It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 475 Is This a Variety Show or a Suspense Drama?

Unknown danger is approaching quietly.

Wang Xun didn't think too much, seeing Huang Bo walking slowly, he simply went around to the front and looked around the Heavenly King's Mansion.

"I've been here before, this mansion is quite big, with front yard, back yard, side yard..."

Wang Xun muttered, completely oblivious to the fact that Huang Bo behind him had already started preparing killing props!

At this time, the sky had completely dimmed.

Although there are chandeliers hanging around, the range that can be illuminated is limited after all, and there are still many dark areas where you can't see your fingers.

Huang Bo stood still, quietly hid in the night, and then took out a pair of pure black rubber gloves from his pocket.

Putting the gloves on quickly, he grinned ferociously, and walked quickly behind Wang Xun.

"Brother Bo, if it's not Yi Xin, who else is that traitor? I always feel like we wronged a good person."

Wang Xun was still talking, and sighed from time to time.

It's just that after waiting for a while, there was no response behind him, which made him inexplicably feel that something was wrong!


A gust of cool wind suddenly came from the aisle, and suddenly got into his neck, so that he shrank his neck subconsciously, only feeling terrified.

"Brother Bo, you..."

He subconsciously turned around to seek some sense of security from Huang Bo, but the moment he turned around, he saw Huang Bo standing behind him with a grinning grin, and then suddenly struck towards his neck with both hands.

A strong sense of restraint wrapped around his neck, Wang Xun just wanted to shout, but guards rushed up in the surrounding darkness.

"Sorry, you died in battle."

The guard whispered something next to his ear, then clasped his arms one by one left and one right, and dragged him directly into the darkness.

"So you are the murderer!"

Looking at the smiling Huang Bo under the street lamp, Wang Xun felt astonished in his heart.

From the beginning of the recording to the present, Huang Bo has been very active in every game session, and it seems that he really wants to complete the task.

It was also because of this that Wang Xun followed him boldly and trusted him from the bottom of his heart.

In Wang Xun's view, how could such a diligent person be a murderer?

After all, under normal circumstances, isn't the murderer mainly focusing on killing, supplemented by completing tasks?
But now?

Everything has changed!

Huang Bo is the real murderer!traitor!It's the traitor who wants to kill them all!

"Three spirits are too scary, too scary!"

Looking at Huang Bo who had already taken off his black gloves under the street lamp, Wang Xun shivered subconsciously.

He saw a strong sense of malice and evil from Huang Bo, especially the darkness gradually spreading behind him, which made him shudder.

Gradually, he was dragged into the depths of darkness.

The guard whispered in his ear: "Don't think about resisting, the murdered person cannot be resurrected, all you can do now is to obediently leave with us."

Hearing this, Wang Xun nodded obediently.

But the next second, the moment he withdrew his gaze, he saw a figure standing on the eaves not far away.

The scene that happened just now seemed to be fully seen by the other party!
Wang Xun was stunned, and blinked vigorously to look at it. Through the hazy light, he seemed to recognize the other party's identity.

Wang Hao? !
In an instant, he was overjoyed.

This wave is stable again!

Even though Huang Bo is a traitor, he is still a little loser in front of Wang Hao!


After eliminating Wang Xun, Huang Bo was not in a hurry to find other agents, but thought about finding the energy source first.

Although hunting down agents is also one of his tasks, obtaining energy sources is the ultimate goal after all!
However, just when he had this idea in his mind and wanted to implement it immediately, a burst of footsteps suddenly came from behind.

He looked back subconsciously, and saw Wang Hao coming out of a small door with a relaxed face, looking like a tourist who came to visit.

"Huh? Brother Bo? Why are you here?"

Seeing Huang Bo, Wang Hao greeted happily.

"I went around a circle just now, and then wandered here, how is it? Did you get any good results there?"

While asking, Huang Bo looked at Wang Hao's expression and movements.

