It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 338 What kind of mysterious chapter is going to be recorded? ? ?

Chapter 338 What kind of mysterious program are you going to record? ? ?
The sweet taste of the fruit of victory flowed through the mouths of every student in the Performance Department of Huaxia Communication University.

However, the opposite bitterness emerged from the mouths of Jia Yu and Yao Fuping!

When the two finished their massage trip comfortably and got their mobile phones, the smiles were fixed on their faces!

The missed calls on the screen, the questions on the communication software, the mocking and bad comments on the Internet...

When he saw the school notice, Jia Yu's legs went limp and he collapsed on the ground.

And looking at Yao Fuping again, his face was even paler, as if struck by lightning!

Under the influence of family power, there were no rumors about him on the Internet, and the whole matter was pushed on Jia Yu.


As the mastermind behind the scenes, how could he be "unscathed"?
The transfer order from the education department directly dropped into the mailbox, and he didn't even have a chance to react or fight, and was directly expelled by Huaxia Communication University...!

Logically speaking, as the vice-principal of a university, it would take a very cumbersome procedure to remove him from his post.

But during this hour, Feng Jingbin used almost all the power of the family!

Coupled with the many bad reviews on the Internet...

Yishui's Wang Zhan was thrown out, and Yao Fuping had no chance to react at all, and he was stunned on the spot!
His original goal was the position of principal, but now he has not officially ended up participating in the battle, but he was expelled from the school first?

Jie Nima!
The chicken hasn't seen it yet, and all the rice in his hand has been spilled!
"What should I do? Yao Xiao! Think of a way!"

Jia Yu's face was full of despair, he really didn't want to lose this job.

That's the head of the performance department of Huaxia Communication University!
Although he is a deputy, in these years, this status has brought him a lot of convenience.

He couldn't imagine what would happen to him in the future if he lost this job!
"You let go first."

Yao Fuping broke free from Jia Yu's hands, his face gloomy.

"You go home and wait for the news. I'll go back too. I'll let you know if things turn around."

After all, Yao Fuping didn't bother to look at Jia Yu's bitter and bitter face, and walked out of the massage shop quickly and took a taxi.

He still wants to fight for it!
The Feng family is indeed strong enough, but the energy of his Yao family is not that bad, so why is it just a transfer order?
Inside the massage shop.

Jia Yu took a deep breath, feeling suffocated and panicked.

He is not stupid, in fact, at the moment "Disciple" was vigorously promoted by the Hua Xuan Department, he had already foreseen the current situation.

But it is also because of this that he has spared no effort to curry favor with Yao Fuping in the past few days, so that the other party can give him a hand at the critical moment.

But now let's see...

This expectation seems to have become a fantasy!

Watching the taillights of the taxi disappear into the corner of the street, Jia Yu suddenly put his hand into his trouser pocket, and he took out a small recording pen.

At the same time, he seemed to have made up his mind, took out his mobile phone and resolutely broadcasted a call.

"Hello? Principal Feng? It's me, Jia Yu..."



The news related to Huaxia Communication University quickly appeared on the hot search list, attracting a strong crowd of many netizens.

When seeing that notification, many netizens suddenly realized!

It turns out that the crew of "The Disciple" was really set up by the Performance Department of Huaxia Communication University?

"It's a pity, if this opportunity can be seized by the Communication University, the heroine probably won't be from the Drama Academy."

"Isn't it? Thinking about it this way, that deputy director is really hateful."

"That's right! It's great to be fired!"

"Brother Hao is so pitiful. I didn't expect to encounter so many obstacles when making a movie!"

"The Hengdian Actors Association boycotted? The Media University released pigeons? A certain media company in the industry suppressed it? Damn it! In this situation, two film stars were invited, and the filming was successful? This shit is too awesome!"

"The cow is fried!"

The wind direction in the comment area quickly changed. At first, everyone complained about Jia Yu's despicable behavior, but later they turned to admire Wang Hao.

Can you turn around in this desperate situation?
I can't believe it!
Of course, Wang Hao didn't have time to read these comments at all, because at this time he came to the airport again, preparing to take a flight to Hunan Province.

After buying the ticket, Guo Xiaoxue looked at him with emotion and said:

"Brother Hao, it means that you are in good health. If ordinary people work so hard like you, I'm afraid they will collapse long ago!"

No. [-] premiere event + shooting promotional video.

Number two traveled all the way to Mexico.

On the [-]rd live broadcast without a parachute bag fixed-point skydiving.

