It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 379 A Blessing in Misfortune?This blessing is not so easy to enjoy!

Chapter 379 A Blessing in Misfortune?This blessing is not so easy to enjoy!
The live interview session is still going on.

More and more fans poured into the live broadcast room, listening to Wang Hao's explanation of his new album, as well as his summary of the recent songs.



"New Drunken Beauty"

The style is similar, the first hit!
This is a place worthy of attention.

And when the three words "Huaxia Style" appeared, although netizens were a little confused, they still felt that it seemed awesome.

Just like the documentary "Huaxia" became popular and aroused praise from experts and professors all over the Internet.

As long as the word "Huaxia" is included in the name, it seems that there is always a sense of excitement and excitement!

Of course, this is just the opinion of ordinary people.

When well-known singers, song masters, ci masters, and professional music critics in the industry hear the three words "Huaxia style", all that comes to mind without exception is,
——Create a sect!
In front of the computer screen, Mu Zhi's gaze was fixed on Wang Hao in the live broadcast room.

In front of him was a piece of A4 paper, on which the four characters "Kaizong Lipai" were clearly marked, and in the follow-up, there were three huge question marks in succession!
A rookie in the music scene, with three songs, actually boldly shouted out his idea of ​​developing a new style in Kule's live broadcast room.

"Can it be successful?"

Mu Zhi frowned slightly, feeling a little uncertain.

He simply closed the live broadcast room for the time being, and then found out the three recently released singles by Wang Hao from his play list collection, and listened to them one after another.

After 10 minutes, he fell silent.

It wasn't until then that he discovered that the style of Wang Hao's three new songs was indeed approaching the feature of "ancient style and ancient music".

There are five tones in ancient music, namely: [Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, Yu].

And these three songs that Wang Hao called "Huaxia Style" used exactly these five tones!

But well...

"There seems to be something else in it? If it's just an ancient style, I'm afraid these three songs won't be able to achieve today's results!"

Thinking in his mind, Mu Zhi simply took out his mobile phone and called his good friend.

He himself is good at pop music, so he usually chooses pop-style music in the process of commenting on songs.

But his friend was different.

When he was in college, his friend was dubbed an expert in "ancient music".

He likes to study all kinds of "ancient style and elegant music" music, among which "Liangzhou Ci" is his favorite.

Liangzhou Ci, also known as Liangzhou Qu, is a popular court tune in the ancient dynasty. Compared with the current popular music, the ancient rhyme in this tune is extremely strong.

But that is a pure ancient rhyme, which is very different from the "do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti" prevailing in modern pop music.

However, the three Chinese-style pieces that Wang Hao is creating now perfectly integrate ancient rhymes with modern pop music!

This made Mu Zhi very curious, what is the essence of this style?
The call was quickly connected, and Mu Zhi didn't waste too much nonsense, and said directly: "Zhou You, have you watched the live broadcast on Kule? How do you understand Huaxia Feng's statement?"

"Very explosive!"


Mu Zhi was stunned for a while, a little unresponsive,
What the hell is it very explosive?

Not long after, Zhou You on the other end of the phone said: "The simple explanation is that I study ancient music, and you study modern pop music. The two of us represent a category."

"But now a big hand suddenly appeared, crushed the two of us, and then reunited again, forming the "popular Chinese style"!"

"Did you say it exploded or not?"


This explanation is so fucking crisp!

After sighing helplessly, Mu Zhi changed the subject: "Of course I know, I want to ask you, what is the composition of this song?"

"To be more specific, from what aspects should we start to create this kind of Chinese-style music?"

"Watch the live broadcast."


"Watch the live broadcast!"


Mu Zhi reacted belatedly, and opened the live broadcast room again.

As soon as he entered, he heard the female interviewer also asking similar questions: "Hao Shen, then what aspects do you think should be deepened in the creation of this kind of Chinese style songs?"

After thinking for a moment, Wang Hao replied:

"Three old and three new!"

