It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 364 The Great Escape Room Phase 2 is ready to be recorded! The game between "chess play

Chapter 364 The second phase of the great escape room is ready to be recorded! The game between "chess players"!

Guangying Media, Publicity Department!

"Quick! Get back all the black material! Let those music critics, trolls, media, etc. delete the comments for me! Delete the articles!"


In the huge office area, Fu Yongxin's furious roar exploded crazily!

All of a sudden, the faces of the employees below changed drastically, and they quickly called to inform their teams of media professionals, music critics, and sailors.

In just 5 minutes, there was harmony on Weibo.

All the black material disappeared without a trace at this moment, as if a very successful Internet cleansing operation was launched!
After confirming that there was no black material from Guangying on Weibo, Fu Yongxin nodded slightly, turned and returned to his office.


As the door closed, he felt his legs go limp, and he couldn't help but collapsed to the ground, unable to get up for a long time!


He never expected that the Huaxia Music Association would take action in person to support Wang Hao's "Huo Yuanjia"!
You know, the Huaxia Music Association is the real "controller" of the entire music scene!
Not to mention the kings and queens, even the four major media companies, if the music department under their hands is named, they will be fined at least, or shut down directly at worst.

Especially that sentence.

[Punch it with one punch, so as to avoid a hundred punches! 】

The power of this sentence was so powerful that Fu Yongxin's face changed drastically the moment he saw it, and he hurriedly ordered his subordinates to stop all actions against Wang Hao.

The Huaxia Music Association has already spoken out in support of the song "Huo Yuanjia", so how dare they continue to blackmail it?

Fight against the department above?
Do you still want to hang out in the music scene?
After a long time, Fu Yongxin, who barely regained some strength, hurriedly called Zhu Jianchen, and then explained the current situation to him.

When he heard the words "Huaxia Music Association", Zhu Jianchen's expression on the other end of the phone also changed drastically!

After calming down for a long time, he finally ordered with a little fear: "You have done a good job, let's just leave it at that, stop all the black material about "Huo Yuanjia","

"It doesn't matter if you lose the first song, we still have nine full rounds, I don't believe that nine chances are not enough!"

"Let me inform Zhong Taiji, you can continue to deal with the documentaries "Character" and "Modu Fortress"."

"Remember, the impact of these two things must be dealt with to a minimum!"

"And the Jagged Band's concert will be on the agenda in the near future. I think you should understand how to do it. You must not let these two things affect this concert!"

"okay, I get it."

Fu Yongxin nodded slightly, but his face was extremely ugly.

The manager of the public relations department of Light and Shadow resigned, and more than half of the deputy and even the entire department left, so that he had to temporarily act as the public relations manager.

This is not a good job...

Especially for "Magic City Fortress", it was the first time that Light and Shadow Media had such a big failure since its establishment decades ago!
Fu Yongxin vaguely heard from some other people that the reason why the manager of the public relations department resigned was because of a mistake in the public relations work of the Modu Fortress.

In fact, in the final analysis, the main reason is that Xu Yaoxing made his own opinions on the set and asked to modify the script and the main line many times.

If not, how could Guangying, one of the four major media companies, make such a low-level mistake?

A good sci-fi movie, but it's dressed as a romance movie?

Isn't this Nima cheating?
And that documentary!
Although he didn't say anything, but after watching Xu Yaoxing's acting skills in the first issue of "People", Fu Yongxin's face turned dark, and he scolded so dirty in his heart!

Still playing Confucius?

You play a hammer!
"Hey, this crappy job is really a headache. It's better to resign."

For a while, Fu Yongxin sighed, thinking hard about the countermeasures,

In the past few days in October alone, scandalous rumors about Xu Yaoxing spread all over the Internet, and many netizens even took blackmailing him as their main pleasure every day.

Under such circumstances, how should crisis public relations be carried out?



If Wang Hao knew of Fu Yongxin's current predicament, he would definitely give a suggestion,
"Like this kind of mud that can't support the wall, he can just let him smash it. Why waste so much effort? It's a waste of time and money, and it won't be good in the end!"

It's a pity that at this moment, he is rushing to Hunan Province by an evening plane.

The second episode of Secret Escape will start recording tomorrow, and he was supposed to arrive this afternoon, but it took too much time to film the MV.

Building the arena, guiding Xiao Zhicheng's actions, filming, editing, post-production...

Fortunately, Wang Hao is famous for his fast speed, and the production team is also strong enough, otherwise this MV may not come out until several days later.

