It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 351 This documentary... Can it pass the trial?

Chapter 351 This documentary... Can it pass the trial?

October [-]th, ten o'clock in the morning.

In a dense forest outside Hengdian Film and Television City, the documentary "Huaxia" officially started shooting!
The sage "Confucius" played by Wang Hao and the sage "Lao Tzu" played by Lin Xianqi stand opposite each other, each holding its own rituals.

With Xiong Chunhan's "Action", the filming of this documentary, known as a "classic classic" on Blue Star, officially started.


Confucius is tall and tall, so it is just right for Wang Haolai to play him.

Coupled with the amazing makeup skills and the acting skills that can be "immersive at any time", when he bowed down from a distance with the ceremony, many people on the set thought they really saw the sage "Confucius".

The reason why Lin Xianqi was invited to play the role of "Lao Tzu" was that besides his age being just right for Lao Tzu's identity, another reason was that Wang Hao really couldn't find a more suitable actor...

There are indeed many acting schools in the circle, but unfortunately he doesn't know any of them.

What if someone came to invite you rashly and was kicked out by others?
In desperation, Wang Hao can only shoot the first episode first. After the first episode is officially broadcast, he can use his existing achievements to invite those real acting schools in the circle!
However, what surprised Wang Hao was that although his job was to instruct martial arts, Lin Xianqi's acting skills were very good!
In every move, Lao Tzu's attitude of "Tao follows nature" is vividly expressed.

In the filming of the first scene, apart from Wang Hao and Lin Xianqi, a child was also needed.

Adhering to the idea of ​​not letting the fat and water flow to outsiders, Wang Hao simply pulled over Xu Yeli, who played the policewoman among his disciples.

Due to the circumstances at the time, the child needed to appear hungry and emaciated.

So in terms of makeup, Xu Yeli completely abandoned the glamorous Yujie image, and directly transformed into an ugly girl in the village.

But she didn't care about that!

Ever since she knocked on Wang Hao's door that night and chose to join Haohuan Media, she had given herself to Wang Hao.

Anyway, she will do whatever the company arranges.

She firmly believed that as long as she was obedient enough, Wang Hao would definitely not treat her badly.

Sure enough, not long after returning from the apprentice crew, she got a new role.

Although this time he played only a little boy, and there were no lines during the whole process, he just had to stand stupidly.

But she didn't have the slightest idea of ​​disgust, just because Wang Hao said to her: "Behave well, after this documentary is successfully selected into the China Entertainment Archives, it will add a lot of ink to your life history!"

"In the next film, I will arrange a better role for you!"

"it is good!"

Xu Yeli clenched her fists tightly, with a knowing smile on her face.

She knew that Wang Hao would never treat her badly.


The shooting of documentaries is different from those movies and TV series. During the shooting, everyone has no lines.

It is only when editing in the later stage that narration is used to add explanations to achieve the effect of voice recording.

It is also because of this that the shooting of documentaries has high requirements on the acting skills of actors.

In this first issue, all the shooting was carried out around the perspective of "Confucius", because Wang Hao was required to show the most realistic emotional expression for the current environment.

In this regard, Wang Hao said it was easy to handle.

Lao Tzu didn't appear in many scenes, so Lin Xianqi didn't even spend two hours before finishing his filming.

He was temporarily pulled by Wang Hao to play in the scene. He didn't read the script at all, and just made a guest appearance as required.

Because he still had work in the afternoon, Lin Xianqi was about to leave after filming his scenes.

But before leaving, Lin Xianqi still asked with a confused face: "Haozi? What is this picture you took? Why can't I understand it?"

To be honest, Lin Xianqi always thought that he was trying to show his strength before he was pulled into the cameo role.

But what he didn't expect was that after he came, not only did he not have half a line, but the actions were also simple and terrifying!
One stand, one sit, one turn...

Is this over?

