Chapter 133 New Brokers
After half an hour.

Seen off by Wang Hao's enthusiasm, the three left the hotel, each driving a cool sports car and disappeared at the end of the road.

That 100 million ended up staying.

Originally, Wang Hao was determined not to. After all, participating in that competition was just a coincidence, and he didn't go for the million-dollar prize.

I can barely be considered a multi-millionaire now, and the three songs on Kule earn hundreds of thousands of dollars every day, so there is no need to lick my face and ask for this 100 million bonus.

However, he couldn't say anything about Liu Weijie and the three of them at all. Under the threat of "If you don't accept them, you don't recognize them as friends", Wang Hao had no choice but to accept them.

He also saw that these three people came here just to get to know themselves, and they had no other ulterior motives.

So after chatting for half an hour and teaching a few people some simple cornering skills, the three of them left the hotel.

Before leaving, the three of them left Wang Hao's contact information, and agreed to ask him out to play with the car when they had time.

Wang Hao nodded with a smile, but took the matter to heart.

Now that he has the skill of "Baby Driver", he will naturally not miss the opportunity to get off the track, and maybe he can gain a wave of popularity because of it.


After saying goodbye to the three of them, Wang Hao returned to the room and slept until the sun was high before waking up.

While eating in the hotel restaurant, he met Wang Xun who had just woken up, and the two simply put the plates together and chatted while eating.

Wang Hao asked casually: "Where are the others? Are you still awake?"

Wang Xun shook his head, his eyes were a little sad: "They left by plane early in the morning. They are all big names, and the announcements on their bodies are one after another, without interruption at all."

"then you……"

Wang Hao opened his mouth, wanting to ask but didn't know how to speak.

Although the celebrity status is not as high as those of them, Wang Xun is still a second-tier artist, and I heard that his acting skills are very good. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have no work to do, right?

"I also have an announcement, but I just don't want to go, so I have been dragging it here."

"Ah?" Wang Hao was inexplicably confused.

Can you survive?Are you envious of people who live more?What kind of mental state is this?
Wang Xun didn't mean to hide it. After glancing around from the corner of his eye, he lowered his voice and explained: "My contract expires in half a year, and I don't plan to renew it, know .”

Suddenly, Wang Hao suddenly realized!
The company must have known about Wang Xun's intention not to renew the contract, so they wanted to take advantage of him to make a fortune in the last few months, so they arranged a lot of announcements that he didn't want to run away.

In this way, it is easy to understand why he would have breakfast here leisurely, if it can be delayed for a while!

After swallowing the soy milk in his mouth, Wang Hao took out the napkin and wiped the white marks overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and asked casually, "Where are you thinking about going?"

"It should be with Huang Bo, it's almost inseparable..."


Wang Hao raised his eyebrows: "Are you going to join Tianxing?"

There are four super first-line film and television media companies in the entertainment industry, namely: Huayi, Tianxing, Penguin, and Light and Shadow.

If Wang Xun can join Tianxing, it seems to be a good choice. In the future, whether it is a movie or a TV show, the grade will definitely be much higher, and he might even have a protagonist to play with.

However, at this time, Wang Xun shook his head and said, "Huang Bo is preparing for his film and television company and wants me to sign with his company."

"What? Huang Bo and Tianxing have terminated their contract?"

Wang Hao's eyes widened immediately, it shouldn't be!Why is there no news about such a big event on Weibo?

"It's coming soon. His contract with Tianxing will expire in two months. This matter is no secret in the circle, but it hasn't been revealed yet."

When he said this, Wang Xun had unstoppable envy in his eyes.

But for any celebrity artist in the entertainment circle, who wouldn't want to start a company and be the boss?He, Wang Xun, naturally also had this idea.

However, he has no strength, no background, and no contacts. As long as he dares to start a company, he will definitely be "dead"!
"Hey! Let's finish this half year first."

After sighing, Wang Xun asked again: "Where are you? Where do you plan to go after the contract expires? I heard that Huang Lei, Yan Min, and Sun Honglei seem to have all looked for you?"

"Well," Wang Hao nodded, and then shook his head: "I haven't thought about it yet. After all, I still have a ban on me, so it's not good to drag them down."

Hearing this, Wang Xun opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but then the phone in his pocket rang suddenly.

After answering the call a few times, he stood up with a wry smile: "I can't go on any longer. My manager has already driven the car to the hotel entrance. I have to leave first."

Wang Hao nodded, got up and sent him to the door.

From a distance, he saw that the manager was frowning, looking unhappy.

When Wang Xun came to the front and back, the other party's face became even darker!
Although Wang Hao couldn't hear what the manager was saying, it was predictable that it must not be a good word.

This is the tragedy of the entertainment industry!

Although he is already a second-tier artist, and in the eyes of the public, he is already a celebrity-level figure, but he is still not even bullshit in front of capital!


After Wang Xun left, he returned to the room and dialed Guo Xiaoxue's number.

"Book me two tickets to Shanghai, the sooner the better."

"Okay," the person on the other side replied, and then hung up the phone.

Not long after, just as Wang Hao was about to pack up and leave, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Wang Hao walked over to open the door, but saw Guo Xiaoxue standing at the door, his little face was full of worry.

"Did something happen? Did you run out of air tickets?" Wang Hao asked curiously, and took advantage of the opportunity to invite her in.


Guo Xiaoxue shook his head, and said in a low voice: "The company told me to go back right now, they sent you a new agent, and he will be here soon."


New agent?

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows, and suddenly remembered the scene he saw at the entrance of the hotel just now.