But by then it will be too late!

"Mr. Wang Hao, here is a blanket for you. You should cover it up when you sleep at night. Be careful not to catch a cold. If you need anything, please call me in time."

The gentle and pleasant stewardess came lightly and put a brand new blanket in front of Wang Hao.

"um. Thank you."

Wang Hao thanked her, and immediately pulled the blanket over his body, pretending to close his eyes.

Seeing the current scene, the stewardess couldn't help but a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, so she had no choice but to back away.

She was actually going to ask for an autograph. If possible, it would be great to add a personal friend. Unfortunately, Wang Hao didn't seem to have much interest in her.

Who doesn't love pretty ladies?

Naturally, Wang Hao will not be exempt.

If it was him before, it might be possible to seize this opportunity.

But now it's different!
Because of the "red wine partnership" with Zhou Xiaoyu, he had an inexplicable sense of loyalty.

Now that the family already has a colorful flag, it is better not to continue messing with flowers and grass. If the colorful flag flies away because of this, it will not be worth the loss.



After slowly taking a deep breath, Wang Hao temporarily suppressed his restless heart and sank his consciousness into his mind.

"Open the personal panel!"

Following his order, a dazzling light flashed past his eyes, and a personal panel that only he could see appeared instantly.

Name: Wang Hao

Sex: Male
Age: 22
Popularity value: 832154398
System evaluation: As a rising star in the entertainment circle, your performance has barely passed the test in my opinion. Keep up the good work and look forward to the day when you become a "star"! "

Looking at the text in the system evaluation, Wang Hao's eyes suddenly brightened.

Thinking about the previous comments of "rookie", "weak chicken", "little ant", etc., for a while, he couldn't help but sigh:
"Hey? It's rare! This time you can still get a wave of praise?"

Wang Hao is very happy, this is the first time he has received positive praise from the system, which was completely unimaginable in the past!

"I'm happy that you praised me today, so I'll draw a prize, spend a wave of popularity points, and generate income for you."

With a thought, Wang Hao directly clicked the lottery button.

In the next second, the system's voice sounded:
"Ding, 6000 popularity points will be deducted, and a random lottery will start. 』

The roulette wheel flashing with dazzling light quickly appeared, spinning continuously in mid-air.

Under Wang Hao's expectant eyes, the voice of the system came faintly:
『Ding. Congratulations to the host for drawing the eight gift packs of Ozaki, which contains many magical skills. Do you choose to open them? 』

Wang Hao smiled indifferently: "Just take it out and open it. Brother is a man with a popularity value of [-] million. Are you afraid of spending those three melons and two dates?"

As if he was afraid of Wang Hao's repentance, the moment he finished speaking, the system notification sound seemed to be accelerated, and it sounded quickly!

"Ding, after deducting [-] million popularity points, open Ozaki's eight gift packages for the host. 』

"Ding. Congratulations to the host for acquiring new skills: "Emergence of Power", "Master of Fate", "Ultimate Trust", "Birth of Heaven"! 』

『Ding. Congratulations to the host for successfully collecting all eight skills of Ozaki and unlocking the achievement: Gene Shackles! 』

『Ding. Warm reminder, complete these eight challenges and go to the achievement pyramid to get mysterious rewards! 』

"Mysterious reward? Just for a mysterious reward for achieving the pyramid, you swallowed my [-] million popularity points?"

For a moment, Wang Hao didn't know how to evaluate this dog system.

He originally thought that he could develop some useful skills, but he didn't expect to spend [-] million yuan to come up with an Ozaki eight-item gift pack?
Although these four skills are indeed useful, he has been so busy recently, how can he have time for extreme sports?
Moreover, the Red Bull company has not yet calculated the reward for completing the skydiving in the Swallow Cave in Mexico last time. It is obviously not a good time to continue to complete other challenges now.

"Forget it, that's it. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. There's no lottery draw."

Wang Hao curled his lips, showing a "deceived" expression.

It's okay to spend [-] million popularity points in the blink of an eye, and it's not the kind that can be used on the spot, which makes him quite depressed.

"In the future, I will never play random lottery again. The system is too scary. This is treating myself as a local tyrant. I will slaughter myself to death!"

After muttering and complaining for a long time, Wang Hao finally failed to withstand the onslaught of drowsiness and fell into a dreamland.

And when he opened his eyes again, the plane had already landed.

"Mr. Wang Hao, our plane has landed, we can get up now!"

The soft-spoken wake-up call from the stewardess was coming to his ears, and Wang Hao felt refreshed and in a good mood for a while.