Wang Hao explained with a smile: "Mr. Lin, this is how documentaries are shot. Just imagine that you are shooting pantomime."

"After the finished film is edited and released, you will understand what a great masterpiece it is!"

"It's no exaggeration to say that through this documentary, you can even make a name in history."

Hearing this, Lin Xianqi could no longer suppress the confusion in his heart.

He immediately said: "Okay! Then I'll wait and see what kind of documentary it is that can use the words "masterpiece of the world"."

Lin Xianqi walked hurriedly and left the crew soon.

Shooting continues.

The plot advances quickly, after all, this is a documentary with Confucius as the main visual.

The entire film of the first episode is only 10 minutes long, but it tells the magnificent and imaginative life of Confucius.

At the very beginning of the plot, Confucius played by Wang Hao was still a middle-aged man in his prime.

At that time, he had his own ideas and ambitions, and was fighting for his beliefs, blooming towards the sun like a sunflower.

So in the camera, Wang Hao's every move is full of vitality, his steps are vigorous, and his behavior is vigorous and powerful, giving people a feeling of infinite vitality.

And after the "first academic exchange meeting in history" with Lao Tzu, he chose to return to his own country.

Along the way, he saw many behaviors that were not in line with etiquette, justice and shame.

At this moment, he has strengthened his faith even more, and Wang Hao in the camera also fully demonstrated that tenacity and perseverance!
He wants to educate the world!

Soon, Confucius established a private school and began to pass on all the knowledge he had learned to his disciples.

Ritual, music, archery, royal, book, number!

Confucius knew all of the six courses, taught them in accordance with their aptitude, and taught them all.

This was the happiest period of time for Confucius, and under the camera, Wang Hao also showed the joy brought by his chicness and ambition.

Time keeps advancing.

Gradually, dynasties changed, civil strife, disputes continued...

Confucius began to set off with his disciples, embarking on a difficult journey to fulfill his ambitions, which is what is called "traveling around the world" in later books.

When the plot was filmed here, as the director of the crew, Xiong Chunhan could no longer suppress his inner emotions.

When he read the script, he didn't think of too many pictures.

But when Wang Hao brought a group of actors to show this scene clearly, he suddenly discovered that Confucius' way of enlightenment was so difficult!

The further you go to the back, the higher the requirements for Wang Hao's acting skills.

Especially when it came to the scene where Confucius was besieged in the deep mountains for seven days and seven nights, for some reason, Wang Hao couldn't get into the play,

As a last resort, Xiong Chunhan could only stop the filming and call Wang Hao aside.

"Haozi? What's the situation? How did I find out that your state is not right?"

As a professional director, the status of actors is naturally one of the things that Xiong Chunhan needs to pay attention to, so he immediately discovered the change in Wang Hao's status.


Wang Hao took a deep breath slowly, shook his head and said, "Maybe I'm a little tired, let's take a break and shoot again."

After speaking, he walked away straight away, and came to a boulder looking into the distance.

Since the filming of this scene needed to be done on a mountain top, Xiong Chunhan directly found a barren mountain and moved the entire crew there.

The mountain wind blew past, stirring the ends of his hair.

At this moment, Wang Hao suddenly recalled what happened to the original body.

Confucius was just trapped on this mountain for seven days and seven nights. Although it was difficult during this period, he was accompanied by his disciples.

But what about him?
Since being suppressed by Zhang Yibo, for three full years, he has not been able to touch the slightest bit of the entertainment circle, not even being a group performer!

Those three years can be said to be the darkest moment in his life!
Drunk and dreaming all day long, just living in the confusion of the world and self-doubt about myself, unable to extricate myself all day long.

And the emergence of extreme challenges has set up a lighthouse in his dark life, guiding him to find the direction of life.

So, is there any similarity between Confucius' future and his future?
"Maybe everyone's beliefs will be challenged one day. If you can bear it, it will pass, but if you can't bear it..."

"No! You must be able to bear it!"