The female interviewer's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly asked: "Can you elaborate on it?"

Wang Hao didn't mean to hide it either. After nodding his head, he looked at the camera and said:

"The so-called three ancients and three new ones actually refer to ancient Fu, ancient culture, ancient melody, new singing method, new arrangement, and new concept!"

So it is! ! !
At this moment, many musicians' hearts were shaken, and they only felt that they suddenly realized.

Through Wang Hao's explanation, and then substituting it into the three new songs he released, everyone felt that it was too vivid!


Here, Wang Hao's live broadcast interview is coming to an end, while on the other side, many media professionals with quick eyes and hands have already edited the article.

Weibo hot search list three:
#华夏风!Pioneering work in the music world!
This title is simply a knife to pull the ass - open your eyes!

Some netizens who are keen to pay attention to hot spots on weekdays clicked in without hesitation the moment they saw the title, but after reading the article, they all "fell down".

The comment area was instantly exploded!

"Damn it! He is worthy of being called a god-like man, brother Hao is awesome! It's so terrifying!"

"The pioneering work? I'll be good! Either you don't make a move, and if you make a move, it's a hell of a card!"

"6, this is an innovation in the entire music scene, right? From now on, my Brother Hao will be the originator of Huaxia style, hahahahaha!"

"No, are you sure this is releasing a new album? Not dropping nuclear bombs in the music scene?"

"God Hao! The posture of a heavenly king!"

"Hahahaha, everyone, let's look at the list now. Except for Haoshen's songs, everyone else seems to be stuck in their old ways, and they're all reckless."

"Oh my god! I really like this Chinese style, it would be great if there are more Chinese style music!"

For a while, the whole network entered a heated discussion.

At the end of the interview, the female interviewer put down the interview card in her hand and said with a smile, "Hao Shen, is there anything you want to say to the fans at the end?"

Wang Hao tilted his head, thought for a while, and smiled at the camera,
"Whether it's Wanjiang, Huo Yuanjia, or the drunken concubine, the reason why these songs can achieve their current results is inseparable from everyone's strong support."

"I don't know how to thank everyone for their encouragement and love, but I know that I can sing with my music and bring you the best melody!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of cheers in the live broadcast room.

Netizens are chirping:

"Brother Hao! I love tiger oil!"

"Hahaha, I like this kind of straightforwardness,"

"Thinking about it now, we were really damned before, and we still suspected Brother Hao of swiping data."

"Brother Hao, I'm sorry, we wrongly blamed you before,"

"Let me just say, this song is very good. Although I followed suit and scolded me, I also downloaded the song."

"Damn it! Brothers, go to Weibo to check it out! The person who swiped the data has been caught! It's him!"

The live broadcast on this side has just ended, and a new situation has appeared on the other side.

After a lot of digging by netizens, coupled with the secret support of caring people, the result soon came to light.

And the person who actually brushed the data turned out to be,

——Xu Qian! ! !
This revelation instantly climbed to the top three on the hot search list.

analyzed in detail in the article.

When the cool music technical department did not conduct data inspection before, the data rankings of the seven contestants who participated in "I Am a Singer" on the list seemed to be quite normal.

Huo Yuanjia ranked first on the list, which just confirmed his victory in the first round.

And Xu Qian ranked last on the list, which just confirmed his elimination from the competition.

Everything seemed reasonable.


With the release of Cool Music's letter of apology and the announcement of the new list after removing the illegal data, interesting things happened.

Good guy, Xu Qian's ranking dropped out of the top ten! ?
Doesn't this just confirm the fact that his data was falsified?

If there is no problem, why did your song get kicked out so far?But others are still sitting on the Diaoyutai?

Although Zhong Tianwang and Qin Tianhou's songs were also squeezed out of the rankings, but this is also a helpless thing. Who will make Haoshen Huaxia Feng Niu criticize?

But you, Xu Qian, are different!

