Chapter 69 Terrible explosion-proof
As the "Carnival Live Party" of the extremely selected program group started again, in the real-time hot search list on Weibo, a hot search quickly soared, and it took the top spot in the hot search with such momentum!

#酒神 is out of the mountain again, everyone hurry to watch.

As long as you click on the hot search, you can see a live link from the extreme challenge hanging high on the top.


Quite a few curious Weibo users clicked into the live broadcast room with doubts, but saw a young strange young man mechanically repeating the actions of opening and drinking wine.

He is like a machine that has already been programmed, and it seems to never tire!
If it weren't for him asking for leave from time to time to go to the bathroom with everyone, some people would even start to wonder if this is a real person or a dummy?
And in the live broadcast room, millions of fans seemed to be counting, constantly posting a series of digital bullet screens.


As time went by, more and more people joined this "counting feast" and gradually turned into Wang Hao's fans.


At this time, in the Brilliant Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. located in Kyoto, a personal meeting about Wang Hao was going on.

In the meeting room on the top floor, more than a dozen people sat around the stage, looking directly at the position of the explaining stage.

And the person speaking on the stage was none other than Zhou Xiaoyu!

"This is the number of Wang Hao's Weibo and Kuaiyin fans so far, as well as the number of online viewers after the live broadcast started, and the degree of topicality in the extreme challenge..."

At this time, Zhou Xiaoyu was still wearing the professional suit customized by the company. The design of the small suit and the hip skirt fully highlighted her perfect figure with protruding front and back. It has won the aesthetic points of many men.

It's a pity that this girl who is not too old has a status in the company that ordinary employees look up to.

The vast majority of people are just fantasizing in their hearts, without the slightest thought of daring to act.

With the sound of the voice, everyone turned their eyes away from Zhou Xiaoyu in unison, and then looked behind her.

It was a screen for projection, and on the screen, photos were slowly passing by like slides.

The contents of these photos are all information about Wang Hao.

Among them are his Weibo personal account that has exceeded 300 million fans, and Kuaiyin personal account that has reached 100 million fans, and there is even a summary of the number of online viewers for each live broadcast.

And Zhou Xiaoyu has only one purpose for taking out all this tonight!
Ask for money!Need resources!

As an artist, if he wants to survive tenaciously in this extremely competitive entertainment industry, then there must be a big company behind him who will spend money on trending searches and resources to increase his popularity.

The original Wang Hao was not worthy of the company doing this for him, but now he already has this qualification.

Therefore, Zhou Xiaoyu was dispatched!
As an agent, all he needs to do is to keep increasing the popularity of the artists in his hands, which is what she should do most.

The ten people on the conference table are all employees of Brilliant Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., but the identities and departments in charge of these ten people are different.

Among them are the Propaganda Department, Film Department, Drama Department, Resources Department, Dubbing Department...

And these people gathered here for only one purpose, according to Wang Hao's current personal information, to characterize his future publicity resources.

On the stage, Zhou Xiaoyu was chattering.

In the audience, Li Yangjiang, deputy head of the Propaganda Department, looked at Wang Hao's information and nodded frequently, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

This kid is soaring into the sky!

It's just the broadcast volume of the first episode of Extreme Challenge, and you can take the opportunity to reap such a big "income"!
I have to say, this is really in line with the old saying: diving into the sea, flying into the sky!

However, Li Yangjiang's brows slowly wrinkled as he rolled back more and more.

Although Wang Hao's information is very impressive, but his current state does not seem to be in line with the company's resources?

On the stage, Zhou Xiaoyu's explanation had stopped, her eyes were fixed on Li Yangjiang's face, her heart sank to the bottom.

Sure enough, what worried her most happened.

"Zhou Xiaoyu? I just read the information. Wang Hao's contract is signed for a three-year period, which means that he only has a few months left on his contract."

"And most importantly, he currently has no intention of renewing his contract? You should know that this does not comply with the review regulations of our resources department."

No company would be foolish enough to make wedding dresses for others.

Li Yangjiang's reason is very simple. What if the company invested a lot of resources to make Wang Hao popular, but he suddenly ran away after the contract expired?
"I will be responsible for this matter, and he will not leave the company." Zhou Xiaoyu directly typed out the guarantee.

The reason is simple. She won the resources for the extreme challenge for Wang Hao. She believes that Wang Hao will not be that kind of white-eyed wolf.

"There is another very troublesome question."

Li Yangjiang didn't doubt Zhou Xiaoyu's guaranteed ticket. A two-star manager's words are still very trustworthy, not to mention that she also has a first-line artist Zhu Shihua under her.

"What?" Zhou Xiaoyu looked at him suspiciously.

Li Yangjiang pointed to the information in his hand, and said word by word: "Director Zhang Yibai!"

The moment this name appeared, Zhou Xiaoyu frowned, and his heart sank to the bottom.

