It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 444 Counterattack Step 3 "Qilixiang"'s strong crush!

Chapter 444 The third step of the counterattack is the strong crushing of "Qilixiang"!

Since he was "caught" by Wang Sicong in Hengdian last time, Zhuo Wen, known as the number one paparazzi in domestic entertainment, has been officially arrested.

Of course, this arrest is not that arrest.

It's not that he was arrested by law enforcement agencies, but that he fell into Wang Hao's hands completely and could never escape again.

After Wang Sicong's big stick round, followed by the sweet dates given to him by Wang Hao.

That was a price Zhuowen couldn't refuse!

Moreover, Wang Hao didn't restrict his freedom in life, and didn't even ask him to do what he had to do, or what he wasn't allowed to do.

Just like this "Stage Ranking Vote".

In order to ensure that Zhong Taiji was the first to appear on the stage, Guangying directly found Zhuo Wen and Lu Wen, the two "commanders" of the navy.

Their task is only one.

Be sure to keep Jong Tae Ki's votes at No.1!
Under the high price offered by Guangying, the two readily agreed and made a promise.

"If you don't achieve your goal, you won't get paid!"

It's just that Guangying didn't expect it at all, and Zhuo Wen turned around and told Wang Hao all of Guangying's plans.

In just half an hour, a complete plan of "Praise and Kill" appeared in Wang Hao's mind.

The two of them summed up a little, and immediately made a decision!
[The first step in praise and killing: Voting must be based on fault trends to widen the gap, and netizens must be aware of the abnormalities in the process. 】

Therefore, under Zhuo Wen's arrangement, a data gap of tens of millions of votes appeared.

Sure enough, netizens instantly noticed the abnormality!
Although many people's attention was attracted by Zhong Taiji's stage performance, this incident was like a bomb buried in the ground, and it was uncertain when it would explode completely.


singer on stage.

After finishing the song "Lovebird", Chung Taiji stood quietly on the stage, waiting for the judges' comments.

Lin Daoxuan took a deep look at him, and said calmly: "The lyrics are pretty good, the song is also good, and the singing is not bad."

After the brief comment, he remained silent.

In the past, his image of Zhong Taiji was not bad, but after seeing what he did with Light and Shadow Media today, the image in his heart suddenly decreased!
Even if such a person sings well, he is not worthy of the word "king of heaven".

Whether it is a star artist or an anchor media, the most important thing is character.

"Thank you, Teacher Lin, for your comment."

Zhong Taiji's face froze, and he knew the reason in his heart, but he could only force a smile in the surrounding cameras.

Followed by Mu Zhi.

He thought for a moment and gave a very pertinent comment:

"The implication is far-reaching enough. A lot of effort has been put into both the lyrics and the music. The dance effect of this piece is also very gorgeous. It expresses the meaning of the words just right. It can be said to be a superb work."

Zhong Taiji's face softened slightly, but his heart was still not very strong.

Mu Zhi's evaluation only described the superficial meaning, but the deeper core was not pointed out by him.

"Can't he hear the story told in these words?"

Zhong Taiji's heart was dark.

But in the next second, when Hong Tao started to comment, he finally expressed his inner thoughts.

"If my guess is correct, Teacher Zhong's song should be about the tortuous love story between Liang Jieming and Zhu Jieying, right?"

"Haha, exactly!"

Zhong Taiji finally showed a smile on his face, it seems that Guangying finally chose to hand over this "task" to Hong Tao.

This scholar and lady's reputation is extremely high, just like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai on the Blue Star in the previous life.

The essential difference between the two is that the ending here is much better than that of Liang Zhu, and finally the happy ending of "getting married" is achieved, instead of just turning into a butterfly after death like Liang Zhu.

When Hong Tao and Zhong Taiji had a question and answer, many audience members suddenly realized!
No wonder they felt that this song was inexplicably familiar. It turned out to fit the story between Liang Jieming and Zhu Jieying.