On the [-]th, I shot a promotional video in the morning, worked for a few hours in the company in the afternoon, and took a plane to the next city in the evening!
For four consecutive days, Wang Hao was able to rest in bed for less than 12 hours!
Although the first-class cabin of the plane can also rest, that kind of light sleep can only relieve fatigue, and it is not up to the standard of recovering body functions.

"Haha," Wang Hao smiled, patted his chest and said, "You are young and have more energy. When I bring Haohuan Media to the first-tier level, I must give myself a vacation."

Haohuan Media?

Super line!
Guo Xiaoxue was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a while.

Wang Hao's goal turned out to be to bring the company to the super-first-line level! is this possible?
Guo Xiaoxue's first thought was that he was wishful thinking.

You must know that these four super first-line media companies have been established for at least nearly 50 years.

And Haohuan Media wants to surpass them and become the fifth super-tier one, this is not something that can be done by talking about it!

The degree of difficulty is like ascending to the sky!

"Are you so confident in yourself?" Guo Xiaoxue couldn't help asking curiously.

Wang Hao smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "No, I have confidence in our big family. I believe that with our joint efforts, we will be able to achieve this grand goal!"


Guo Xiaoxue's heart warmed, and her face changed unconsciously.

Maybe it was because of the lighting, and a familiar figure was approaching, Wang Hao didn't see the change in her expression.

"Sister Hong!"

Seeing the man approaching with a smile on his face, Wang Hao warmly raised his hand and greeted him.

The person who came was Li Hong, the director of the VIP customer room at the airport.

The vermilion lips parted slightly, and Li Hong asked with a smile: "Hey, didn't you just come back, why are you getting ready to go again?"

Wang Hao nodded, "I'm going to Changsha to help a friend record a show, and I'll be back the day after tomorrow."


recording a show?
Li Hong seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked at him with some surprise, "Did you also go to the secret room to escape? So that mysterious guest is actually you?"

"Ah? What escape room? I'm a mysterious guest?"

Wang Hao didn't react for a while.

Great Escape Room...

The name was inexplicably familiar. Wang Hao always felt that he had heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"This is it……"

While speaking, Li Hong looked around, and after making sure that no one around her noticed her, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

After turning on Lime TV in a very careless manner, Li Hong showed him a promotional video on the top of the homepage.

The film is only 3 minutes long, and it didn't take long to finish watching it.

At the same time, he also understood what was going on in this variety show!
"Escape Room" is directed by He Wei, a variety show director of Qingning Media Company, and created by Chen Xiaoxu, a well-known variety show screenwriter, as a puzzle-like real-life deciphering experience show.

Interestingly enough, it's also a reality TV show!

And speaking of this, I have to mention the legendary "Lime TV".

Lime TV is jointly owned by Lime Media, a first-line media company, and Hunan Provincial Radio and Television Station. It has the same model as iQiyi, and it is also a comprehensive film and television variety show broadcasting platform.

But unlike iQiyi, Lime TV mainly focuses on building a top variety show broadcasting platform.

It is precisely because of this that there is a saying on the Internet that "Looking at Lime in the direction of variety shows".

What's worth mentioning is that the variety show "I'm a Singer" that Wang Hao is about to participate in is also broadcast live online on Lime TV!

Closer to home.

The mode of the secret room escape is the same as the extreme challenge, and it is also participated by six guests to form the "six escaped sons".

According to the promotional video, in each issue, six players need to work together to enter the secret room of different main stories,
Before these secret rooms are made public, they will be completely unknown, without acting, and without time limit. The six players need to solve puzzles and escape in the most realistic state until they finally escape from the secret room.

Puzzles involve testing the player's intelligence, creativity, decision-making, insight, collaboration, retrograde.

The highlight of the program is to set off a brainstorming craze for the whole people by gaining insight into the players' hearts and behaviors in the game!
And when this variety show was set to be filmed, it immediately attracted the attention of many netizens.

Lime Media Company and Hunan Provincial Radio and Television Station have also launched a wave of large-scale publicity recently!
It's a pity that because of the broadcast of "Disciples", the reputation of "Magic City Fortress" plummeted, and Wang Hao's fixed-point skydiving and other activities, this variety show has not yet attracted the attention of the whole people.

But it is estimated that it will not take long, and when the craze on the Internet subsides, this special reality show will definitely arouse large-scale discussions and widespread attention from netizens.

And the reason why Li Hong asked Wang Hao if he was the mysterious guest was because of the final guest selection link of the promotional film.

There are a total of six players in the Escape Room, and eventually formed the "Six Escapes".

But at the end of the promotional video, only five players were announced.