"Maybe something good will happen today?"

For a while, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation for the next recording.


At this time, escaped from the program group.

The second phase of the room escape scene was completed two days ago.

In order to finally present the program effect in front of the audience, He Wei and Chen Xiaoxu spent almost every day in the secret room during this period, strictly controlling every detail.

Now is the last routine inspection before the broadcast of the show, and they need to ensure the integrity of every organ.

Soon, the two had reached the middle of the secret room.

Seeing the door blocking in front of him, and the perverted way of deciphering, He Wei felt bad all over.

He looked at Chen Xiaoxu with some surprise, and said, "Compared to the first period, the difficulty of this second period has directly improved!"

Chen Xiaoxu shrugged, and opened the door while responding: "It's better to be more difficult, so that at least they can be locked up for a while longer."

"Aren't you afraid that those guests will go crazy?"

Looking at the dark passage in front of him, and the strange screams in his ears, He Wei couldn't help grinning.

Although he is the chief director and knows the mechanism inside, he still feels very horrified every time he experiences this immersive feeling.

On the other hand, Chen Xiaoxu was different.

The more frightening the environment, the more excited he was!

If the two hadn't known each other for many years and were very familiar with each other, He Wei would have even doubted whether his friend was a pervert?
Those traps and hidden doors are more difficult to open than the other, and weirder than the other!
It is also due to the "god" existence of Wang Hao among the six escaped sons, otherwise, He Wei even doubted whether the other five people could pass the first level of this secret room!
"How could it be possible to go crazy?"

Chen Xiaoxu said as a matter of course: "There is a big devil in this team. Under the leadership of the big devil, they will be able to complete the task with ease."

While talking, he fiddled with the password in front of him a little more, making it more difficult to solve the puzzle.

He Wei: "..."

At this time, he can be considered to have reacted!
The reason why Chen Xiaoxu keeps increasing the difficulty of the secret room is to prevent Wang Hao from passing through quickly, and even trap him in the secret room.

These two are like black and white on the same chessboard, constantly playing games through the secret room!
In the first episode of the previous Escape Room, Wang Hao was obviously better, completing the escape within twelve hours.

So in this second issue, will the game between him and Chen Xiaoxu change?

For a moment, He Wei felt a little anticipation in his heart!
He can't wait to see that moment come!

I don't know which of the two has a more exciting expression?

Seven o'clock in the morning, in front of the hotel.

The bus belonging to the "Escape Room" program group arrived at the designated place 5 minutes ahead of schedule.

In the car, the live broadcast has already started, and Liu Yan is warming up for the early live broadcast.

Although it is still early, the number of online viewers in the live broadcast room has exceeded 3000 million, and is slowly advancing towards 4000 million.

Since the first episode of Escape was broadcast, the response from netizens has been excellent!
After watching it, many people said that this variety show is very good, especially the deciphering link, which has been highly praised by many escape room lovers!

Every arrangement of Chen Xiaoxu is extremely reasonable, which is in line with the three elements of escape room.

"Unexpected! Unexpected! So it is!"

On the premise of ensuring these three elements, coupled with the various hilarious performances of the escaped six sons, it immediately attracted the strong support of many netizens.

In the barrage, many netizens are chattering:

"Good morning, brothers! Are you also here to see Da Mimi?"

"It's early in the morning, can you stop saying the kind of words that make people want to move when you hear them? Isn't it good to enjoy this short time of silence?"

"Hey, I can't wait to see the picture of them being trapped in the secret room and unable to get out."

"Don't worry about that brother, in front of our secret room great demon king Haoshen, all difficulties are a piece of cake, you can get over it with ease!"

"Haha, that's wrong. If Haoshen participated in the escape from the secret room alone, the speed may be very fast, but don't forget, there are five rookies behind him."

"Famous scene, the master drags the rookie!"

"Six escaped sons! Eternal God!"

"Thank you for your support for the Escape Room, we will definitely show more exciting program effects, so as to repay everyone's love,

After a brief chat with the netizens, Liu Yan checked the time and confirmed the status of the guests to the program group.

After the prompt from the director's team came from the headset, she immediately said seriously: "Dear audience friends, let's invite guests to make their debuts!"

As soon as the voice fell, the live broadcast screen flickered slightly, and the camera froze at the hotel entrance.

Under the excited gaze of the netizens, Huang Minghao ran out quickly and got into the carriage in a hurry.

"Good morning, Sister Yan."

