Chapter 81 Music critic, Mu Zhi!

Cool music app has four lists, namely:
Soaring list, new song list, hot song list, original list.

The soaring list means the click-through rate, as long as the song's audition click-through rate is higher, the ranking on the soaring list will be higher.

The new song list and the original list are also ranked in the same way, they are both ranked based on the click-through rate of the preview, but these two lists only include new songs and original songs.

As for the hot song list, there is a clear gap with the other three lists!
The ranking of this list not only depends on the click-through rate of the audition, but also depends on the most critical download data.

As the name suggests, the song with the most downloads can be on the list.

And all lists are rotated every week.


But at this time, following Yan Min's careful inspection, he saw that the four lists had undergone tremendous changes.

Soaring Rank Ninth: Ordinary Road!

New Song Chart No. [-]: Ordinary Road!

Hot Song Chart Tenth: Ordinary Road!

The fifth place in the original list: Ordinary Road!

After being stunned for a while, Yan Min asked subconsciously: "So, today is Sunday, right?"


Zhang Qi nodded affirmatively, and added: "Because of the popularity of the first episode, the broadcasting time of our show has been advanced to eight o'clock in the prime time."

"This Ordinary Road was also uploaded to Kule on time at 11 o'clock, and the current time is 30:[-], and it has only been three and a half hours since it was released."

"Three and a half hours? Straight into the top ten of the four cool music charts..." Yan Min muttered to himself, and suddenly fell into deep confusion again.

Although he already knew that this song was bound to become a hit, such popularity was beyond his expectation.

Although he is the director in charge of variety shows, he is no stranger to song list charts and the like.

You know, the rankings of other songs on the cool music charts are accumulated layer by layer from Monday to Sunday.

But what about "Ordinary Road"?

Only three and a half hours!

This kind of achievement is enough to make many singers who have been famous for a long time feel ashamed!

A newcomer, a new account, without any hot recommendation from Kule app, and achieved such a result only by relying on a variety show...

It's really scary!
Zhang Qi on the side couldn't hide her excitement: "Director Yan, this is only three and a half hours. Think about it, if it hits the charts from Monday, what will be the final score of this song?"

Yan sipped and said in a deep voice: "You must enter the top three!"

"That's right!"

Zhang Qi hurriedly said: "So we must seize this good opportunity. The enthusiasm for extreme challenges is not low. If we can carry out a bundled promotion with "Ordinary Road", we will definitely be able to gain a large audience again!"

As the person in charge of the Propaganda Department, Zhang Qi knows exactly what to do at what time.

He has seen a huge amount of enthusiasm from "Ordinary Road". If it is handled properly, the ratings of the third episode will surely hit a new high.

Even the second period, and even the first period, can get a wave of improvement.

"You are the person in charge of the Propaganda Department. You can do whatever you want. Tell me if you need any help, and I'll go talk to the company."

Yan Min is not a grumpy person either, after hearing Zhang Qi's plan, he nodded directly.

So in the next second, Zhang Qi called the person in charge of the Kule app.



At this time, in the hotel.

Although the second phase of Extreme Challenge was over, he didn't go to sleep. Instead, he turned off the TV and focused on the personal backstage of the Kule app.


With a flick of the finger, the data that was originally 0 suddenly changed.

The number of auditions: 1369
Number of downloads: 765
Refresh again...

The number of auditions: 8639
Number of downloads: 4962
Refresh again...

For a while, Wang Hao suddenly fell into a game called "Swiping Fun".

With each refresh, the data in the personal backend will undergo huge changes, whether it is the number of people listening or downloading, it is skyrocketing at an extremely exaggerated speed.

Cool music app's regulations on trial listening and charging are very interesting.

Every time a new song is released, the Kule app will give you five chances to try it for free.

And when the trial listening opportunity is used up, you need to spend money to buy it next time, and the price of each song is fixed.

One dollar!

One dollar, you can't buy it at a loss or be fooled, it's just the money of a lollipop.

And you only need to download it once and you can listen to it for life, which is easily acceptable to many cool music users.

For singers, such fee regulations not only guarantee their income, but also urge them to continuously create better music.

If you want to make more money, you have to make better music.

vice versa.

In this way, whether it is for the cool music platform, singers, or users, this is a win-win situation.

Since Wang Hao is a new user, and he has not signed any contract with Kule, the share between the two parties is currently [-]%.

In other words, as long as a user chooses to download the song "Ordinary Road", Wang Hao can get [-] cents, while the platform only charges [-] cents.

And this is also the key to making Kule app bigger and stronger. In terms of share ratio, they are almost the highest among all music platforms!

With Wang Hao's continuous refreshing, the time has reached the early hours of the morning.

Seeing the long list of figures in the income column, Wang Hao finally nodded with satisfaction, and then fell asleep with the dream of becoming a multi-millionaire.