He was a little puzzled, this kid probably didn't see the scene where he "hunted" Wang Xun just now, right?

If he accidentally sees it, then this mission may have to be directly declared a failure!

With Wang Hao obstructing him, no matter how well he hides, completing the task is probably no less than passing through ten thousand barriers!
Without him!

This kid is too strong, and he never plays cards according to the routine. Wherever ordinary people would be his opponents, he would have to take him down in minutes.

Fortunately, Wang Hao didn't seem to have seen the scene just now.

"No, there's nothing to gain from walking around."

After briefly explaining his actions, Wang Hao said casually, "Huh? Where's Brother Xun? Why didn't you see him?"

A trace of panic flashed in Huang Bo's eyes inexplicably.

"Can't be exposed! Absolutely can't be exposed!"

He was thinking secretly, and in a hurry, he pointed to an iron gate that was not far away: "Oh, he went there by himself."

"Huh? He's pretty bold!"

Wang Hao smiled, and walked towards the location of the iron fence door, as if he also wanted to see if there was anything unusual inside.

But behind him, Huang Bo's expression became serious in an instant.

At some point, when a lie is told, it may take countless lies to cover it up!
Just like now, he said that Wang Xun was behind the iron gate, but if Wang Hao didn't find it when he walked over, then his lie would be self-defeating.

and so……

"Get rid of him now!"

Huang Bo secretly made up his mind, and while following Wang Hao to the back of the iron gate, he began to take out his hunting gloves from his pocket.

"Brother Bo, hurry up."

Wang Hao suddenly turned around and yelled, which frightened Huang Bo to a standstill.

"Okay, here we come."

After casually responding, Huang Bo did not act rashly.

His sight was too wide now, and there was an open space around him, so he didn't have the confidence to catch Wang Hao in such an open place.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a place that is relatively narrow and where the other party has no retreat!

The two had different thoughts, so they walked towards the iron gate one after the other.

The iron door was ajar, Wang Hao stretched out his hand and pushed gently, and the iron door opened in response.

The originally dark space seemed to be disturbed, and a light suddenly lit up ahead, gradually revealing a narrow passage.

At this moment, both Wang Hao and Huang Bo's expressions changed slightly!

The two obviously noticed the camera hanging on the wall at the end of the passage, which meant that there must be tricks in this passage!
Although a large number of drones are used for program recording, cameras are still required in some fixed links.

Just like...

Where to store quest items!
"Isn't it? Such good luck? Did you really find the quest item storage point?"

Wang Hao muttered to himself, then quietly hid the stick-shaped object in his arms deeper, and quickly walked towards the end of the narrow passage in front of him.

At the same time, Huang Bo, who was following behind Wang Hao, also hurriedly put away his gloves, and ran to the depths of the end together.

Rounding a corner, what appeared in front of the two of them was a small storage room that wasn't too big.

It's just that although this room is not big, there are quite a lot of things stored in it.

First there is a wooden box placed in the middle of the room, and then there is a pile of stones that keep shining, and there is a transmitter next to the stones!

Wang Hao looked around the room again, and soon found a small wooden door that was locked.

Other than that, there are no other abnormalities in the room.

Soon, both of them returned to the transmitter, and they both agreed very tacitly not to mention the disappearing "Wang Xun".

"I think the secret is in this transmitter."

Huang Bo expressed his guess, and tentatively reached out and pressed the button on the transmitter.


The transmitter rang twice, and then the red light in the red and green indicator lights at the lower right corner flickered slightly.

The two looked at each other subconsciously, and said in unison: "The red light is wrong!"

Wang Hao stroked his chin and thought for a moment, then guessed, "It should be similar to Morse code. We have to send the correct telegram to make the green indicator light light up, and then it will be considered a success."

"I think so too."

Huang Bo approved of this idea very much, and then set his eyes on the glowing stone next to the telegraph.

The green light kept flickering, illuminating the entire room slightly, and at the same time making the eyes of the two people brighter and brighter!
"So, the frequency at which this light flickers, could it be the code for the telegraph?"

