It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 392 Scale Weighing?Bone phase puzzle?How much wisdom is in your head?

Chapter 392 Scale Weighing?Bone phase puzzle?How much wisdom is in your head?

Multimedia Classroom.

On the podium, a pulsating bottle that has been drunk is standing quietly.

Several people except Wang Hao gathered around the bottle, thinking hard about how to weigh the empty bottle.

Known conditions: no weighing instrument!
"What about this?"

Wei Daxun looked at the crowd blankly, his face full of dullness.

The white powder on the roof fell down again not long ago. At this moment, everyone's hair was covered with white flowers, and even the whole body was stained with white marks.

This is already the fourth explosion!

The sense of crisis is approaching, so that now everyone's heart is filled with unspeakable tension and urgency.

They only have six chances left, but it is unknown how many levels they still need to pass, and it is still unknown whether they can escape successfully before the teaching building collapses. seems like I'm thinking too much...

Not to mention clearing the customs, they can't even solve the current weighing link, what future do they want?
"Huh? Where's Brother Hao?"

Suddenly, Huang Minghao raised his head and looked around, only to find that Wang Hao's figure had disappeared into the classroom at some point.

"Could he be looking for a weighing device?" Zhang Guozhu looked around curiously.

Xie Yilin shook her head in doubt: "Impossible? We have searched just now, and there is no weighing device in the herbarium or herbarium classroom."

As soon as the voice on this side fell, Wang Hao's voice came from far away from the door.

"Who said you can't weigh without a scale?"

At the door of the classroom, Wang Hao made his debut.

It can be clearly seen that he is carrying a scale in his right hand and a cloth bag in his left.

He didn't know what was in the cloth bag, but as he walked, there were crackling sounds inside.

Everyone cast curious eyes.

"Brother Hao? Have you found a way to weigh?" Zhang Guozhu approached with a look of surprise.

"Well," Wang Hao handed him both the balance and the cloth bag, and then said, "Find a flat place to put it away, and take out all the things by the way."


Zhang Guozhu responded obediently.

After looking around, he chose the multimedia podium.

Although it is made of cement, the podium is very flat, as if it has been measured with a level.

Everyone moved over curiously.

When Zhang Guozhu took out the contents of the cloth bag, everyone couldn't help but suddenly realized!

Huang Minghao looked surprised: "Damn, why didn't I think of it just now? We can also weigh with a balance and weights!"

No need for Wang Hao to say anything, everyone immediately understood the measurement method.

Put the empty pulsation bottle on one side of the balance, and then stack the weights on the other side. As long as the two sides are flush, the weight of the empty bottle will come out...

Soon, under the operation of several people, an extremely standard data appeared.

- 355!

"Quick, try it!"

Wei Daxun shouted excitedly.

Zhang Guozhu has very long legs, he walked up in two steps in three steps, and pressed three numbers in front of the computer with a crackling sound.


"wrong password?!"

He raised his head suspiciously, his face full of bewilderment.

For a while, everyone's eyes turned to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao, who was still studying other computers, was stunned for a while, and looked up at the number of weights on the balance.

Both sides are flush, the weight index is normal,
Why is it wrong?
He subconsciously shifted his gaze to the empty bottle, and after thinking about it, he suggested, "Unscrew the cap and try it."

Everyone obeyed obediently, and quickly came up with a new number.

- 345!


Zhang Guozhu heaved a sigh of relief, and slowly entered "345" into the password unlock option of the computer.

All eyes turned to him.

Everyone's face is full of tension, excitement, anxiety, expectation... and so on.

Success or failure is here!
If successful, smooth sailing.

If you fail, just die!

A pleasant notification sound suddenly resounded throughout the multimedia classroom, and the computer... turned on!

All of a sudden, there were enthusiastic cheers in the classroom!
Everyone was full of excitement, and it was hard to hide the excitement and excitement on their faces!