Before, he also posted a weird satire on Weibo that the data of Haoshen's new song was fake?But now the truth is out, you are the one who actually falsified the data!
For a while, the netizens who had felt guilty towards Wang Hao suddenly became angry.

It didn't even take half an hour, Xu Qian's Weibo comment area was directly scolded by netizens and fell!

"Good guy, I thought you were a good thing before, but I didn't expect you to be the real black hand behind the scenes!"

"Do cover songs, do plagiarism, we have put up with it, but can you be a human being on a horse?"

"Okay! The thief is calling for a thief, right?"

"This Dogecoin thing, you wait, labor and management will go to the Internet to report you now, I can't do it, you have no problem with the copyright of every song!"

"Heh, you caused a commotion on the Internet by yourself? You are really awesome,"

"Disgusting! Fortunately, I still think you sing very well, and I voted for you before. It's really disgusting!"

There was a lot of cursing in the comment area, and Xu Qian was so frightened that he turned off the comment permission.

But how could netizens give up?

You can turn off Weibo comments, but you can’t turn off song comments, right?
So in the next period of time, netizens ran to the comment area of ​​his new song to review the negative comments while pushing the hot search "Xu Qian brush data", and suppressed his new song data abruptly. Beyond the twenty!
"Why, why is this happening?"

In front of the computer screen, seeing his ranking drop rapidly, Xu Qian was stunned.

Didn't he do it alone?

So many people are brushing, why do you have to bite him alone?
"What about public relations? What is public relations for? Why haven't you acted yet?"

Xu Qian stood up suddenly!

After taking out the flamboyant red Ferrari from his garage, he drove straight to the company.

If this matter is not handled properly, he will most likely become the scapegoat for this "data scraping incident". It is unknown whether he will continue to release new songs in the future, let alone continue to mix in the music scene.


When he rushed to the public relations department non-stop, facing his anger, the manager of the public relations department showed a face full of helplessness.

"Brother Qian, our public relations department has been working hard to suppress the influence of this matter, but this matter is too complicated, and we can't suppress it in a short time!"

"Why? Isn't that what your public relations department is doing? If you can't suppress it, what do you want to eat? Spend money to suppress it!"


The PR manager shook his head helplessly, and simply ignored him.

spend money?

How can it be so easy!

The netizens were mobilized one by one, and finally found a breakthrough, how could they let it go easily?
Do you think this can be suppressed if you want to?
Seeing the attitude of the manager of the PR department, Xu Qian wanted to say something else, but a cold shout came from outside the door: "Okay, stop arguing!"

Seeing someone outside the door, Xu Qian's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly cast a look for help.

"Brother have to save me!"

"Hold a press conference and apologize to me first. You should know what to say, right?"


Hearing this, Xu Qian's expression changed suddenly, and he felt unhappy for a while.

It's not something to be proud of, looking like a pug dog in front of the camera is pure embarrassment!
"Not happy? If not, I will arrange for someone to post on Weibo, saying that you have decided to quit the music scene permanently."

"Don't! Don't! I apologize! Can't I apologize?"

Xu Qian wept with a mournful face, full of sorrow.

Compared with quitting the music scene permanently, it is more reasonable to apologize.

The Internet has no memory, as long as he behaves pitifully enough, after a while, after the limelight of this incident passes, he can still come back to make money again.

After nodding his head in satisfaction, the middle-aged man called Brother Zhang said again: "As long as you listen to me, this matter won't cause much impact."

"When the rumors pass, I'll find you a suitable song master. Don't take the road of cover singing in the future. The risk is too great."

After all, the other party turned around and left.

In the office, the frustration on Xu Qian's face has disappeared without a trace, replaced by joy!

Looking for Master Qu?No more cover songs!
So in the future, I can announce to the outside world that I am an original singer?

Thinking of this, Xu Qian was overjoyed.

What is this called?
This is called a blessing in disguise!

Thinking of the look Zhang Ge looked at him before he left, Xu Qian couldn't help feeling tangled in his heart.

