It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 473: Taming pigeons under the music stage, and dancing in the train station! ?

Chapter 473: Taming pigeons under the music stage, and dancing in the train station! ?

The task continues.

Several other people were busy looking for that special pigeon, but only Wang Hao sat silently on the bench, looking directly at the pigeon in his hand.


He tentatively issued an order.

The next second, I heard the pigeon "coo" as if it was responding.

And then it shook its head up and down, and responded positively to Wang Hao's order!
"Shake your head." Wang Hao continued to order.

As soon as the voice fell, the pigeon responded with a "coo" again, and then shook its head slightly.

"Hey? It's amazing!"

Wang Hao muttered to himself in surprise, and then kept giving orders.

It's just a pity that the pigeon's IQ is not very high. In addition to simply nodding and shaking its head, it just stomps its feet, lifts its legs, flies out and flies back, and then there is nothing more.

"It doesn't seem to be of much use? Can you barely be a beast tamer?"

Wang Hao muttered a few words, raised his arm lightly, and ordered the pigeon to fly out.

After such an experience, he suddenly had the feeling that he was an animal trainer, and he seemed to be able to arrange various small animals to perform some simple actions.


Is there a yarn for this skill?
Wang Hao pouted, got up from the bench and walked towards the group of pigeons.

He is a star!

Singing, acting, recording variety shows... These are his main tasks, and the skill of taming animals has nothing to do with him.

"Could it be that you want my buddies to become animal trainers after retirement?"

While thinking, Wang Hao has come to the edge of the pigeon group.

Huang Bo and the others are working hard to find their target, and let these pigeons fly around, but they are still busy.

However, the efforts of several people did not seem to have much effect.

Although these pigeons are not as scary as the sparrows on the side of the road, they are still familiar after all. When they move a little more, the group of pigeons will fly away quickly.

Although they will return to the same place later, after all, they don't have any obvious identity characteristics, so they can only be confused in the end.

Then a few people will find that the search they just made was completely useless!
Sun Honglei yelled with some breakdown: "I can't find it, I can't find it, these pigeons all have the same hair, and it is impossible to tell which one has a clue."

It's okay not to yell, but after such a yell, those pigeons fluttered even more happily.

Everyone: "..."

Huang Lei was holding a small bag in his hand, which contained some rice and other food, which pigeons like.

There were indeed more than 20 pigeons around him, but after checking them one by one, he found nothing unusual. In the end, he could only frown and continue to look for the next group of pigeons.

"Is it so difficult?"

Wang Hao was standing just outside the group of pigeons.

Seeing the five people sweating profusely among the pigeons, he couldn't help being speechless for a while.

Just looking aimlessly like this, it will take years and months to find the target?
He thought about it for a while, and finally decided that he should start with his beast taming skill, otherwise he would not be able to find clues when it was dark.

"A star can tame animals! I don't know how many people's jaws will be shocked when I say this!"

Wang Hao muttered to himself, then squatted down slightly, and while observing the flock of pigeons, he reached out and touched a big fat white pigeon next to him.

"Go and play."

goo goo...

Following the order, the big fat white pigeon blew twice, then flapped its wings and flew elsewhere.

In fact, Wang Hao's original intention was to arrange a few pigeons to help him find clues, but the IQ of these pigeons was really not enough, and they couldn't understand slightly more complicated orders.

So in desperation, Wang Hao could only choose to use the method of elimination.

As time went by, he arranged for the pigeons to fly around and not to approach him.

With the help of this miraculous show operation, although hundreds of pigeons are constantly circling, rising and falling, they can't affect Wang Hao's judgment.

Finally, half an hour later, the target appeared in front of Wang Hao!

It was an ordinary-looking white pigeon, but it was different from its "partners" in that it had a small bamboo tube tied around its right ankle.

"Is this the carrier pigeon in the film and television drama?"

Wang Hao murmured, took advantage of the opportunity to get closer, squatted down and moved his hands closer to the carrier pigeon.

Under the influence of his skills, he caught the pigeon easily.

The other party didn't fly around, just stood in the palm of Wang Hao's hand so obediently, and gently pecked Wang Hao's finger with a small pointed mouth.

"Brothers, I found it."

Wang Hao yelled aloud, motioning for everyone who was busy around to come over.

As soon as he heard that he had found it, Huang Bo ran the fastest, stumbling straight towards him, as if he was afraid of being pulled down.

When several people gathered around, Wang Hao had already removed the bamboo tube from the pigeon's ankle, and then let it fly out.

"Look, look, what's written in it?" Huang Bo asked urgently.

"it is good."

Wang Hao nodded, unscrewed the lid of the bamboo tube, and tapped lightly on the palm of his hand, and saw a small note slip out.

When he opened the note, he saw a line written on it.

Huang Bo poked his head over and read while watching: "The superior is contacting your radio station, right now it is in the train station full of guards, you need to avoid the soldiers' pursuit and find the radio station.

The superior will release important mission clues through the radio, everyone must be serious, careful, and listen carefully! "

Radio station?