This is a milestone victory. When the computer password is unlocked, it means that the password on the file cabinet at the back can be unlocked.
And when the filing cabinet is opened, it is also the moment leading to the next level.


"Brother Hao, you are awesome!"

Everyone cast adoring gazes.

Wang Hao smiled, nodded and said: "Okay, I have already felt your admiration, let's see if there is any useful news in the computer?"

Everyone was happy, and words of worship were poured into the barrage:

"Tsk tsk, brother Hao's level of awesomeness is completely beyond the reach of ordinary people like me."

"Damn it, your brain reacts too fast, right?"

"I found out that Wang Hao's thinking is definitely at least three steps ahead of ours. We are still thinking about how to take the next step, but when he is about to take this step, he already knows where the third step will go. .”

"I have to say! It's terrifying!"

"I'm convinced. I used to think Brother Hao was awesome when I watched Extreme Challenge, but now I suddenly feel that he is completely supernatural!"


The barrage was raging, and at the same time, several people at the scene also turned their attention to the computer.

The first thing that catches the eye is a screen saver photo,
The girl in the picture has short hair and is still wearing a school uniform. She looks at the camera and smiles brightly.

Wei Daxun instantly understood: "Oh! So the squad leader likes this girl!"

Huang Minghao, who had already run to try the password with "345", but did not open the file cabinet, asked curiously: " there any connection between this girl and the combination lock on the file cabinet at the back?"

"Perhaps, the squad leader Tao Jie used the girl's birthday or other lucky numbers as the password for the file cabinet, can't you tell?"

"Makes sense! So our next step is to find this girl's computer and see if there is any useful information on her computer, right?"

Several people chattered in a hurry, and soon came up with the next step.

At the same time, Zhang Guozhu also checked all the folders in the monitor's computer, and confirmed that there was no other useful information in it.

Everyone got up, ready to check other computers in the classroom.

Each computer belongs to a different person, and interestingly, each computer is owned by a girl!
And maybe because of the ID photo, every girl has long hair in a shawl, wears exactly the same school uniform, and wears very little makeup.


After a few people took a brief look, they suddenly discovered that,

My face blindness seems to be onset!

"Hiss? Why do I feel that these people are like that girl?" Xie Yilin scratched her head with a confused look on her face.

Yang Mi's eyes were also blank at the same time.

She looked at the photos of the girls on the two computers in front of her, and she couldn't tell where the difference between the two was, and what was the difference?

Suddenly, there was a bang, and the white powder on the roof splashed down again.


Fifth time!

"Look for it! The teaching building is about to collapse!"

In the classroom, Wei Daxun was so frightened that he screamed.

Yang Mi's face turned pale, and she couldn't help looking at Wang Hao for help.

What surprised her was that at this moment, Wang Hao was not rummaging around like everyone else, but was looking straight at the girl's photo on the monitor's computer screen saver.

"What are you looking at?"

Yang Mi still couldn't hold back her curiosity, she leaned over and asked carefully.

She was a little worried that it would disturb Wang Hao's thoughts, so she kept her voice extremely low, and even tried to keep her movements as small as possible.

"Oh it's all right."

While patting the white powder on his body, Wang Hao explained: "I'm memorizing the girl's bone structure and skin texture, and I can compare it with other girls in the computer to determine which one is her!"

With that said, Wang Hao seemed to have completed the recording.

In Yang Mi's dazed state, he walked past each computer screen one by one, his gaze was extremely careful...

Soon, he has already locked the candidate!
Third row, fourth person.

Name: Zhou Lu!
"It's her!"

Wang Hao cut through all obstacles without any hesitation.

From an anatomical point of view, the girl in front of her has many characteristics, such as bone phase and muscle structure, which are exactly the same as the girl on the table of monitor Tao Jie.

Even if the hairstyle, clothing, makeup, etc. have changed, the essence will not change.

"Open up!"

