the sky above Konoha, illuminating the entire sky above the Uchiha Clan.

Thinking of the abnormality that happened that night, Sasuke's eyes flashed a light.

"In other words, when the Uchiha clan might be invaded, Anbe and Nebe didn't choose to provide immediate support?"

For a moment, Sasuke's mind was full of thoughts, and the doubts in his heart became more and more.


Naruto on the side suddenly said: "In your eyes, what kind of person is Uchiha Itachi?"

What kind of person?
When Sasuke heard this, he couldn't help but think of every little thing he had with that man in the past.

There is no doubt that the man is a calm, rational, and talented guy at the same time.

Honestly, if not for the events that lie ahead.

Sasuke couldn't imagine that man would do such a cruel and ruthless thing as slaughtering the whole family.

But let's talk about that man's shortcomings...

He is a little taciturn when facing other people, and he is not good at communicating, and his relationship with his tribe is very tense.

and many more!

very nervous, why?
"After school last night, I actually wanted to go to the Uchiha tribe to find you."

Looking at the thoughtful Sasuke, Naruto reminded again: "But Anbu seems to have known that something will happen, and stopped me directly before I left."

"And as far as I know, the reputation of the Uchiha clan in the village is not very good."

The Uchiha family has been a giant in the ninja world since ancient times, and even has a longer history than the Five Great Nations.

It's just that the Uchiha in Konoha now has only Sasuke left.

I have to say, this is really an amazing move.

Naruto even wondered if Konoha's senior management had spies sent by Mianma or other organizations.

And Sasuke also thought of more based on the details he usually observed.

The truth of that man's massacre of the whole family is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"Could it be because of the coercion of the high-level Konoha and the masked man?!"

Thinking of this, Sasuke couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face.

In this case!

Doesn't that mean that Itachi actually...

But just when joy and rejoicing rose in his heart.

"Sasuke, I think I need a reminder."

Naruto's expression was very cold, and he said in a low tone: "There may be other secrets behind the genocide incident, but what Uchiha Itachi did is definitely not fake."

"Uchiha Itachi is the executioner who brutally slaughtered a family, and there is no possibility of being controlled."

From the looks of it, Sasuke seemed a little lucky?
How can this work?
And Sasuke couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words.

The cheeks that had just regained a little rosiness suddenly became extremely pale again.

"Human beings are extremely complex creatures, you can't understand the thoughts of a madman."

Looking at the pale-faced Sasuke, Naruto's eyes were deep, and he said meaningfully: "Whether someone forces him or not, the powerful Uchiha Itachi shows no signs of resistance!"

"He killed his parents and clan members with his own hands, which is the fact before him!"

"There is no doubt that he is a cruel and stupid executioner!!"

As soon as these words came out, Sasuke couldn't help but see that scene again.

In the monthly reading space, a scene that has been repeated infinitely.

Cruel, bloody, disgusting scene!
Uchiha Itachi, that man, he personally killed his clansman and his parents! !
Even those children, those old people, did not escape his butcher knife!

"I understand!"

Sasuke's eyes gradually changed from fear to determination: "Uchiha's undead need to be redeemed, and they need to be redeemed with that man's pain and death!"

Since he is still alive, the Uchiha clan has not been destroyed!

From now on, he's not just Sasuke Uchiha!
He is still the avenger who bears Uchiha's undead!
Thinking of this, Sasuke's eyes turned scarlet.

The four hook jades began to spin rapidly, and even faint afterimages appeared.

Then Naruto watched with playful eyes.

An extremely energetic chakra erupted in his body, and Sasuke suddenly felt his brain became clearer.

next second.

The originally spinning two hook jades gradually slowed down, and finally turned into three hook jades completely.

"That's right, that's it."

Sensing the increasingly powerful pupil power in Sasuke's eyes, Naruto smiled and said: "No matter what the truth is, it's just a few more targets for revenge."

At the same time, the sky gradually darkened.

A small cargo ship that drifted for a day and a night, followed the sea around the Strait of the Land of Winds, and gradually approached the port of the Land of Snow.

At the same time, in the lowest cabin of the freighter.

Mian Ma sat lazily on the bed, quietly flipping through the information about the Snow Country in his hand.

Suddenly, the action of turning the page stopped, and slowly turned his gaze to the bed on the other side.

I saw a long, black woman lying quietly on that bed with her eyes closed.

But if you look carefully, you will find that her expression is sometimes peaceful and sometimes hideous.

As if constantly switching between a dream and a nightmare, the Chakra and pupil power in the body fluctuated strangely.

"Oh? Has it started yet?"

The numb eyes became playful: "Are you going to indulge in the false beauty, or face the cruel reality?"


Inside a mansion in the Uchiha clan.

Izumi Uchiha sat outside the courtyard with his arms around his legs, his body was quiet and elegant.

It seems to notice something.

She slowly raised her head to look at the scarlet full moon above her head.

The red moon was reflected in Quan's black eyes, making those eyes look hazy and confused.

Looking at the coquettish and full moon, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The moon tonight is really beautiful."

But, why does it feel like you forgot something important?
I can't remember, is it an illusion?

Just when she was distressed.

A gentle, familiar voice suddenly entered her ears from inside the house.

"Quan, it's time to eat, today I have your favorite meatballs!"

this voice...

The haze in the black eyes gradually faded, and Uchiha Izumi's eyes became completely clear.


(End of this chapter)

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