The third episode of Extreme Challenge will be recorded tomorrow. In order to gain more popularity, he must face it with full energy.


However, Wang Hao went to bed with peace of mind, but there are countless people who stayed up late because of his song "Ordinary Road"!
For example... Mu Zhi, who graduated from the Huaxia Conservatory of Music, is one of the thousands of people who stay up all night.

At midnight in the morning, Mu Zhi came to the study on time, put on his best headphones, and opened the cool music app, his favorite music software.

After graduating from school, Mu Zhi did not choose to become a singer, or a lyricist or composer like his classmates.

He chose to become a music critic.

Perhaps because of his solid knowledge of music theory, and his evaluation can always hit the nail on the head, he soon became a well-known music critic in the music circle.

At the same time, his number of fans on Weibo has also reached tens of millions.

Whenever he makes a pertinent comment on a certain song on Weibo, countless netizens who like to listen to music will flock to Kule and choose to listen to this song.

It is also because of this that many well-known singers will contact him as soon as the song is released, asking him to comment on his new song.

There is a saying in the circle that any song that has been evaluated by Mu Zhi must be a hit!
As a result, more and more well-known singers came to the door with a lot of money.

It's a pity that Mu Zhi is not the kind of music critic who just has bad money. For him, he will only comment on music that can be liked by him.
But if he is not recognized by him, then no matter how much the other party spends, he will not take a second look.

"Phew, a new week has started before I know it, and I hope I can find some good songs that will refresh my ears."

Mu Zhi exhaled lightly, and then skillfully opened the soaring list.

Like other users, before listening to songs, he also used to look through the soaring charts to see if there are any new dark horses.

As long as a song can occupy the top positions on the soaring charts, it has proved that it must be a good song.

Of course, Xiao Xianrou is an exception...

It’s not unheard of for a song to soar to the top of the list with a strong fan base, and Mu Zhi didn’t want to comment on it, and he just blacklisted it after the audition That's all.

After clicking on the soaring list, Mu Zhi began to listen to the songs one by one according to the ranking.

After all, it was a song that soared on the charts. Even if there were some styles that Mu Zhi didn't like, it couldn't be ignored that these songs sounded pretty good.

Soon, Mu Zhi had already listened to the first ten songs.

He frowned slightly, and a faint disappointment appeared in his heart.

These ten songs are indeed pretty good, but they just stay at a good level.

As a music critic, Mu Zhi's ears are extremely picky, but so far, these ten very good songs have not given him the urge to download.

So, Mu Zhi continued to listen.

His goal is to be in the top [-]. If none of the [-] songs satisfy him, then he will go back to sleep.

Soon, the No.20 song was also finished.

Nearly an hour had passed, and Mu Zhi stood up and stretched, moving his body stiff from sitting for a long time.

There are still ten songs left, and it will be over in less than half an hour.

Mu Zhi no longer had any hope in his heart. If it wasn't for completing the task he set, he would have turned off the cool music app and lay back on the bed.

After listening to a few more songs, Mu Zhi began to shake his head.

He heard a song by Xiao Xianrou. Apart from the crazy roar, there was no deep meaning in either the words or the music.

This song is kind of disgusting to him.

So when there was more than half of the progress bar left, Mu Zhi had already pressed the switch button.

New songs appeared.

The name is "Ordinary Road".

Mu Zhi raised his eyebrows subconsciously, a little curiosity arose in his heart.

He looked intently, and as the melody flowed, detailed information about the song also appeared in his eyes.

Lyricist: Wang Hao

Composer: Wang Hao

Vocals: Wang Hao

"A newcomer? It's still an original song?"

Mu Zhi became a little more interested, quietly waiting for the sound of the music.

Soon, a slightly hoarse voice slowly sounded in Mu Zhi's ears, accompanied by a singing-like whisper.

"Wandering...on the road..."

boom! ! !
Suddenly, a sense of story that cannot be described in words suddenly flooded into Mu Zhi's mind.

As the singing continues to flow, it seems that there is a picture scroll belonging to the "ordinary road" slowly unfolding in Mu Zhi's heart, which depicts his own "ordinary life".


After singing a song, Mu Zhi's hand naturally moved to the download button below the song.

After seeing the words "Download Successful" appear on the screen, the corners of Mu Zhi's mouth slightly curled up, and then he opened the Weibo posting new news page.

"The song "Ordinary Road", the recommendation index is five stars. 』

"The moment I pressed the play button, my own ordinary life slowly unfolded like a scroll,"

"Go and listen to it, maybe it will bring back some good memories for you, of course, it may also bring up some sad stories of yours (σ)σ, but it must be something worth savoring carefully."

For no reason, Mu Zhi actually added a text emoticon that didn't match his usual personality in the middle of the music review.

Maybe it's because... the song brought back some fond memories for him.

(End of this chapter)

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