Everyone briefly recalled, and immediately substituted the perspective into the lyrics,

In the barrage in the comment area, many people came out to praise:

"It does have that taste. The words and music are obviously Mahayana works, with rich connotations, and it is a rare masterpiece."

"The King of Love Songs is indeed well-deserved of his reputation, he almost cried, okay?"

"Tsk tsk, I'm afraid Brother Hao has encountered a big enemy this time. In front of Zhong Taiji's "Love Bird", how can ordinary love songs win?"

"Hiss, I just feel that the stage effect is a bit weird. Why do those girls look so coquettish?"

"Fuck? What the hell is this damn thing? The story between Liang Jieming and Zhu Jieying started with mutual love, followed by you respecting each other, and finally it was about playing the piano and singing in harmony. Why did they act out the feeling of going to a brothel to find prostitutes? "

"His grandma has such a leg, she's destroying the original work!"

"Is this a fart? The words don't make sense, the music doesn't make sense, how dare you talk about ancient love stories? It's just too vulgar!"


In the barrage, some people were applauding, while others were complaining.

If this was just a simple song about "a talented man matches a beautiful woman", everyone would naturally not question it, but Zhong Taiji now admits that he is singing the story between Liang Jieming and Zhu Jieying.

For a while, countless netizens who are familiar with this allusion rushed out one after another, and began to express their inner confusion and doubts.

Does this song fit the allusion?Or is it rote?Want to catch a wave of heat?
Netizens are discussing...

At this time, in Light and Shadow Media.

Seeing the voices of discussion in the barrage, Zhou Xun, the music director, frowned slightly, and immediately gave an order.

"Arrange for online commentary! Try to keep the topic of discussion within a controllable stage, and make sure that netizens will not bias their votes due to some external reasons."

The current situation is also in their expectation.

If you want to catch the heat, you have to bear the backlash caused by the heat. This is an eternal situation.

"it is good!"

Fu Yongxin nodded slightly, and immediately issued a series of orders.

This time, they must ensure that Zhong Taiji can win, even if it costs a huge price!

singer on stage.

After a series of interactions with the jury, Chung Tae-ki, who had fully revealed the connotation of his song, returned backstage contentedly.

He has [-]% confidence in his song.

Coupled with the absence of Wang Hao's interference, the singing just now was extremely smooth, almost showing his usual best state.

With so many buffs superimposed, he couldn't believe that he could still lose!

Backstage, Wang Hao was already holding the microphone and waiting to appear.

Seeing Zhong Taiji striding towards him and the confident smile on his face, he couldn't help chuckling.

"Heh, it seems that Mr. Zhong is very confident in his performance this time?"

There were no cameras around, so Zhong Taiji naturally didn't need to use his weak and pitiful acting skills.

He gave Wang Hao a cold look, and said indifferently: "You should take good care of yourself, and don't let me live up to your expectations!"

Wang Hao nodded, and continued to smile: "Don't worry, I will work hard, and I will definitely not let down the series of means you have done to win."


Zhong Taiji's face darkened, and he was about to continue to say something, but Wang Hao didn't give him this chance, and walked towards the stage holding the microphone.

Helpless, he had no choice but to snort coldly: "Humph! You are so eloquent! Let's see how you continue to be arrogant this time!"

After losing four rounds in a row, now that he can finally turn the tables, Zhong Taiji is in a good mood.

Even though Wang Hao ridiculed him a few more words, he turned his head and adjusted his mentality, taking those words as the struggle of the loser.

It's just a defeat, so what's there to argue about?

When Zhong Taiji quickly returned to the waiting room and set his eyes on the big screen in the room, Wang Hao on the stage was already ready to sing.

He was wearing white short sleeves on his upper body, a pair of light blue jeans on his lower body, and white sneakers on his feet. With that slightly green face, he immediately felt a strong sense of youth!

Zhong Taiji's expression changed uncontrollably.

