It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 4 Isn't it?How could the popularity value be negative?

Chapter 4 Isn't it?How could the popularity value be negative?
At the dining table, Wang Hao swallowed the last mouthful of steamed stuffed bun, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

It's okay to have a "Little Expert Lockpicker" in the first lottery draw, after all, this skill has helped him a lot, but what the hell is this "Peter Pan"?

He is an entertainer, not an acrobat!

Before Wang Hao could think about it, many cycling skills appeared in his mind.

Forward, back, side stop, head tilt, flip, slow down...

All kinds of skills immediately emerged one after another in his mind, and his body also underwent strange changes.

Wang Hao suddenly felt an indescribable itching on his hands and feet.

At this time, he... actually wanted to ride a bicycle!
And he is very confident, riding a bicycle, he will definitely become the most beautiful boy on the street, attracting the attention of countless people, and making many kindergarten children exclaim.

But the point is, he is an artist!
A celebrity goes to the street to show off his cycling skills?Isn't this sick?


Letting out a deep breath, Wang Hao forced himself to calm down.

It's nothing to fail once, it's a big deal to start all over again.

Anyway, there are still more than 4000 popularity points. At worst, he will be drawn four times. Is it possible that he can still fail?
With this in mind, Wang Hao raised his confidence again.

"System! Draw me four times in a row! This wave must be handsome! Need cowhide!"


"Ding, it's a pity that your popularity is less than [-], so you can't draw a lottery?" 』

WTF? ? ?

Suddenly, Wang Hao's eyes widened!

There were still more than 5000 popularity points before, even if I drew a prize once, there are still more than 4000 popularity points left, why are they suddenly gone?

He hurriedly opened the personal panel, but when he saw the column of popularity, Wang Hao suddenly fell into deep confusion.

Popularity value: -4509
"Damn it?? System? Are you afraid you're playing with me? How can this popularity be negative!"

Wang Hao was already a little bit crazy.

I originally thought that this system was to help me reach the pinnacle of life, but I didn't expect that this thing seems to be a big pit!
『Ding. Because the host's physical fitness cannot meet the skill "Peter Pan", the system automatically deducts the popularity value, which improves your physical fitness. 』

"Hey! Is it okay? ()"

Wang Hao was stunned, and subconsciously clenched his fists. When he felt a force different from the past, he immediately understood the meaning of the system's words.

"That is to say, if I get other abilities in the future, but my physical fitness cannot meet the requirements of the ability, then the system will actively deduct my popularity value to increase my physical fitness, right?"

"Yes! 』

After getting an affirmative reply, Wang Hao's complexion suddenly became as dark as the bottom of a pot.

If this is the case, wouldn't he have to owe the system a lot if he got the skill of "Transforming Ultraman Tiga" in the future?

"You are really... awesome!"

Wang Hao was really speechless, but his small arms and legs couldn't twist the system at all, so he had no choice but to accept this fact.

At this moment, a staff member who was in charge of Wang Hao's itinerary outside the restaurant walked in.

"Wang Hao? Have you finished eating? We can go!"

"Okay, let's go."

Wang Hao nodded, and followed the crowd to the outside of the hotel.

At this time, a row of Honda cars that had already been prepared were waiting outside the door. This was a car sponsored by this show, and Wang Hao had already known about it before he came.

At this time, a staff member quickly approached: "Wang Hao, we will carry out a major change of clothes for you next, so are you ready?"


For the next challenge, Wang Hao still has a trace of curiosity in his heart.

Although he was not interested in variety shows in his previous life, he had naturally heard of phenomenon-level variety shows like "Extreme Challenge".

Brothers, friendship, help, unscrupulous, routine first... All kinds of labels directly created this popular variety show.

Wang Hao is confident that as long as he plays steadily, although he cannot guarantee a big hit, it should be possible to show his face in front of the audience in front of the TV.


Just as he was fantasizing about the future, his eyes suddenly went dark, and there were already two people beside him who set him up and walked towards an unknown direction.

"Fuck! Kidnap!"

Wang Hao was shocked!

At this time, he was in an apartment somewhere in Kyoto.

Before going to bed, Zhou Xiaoyu had already set the alarm clock for 4 o'clock, and because of this, since the start of Jitiao's live broadcast, she has been watching in front of the screen.

And when Wang Hao's figure appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room, she subconsciously widened her eyes, and involuntarily clenched her little hands tightly.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief until Wang Hao's behavior didn't make too many mistakes.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as Wang Hao does not make mistakes in the extreme challenge, she is sure to apply to the company for part of the termination fee.

That's right, she is Wang Hao's manager!

It's just that, as a two-star manager, she still has a lot of stars under her command, so naturally she won't choose to go to Shanghai in person like the managers of other big names.

Originally, she had almost forgotten about Wang Hao, an [-]th-line artist, but three days ago, an invitation letter from Jitiao was suddenly sent out in the company group, and she specifically asked to find an out-of-date artist for a temporary transition .

The extremely picky six-member team has already been decided, but the artist Luo Zhixiang has not been able to attend due to some special reasons. Even if the program team wants to find other big names, it will take some time.

Therefore, Yan Min came up with the idea of ​​using outdated artists as temporary substitutes.

After finding a suitable big guy, the outdated artist will naturally leave with the flow, leaving the position to the big guy.

It's just that this outdated artist is also particular about who he chooses to use.


This is Yan Min's only requirement.

In order for the big names to come in, this backup artist must be mediocre, so that the audience won't resist too much when they leave.

And after seeing the extremely demanding request that night, Zhou Xiaoyu subconsciously looked through the artist list in his hand.

Soon, Wang Hao's name appeared in front of her eyes.

Not handsome!Not ugly!Not good!Not good at acting!Not very famous!Dispensable!

Doesn't this just meet the extremely challenging requirements?
So Zhou Xiaoyu naturally submitted Wang Hao's name and information, but what she didn't expect was that it actually passed!
"That's it. Complete the requirements of the program group in a flat manner, so that even if you leave in the end, the company will not treat you badly."

Seeing that Wang Hao was already dressed and started the mission, Zhou Xiaoyu nodded in satisfaction.

As long as she develops step by step, she, as a manager, has fulfilled her responsibility.


As the live broadcast progressed, Zhou Xiaoyu froze when he saw Wang Hao take out the ear pick and pry open the electronic lock three times, five times and two times.

She never expected that this past artist under her own hands would have such abilities!

At the same time, Zhou Xiaoyu suddenly realized a terrible fact as he watched the bullet screen flying across the top of the screen.

Wang he about to become famous?
(End of this chapter)

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