As soon as these two news appeared, everyone's eyes immediately brightened.

Huang Bo hurriedly said: "Perhaps that radio station is the key to finding the energy source!"

"Go, go to the station."

Without any hesitation, the few people left the bandstand as soon as they got the news, got on the bus, and drove to the train station without stopping.


Half an hour later, Pukou Station arrived!
After getting out of the car, several people looked around curiously, trying to find important clues.

Looking around, a large number of carriages are neatly parked in the station, as if they are waiting for the traction of the locomotive, or for transfer.

"Everyone, be careful, there are many guards here."

Wang Hao said a little vigilantly.

Compared with the guards on the other side of the Zhonghua Gate, there seem to be more guards here!

The gate to the train station was tightly blocked by more than a dozen guards with guns, directly blocking anyone who wanted to charge.

Zhang Yixin took a breath: "Hiss, how do I get in here?"

Before the few people were even ready to leave, the guards had already set their sharp eyes on them, as if they were waiting to be captured or killed at any time!

Huang Lei looked around, and muttered in his mouth: "It's definitely not possible to push hard, I'm afraid we still have to outsmart it."

"How about climbing over the wall?" Sun Honglei interrupted.

Hearing his words, everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look at the walls around the train station.

The two-meter-high iron fence and the electrified anti-theft net wrapped around it directly dispelled the bold idea of ​​several people over the wall.

Such a high altitude, except for Wang Hao, I am afraid that no one can break into it.

At this time, Wang Hao suddenly suggested: "How about I go in first, and then lead the guards at the door away, and then you can find a way to break through?"

"That's a good idea!"

Wang Xun's eyes lit up, and he nodded hurriedly.

Others also praised Wang Hao's suggestion, obviously approving of Wang Hao's suggestion.

Just do it!

After finding a place where the barbed wire was not so densely entangled, Wang Hao stepped back more than ten steps, and then prepared to make a run-up jump.


He had just taken a few steps back when he saw a group of coolies in singlets approaching not far away.

They were carrying sacks one by one, and then lined up in a neat queue, walking towards the gate of the train station step by step.

Under the curious gaze of the six people, when the group of coolies arrived at the door, the guards had no intention of stopping them and let them go back.

After a while, the coolies who carried the parcels came out again and began to repeat the previous behavior.

At this moment, the eyes of the six people on the scene brightened!
Wang Hao chuckled: "Hey, brothers, a game bug has appeared."

Everyone knew what he was talking about, and without hesitation, they ran towards the group of coolies without hesitation.

Mountains of sacks were piled up in the corner of the wall, and the coolies stretched out their hands to carry them one by one, and then walked towards the train station again.

Without any hesitation, several people imitated the actions of the coolies and began to do so.

After all, it is a game prop, so it must not be too heavy. These sacks look bloated, but they are actually filled with cotton padding, and one weighs less than ten catties.

Carrying the sacks, six people lined up and followed the coolies, and went straight to the gate of the train station!
Not surprisingly, the guards looked at the six men carrying the sacks as if they were coolies, and let them in easily.

"Hey? You came in so easily?"

Throwing the sack to the designated place, everyone's faces were filled with joy.

"Find the station! Find the station!"

Huang Bo yelled in a low voice, and when the guards were not paying attention, he hurriedly got off the train track and began to walk from car to car.

Seeing this, several people followed his example and started to work.

There are six train tracks, and it happens that one person is in charge of each carriage, so there will be no omissions or misreadings.

Soldiers were constantly walking back and forth on the train platform to patrol, but these people would not affect the six members of the Extreme Men's Gang at all.

Without him, only familiar with you!
Seeing the guards approaching, everyone just had to get under the carriage to cover themselves tightly so that no one would notice them at all.

In this way, under the quick search of the six people, the radio station stored in a certain carriage was quickly discovered.

"It's that simple?"

Looking at the radio station placed on a table in the depths of the carriage, and the cameras around, Huang Bo's expression was full of disbelief.

He was still thinking that this third level might not be easy to pass, after all, this kind of task of finding items is usually accompanied by great difficulties.

But I never expected that within 10 minutes after entering the train station, the radio station was found!

"Haha, if that's the case, then I won't be polite."

Huang Bo gave a smirk, looked left and right, and after making sure that there were no other agents around, he hurriedly climbed into the compartment and began to fiddle with the contact radio station.

His identity this time is a "traitor". Although it is a pity that he did not enjoy the goal of "becoming a leader and calling on the heroes", he still has to find a way to get the task done.

In the first level, he got a note from the liaison officer.

Although he failed to find the clue first in the second level, this did not hinder the final result, because in the third level he found the radio station!
As long as he could get information from it, he would destroy the radio station immediately without hesitation, and then go straight to the final energy source storage location alone.

However, what made him a little depressed was that when the voice on the radio sounded, he realized that his thoughts were too taken for granted!
"There are many marks on the accounts, and the disciples don't understand..."

The sound clarity of this old radio station was not high, so that the difficulty of obtaining clues began to soar, which also made Huang Bo grin his teeth.