It wasn't until then that he realized that the opponent who competed with him on the same stage and even suppressed him so much that he couldn't hold his head up was only in his 20s this year.

The age difference between the two is more than one round!
So what was he doing when he was 20?
Skipping classes, staying up late, playing games, falling in love...

Such a comparison made Zhong Taiji feel a little frustrated inexplicably.

Especially when the song he was going to sing this time and the name suffixed in the lyrics and music column appeared on the big screen above Wang Hao's head, his heart sank even more.

"Seven Lixiang"

Lyricist: Wang Hao

Composer: Wang Hao

"Another original song!"

Zhong Taiji's mind was dark, and his heart was a little bit deep.

There are five songs in a row, not only the quality of each song is excellent, even the lyrics and music are written by Wang Hao independently.

Not to mention the others, just the word "original" is enough to surpass him by a lot!

On the stage, I saw Wang Hao holding a guitar in his hand, and then waved to the backstage.

A staff member trotted to the stage, brought him a chair, and then quickly returned to the backstage.

"Wang Hao! Wang Hao! Wang Hao!"

Off the stage, the audience who couldn't wait already shouted.

They chanted neat slogans, with rather expectant expressions on their faces, as if they were looking forward to the coming auditory feast.

Wang Hao smiled towards the audience, slowly sat down on the chair, and then briefly adjusted the height of the microphone in front of him.

After everything was ready, he gestured "ok" in the direction of the band.

In the next second, the cheers of the audience disappeared instantly.

Even though the faces of some fanatical fans were flushed with excitement at the moment, they still tightly covered their mouths, as if they were worried that they would break the wonderful prelude due to their own reasons.

Almost at the moment when the scene fell silent, the prelude sounded like a breeze, which instantly washed the souls of everyone present.

"Ding ding ding dong..."

Immediately afterwards, the melodious combination of copper bells and vibrating pianos slowly progressed, echoing like cicadas.

The wind-like sound brushed people's cheeks gently, like a ray of summer breeze, and a warm feeling of the color of rapeseed flowers.

The memory seemed to be stretched at this moment, and everyone felt as if they had returned to the warm summer in that memory.

The prelude of Qilixiang is extremely long, and there are so many elements contained in it!

Countless musical instrument sounds are blended together to create a very three-dimensional picture, giving people a strong sense of immersiveness.

As the title song of Zhou's album, "Qilixiang" can be said to be a collection of Mahayana works that he and Fang Wenshan have learned throughout their lives.

The arrangement of this song can almost be called "peak composition".

In any era, it is recognized that it is ridiculously strong, and in this era, the shock it brings to everyone is still undiminished!
Light and shadow media conference room.

When the prelude to "Qilixiang" sounded, Liu Ye stood up suddenly, his eyes widened, and he looked at Wang Hao on the screen in disbelief.

He seemed a little unbelievable that such an excellent composition could come from a boy in his 20s!

Zhou Xianqi, who was sitting not far from him, asked curiously: "Liu Ye, you are a master in the field of composition. How would you comment on the composition of this song? How is it compared to the previous song "Lovebird"?"

In the conference room, everyone's eyes were fixed on him, waiting for a definite answer.

After waiting for a long time, everyone heard Liu Ye say: "I... feel ashamed..."

boom! ! !
One stone caused a thousand waves!

Everyone never expected that they would get such an answer from Liu Ye.


Who is Liu Ye?He is one of the top three existences in the entire music and composition world, and he is the real cornerstone of the light and shadow music department.

But such a person would actually say that his composition ability is not as good as Wang Hao?
so nice……

How strong is Wang Hao's composition ability?

In the jury, Lin Daoxuan's deep expression eased a lot.

Hearing the accompaniment echoing in his ears, he smiled and said, "Let's judge."

Those four simple words have already revealed a message to others.

The meaning of Wang Hao's song is essentially higher than Zhong Taiji's "Love Bird", so now the rest is the competition of "words".