Time was running short, and Wang Hao couldn't care less about giving others a chance to play. He simply sat at the computer desk and opened the folder belonging to the girl in front of him.

The rest of the people gathered around one after another, and the suspicion on their faces became more and more intense.

They couldn't figure it out, how did Wang Hao determine it at a glance?
At the critical moment, Huang Minghao, who is still quite experienced, reminded: "You may not know that Brother Hao has studied anatomy before, so he can quickly judge who the girl in the photo is based on some basic characteristics."

"It was the same even when looking for the four pictures before. At that time, Brother Hao accurately judged which biological specimen in the picture was only through some basic characteristics."

anatomy? ? ?
Hearing this noun that shouldn't appear in the show at all, several people couldn't help being stunned.

An entertainer learning anatomy?

Is this really reasonable?

Before a few people could react from their surprise, Wang Hao's voice suddenly sounded: "She has a tourist destination that she wants to go to, namely Kyoto, Shanghai, and Hangzhou,"

"The place name is three, and the password is also three digits. If my guess is correct, there must be a connection between this and the password!"


What is an association?
Huang Minghao asked subconsciously: "Are there any representative figures for these three cities?"

Yang Mi shook her head, "It doesn't seem to be. Anyway, I haven't heard of any representative figures, but it is a landmark building."

"A landmark building?"

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly noticed a certain word keenly.


"Go to that map to see if there are any numbers such as longitude and latitude marks."

Wang Hao stood up suddenly and pointed to a map of Huaxia pasted on the wall.

The rest of them were very good at adhering to the excellent style of "pointing and hitting". Under Wang Hao's order, they quickly started to act.

Soon, the values ​​of the latitude and longitude of the three cities were faithfully recorded.

Kyoto: 39 degrees 56 minutes north latitude, 116 degrees 20 minutes east longitude.

Magic City: 31 degrees 14 minutes north latitude, 121 degrees 29 minutes east longitude.

Hangzhou: 29 degrees 11 minutes north latitude, 118 degrees 21 minutes east longitude.


"Isn't it? So many numbers? Don't we have to try one by one?"

Everyone's eyes widened, their faces full of surprise.

"It's no use."

Wang Hao shook his head slightly, took a pen from the table, and walked forward to link the three landmarks.

Suddenly something interesting happened!

When the three cities are linked together, it happens to form an intersection.

And the position of this intersection point also has corresponding latitude and longitude.

28 degrees 5 minutes north latitude, 107 degrees 11 minutes east longitude.

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows and said, "Go and try 285."

"I'll try! I'll try!"

Huang Minghao hurriedly responded, and hurried to the file cabinet, and entered the three-digit password into it with ease,

The combination lock sounded slightly, and the hook fell off in an instant.

"Yeah! It's open!"

For a moment, cheers echoed in the room, and everyone's faces were full of surprises.

Although the third level took a lot of time, unexpectedly, the process of clearing the level was very smooth, and it was as natural as flowing water.

But then everyone reacted.

The reason why they have the idea that this "level" is easy is because of Wang Hao's presence.

Balance weighing, bone comparison, map decryption...

Every key point was put forward by Wang Hao, and it was only under his leadership that he cracked it successfully.

Without his existence, let alone this level, I am afraid that after the teaching building is completely blown up, they will not even think about escaping from the very first level!
The Great Demon King of the Chamber of Secrets is so terrifying!

Yang Mi couldn't hold back, she stretched out her finger and poked Wang Hao's face, her face was full of curiosity:

"Wang Hao? What is in your head? Why do you find key points that we never thought of every time?"


Wang Hao looked at her sideways, and with a smirk, he jokingly said, "Is it possible that you are too stupid?"


Yang Mi: [ヘ?]


The conversation ended quickly.

Although Yang Mi wanted to refute a few words, but after thinking about it, she couldn't find how to refute Wang Hao.

after all……

There is no doubt about Wang Hao's intelligence, and there is no doubt about their stupidity. There is no doubt between the two parties.