He greeted him obediently, and then hurriedly hid behind the car seat.

"What are you doing?"

Liu Yan looked at him curiously, apparently understanding what his behavior meant.

"Hush! Sister Yan, don't talk, let me scare them."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of Wei Daxun and Zhang Guozhu arguing came from outside the bus.

The two seemed to be arguing whether sweet tofu nao or salty tofu nao tasted better, and they couldn't decide for a while.

"I don't understand that those of you who drink sweet bean curd are really not afraid of diabetes?"

"Stupid, why don't you put less sugar? I don't believe that your salty tofu is just torn open a bag of salt and sprinkled all in?"

Just as they were talking, the two had already boarded the bus.

"Let me see who is in the car?" Wei Daxun looked around curiously.

Zhang Guozhu followed behind him, looked around and said casually: "It seems that apart from sister Liu Yan, the two of us should have arrived first."

As soon as they said that, the two walked straight back.

But at this moment, Huang Minghao who was hiding behind the chair suddenly jumped up!


He opened his mouth and let out a loud roar, which immediately shocked the two of them.

"I'll go! What the hell? Scary people!"

Wei Daxun was so frightened that he jumped up directly, his whole body was still in shock, and Zhang Guozhu, who was even more timid than him, rushed out of the door and hid outside the door with a face full of horror.

But when they confirmed that it was Huang Minghao who frightened them just now, the two couldn't help feeling depressed.

Those scary scenes in the first issue are still vivid in my mind, so that the two people who are not very courageous themselves are even more timid.

It's not an exaggeration to say that since the first episode, Zhang Guozhu didn't even dare to live alone...

In the carriage, Huang Minghao leaned back and forth with a smile: "Hahahahaha, why are you two so timid?"

Wei Daxun rolled his eyes and complained, "You think we are all Haoshen?"

With that said, the three sat down again.

"We can still scare and scare other people!"

While talking, Huang Minghao was about to get behind the chair.

But at this time Xie Yilin had already arrived at the car door, she asked curiously: "Brother Minghao, are you going to scare me?"

"Well, the plan failed."

Huang Minghao's expression was loveless.

The reason why he rushed out first was to frighten others.

Wei Daxun and Zhang Guozhu were frightened, but Xie Yilin couldn't keep up. As for Wang Hao and Yang Mi...

Huang Minghao thought about it, but decided to give up this bold idea!

He doesn't want to steal the chicken but lose the rice!


Time passed by minute by minute.

After a full 5 minutes, Wang Hao and Yang Mi arrived late at the entrance of the hotel while the four people in the carriage waited.

As soon as they got in the car, the two were questioned!

Wei Daxun looked puzzled and said, "Brother Hao? What are you and Sister Mi talking about? We've been waiting for a long time."

"Cough cough..."

Yang Mi covered her mouth and coughed lightly, she glanced at Wang Hao out of the corner of her eyes, and her eyes were full of warnings.

However, Wang Hao seemed to have not seen her warning, and said to himself: "I have to ask your sister Mi, she lost everything, and accidentally left the room card in the room."

"Then she was too embarrassed to talk to the front desk and insisted on asking me to help, which is why it took so long."

Room card left in the room?
Hearing this, the four people in the car were taken aback for a moment, and then immediately became happy.

Seeing that Wang Hao turned around and told his embarrassing story, Yang Mi looked at him angrily, "Hello? Wang Hao! Didn't you promise me not to tell outsiders?"


Wang Hao shrugged his shoulders and said with a smirk: "I really didn't tell outsiders, this car is all our brothers, brothers should share the blessings, share the difficulties, and be happy together when there are happy things. "

But when he said these words, Yang Mi suddenly seemed to remember something!
The anger on his face faded instantly, replaced by a "Are you sure?" expression.

"There are happy things to share, right? Then I have a secret that I want to share with you, do you think it's okay?"


Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of the scene with Yang Mi in the shower area in the first episode.

Thinking of this, his face suddenly changed!
"Ahem, Miss Mi, I was wrong, please forgive me if you have a lot."

Yang Mi raised her eyebrows, with a smug look on her face.

"So you know what to do next?"

Wang Hao nodded hastily, and said with a serious face: "I understand, if you give Sister Mi a saddle, you will never hesitate to die. Next, if you let me go east, I will never go west. If you let me chase the dog, I will never catch you." chicken."

"Haha! Be good, sit down."

Yang Mi smiled satisfied, as if she had found the best way to handle Wang Hao!
(End of this chapter)

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