Wang Hao said his conjecture aloud, and then squatted down on his own, recording the frequency of the lights flickering intently.

"Three long, two short, one long, one short..."

He muttered in his mouth, and his attention seemed to have been completely attracted.

But at this time, looking at the figure squatting in front of him, Huang Bo couldn't suppress his eager heart!
"Great opportunity! This opportunity is great!"

There seemed to be a voice roaring in his heart, and then he couldn't help reaching into his arms, intending to take out the killing gloves.

But just as he was about to put on his gloves and act, Wang Hao's voice suddenly made him startled.

"I see!"

Huang Bo: "???"

Know what?

He looked curiously, only to see that Wang Hao suddenly reached out and grabbed the button of the telegraph, and then started touching the button with a strange frequency!
"Beep, beep, beep, beep..."

With the sound of the telegraph, the notification light in the lower right corner suddenly changed from red to green, and then the two of them clearly heard a "pop" in the room.

The lock of that wooden box opened automatically!
"Energy source?"

Huang Bo's mind moved slightly, and he subconsciously turned around to open the wooden box and snatch the items stored in the box.

But someone is faster than him!
A black phantom flashed, and Wang Hao appeared in front of the wooden box in an instant, and hugged the box in his arms.

Then he took a few steps back and stood against the wall, looked at Huang Bo with a smile, and said, "Brother Bo, don't worry, I opened this box."

Seeing this, Huang Bo's expression changed!
"Have you already guessed it?" He asked in a cold voice.

"Guess what?"

Wang Hao pretended to be dazed and asked him a question.

"I'm a traitor!"

"Oh, what does that have to do with me?"

"I will kill you, and then take the energy source into my hands, so that your plan will fail completely!"

While speaking, Huang Bo had already put on the pair of black killing gloves.

It's already dark, and the werewolf is about to attack again!
In the barrage, netizens watched this scene and exclaimed:

"Good guy? The decisive battle is coming?"

"Be obedient and bang, the three spirits are too scary, each of them is smarter than a monkey!"

"Damn, who can tell me, am I watching a variety show now? Why do I suddenly feel like watching a suspense drama?"

"Damn it, it's scary, it scares me to death!"

"Hiss! Horror! It's too scary! This mental and psychological contest is too real!"

In the live broadcast room, netizens were chirping, but at the recording site, the two parties, Wang Hao and Huang Bo, had completely torn their skins apart!
"Give me the box, or I'll kill you and get the box myself."

Huang Bo's expression was very calm, but there was a strange chill in his voice, which made people inexplicably shudder.

What he didn't expect was that Wang Hao acted very calmly in the face of his threats.

"Brother Bo, do you think there may be a third situation?"


Huang Bo frowned slightly, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

And the next second, when Wang Hao stretched his hand into his arms and took out a pistol, his expression changed drastically!

"Don't move! Police!"

The muzzle of the dark gun was pressed against his head, and the threatening words echoed in his ears, which directly made Huang Bo feel bad.


How could there be the identity of a policeman?
Why did Wang Hao become the policeman?

He was extremely annoyed, but he was powerless to change the ending!

Taking off the killing gloves, he helplessly raised his hands, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay, I admit defeat."

Snapped! ! !
A gunshot suddenly echoed in the narrow room, and the echo spread through the passage to the outside of the iron fence, instantly attracting the attention of Huang Lei and Sun Honglei.

In an instant, the two who were still fighting were taken aback for a moment.


Sun Honglei's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he squinted and stared at the iron fence, as if he was observing something.

"Let's go and have a look."

Huang Lei's eyes flickered slightly, as if he had guessed something, he walked towards the iron gate first.

Just when the two arrived at the door, voice-activated lights lit up one after another in the narrow aisle, accompanied by a figure walking out with firm steps!
The two looked up.

In the passage, Wang Hao, who was carrying the energy source, approached them step by step, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter!

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