Ritual sense is a very interesting word.

When the combination lock was opened and the six of them stood together in front of the filing cabinet, the sense of anticipation and accomplishment was overwhelming at this moment!

The ear-piercing sound of the bearings turning made everyone inexplicably panicked.

What's behind the filing cabinet?What's the next level?
All of this is unknown, and the unknown also represents thrills, excitement, and crises!
Soon, when the file cabinet was opened, a room that looked slightly smaller appeared in front of everyone!

When it was confirmed that there was no one inside, and there seemed to be no crisis, several people secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking around, the huge five characters of "Physics Laboratory" came into view, which made people have infinite reverie.


The word itself is fraught with uncertainty.

Wang Hao was the first to bear the brunt.

But as soon as he stepped into the room, he found a striking sign.

[The floor collapsed!be safe! 】

And what appeared with the logo was a very big hole!
He tentatively leaned forward to have a look, but saw that under the hole, various discarded tables and chairs were piled up into a hill, and some messy books were scattered on the ground.

When Wang Hao was thinking about whether to go down and have a look, he heard a suspicious shout from behind: "This seems to be a door, right?"

He turned around in doubt, but saw Xie Yilin standing in front of a wooden board that seemed to be a door, observing.

Strangely, there is no handle or lock hole on the door, and there is no combination lock even in the room.

"Could the way to open this lock be outside?"

"I don't know!"

"Can the window be opened?"

"No, it can't be pushed, it seems to be locked from the outside, and it can't be moved at all."

"what is it now?"

Several people chattered and searched around the room at the same time.

So far, there are only two small experiments with physical devices that have been found to be "possibly useful".

One of them is called [Electrostatic Ball Experiment]

The other is [Bernoulli's law]

However, although these two experiments made a few people a little curious, they don't seem to have much to do with opening the door?
Wei Daxun was eager to go up there and try it out, but as soon as he stepped on the insulating mat, the jumping static electricity made him tremble!
"I'm going, it's a little scary, so scary!"

He exaggerated all kinds of quick little moves, so frightened Yang Mi and Xie Yilin screamed again and again, and hurriedly backed away.

On the other side, Wang Hao and the adventurous Huang Minghao focused on the big hole, and both of them were full of interest.

The tables, chairs and benches downstairs were piled up so high that they could just step on and climb down.

"I'll go down and have a look first,"

After all, Wang Hao couldn't hold back his curiosity, and went straight down the hole without saying a word.

And behind him, Huang Minghao also looked curious and hurriedly followed.

What surprised the two of them was that the room piled up with sundries in front of them looked gray, as if shrouded in a deep fog!

"It's not poisonous, is it?"

Huang Minghao asked with some fear.

Wang Hao covered his nose with his sleeve, and shook his head: "Probably not, it should be the explosions just now, which caused a lot of dust in the room."

After simply looking around, relying on his keen intuition, Wang Hao quickly discovered the door leading to the outside world.

The difference from upstairs is that there is a combination lock on the door in front of you!

Huang Minghao exclaimed in surprise: "This should be the escape route, right?"

"Well, if nothing unexpected happens, it should be."

As he spoke, he looked left and right.

A small card on the table suddenly came into view!
The colored cardboard is very conspicuous, and a line of words is marked in red font on it:

[Seeing that you fell asleep in the warehouse, I won't bother you, you know the password prompt. 】

And in the position of the signer, it is: the warehouse manager!
At this time, Zhang Guozhu's voice suddenly sounded from the top of the building: "Did you find anything?"

The two looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

Huang Minghao responded: "There is a door downstairs, but it says that a password is required to open it, and there are no other clues other than that."

While speaking, the two of them had already started to return.

If there is no hint downstairs, it is obvious that the password information must be in the physics laboratory above!

The difficulty of finding clues seems to be increased again!
(End of this chapter)

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