Chapter 116

On the second day, go out for a walk, experience the local customs, and of course taste delicious food.

Visiting Du Qifeng on the third day was also the main purpose of coming to Hong Kong Island. The cooperation last time was very pleasant.

"Let's go, let's go to the wine cellar." Du Qifeng was very happy to meet, and directly took a tour, showing off to Ding Hui the treasures of red wine that he has treasured for many years.

"I love two things in my life, one is cigars, and the other is red wine."

Looking at the wall full of red wine, Du Qifeng proudly said: "Especially red wine, like a beauty, each bottle has its own taste, each with its own charm."

Ding Hui doesn't understand wine, so he can only politely offer some flattery. I heard that many local tyrants in Hong Kong Island like to collect red wine, claiming that it can maintain and increase the value?
"What are your plans for the future?" Du Qifeng took out a bottle of good wine, opened it carefully after sobering up, and slowly wiped the mouth of the bottle with a white towel, full of ritual.

"No specific plans." Ding Hui took the red wine and said with a smile: "Aren't actors just acting and waiting for the script?"

"Hahaha, that's right." To Qifeng laughed, he liked this guy's frankness very much. Acting skills are only one aspect, the main thing is character, I feel that I hit it off.

"I, Johnnie To, will not misjudge people, let alone find someone to film casually!" Johnnie To shook the goblet, first took a deep breath, sipped the wine, and enjoyed it all over his face.

Ding Hui smiled, he had seen Du Sir's arrogance before, and not many actors could be attracted by him, just look at his previous works.

Liang Jiahui, Zhang Jiahui, Liu Qingyun, Gu Tianle, Wu Zhenyu, Ren Dahua, Lin Jiadong...

They are all good movie stars.

Even the queen's supporting role is at Lin Xue's level.

Of course, Galaxy Video also has the confidence to be proud. Although the output is not high these years, each of them is a high-quality product, which is a golden sign in the hearts of the audience.

"This is the first time I'm filming in the mainland, I'm not used to it." To Qifeng didn't hide it, and said straight to the point: "There are too many rules and regulations, and I can't get rid of troublesome things. Maybe I won't film in the future."

Ding Hui was taken aback, and nodded quickly. As a participant, there were a lot of messy things in the filming process of the drug war. Although the mainland team has long been used to it, they must not be satisfied with the Galaxy team that pursues efficiency.

"Fortunately, I'm not ashamed, it's OK to play." To Qifeng shook his glass lightly, as if talking to himself: "I still like Hong Kong Island, although it is small, although fewer and fewer people watch local movies, although..."

"But still like it!"

Ding Hui was silent. The clearest feeling of coming to Hong Kong Island this time is four words: the sun is fading away.

The movie box office is just a microcosm of the economy. The most glorious time of the year was also the golden age of the peak economy of Hong Kong Island. There is a market when there is money, there is demand when there is a market, and there is supply when there is demand.

This kind of thing is the general trend and cannot be solved by a galaxy image. Whether it is Liu Tianwang or Du Qifeng, as the beneficiaries of the golden age, they naturally don't want to see this kind of decline.

I have been making movies for half my life, and I have given up long ago without any liking and pursuit. It is not just the two of them, many people are the same, even the Hengdian group performers are the same.

No one wants to watch the industry that they strive for and love go to perish!
"Hong Kong movies are getting worse and worse." To Qifeng said helplessly: "It started to go downhill ten years ago, and it is getting harder and harder for newcomers to get ahead. It is all supported by a few old guys."

"Apart from Andy and Goo Ka Fai, can you see other Hong Kong actors in the Mainland?"

"Can I see the new movie?"

Ding Hui shook his head, not to mention the new movie, even Treading Xue Xunmei, which swept the gold statues, has not been released in China.

It should be said that the award-winning films in recent years have basically never been released!
"Could it be a cultural difference?" I couldn't help asking.

"Cultural differences?" To Qifeng sneered: "It's all Chinese people. What cultural differences do you not understand?"

"Forget it, it's useless to complain about it, come and drink."

Feeling the lack of interest, Ding Hui didn't continue. Everyone understands the truth and can analyze it logically. Then?
It's all talk.

There is no specific purpose for this visit. Yinhe Video is notoriously low-production, especially in the past few years, it may not be possible to make a movie in three to five years.

Du Qifeng is one of the directors he likes the most, and Liu Tianwang also admires his seniors the most. Visiting him is not only respect, but also the fulfillment of a small dream of his own.

Luckily, Liu Tianwang is a well-deserved reputation as a model worker, with at least two or three works every year, and there are many opportunities for cooperation.

Johnnie To is a bit difficult, especially after his creative career has entered a mature and peak period, he obviously feels that human nature is a topic he likes to discuss?

Except for a few relaxing works, such as "Love at High Altitude" and "My Boxing Boyfriend", police and gangster movies from various angles are used to show different aspects of human nature from different angles.

Even the first debut show in the Mainland chose the theme of police and robbers.

The most representative scene is the detective. Ding Hui's most impressive scene is that Liu Qingyun cuts off the ears that can hear other people's despicable voices.

Extremely wanting to reject the negative cognition of human nature, but he still has a pair of eyes to see the negative aspects of human nature. He sees the criminal whose personality is divided and conflicted but the dark side has the upper hand, and the justice police officer An Zhijie falls into darkness.

A good point is like "Sparrow", which breaks away from the oppression of the rules and order of contemporary society, and pursues freedom like that bird, which finally breaks free at the end of the film and runs to the endless sky.

Another example is "Exile", where the gunmen struggle between the tasks given by the upper class and their own inner chivalrous emotions, and finally choose to respect their own wishes.

But in these films, Johnnie To has a certain pessimistic mood—after emphasizing the suppression of reality throughout the film, he makes a choice like a fairy tale at the end.

Even the real ending of the drug war is not that justice defeats evil, but that Cai Tianming escapes and continues to commit crimes. This is not a movie fiction, but a real prototype.

Just because of the trial...

Almost all of the pages are devoted to show the confrontation between the police and the drug dealers, so that the two sides, together with the audience, keep guessing Cai Tianming's true inner position.

Is it a cat or a mouse?

In the climactic shootout between the police and bandits, the confrontation between the two sides was pushed to the peak, and Cai Tianming's repeated repetitions in this battle became more and more puzzling.

At the end of the death penalty, a series of shots are used to fully and continuously emphasize the passing process of the criminal's life, and then the picture stays on Cai Tianming's last breath and his body without ups and downs after that.

It was not until his death that Johnnie To gave the answer: Cai Tianming did not belong to any camp or position, and everything he did was not as a policeman or a drug dealer, but as an individual based on the original human desire to survive.

Just want to live!
(End of this chapter)

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