"It seems that the company is not going to make me feel better?" Wang Hao laughed immediately.

Guo Xiaoxue nodded, her face was a little uneasy, but she was only an assistant after all, and she didn't have much say in the company.

"Then you go back first, I'll wait for my new manager first."

Wang Hao didn't care. As the saying goes, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. He was worried that he would not find a chance to fire. He didn't expect this wingman to come so quickly.

Guo Xiaoxue nodded, and said: "Then you have to be careful, I heard that Zhao Yang has a very bad temper, and the artists under him are full of complaints."

"Well, don't worry, I understand."


Guo Xiaoxue left quickly, and the company gave her the order to return quickly, without giving her time to hang out.

Wang Hao, on the other hand, went straight to the nearby commercial street for a stroll after packing up his things.

Anyway, the earliest flight ticket to Shanghai is at 3 pm, and there are still several hours. Could it be possible to wait at the hotel?

As for the new manager, Zhao Yang... let's talk about it when it comes.

One o'clock in the afternoon.

As the phone rang, an unfamiliar number appeared on the phone screen.

Wang Hao's eyes moved slightly, and he pressed the answer button.

"Hello? Who is it?"

A man's voice rang on the phone: "Wang Hao, right? I'm your new agent and assistant sent by the company. My name is Zhao Yang. Where are you?"

At the entrance of the hotel, Zhao Yang, who was dragging his suitcase, looked extremely gloomy.

Before coming, he had already greeted Guo Xiaoxue in advance, and I believe she also told Wang Hao that he was coming, but this guy is not in the hotel?
"Heh, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Do you really think you can do whatever you want with a little grade? See if I don't play you to death!"

Zhao Yang had a deep sneer on his face, he had obtained Li Yangjiang's permission before he came here, so he can do whatever he wants!

As a veteran in the entertainment circle, he has at least a hundred vicious ways to deal with undisciplined entertainers like Wang Hao.

"I'm bored. I'm strolling in the commercial street behind the hotel. Have you eaten, Brother Zhao? If you haven't eaten, there are instant noodles in the hotel lobby. You can eat first, and I'll go back right away."

After all, Wang Hao directly hung up the phone.

He is catching dolls in the video game city, and the call from this person is really disappointing.

Zhao Yang: "???"

Are you strolling in the commercial street to enjoy yourself?Let me go to the hotel to eat instant noodles?
Did you hear that this is human language?

Zhao Yang's face suddenly turned darker!


At two o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Hao, who was carrying big bags and small bags, arrived late.

As soon as he entered the hotel lobby, he saw Zhao Yang who was sitting on the sofa with a livid face.

Although it was the first time the two met, Wang Hao recognized him at the first sight. The most important thing was that the disgusting temperament on this man was very similar to that of Li Yangjiang.

"Good afternoon, Brother Zhao," Wang Hao greeted enthusiastically, and took a sip of the milk tea in his hand.

After glancing at the milk tea and various snacks in Wang Hao's hand, Zhao Yang put down the bucket of Master Kong's instant noodles in his hand and stood up from the sofa.

"You kept me waiting for an hour."

"Oh." Wang Hao simply nodded.

Zhao Yang's face was ashen, and his voice was a little gloomy: "Aren't you going to say something? I haven't seen the slightest apology on your face yet!"

"Sorry?" Wang Hao asked in surprise, "Hey? Are you sick? Didn't I insist on you waiting here? And you didn't say I had to come back right away?"

With that said, Wang Hao didn't pay any attention to this self-righteous thing, turned around and walked towards the elevator.

Zhao Yang became anxious immediately, and said sharply, "Where are you going!"

Wang Hao didn't hide his intentions, and said bluntly: "Go get your luggage, I bought a ticket to Shanghai, and the plane is about to take off."

Seeing Wang Hao going further and further away, Zhao Yang growled, "Little brat? Who allowed you to go to Shanghai? I have already found a new notice for you. Now you have to refund your ticket immediately. Come with me!"

Wang Hao couldn't help laughing either.

He stood still, looked back at Zhao Yang who was stern and soft, and smiled coldly: "I'm going, bite me if you have the ability?"

"What bullshit new announcement? Labor and management don't play with you, what can you do to me?"

Now that the other party has shown his minions, Wang Hao will naturally not continue to reply with good words. Anyway, he is already ready to turn his face.

However, upon hearing his words, Zhao Yang actually laughed too, and he directly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Not long after, Wang Hao's phone rang.

"Mr. Wang Hao, right? This is the Nanshan Court. Your company, Brilliant Film and Television Media, filed a lawsuit in the Nanshan Court for your infringement."

"I would like to inform you that this case will be officially opened on September 2027, 9, and you must be present in person at that time."

When the phone was hung up, Wang Hao's gaze was fixed on Zhao Yang, and there was an indescribable interest in his eyes.

"What? Frightened?"

Zhao Yang naturally also saw the strangeness in Wang Hao's eyes, but he just thought that Wang Hao was frightened and stupid, so he didn't think much about it.

In his opinion, no matter which artist, no matter how calm his face was when he received the court order, he must have lost his mind.

This is the guard of honor for his trip!
He approached Wang Hao with confident steps, and said again: "How is it? Now you can refund the ticket and follow me?"

"Go damn it and have a leg in the groin!"

Wang Hao gave him a middle finger, turned around and got on the elevator. The plane would take off in an hour, and the ticket would be for nothing if it was delayed any longer.

However, he left in a cool manner, but Zhao Yang in the hotel lobby didn't recover for a long time.

"He... how dare he?!"

(End of this chapter)

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