Chapter 88
Time flies so fast, I would like to inform everyone that it will be on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow.

I am very grateful to the readers who supported me, as well as the help of editor Wu Xing.

I won’t say much about the sensational words, let’s talk about the most critical update volume.

41 days, 24 words.

6000 words are updated every day.

Rain or shine, nothing can be shaken!
The new issue has 24 words updated, although it can't be said to be the most, but it can still be called a middle-level one.

In the future, I will definitely continue to work hard, so that readers can have a good time!

The VIP chapter will be officially released tomorrow at 12 noon.

20000 words were updated on the day it was put on the shelves.

After it is put on the shelves, I will increase the average daily update volume to 8000, and then look at the subscription data to decide whether to continue to explode, or directly to [-]!
Finally, I would like to ask for the first order. I hope everyone can make a fortune and click the subscription of vipChapter 1 for me.

Thanks again everyone!

Tomorrow at twelve o'clock noon, we will see you soon!

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(End of this chapter)

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