The reason why Wang Hao went through the one-and-a-half-year-long trough period, and was finally impaled by the soul of Wang Hao in the parallel world, was the famous director Zhang Yibo!

Zhang Yibo, who graduated from the Huaxia Academy of Drama, is now in full swing in the industry, and his masterpieces continue. Every movie that is successfully released will receive rave reviews on the Internet.

Logically speaking, there would be no intersection between such a talented person and Wang Hao, an [-]th line artist, but the fate is so magical!
A year ago, Wang Hao, who finished filming in Hengdian, originally planned to return to Kyoto, but when he heard that the film team next door was recruiting extras, he went with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

After all, he came out of Huaxia Media College. His acting skills were immediately praised by Zhang Yibo, and he was given an extra role with lines.

Wang Hao's performance was great. Although he played only a housekeeper, he didn't reveal anything during the filming process, which was almost a pass.

This kind of performance was immediately praised by Zhang Yibo again, and he was warmly invited to participate in the crew's dinner on the spot.

However, this dinner party directly ruined Wang Hao's acting career!
Although Wang Hao knew about the chaos in the entertainment industry a long time ago, when he saw Zhang Yibai's right hand placed under the skirt of the heroine, his three views were directly refreshed.

Maybe it was because of his youthful vigor, or maybe it was the effect of alcohol. When he saw the reluctance on the face of the beautiful heroine, he stood up resolutely, and issued a strong accusation like a stunned young man!

So, he is finished!
He was directly thrown out of the hotel by the angry Zhang Yibo!

However, this is not over yet, Zhang Yibo, who felt that he had lost face, directly issued a banning order in the film and television industry, no matter which crew was allowed to accept Wang Hao.

As a result, Wang Hao was completely unemployed.

No one is willing to speak out for him, a young artist outside the [-]th line. Although Wang Hao has also worked hard, under Zhang Yibai's strong suppression, his strength is insignificant.

"It's been a year and a half, isn't he going to let Wang Hao go?"

Zhou Xiaoyu was inexplicably agitated. Zhang Yibai was an existence that her two-star manager could not touch. If the other party was still biting and refused to let go, then she had nothing to do.

Li Yangjiang shook his head, and said: "I don't know about this, I'm just telling you that if you want to invest resources in film and television, you can't avoid Zhang Yibo."

"What about variety shows? I mean, can you rely on variety shows to allow him to overtake in a corner?"

This is Zhou Xiaoyu's real purpose!
Judging from the current situation, Wang Hao's talent in variety shows is extremely high.

He seems to be born for variety shows. In the two recordings of Extreme Challenge, he seemed like a fish in water and performed very well.

At this moment, Li Yangjiang rubbed his chin, nodded and said, "Your idea is very good. After all, there are quite a few celebrities in the industry who became popular through variety shows, and there are not a few of them who even made it to the top."

"But in the final analysis, Zhang Yibo cannot be avoided at any time. If he is determined not to let Wang Hao get up, the other party will probably implement [explosion-proof] measures in the near future!"

The so-called "explosion-proof", as the name suggests, means to prevent explosion.

Just like the current Wang Hao, he already has a tendency to explode, if he just goes on step by step like this, a second-tier artist will definitely not be able to escape.

But if Zhang Yibo didn't like him, and directly used his connections or the power of the company to suppress and discredit Wang Hao, then he might fall into a state of depression again.

Even if Wang Hao is backed by "Brilliant Film and Television Media Co., Ltd.", it is still possible to be succeeded by [Explosion-proof], after all, the other party is a master with massive resources!
Li Yangjiang continued: "If you want to avoid the explosion, unless you can ask the company's senior management to give them a vaccination, otherwise..."

Li Yangjiang didn't say the second half of the sentence, but Zhou Xiaoyu understood it.

There is only one way to avoid being eroded by capital, either to make yourself a capital of equal strength, or to use capital as your backer.

"Okay, then let's go first, and call me after you have dealt with these two things."

"I will make a resource allocation table tomorrow, and I will wait for your good news."

After speaking, Li Yangjiang led a group of people to leave quickly.

This is his first meeting of the night, and he has five more meetings in store for him, but the situation is more or less the same.

"Sister Xiaoyu..."

Seeing Li Yangjiang and others leave, Liu Xiaodie came up to him, as if he wanted to say something.

"Wait a minute, if Zhang Yibai doesn't make a move, then we have the right to pretend nothing happened, but if the other party makes a move... hey!"

Zhou Xiaoyu couldn't help sighing, feeling a little helpless inexplicably in his heart.

Facing a top-notch big director, she had too few cards in her hand to form a strong resistance at all.

"Right? Go and ask Guo Xiaoxue, when is Wang Hao going to come back? Tell him to come and see me as soon as he comes back!"


Liu Xiaodie nodded, and hurriedly took out her mobile phone.


"The phone you dialed has been switched off, please try again later!"

(End of this chapter)

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