Chapter 97 The Big Brother's News
Meet old friends in a foreign land.

This is a very happy thing.

Lin Ye never expected to meet the lost young man in the capital, but fortunately he was led on the right path in the end.

However, An Zisheng's words about a first-rank bachelor made him unhappy all of a sudden.

"This is also thanks to Mr. Lin. If Mr. Lin hadn't woken up, I wouldn't be where I am today."

An Zisheng thanked Lin Ye. Although An Zisheng's expression was very sincere and not fake, Lin Ye always felt uncomfortable.

I am still a grassroots person, this guy has become a first-rank university scholar.

"This is all your own good fortune. The so-called teacher leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual."

As Lin Ye said calmly, An Zisheng's expression was a bit strange. Sure enough, after all these years, Mr. Lin still hasn't changed a bit, his appearance hasn't changed, and even his way of speaking hasn't changed.

"No, didn't your uprising fail? My senior brother was killed in battle. Why did you survive? Could it be that you betrayed?"

Lin Ye's eyes sank, and he stared at An Zisheng, An Zisheng quickly explained: "Young master Lin, when we were surrounded by the officers and soldiers of the former dynasty, General Qiao ordered us scholars to evacuate, while he led other soldiers to kill us. "

"What do you mean, tell me carefully, if you miss a little bit, I will cut you off."

Facing a first-rank university scholar, Lin Ye was not polite at all, and An Zisheng was not angry either. Mr. Lin is such a mild-mannered person, didn't he cut himself like this back then?
On the contrary, the people carrying the sedan chair glared at Lin Ye angrily when they heard this, but An Zisheng didn't say anything, so they didn't dare to intervene.

Listening to An Zisheng's narration, Lin Ye understood what happened back then.

After the eldest brother and the others crossed the river, the uprising did not go very smoothly, and they were surrounded by officers and soldiers. When it was critical, the elder brother asked An Zisheng and other scholars who had no combat effectiveness to evacuate first, and he was responsible for breaking the rear and attracting firepower.

It was also this operation of the elder brother that saved the hope of the uprising. After An Zisheng and others escaped, they scattered to various places to hide their names. After learning the lessons of this uprising, they secretly began to develop their strength. When the time is right, Only then did the second uprising break out, overthrowing the previous dynasty and establishing the Hua Dynasty.

An Zisheng, as one of the earliest veterans of the uprising, now that the new dynasty was established, he would naturally be rewarded for his meritorious service, and he was named a first-rank university scholar.

"That's right, I didn't educate you in vain, what are you doing here now?"

Lin Ye patted An Zisheng on the shoulder, as long as he is not a traitor.

"I'm here to see the old man Zhuxian... Mr. Lin is not an outsider..." An Zisheng said halfway, he turned to the servant who was carrying the sedan chair behind him and several guards: "You guys go back first."

After the servant retreated, An Zisheng said in a low voice: "Young Master Lin, it's just a good time to meet you. I have news about General Qiao. General Qiao did not die back then."

"Eldest brother is not dead?"

Lin Ye also became excited, the elder brother was kind to him, and he had always regretted the death of the elder brother.

"Well, I also just got the news that the former emperor imprisoned a person in the forbidden area of ​​the palace. That person is General Qiao. Although I can't figure out why the former emperor didn't kill General Qiao, the person who revealed the news to me is not I will admit my mistake, he was also with General Qiao back then."

An Zisheng was puzzled, but Lin Ye probably guessed the reason. Eldest brother and the former emperor were related by blood. Eldest brother also had half of the royal blood in his body. It was because of this that the former emperor didn't kill elder brother, but sent the elder brother to the emperor. The senior brother was imprisoned in the forbidden area of ​​the palace.

"Old man Zhuxian is very wise and a great Confucian in the world. After I came to Beijing, I came here several times by chance. I discussed some strategies for governing the country with the old man. I was deeply enlightened. This time I came to Zhulin. If you ask for advice on this matter, let’s see how to rescue the elder brother.”

Hearing An Zisheng's words, Lin Ye frowned. The previous dynasty has been overthrown, so senior brother still needs to be rescued?
Seeing An Zisheng hesitate to speak, Lin Ye's heart skipped a beat. He understood what the problem was.

Lord of high power.

Eldest brother was one of the earliest rebels, and many officials and generals in the Hua Dynasty, many of them were probably subordinates of elder brother back then. The emperor might be restless.

Reminiscing that the senior brother was still in the forbidden area of ​​the palace, Lin Ye probably knew why An Zisheng came to the old man Zhuxian for advice.

If this matter is not handled properly, the world may be in chaos again.

But for Lin Ye, it doesn't matter if the world is in chaos or not, as long as he knows that he has been favored by his elder brother.

What's more, several of them are related to the senior brother, knowing that the senior brother is not dead and imprisoned in the palace, they must have entered the palace without saying a word.

"You come with me."

Lin Ye led An Zisheng into the bamboo forest, and when he reached the bamboo house, he found that the ghost of the thirteenth princess had disappeared, leaving only the old man and the old man staring at each other.

"You kid is out for a while, why did you drag someone over?" The drunken fairy glanced at An Zisheng and asked Lin Ye.

"Seniors, I want to tell you a very good thing. Eldest brother is not dead, he is in the palace."

Lin Ye spoke excitedly, but to his surprise, the old man Zhuxian and the old man looked very calm, as if they had known the news for a long time.

"Third sister just told us that when Qiao Yuannian was taken prisoner and taken to the palace, the former emperor summoned third sister..."

Jiuzuixian explained, and Lin Ye understood what was going on as soon as he turned his head.

The former emperor knew the identity of the elder brother, and he probably wanted the elder brother to surrender to the court. For this reason, he recruited the soul of the thirteenth princess. With the ability of the royal family, this can still be done. As for the thirteenth princess There must be things in the palace.

But obviously, either the thirteenth princess didn't persuade, or the elder brother didn't obey, and finally the former emperor had no choice but to imprison the elder brother.

"Senior, but the problem now is that the master's accomplishments are overwhelming, and the current emperor may be tempted to kill."

"Young Master Lin, Your Majesty is not such a person."

Hearing Lin Ye's words, An Zisheng quickly defended himself. Lin Ye glared at him, "Talk too much, and I'll cut you off!"

Power can change a person, Lin Ye has verified this point from countless allusions in history books.

"The old man hasn't released a sword for many years, I'm afraid everyone in the Jianghu has forgotten that there was once a wine sword fairy."

The drunken fairy looked towards the direction of the imperial city. He had to keep the only blood of the third sister in this world.

"You are a rough old man who knows how to use violence. Some things cannot be solved by force alone. After staying in this bamboo forest for dozens of years, it is time to go out."

The old man Zhu Xian first insulted the old man, and then looked in the direction of the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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