"I can't hear you clearly!"

He scratched his head, glanced at the paper and pen on the table, and simply picked up the pen and paper to start recording.

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. Regardless of whether there are any secrets in this information, let's write it down first.

The voice on the radio is still ringing intermittently:

"Ask sir at the counter. Sir, you will be free only after dark, because you are negotiating business with shopkeeper Wang, and ask the apprentice to deliver the goods to Mafu first..."

The handwriting kept jumping on the paper one by one. Although the weather is not very hot now, beads of sweat still dripped from Huang Bo's forehead.

No way, the voice on the radio was so hoarse that he had to listen attentively.

After barely recording what he heard, Huang Bo encountered another difficulty.

From the literal point of view, this is a very ordinary narration, and there is nothing hidden in it.

But judging from the current situation, this is obviously a piece of text similar to Morse code, and he has to find a suitable arrangement and combination from it.

"That's right! It's that piece of paper!"

Suddenly, Huang Bo's eyes lit up, and he took out the blank paper obtained in the first level from his pocket.

Six holes were dug out of the white paper, which meant that he needed six words!
"In other words, I have to find six useful words from these texts, and then arrange and combine them in order to finally get the clue?"

Huang Bo sucked in a sharp breath, and immediately found himself in trouble.

A total of 50 characters were spoken on the radio just now, and counting punctuation marks and so on, there are about 60 characters.

Then, you need to find six useful words from the 60 or so words. How do you find this shit?
"Could it be that there is some kind of permutation and combination? Or that there must be a distinction between the size and arrangement of fonts? Or is there a certain condition to be met?"

Huang Bo muttered in his mouth, secretly guessing the arrangement.

At the same time, the others had almost finished searching their own train, and the five people except Huang Bo completed the confluence at the end of the train track.

After looking around, Wang Hao immediately grinned.

"It seems that Brother Bo found the radio station."

Everyone except Huang Bo was there. Doesn't that mean that Huang Bo found the radio station?
This guess quickly got the unanimous approval of everyone!
"Let's go, let's go back and find Brother Bo."

Zhang Yixin waved his hand, and returned to the row where Huang Bo was with a look of excitement.

Others followed behind.

It didn't take long for them to find Huang Bo, who was sweating profusely and holding a blank paper in an open carriage.

Zhang Yixin shouted loudly: "Brother Huang Bo, have you found any useful clues?"

Ok? !

Hearing the movement at the door of the carriage, Huang Bo frowned, and a look of sadness unconsciously flashed across his face.

He also thought that he could decipher it in advance, and then secretly went to the destination to find the energy source, but he didn't expect that other people would come so quickly.

Seeing the crowd rushing in, Huang Bo turned sideways and told the other teammates one by one the words recorded on the paper and the news he had just analyzed.

Text permutation?

Looking for a six-word clue?

The moment Sansha heard these two words, Sansha scratched his head.

Good guy!This is so brain-burning!How can they fix it?

"I'll distract those guards and give you time to decipher."

Sun Honglei yelled, hurried out of the carriage, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, I'm still more suitable to fight against the enemy, so I'll leave the simple deciphering task to them."

After all, he rushed towards the guarded area with arrogance and arrogance, completely ignoring the brain-burning tasks of the others behind him.

In the barrage, netizens ridiculed him for "only growing muscles but not brains", but Sun Honglei is notoriously thick-skinned. Even if he knew the ridicule in the barrage, he would not pay attention to the voices of these people.

"Come on, brothers, hack me to death!"


At this time, in the compartment.

Zhang Yixin and Wang Xun hid aside silently, quietly watching the three spirits analyze the clues, with a look of admiration in their eyes from time to time.

Without him, the analysis of the three of you just now is simply spicy!

"So we need to find the correct arrangement and text format size, so that we can substitute the text into these six boxes."

"That's right, but this combination of formats is too difficult to find. Who knows how to arrange the font size? I don't have a computer and documents, so I can't substitute them in even if I want to!"

"Don't worry, there must be a way, let's do it again."


As time went by, Huang Bo and Huang Lei kept putting forward new suggestions and ideas, and then kept denying themselves and putting forward new suggestions again.

Wang Hao, on the other hand, stood quietly by and watched, interjecting from time to time.

However, when he heard the words "computer" and "document" that Huang Lei said just now, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind.

If I remember correctly, I seem to have the ability to "build scenes with three-dimensional thinking"!
If these words are substituted into the three-dimensional scene, and then this piece of white paper with six holes dug out is substituted into it, will there be any gains?
After thinking about it carefully, Wang Hao suddenly felt that the feasibility seemed very great!
Without hesitation, he engraved all the words recorded on the white paper into his mind, and then began to perform mental calculations, constantly changing the text format arrangement, and the font size of the text...

And when this scene is seen in the eyes of everyone, what is shown is another scene.

Wang Hao suddenly seemed to be dancing a big show, waving his hands back and forth in the air, as if he was controlling a "mysterious object" that did not exist in reality!
(End of this chapter)

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