Wang Hao got up suddenly, looked up to the sky and screamed in a very second-year look: "Where there is a will, there is a way! We will finally usher in the dawn of our own life!"

On the mountainside, many people cast curious eyes, as if they were wondering what he was doing?
Unfortunately, no one can really understand him.


Shooting continues.

What Xiong Chunhan didn't expect was that in the next filming, Wang Hao's acting skills turned out to be even more exquisite.

He truly expressed Confucius' firmness, confusion, suspicion, hope and other emotions in a wonderful and beautiful way, which attracted warm applause from the audience!

When shooting the last scene, "Confucius" lay in the cold river water, letting the water flow over his body.

With nostalgia for this world, expectations for the future, and regrets and persistence for his life, he completely closed his eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to be empty.

All the exhaustion disappeared, and what greeted him was a brand new future and a brand new world.

Under the guidance of his thoughts, the world will surely move towards the path of "ritual".


Following Xiong Chunhan's order, the on-site staff immediately rushed up and dragged Wang Hao up from the icy river.

He was soaked all over, but there was a smile on his face.

This shooting made Wang Hao's thoughts clearer, and it also made him more determined about the path he wants to take in the future.

Maybe the future is full of thorns, but he will hold a horizontal knife, overcome the thorns and forge ahead!


After the filming ended, it entered the tense editing session.

Xiong Chunhan originally thought that the shooting of the first phase would be very time-consuming, but what he never expected was that the whole process of shooting did not get stuck at all.

In just one day, the content of the first issue has been filmed enough!

"This speed is simply the fastest among the documentaries I have ever made."

Xiong Chunhan couldn't help feeling emotional.

The cooperation of the actors is extremely high, the plot is smooth, and there is no delay in the whole process. This feeling is simply amazing!

If it weren't for the fact that the character script for the second issue hadn't been finalized yet, he even had the idea of ​​continuing to shoot all night.

Wang Hao joked with a smile: "Haha, you will know in the future, there is no fastest, only faster!"

He still remembers that a certain director once created a feat, shooting a movie that lasted more than an hour in a week.

And what's interesting is that the film also has an all-star cast!

Wang Hao can't remember how much box office the movie earned at that time, but it seems to have exceeded nine figures.

And today, it took me a day to complete the shooting of a documentary, it doesn't seem to be too shocking, right?

When Wang Hao was lost in memory, Xiong Chunhan suddenly seemed to remember something, and asked curiously: "By the way, who are you going to ask for the narration of this documentary?"

In addition to the important content of a documentary, the narration is also very important.

Especially for this kind of documentary filmed from the perspective of a certain historical figure, the narration must be calm and atmospheric, and at the same time have a strong ability to empathize.

If a narrator can't put emotions into the documentary, then the film will naturally be useless.

The audience can't be substituting immersively, so what kind of biographical documentary do you make?

But as far as Xiong Chunhan knew, Wang Hao didn't seem to be looking for a voice actor so far?
He was thinking about it when Wang Hao suddenly said with a smile: "Please allow me to introduce myself. I am going to read the dubbing of this documentary by myself."

Um? ? ? ? ?
At this moment, Xiong Chunhan's face was full of suspicion.

Are you kidding me?
You come to read?
As for Wang Hao's lines, Xiong Chunhan, who had watched "The Disciple" before, had some knowledge, and this kid's lines were pretty good.

The place that should be suppressed should be suppressed, the place that should be raised should be raised, and the rhythm can be barely achieved.

But, that's a movie!This thing is a documentary!
The two films are not at the same level at all. No matter how good the lines are, it is impossible to do the work of reciting narration in a documentary!
The feeling of "sound on the scene" is not what ordinary people can read.

If you want to be a narration voice actor, first of all, the voice you read must be full of imagery, secondly, you must change your virtual and real voice, and finally, you must not overemphasize your emotions.

The above three points are what Xiong Chunhan learned.