On the stage, with the sound of the prelude flowing past everyone's ears, everyone's thoughts have already flown to that summer with the sound of cicadas.

At that time, youth was flying wildly!
At the same time, the teenagers and girls who are in love will also usher in an indispensable emotional experience in life.

"First love."

This word is too beautiful, even so beautiful that people can't bear to touch it.

After smiling slightly towards the audience, Wang Hao moved forward slightly to the microphone, and accompanied by the melodious music, the beautiful singing voice spread throughout the audience.

"【The sparrow outside the window, chattering on the telegraph pole,

When you say this, it feels like summer,
The pencil in my hand, back and forth on the paper,
I describe who you are to me in a few lines! 】”

It's just a few lines of lyrics, and the moment it appears, it seems like a summer breeze blowing in front of you.

For a moment, the audience in the audience felt like a spring breeze.

In the waiting room, Zhong Taiji's face was constantly changing.

Having been the "Love Song King" for so many years, he naturally has the most intuitive understanding of whether a song is good or not, and whether it can be popular.

The prelude just now made him feel extremely shocked, but the current lyrics shocked him even more!
Sparrows chatter on telephone poles.

This sentence alone is enough to make many lyricists in the music world scratch their heads.

Sparrows should be "twittering" on the telephone pole, but once it is replaced with the word "talkative", it will be raised to a higher level in an instant.

And what's even more amazing is that the pencil behind the sentence was back and forth on the paper.

They don't mention people a word, but they never leave people.

The feeling of summer hits my face in an instant!A strong sense of substitution followed closely behind!

At this moment, many people dreamed of the summer that only existed in memory.

In the afternoon, the sparrows on the telegraph poles were chirping. Accompanied by the warm wind, the boy sat at the desk, thinking hard about how to write a complete love letter to express his inner feelings.

The pencil in the hand was going back and forth on the paper, and there were only a few lines of words, but it required several deliberations.

Accompanied by the images from the depths of memory, the singing was melodious on the stage.

"【The taste of saury, both the cat and you want to know,

The fragrance of first love is found by us like this,

The warm sunshine, like freshly picked fresh strawberries,
You said you were reluctant to eat it, this kind of feeling]”

With just a few words, the strong sense of image spread again!

The warm summer breeze blows, and the first love is bathed in the sun, just like the bright strawberry, which makes people feel fondly aftertaste.

The boy gently held this feeling in his heart, for fear of slipping away from his thoughts.

Many people off the stage had red eyes.

First love usually yearns for beauty and memories, and Wang Hao's song brought out the beauty hidden in their hearts again, making everyone's memories filled with a touch of sweetness.

At this time, Wang Hao on the stage had already played the guitar very fast, and the whole song had reached its climax.

"[It rains all night, my love overflows like rain,
The fallen leaves in the yard are thick with my longing,
A few words of right and wrong can't cool down my enthusiasm,
You appear on every page of my poems! 】”

"[It rains all night, my love overflows like rain,
The butterfly on the window sill is like a beautiful chapter in a poem,
I will continue to write, and I will always love you at the end of the poem,
You are the only one I want to know! 】”


With the end of a long chorus, everyone in the auditorium was shocked.

Everyone never thought that this word could be written like this!
The phrase "It rained all night" was actually sung by Wang Hao with three twists and turns.

But it remains the same.

The strong "love" revealed in the lyrics can't be restrained!
From beginning to end, the boy's love for his first love has never changed.

The beautiful image in his mind filled his life, filled his entire summer, and left an indelible mark in his heart.

Off the stage, many people's eyes were red.

In the live broadcast room, the memories in the hearts of countless people were brought up, and their moods could not be calm for a long time.

And in the waiting room, traces of despair and bewilderment gradually appeared on Zhong Taiji's face!
He never thought that "love" could be expressed in such a way. Unlike his quotations, Wang Hao completely tore apart and crushed love, and poured it into the hearts of all audiences!

(End of this chapter)

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