Chapter 77

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"


"Can you take this thing away!"

A man and a woman are entangled on the sofa, and there is a grenade in the corner of the camera!
Because there were too many people in the residential area, Liu Ye didn't do anything, but secretly broke the wheel valve, and waited for Ding Hui to come out with satisfaction, and drove away halfway out of breath before doing anything.

Sure enough, Ding Hui found that the tires were flat, so he had to stop halfway to find a place to repair the car. He looked around carefully before getting out of the car. He kept his hands in his pockets, which contained a grenade.

"do not move!"

"Press and hold your right hand!"

"Drop the grenade!"

The moment he passed by a person, Liu Ye immediately made a move, hugged Ding Hui desperately, and fixed his hands firmly.The others rushed forward and pressed directly to the ground.

Wu Ruofei carefully reinserted the grenade with the insurance on. Fortunately, he didn't do it in a residential area, otherwise it would be unthinkable.

"Tell me, what happened recently?"

As soon as he arrived at the interrogation room, Liu Ye couldn't wait to press him for questioning. Ding Hui didn't panic at all, but instead smiled and asked, "Remind me, I have committed too many things to remember."

"From the nearest one." Liu Ye stared into Ding Hui's eyes.

"Recently?" Ding Hui still insisted: "I haven't done anything recently."

"Don't talk nonsense, where is the person hiding?" Liu Ye pressed on every step of the way.

"Human? Who is it?" Ding Hui is not afraid of boiling water.

"Big star, a movie star!"

"Oh, I have a little impression, what is his last name?" Ding Hui's heart sank, and he could only deny it at the end.

"My sir!" Liu Ye said ultimatum: "Be honest, this is your last chance, understand?"

"Understood!" Ding Hui smiled when he saw that the matter was revealed, "I understand for sure!"

Next is the main scene, which is also the scene where he and Liu Ye confront each other. Ding Hui is very excited, this is also the best actor.

In the interrogation room, there is a red timer above the head, and it is three hours before nine o'clock.

"Are you still going to take care of it?" Liu Ye sat in front of Ding Hui and said, "Tell me, we all know, now is a chance for you to make up for what you have done, understand?"

"Understood." Ding Hui was firmly fixed on the interrogation chair, tilted his head, looked at Liu Ye with a half-smile, and asked tentatively, "Tell me first what you know?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Liu Ye slapped the table and said sharply, "What's the point of playing these things now?"

"I'll just ask you something."

"Where is my sir?"

Ding Hui chuckled, knowing that he must be killed, and the only thing he can negotiate now is the hostage, which is the last bargaining chip.

"Get him a dumpling." Seeing that Ding Hui couldn't get in, the vice-captain who sang red faces didn't know what to do, so he pulled Liu Ye away and ordered food to be brought in.

"This kid is definitely delaying time!" Liu Ye looked at Ding Hui in the surveillance, and calmly analyzed: "He has been checking the time just now, and he must be tricky."

"It is estimated that we have already made an agreement with our accomplice, in case he cannot go back..."

Everyone is silent, and the sense of urgency is getting heavier. It is very important to arrest the criminals in the kidnapping case, but the safety of the hostages is more important, not to mention the big star Mr. Wu, who was kidnapped in the busy city of Beijing in broad daylight, and the social impact is extremely bad!

Ding Sheng looked at the monitor. At this moment, Ding Hui was alone in the interrogation room. There was nothing planned here. I was curious how this kid would behave?
Ding Hui looked at the steaming dumplings in front of him, felt the camera, smiled strangely, and picked up a dumpling directly with his hands without using chopsticks.

Slowly brought it to his mouth, closed his eyes, enjoying it all over his face, and at the moment he opened his mouth to bite, he suddenly let go.

The dumpling fell, and his eyes met the close-up shot, revealing a cruel smile.

Even if my prey can't wait, I won't give it to you if it is destroyed!
Ding Sheng was amazing, this shot is amazing!
The next step is the negotiation, Ding Hui asked to meet his girlfriend for the last time, and then explain everything.

Liu Ye took the man with him, the two sides met, Ding Hui hugged the woman, and said comforting words loudly, it seemed that life was parting, but actually...

The right hand sneaked into the crotch, and there was already a handcuff key hidden in it!
"Don't move!" Liu Ye noticed the trick, pulled the two of them apart, and found the key from the crotch. This kid is not being honest when he is about to die.

Ding Hui gave up completely, and the last desperate fight was over. He originally planned to open the handcuffs and take his girlfriend as a hostage, but in the end...

Hey, I admit it!

After unremitting investigations, the location of the hostages was finally located. It was near an apple orchard in the suburbs. Everyone searched and found the target.

"Brother Hua, are you really happy?"

Liu Tianwang saw that the actor playing the gangster dared not do anything, so he ordered: "Really, don't be afraid, use your strength!"

This scene is about silence, Huazi will not come back at nine o'clock, the accomplice feels something is wrong, and prepares to silence and run away.Fatty stopped him several times, and even wanted to let the idol go secretly, but failed.

"Brother Hua, do you want a substitute?" Ding Sheng was a little embarrassed, after all, he is the king of heaven, in case something happens...

"What are you afraid of?" Liu Tianwang said angrily, "No matter how many dangerous scenes you have filmed, strangulation is nothing, hurry up!"

Ding Hui rolled his eyes watching Tian Wang being strangled, and had to say that a model worker is a model worker, so dedicated!

At the critical moment, the rescue was like a divine soldier descending from the sky. The situation was controlled in just over 20 seconds, and all the hostages were rescued safely.

Liu Tianwang hugged Xiao Dou who was crying bitterly, and felt the beauty of being alive again. Ding Hui happened to see Wu Ruofei, his eyes were red and he was holding back. Only those who have truly experienced life and death can understand it.

Losing the hostage as a bargaining chip, Huazi was completely reduced to a prisoner. The impact on the kidnapping of a big star with guns in broad daylight was extremely bad, and the court quickly sentenced him to death.

The filming is coming to an end. Today's two scenes are the last farewell between Huazi and his mother. Ding Sheng didn't design any specific lines, and let the actors improvise.

Ding Hui was wearing a prison uniform, his hands and feet were shackled, his hair had been shaved, and he seemed to be quite peaceful.


Facing his mother's crying, Ding Hui's eye circles instantly turned red. People who are about to die speak kindly, let alone facing a mother who has worked so hard to raise him.

Blinking hard, holding back tears, picked up the communicator, and said with a smile: "Mom, don't cry, just feel at ease, and you don't have to worry about me anymore."

"Son, it's because Mom didn't educate you well, Mom is sorry for you!"

Ding Hui only felt a sore nose, and endless guilt welled up in his heart. He quickly took a deep breath, sucked the snot back forcefully, and said with a smile, "Okay, I won't take good care of myself anymore."

"Son, don't do this kind of thing in your next life, be a good person!"

As soon as these words came out, Ding Hui couldn't hold back at all, tears streaming down his face, he quickly wiped them off with his hands, and nodded to cover up.

I am Huazi, Wang Lihua!

Boss can't cry!
I bleed but not cry!
(End of this chapter)

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