And this requires years of study and training!

But... How old is Wang Hao?

For a young man in his twenties, being able to have good acting skills is considered awesome, but he still wants to challenge dubbing?
Aren't you going to ruin this documentary?
However, just when Xiong Chunhan was about to stop it, Wang Hao suddenly said first: "How about this, let's cut out this video first, and then you can listen to it while I'm recording,"

"If you think it's inappropriate, we'll re-select the voice actor, what do you think?"


Xiong Chunhan froze for a moment, then nodded after thinking for a moment.

Wang Hao's suggestion is good. Young people should be encouraged to give it a try.

"At that time, when he knows that he really can't dub the voice, he should give up, right?" Xiong Chunhan thought.


The first phase of filming ended, and the crew disbanded on the spot.

After receiving today's commission, the extras returned to their residences one after another, and the main creative team also set off for Kyoto.

Naturally, editing and dubbing work cannot be done in Hengdian. There is no equipment there, and there is no professional dubbing studio, so how can it be possible to create good works?

Before boarding the plane, Wang Hao opened Weibo and looked at the trending list.

At this time, the first place on the list was still the side story between him and Liu Yan, but after the initial restlessness, the netizens gradually returned to their senses.

But when Wang Hao returned to Kyoto on an evening plane, the moment he opened Weibo, he saw that the top search list was replaced by a picture of him shooting a documentary in Hengdian.

The person who took the photo should be a group performer, but the article and photo were released by a "New Movie Entertainment" company.

#快乐新闻: According to reliable sources, Wang Hao, a well-known amphibious artist, has recently created a documentary script, and he is currently filming in Hengdian.

Wang Hao opened Hot Search and took a look.

Sure enough, it recorded the shooting process in detail, and even photos of the crew and his makeup.

After pondering for a while, Wang Hao said: "Go and find out who filmed this? In the future, in all the movies and TV series of Haohuan Media, this person will be blocked."

"it is good!"

Guo Xiaoxue on the side nodded slightly, and recorded the matter in his memo.

It was still in the middle of the night, and even if she wanted to arrange someone, she couldn't find one, and Wang Hao was not in a hurry, so she could postpone it.

After looking at his private messages, Wang Hao found that many people chose @自己 after reading the trending search to find out the authenticity of this trending search.

Seeing that everything was exposed, Wang Hao didn't hide it at all, and directly posted a new Weibo, announcing the news of the filming of the documentary "Huaxia".

In the accompanying text, Wang Hao wrote:

"This is a history of "love" written in the aesthetic tradition of Chinese classical civilization"!
Although the accompanying text was very short and it was midnight at this time, when Wang Hao posted this new Weibo, it still attracted many night owls to watch.

In less than ten seconds, there were already signs of "explosion" in the comment area.

"Aesthetic tradition of Chinese classical civilization? Hey! It sounds very tall?"

"My good boy? Brother Hao is doing something big again quietly!"

"Lyric history? Why do you put double quotation marks on this love?"

"Is there any general content or promotional video? Let's open our eyes?"

"Don't worry, everyone. According to Brother Hao's prolific sow-like state, it may take less than a week for this documentary to meet us."

"That's right, let's look forward to it."


It didn't take long, when Wang Hao returned to the rental house, the notice he posted had already rushed to the top of the hot search list without any suspense.

Many people below commented "want to see", which also gave him a little confidence.

In this world, the audience of documentaries is not particularly broad.

After all, in people's impression, this thing belongs to the existence of "tall and superior", and most people can't see it at all.

However, fans still have some expectations for Wang Hao. After all, the script is written by young people, and the film produced may be more unconventional and attract young people's attention and love.

What's more remarkable is that Wang Hao actually used the word "Huaxia" to name his documentary.

This courage is really not small!

After reacting, everyone couldn't help but think.

Leaving aside the audience level, the key question is, can this documentary...can pass the review?
(End of this chapter)

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