How can you gain something without giving something?



Here, Xu Qian is preparing her "apology letter" and practicing the new skill of crying for a second in front of the mirror.

On the other side of the Kule headquarters, after the live broadcast, at the invitation of Zhu Xiaodong, head of the Propaganda Department, Wang Hao followed him to visit various departments,
Copyright Department, Review Department, Technology Department, Propaganda Department, Public Relations Department...

After walking around, the two returned to Zhu Xiaodong's office.

After the guest of honor was seated, the female secretary at the side brought steaming coffee, and then she voluntarily left the office and waited at the door.

Zhu Xiaodong also has that straightforward personality.

After sitting down, he said straight to the point: "To be honest, the results of your two songs are not at all what we expected, and we have never expected to achieve such results!"

Wang Hao smiled modestly, and echoed:

"I'm dissatisfied with Mr. Zhu. In fact, I didn't expect this situation. When I released the song before, I was worried for a long time whether the audience would not accept it."

"Then I should have confidence in you now, right?"

"Just a little bit."

Regarding Wang Hao's overly modest behavior, Zhu Xiaodong nodded noncommittally.

A singer who remains humble at all times must have a clear understanding of his future, coupled with that abnormal songwriting ability...

Obviously, Wang Hao's explosion is already unstoppable!

A good music platform can provide singers with many conveniences, and vice versa!

A sufficiently good singer can also bring huge popularity and benefits to the platform, which will accelerate the development of the platform.

This is a win-win process!

After thinking for a while, Zhu Xiaodong directly stated another purpose of inviting Wang Hao to Kule,
"After an internal meeting of the company, we decided that we would like to use your new album to carry out a joint promotional activity. What do you think?"

Joint promotion?

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Can you explain it in detail?"

"It's actually very simple,"

Zhu Xiaodong organized his language a little bit, and said, "I remember you said before that there will be twelve new songs in this new album, right?"

"That's right." Wang Hao nodded slightly.

"Well then, we mean we want to sign a binding agreement with you personally,"

"The specific content is that as long as you release a new song, Kule will give you the best recommendation, including homepage banner, app launch advertisement, user pop-up window, omni-channel splash screen push, etc.,"

"And what you need to pay is to sign a three-year binding agreement with the cool music platform."

"In these three years, you are not allowed to release new songs on other music platforms, which is equivalent to completing the bundling with Cool Music."

"To put it in a more vulgar way, we are equivalent to becoming grasshoppers on a boat. We are all prosperous, and we are all lost!"

uh-huh? ? ?

Hearing Zhu Xiaodong's explanation, Wang Hao couldn't react for a while.

Literally understood, this is completely beneficial and harmless to me, and the only constraint is that I cannot release new songs on other platforms.

Not to mention that there are so many benefits, even if there are no benefits, it is impossible for Wang Hao to transfer the platform.

Now among the music player software in China, Kule is almost firmly in the top spot, with at least ten million users per day!

Under such preconditions, how could Wang Hao send new songs to other platforms?
So what is the purpose of this three-year binding agreement?
Zhu Xiaodong explained it like this: "The performance of each of your new songs is obvious to all, and we also believe that your new songs will be a hit in the future."

"Under such a premise, if we sign a binding agreement with you, it will be of great benefit to our cool music."

"But if you are poached by other platforms, some fans will inevitably choose to follow you and leave. This is a huge loss for Cool Music."

Wang Hao was a little surprised by Zhu Xiaodong's straightforwardness.

"Don't you worry that I will raise the price because of this?"

Zhu Xiaodong smiled and said, "On the premise of recommendation from all platforms, we will sign a new sharing contract with you,"

"You get [-]% of it, while Kule only has [-]% for operation."

The next second, Wang Hao stood up suddenly, and stretched out his right hand without hesitation.

"Mr. Zhu, I wish us a happy cooperation!"

 Brothers, double the monthly ticket period, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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