Among them are the national goddess Yang Mi, mainland actor Wei Daxun, Taiwanese funny female artist Xie Yilin, Xiao Xianrou Huang Minghao, and national high jump athlete Zhang Guozhu.

As for the last player...

According to the description in the promotional video, this is a great devil in a secret room!

As for other more detailed news, there is not too much disclosure in the promotional film, just let the audience stay tuned and it will be over...

For a while, many netizens who followed this variety show became curious.

Chamber of Secrets?
This name is really loud enough!
But after guessing and guessing, instead of analyzing any useful information, everyone became more and more confused.
How awesome does it have to be to be called the "big devil in the secret room"?
in the airport.

Facing Li Hong's curious eyes, Wang Hao smiled wryly and shook his head: "Sister Hong, to tell you the truth, I don't know what I'm doing this time."

"It's just that a friend asked me to help out with a guest appearance. As for the specific guest appearance, I'm still confused."

Speaking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help feeling a little curious.

Isn't Liu Yan the host of Guangdong Provincial TV Station?Why did you send yourself to Hunan Province to participate in the recording of the program?Is it really to participate in the escape room?

With doubts about the next itinerary, Wang Hao bid farewell to Li Hong and boarded the flight to Hunan Province.


At the same time, just after Wang Hao boarded the plane and turned on the flight mode, a new hot search popped up on Weibo's hot search list!
#摘要This year's National Day file, why did "Disciple" explode? Why did "Magic City Fortress" withdraw from the theater dismal?
After this hot search appeared, many netizens couldn't help being curious, and they clicked in to watch.

This blogger named "Film and TV Bureau" is a very famous film critic himself, and as a visiting professor of the China Film Association, the articles he writes are quite good, and the deep meaning revealed between the lines is even more impressive. Sharp as a blade!
Some inside stories that others dare not mention at all are no big deal to him.

It is precisely because of his style of "daring to speak and dare to write" that every article he publishes can attract the eager attention of many netizens.

The article raised a question at the very beginning.

Which is scarier, emptiness or drugs?
This is the first sentence at the beginning of the article, and it is precisely this sentence that instantly attracted heated discussions among many netizens.

"Drugs hurt the body! Emptiness hurts the heart! Which one is more terrifying?"

"It should be the body, right? After all, when the health is gone, everything is gone."

"But I think it's more sorrow than death! No matter how healthy the body is, if the heart is empty, what is the difference between this and the walking dead?"

"What a contradictory topic..."

Many netizens in the comment area are confused.



Which trauma is more terrifying?

Unfortunately, the article does not give the correct answer.

In the next second paragraph, the blogger begins to dissect the disciple's plot.

A drug dealer who doesn't take drugs, a drug addict who lies, and an undercover agent who is confused... These three characters together make up this movie!
It's hard to say that this is a purely anti-drug film.

Because throughout the movie, it doesn't have a head-on shootout between the cops and the drug dealers.

The whole movie is promoted through the cognition of the character "Ali". He is sandwiched between drug addicts and big drug lords, and gradually walks into emptiness, so there are scenes at the beginning and the end!
Seeing this, the faces of many netizens gradually became complicated.

Drug dealers, drug addicts, and undercover agents, what kind of results came out of the fierce collision between these three parties?Is this movie really just about the triumph of good over evil?

The article gives a lot of guesswork about the details.

First, who is lying between Ah Fen and his husband?

In the play, Ah Fen, played by Zhang Jingchu, breaks down and shouts: "My husband takes drugs. At that time, I have been forcing him to quit, but he said that it is impossible to quit, so I want to prove it to him, so I take drugs. of,"

But afterwards, A Fen's husband said: "Do you think I want to take drugs? It's all A Fen's fault. She insisted on forcing me to take drugs. She was already heavily addicted to drugs when I met her."

After watching the whole film, I believe many people will be more willing to believe in A Fen.

However, the answer has already been given in the play.

Before A Fen and A Li had their first love, A Fen hid in the toilet and injected venom into the root of his thigh, which is something that only a few years of addicts can do.

The fundamental reason is that the blood vessels in the arm have shrunk under long-term stimulation and can only be found from the thigh!
And at the end of the movie, when Ah Fen chooses to inject from the aorta of the neck, it means that her life has come to an end!

You know, hitting the neck is the most terrifying behavior of "opening the skylight". Although it can bring more exciting pleasure, it is not far from death!
On the other hand, A Fen's husband, he always chooses arm injections,
It can be seen that whoever smokes longer is lying, it is self-evident!


Second, Kun Ge's diabetes.

He obviously already has serious diabetes, but Brother Kun just can't quit sugar, even in the hospital he has to hide from the doctor to eat sugar!

