It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 143 Going to Record Songs, the Messenger Music Studio Hidden in the City

Chapter 143 Going to Record Songs, the Messenger Music Studio Hidden in the City
At 03:30 in the morning, the bar was closed.

The two who still didn't drink to their heart's content went to a night market stall and drank until dawn.

Wang Hao no longer remembers how much he drank that night, he only remembers that the system's "thousand drinks without getting drunk" effect seems to have passed.

And he seemed to be drunk at some point!

It was a pair of strong arms that dragged him to the bed...


When he opened his eyes again, Wang Hao's first impression was cold, the surrounding environment seemed to be very humid, and the sound of water droplets could be vaguely heard.

Through the reflected light coming in from the window, Wang Hao found that he should be lying on a bed, and there was a figure beside him.

The heavy snoring made him slowly recall the scene of last night, and the identity of the man beside him gradually emerged in his mind.

"Second brother?"

Wang Hao called out tentatively.

"Hmm~" The figure responded, turned towards him, and muttered, "What are you calling? It's still early, let's go to bed later."

As he spoke, the snoring sounded again,
"Wipe..." Wang Hao couldn't help but frowned at the oncoming smell of alcohol. He subconsciously turned his back on the young man who claimed to be the second brother,

But after lying down for a while, after thinking about it, he turned over again and let his butt lean against the wall, only thinking that this would give him a stronger sense of security.


Soon, the sun was rising.

The light outside the window gradually brightened, and just as Wang Hao was about to reach out to open the curtains, a crumpled cigarette was suddenly handed over to him.

"One?" A hoarse voice rang in his ears.

"No smoking, it's too choking."

Wang Hao shook his head, rejected the cigarette, and stretched his hand towards the curtain again.

In his previous life, he liked to take one if he had nothing to do, but since he transmigrated into this body, he cherished this hard-won health very much.

You can drink alcohol, but never smoke.


With a sound, the curtains opened wide, and the dazzling sunlight poured in like a naughty little fish.

Wang Hao heaved a sigh of relief first, but then couldn't help frowning.

I didn't pay attention to it before, why does the environment in this room look like a garbage dump?
Wine bottles and cigarette cases all over the floor even covered the original white tiled floor, and a pungent smell like vomit kept pouring into his nasal cavity, which made him cough violently.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Fuck? Second brother? You, this land is a pigsty, right?"

Wang Hao couldn't help but got up and opened the window. With the influx of fresh air outside the window, the pungent smell in the room finally weakened a lot.


As if seeing Wang Hao's embarrassment, the young man burst into laughter: "How is it? I knew that big stars like you can't adapt to the environment of my buddies."

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment: "You know me?"

As the smoke lingered, the young man rolled his eyes: "Tch, I'm afraid you're not joking. If I don't even know Brother Hao, who is in the fire recently, then I don't need to hang out in this circle."

"Hey?" Wang Hao looked him up and down, quite surprised: "You are also in the entertainment industry? Which company? What path are you going? Are you an actor?"

The reason why there is such a guess as an actor is actually because Wang Hao saw the few books on the bedside.

"Actor's Self-cultivation"

"On How to Be a Good Actor"

"The Reality of Acting"


Wang Hao was born in a major, and he has already memorized these books by heart, so he knows very well that these three books are recognized as the three-piece set that actors must have.

"I'm not signed to a company, and I'm not a professional actor. I'm just making a living."

The young man shook his head, subconsciously glanced to the corner.

Wang Hao looked along his line of sight, and saw a fiery red electric guitar quietly leaning on the shelf. It was not stained with any dust, obviously because it was often wiped.

At this moment, Wang Hao suddenly remembered the electric guitar player he saw in the bar last night.

"Prince of electronic music, Lin Feng..."

He turned his head subconsciously, wanting to ask something, but the sadness in the young man's eyes suppressed his words.

"You haven't told me yet, what's your name?" Wang Hao changed the subject.

The young man put out the cigarette butt, stuffed his head into the bed, and responded in a low voice: "Xiao Zhicheng, you can also call me second brother like everyone else."

"Xiao Zhicheng..."

Wang Hao vaguely felt that the name seemed familiar, but when he subconsciously prepared to search the Internet, he found that the phone had turned off at some point.

After helplessly giving up his thoughts, he simply lifted the quilt and got out of bed, walking on the floor densely covered with beer bottles and cigarette cases.

After fumbling and pressing the switch, the light in the room brightened up.

When Wang Hao was looking for the charger cable, a voice suddenly sounded on the bed: "Where are you going? Didn't you say that the drinking tube is enough? Why? You want to say something but don't believe it?"

"Fuck? You haven't had enough?"

The corner of Wang Hao's mouth couldn't help twitching. He had already remembered that this guy drank his nearly 10 yuan worth of wine!
At first it was just beer, but later it was red wine and white wine, and the waiter's molars were exposed.

"How can there be enough wine? There are no three meals a day, my buddy is itchy."


Wang Hao shook his head helplessly, and explained casually: "I still have something to do, let's continue next time, alas! I don't know where there is a private recording studio open to the public in Shanghai."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Xiao Zhicheng sat up suddenly, his voice raised a bit, "Do you want to record a song?"

"Yes," Wang Hao nodded, not hiding anything from him: "The fourth episode of Extreme Challenge will be broadcast on Sunday, and I promised Director Yan that the song sung in the show will be uploaded to Cool Music simultaneously."

"It's raining all the time?"