In the follow-up, there are still many shots that confirm that Brother Kun has been ingesting saccharin.

Even though only half of his life was left, he still never gave up.

And these shots obviously couldn't be useless,

He can't quit the sugar addiction, so why do he think he can quit drugs?
Therefore, as the biggest villain in the whole play, Brother Kun is the one who can best understand drugs and human nature.

He has persuaded "Ali" many times, asking him not to contact those addicts, and the final outcome also confirmed this point.

All drug addicts and drug dealers will not end well at all!
Don't touch drugs with a fluke mentality!

Third, the real behind-the-scenes driving force!

The article gave a very exciting answer. In fact, Brother Kun is not really behind the scenes. The person who promotes the drug operation is actually his wife!

Before Brother Kun's wife appeared, everyone thought he was the biggest villain in the show.

The reason is that in the movie, Brother Kun controls all the drug manufacturing and drug trafficking business, and does not let his family have any contact with him. He is the boss on the surface.

But when the scene in the police station appeared, some people still caught the anomaly in it.

Brother Kun's wife said at the time:

"You can't say anything. If you say it, all of us will die. I don't care, but what about the two daughters?"

"For the sake of the child, you must go. I have already collected the money!"

It is also this sentence that shows that Mrs. Kun has collected the money from the above, only thinking that after Brother Kun's death, there will be no evidence for her death, and she is the one who really contacted the above!
In the end, Brother Kun chose to commit suicide in the toilet for the sake of his family and children.

And in the end, when Brother Kun's coffin was carried onto the car, except for a few children, Mrs. Kun had long since disappeared.

So, can Mrs. Kun escape?
There is no answer at the end of the film, but from the time she didn't appear, it seems to have given the audience an answer.

Through such detailed descriptions, the article gave "The Disciple" a very high evaluation!

The full strength of the actors is online, and the script has profound connotations and meanings. The reason why this film can become a hit is due to the joint efforts of everyone!
Seeing this, some more nervous movie fans were hooked.

It turns out that "The Disciple" is not only awesome, but also the details and implication are so awesome!

"He deserves such a high box office!"

"Damn, I'm going to do a second wave to prove if it's really so awesome!"

"Let's go, let's go together. I mainly pay attention to brother Hao's kissing scene. The kiss scene with Nima is too intense. I have to study hard."

"Don't worry, everyone. There is also the Fortress of the Demon City. Isn't it too late to go after reading the analysis?"

"Watch that! Isn't this movie pulled from theaters?"

"It seems to be put on iQiyi. If anyone wants to watch it, they can still support it."

The bullet screens in the comment area kept popping up, and many people continued to browse down, wanting to see the analysis of the Fortress of Shanghai by the "Film Critic Bureau".

Soon, the four characters of Modu Fortress appeared in front of everyone.

But when everyone continued to scroll down, there was only a short comment in front of them.

"This film not only failed to complete the many declarations before the release, but also directly welded the door of Chinese science fiction movies firmly, which really opened my eyes!

"The plot is wrong, the special effects are not worth fifty cents, the actors look stiff, and the sensationalism can be seen everywhere..."

"Summary: I simply lost the face of the word "science fiction"!"

This concludes the article.

At the same time as many people liked it, they opened the Douban scoring website one after another, and then voted ten points for the disciple without hesitation.

And the Fortress of Magic City...

I don't know when, this movie has been removed from Douban

Many netizens who were tricked into the theater angrily posted on Weibo and Kuaiyin, trying to find the official blog of "Magic City Fortress".

Unfortunately, all accounts related to this film are gone.

As a result, Xu Yaoxing, who was the lead actor, immediately became the target of netizens' fire!
"Yo? Why did the big singer come to act? How hard is it to think about it?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, shoot at me! Shoot at me! Oh! My blood boils when I hear that."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, can you put the movie on the shelves again

"That's it! That's it! Let's not pay attention to those worldly eyes, whatever they say, we will support you!"

"That's right, let's put it on the shelves again. I can't help but want to watch it. Shall I go and give you the box office?"

"Fire at me! Brother Yaoxing is so handsome!"

A series of negative and negative comments filled the comment area of ​​his Weibo, and he was furious, but he didn't have a good way to deal with it.

Netizens are determined to hack him, even if they are looking for the navy, they can only support him for a while, not for a lifetime.

The only thing he can do is to let these comments rage, and when the heat subsides, these boring guys will definitely look away.

After all, the Internet doesn't have much memory. Once the limelight is over, he is still the superstar with tens of millions of fans...

(End of this chapter)

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