"Yes, that's the one!"

"The song is pretty good. It sang the life trajectory of a scumbag. I didn't expect you to have experience in this field. I admire, admire!"

Wang Hao: ('') Get out*~ ●
Wang Hao suddenly had a clear understanding of this guy's poisonous tongue.

At such a young age, I don't know what is worthy of his cynicism...

Suddenly, Xiao Zhicheng's voice sounded again: "I'll help you find a recording studio, how about you buy me another drink tonight?"

Hearing this, Wang Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.

This guy has an electric guitar at home, so he should be a "circle guy", maybe he really has a recording studio channel.

As for a drink, how much money would it cost?
"Okay, it's a deal!"


Afternoon, two o'clock.

Under Xiao Zhicheng's leadership, the taxi made many turns and turns, and finally came to a remote place in the suburbs.

"Are you sure there is a recording studio there?"

Looking at the dilapidated environment around him, Wang Hao became suspicious of Xiao Zhicheng for the first time. Could this guy be trying to kidnap and sell him secretly?

Xiao Zhicheng rolled his eyes, and said unceremoniously: "Cut, what do you know about a big star? This is called hiding in the market."

Wang Hao shrugged and didn't argue with him.

He could tell that this guy definitely had something in his heart, or maybe he had suffered some kind of emotional injury, so he always showed a cynical state of disillusionment.

Soon, under the leadership of Xiao Zhicheng, the two came to a small courtyard.

Looking at the wooden plaque hanging at the gate of the yard, Wang Hao said curiously: "Messenger Music Studio? The name is quite unique!"

"This is called a hermit! It will open your eyes for a while, the boss is a professional thief, and the recording studio here is very effective."

While chattering, Xiao Zhicheng raised his hand and began to knock on the door.

"Old Wang! Open the door quickly, Old Wang, I'll introduce you to a job!"

"I'm coming……"

There was a reply from the yard, and a middle-aged man ran out of the backyard holding a hoe, and walked quickly towards the two outside the door.

"Hey? Isn't this Xiao Er? Why do you have time to come to play with me today? Are you going to go back to your old business?" The middle-aged man put down his hoe and opened the door, and said with a teasing smile.

And this sentence made Wang Hao more convinced that Xiao Zhicheng was definitely in the music circle before, but he quit the circle for some reason.

And he keenly noticed that when the middle-aged man said this, there seemed to be a hint of regret in Xiao Zhicheng's eyes?

"Return to the old business of fart, I have long since left this broken circle,"

Xiao Zhicheng said something directly, and then pulled Wang Hao over: "Come on, let me introduce you, this is my wine and meat friend, and his name is Wang Hao."

After speaking, he looked at Wang Hao again, and introduced: "This is Wang Weiliang, the owner of Messenger Music Studio. He has the same surname as you, and he is still in your family. Your name is Uncle Wang."

"Hello, Uncle Wang." Wang Hao called out obediently.

The middle-aged man in front of him should be about the same age as his father, not to mention that he still needs others, but the age difference between the two parties is enough to make him call uncle respectfully.

"Wang Hao? Why does this name sound familiar?"

Wang Weiliang frowned and looked at him suspiciously. Suddenly, he slapped his thigh suddenly and said in surprise, "Wait? You are that Wang Hao?!"

"The old you, Ordinary Road, A Diao, you sang these songs, right? So it was you!"

Wang Hao nodded and smiled: "Yes, if there are no accidents, I am that Wang Hao."

"Hahaha, I really like your song "Once Upon a Time". Every time I hear it, I think back to the past. I didn't expect to see myself today!"

"Thank you, boy He De He Neng, there is actually a song that you like," Wang Hao replied modestly.

Seeing that the two looked like they hated seeing each other late, Xiao Zhicheng pouted at the side immediately: "Cut? Didn't they just sing together? Get excited."

With that said, he went straight past Wang Weiliang and walked towards the backyard.

Both of them understood his character and didn't pay attention to what he said. They chatted with each other and walked into the backyard.

"Let me guess, Xiao Er brought you here to record songs, right? You wrote a new song?" Wang Weiliang asked with some expectation.

Wang Hao nodded, and looked around while nodding: "Yes, there are indeed a few songs to be recorded."

"Haha, okay, let's go, let's go to the recording studio now."

Wang Weiliang greeted Wang Hao excitedly, and threw the hoe and gloves aside.

As a song producer, Wang Weiliang has a natural love and sensitivity to music. When he was young, he also participated in the song production of many well-known singers, and has a great reputation in the industry.

Now that he is old, he has already enjoyed the prosperity of the entertainment industry, so he retired and returned to his hometown, and opened a small music studio here.

In addition to planting some flowers and plants on weekdays, Wang Weiliang's daily work is to record a few songs for the singers who come to him, and earn some money to buy them.

Those who come to him to record songs include top-notch celebrities and well-known Internet singers.

No matter who came to record the song, no matter what tune the other party sang, he would patiently guide and work hard to achieve the effect the other party wanted.

He's not doing it for money, it's purely a unique spiritual hobby.

Maintaining one's dream in a leisurely way is Wang Weiliang's attitude towards life!

He likes a line in the song "Once Upon a Time": "After experiencing the ups and downs of life, this smile is still warm and innocent..."

For Wang Weiliang, this line of lyrics is a true portrayal of him now.

It is also because of this song that he has a little curiosity about its author Wang Hao. What kind of mentality can make a young man in his twenties write such a moving song?
(End of this chapter)

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