Chapter 7
At the foot of Shannan.

Lin Ye stopped in his tracks and glanced back at the top of the mountain.

He couldn't express his mood at the moment.

There is the excitement of being a bird flying high in the future, but also a sense of sadness.

The moment the elder brother said that there was money in the baggage, he was a little emotional at that time. When he returned to the real world, he thought about the urge to spend all the money on his body to buy medicines, but finally calmed down.

"It's still a bit rash."

Lin Ye reflected again, the recklessness was not due to the impulsiveness to spend all the money on medicines, but the recklessness to hand the ointment to the elder brother face to face.

What if the elder brother heard the efficacy of the ointment, tried it on the spot, and insisted on staying?
Lin Ye still believed in the senior brother's character, but if other people knew about the miraculous effect of the ointment, would they force him to hand over the prescription and force him to stay in the team?

The best way is to put the ointment in the room, hint to the senior brother with words, and say that he repaired some porcelain vases in the yard, and keep it as a souvenir for the senior brother. After the senior brother finds these ointments and uses them for testing, I have gone a long way.

After introspecting, Lin Ye opened the bag. There were two sets of clothes. Under the clothes was a purse, which contained some broken silver. Lin Ye estimated that there were about ten taels.

In addition, Lin Ye also found a book and a letter.

Lin Ye opened the letter, the letter was left to him by the elder brother. When he was locked in the yard, the elder brother asked from other handyman disciples that he had a martial arts dream, so in addition to giving himself some troubles In addition, I also gave myself a martial arts book.

Lin Ye couldn't help laughing. He was very excited when he traveled to a different world for the first few days. He often chatted with the handyman disciples and said that his dream was to become a hero in the future. That's why he tried his best to express that he wanted to become a disciple of the outer sect.

But since seeing the rapid destruction of several sects, and seeing martial arts masters like the big brothers fighting for some food, the mind of practicing martial arts has faded a lot, and all they think about is how to make money.

Lin Ye didn't rush to look through the martial arts cheats. He changed out of his handyman's clothes and threw them in the grass by the side of the road. He didn't head south towards Xinyang County, but chose to go west, towards Shangyang away from the county.



Two hours later, Lin Ye was tired and thirsty.

In front, between the ridges of the field, there is a house.

There are Tianlong, which means that there are villages nearby.

Lin Ye stood outside the waist-high fence wall, and at a glance, he had a panoramic view of the entire yard.

On one side of the yard, there was a cowshed built with thatch, and an old scalper was lying there quietly. Hearing the movement, he looked over with eyes like copper bells.

Lin Ye shouted loudly, "Is anyone there?"

The wooden door of the house was pushed open, and an old man looked puzzled when he saw Lin Ye standing outside the fence, Lin Ye explained: "I came from Xinyang County, and I went to Shangyang County to visit relatives, and I went the wrong way , I want to ask for a bowl of water to quench my thirst."

"Brother, come in, I'll pour it for you right now."

The old man opened the gate of the fenced yard, and Lin Ye stood in the yard waiting. After a while, the old man came out with a porcelain bowl filled with water.

After drinking it in one sip, Lin Ye felt refreshed.

"My brother is going to Shangyang County. The old man wants to ask my brother for help." The old man glanced at the cattle in the cowshed and said, "Help me deliver the cattle to Qingfeng Temple in the county and hand them over to Daoist Dingxuan."

Lin Ye hadn't responded yet, but the scalper, who was lying peacefully in the cowshed, suddenly went crazy, stood up abruptly, raised its hind hoof, and rushed towards Lin Ye.

Looking at the pair of huge horns of the scalper, Lin Ye turned around and ran away in fright. At this moment, his human potential was brought into play. He just stepped over the chest-high fence and courtyard wall, but then he also stumbled.

The ox didn't rush out of the fence, and the bull's eyes were red with copper bells, and it roared at Lin Ye.

"Old man, don't mess around."

The old man hurried forward and patted the scalper's neck with his hand. The scalper turned his head and rubbed the old man's hand, enjoying it very much.

"Brother, don't be afraid. My old man has a good temper and won't hurt you."

Lin Ye: ...

"Brother, you will know by touching it."

The old man led the ox out of the courtyard gate. Lin Ye hesitated for a while before reaching out to the ox's back. The ox shook and lowered its head and neighed, but it did not attack as before.

"Just trouble brother."

The old man handed the ox rope to Lin Ye. Lin Ye didn't know why the old man trusted him so much. You must know that cattle were a huge fortune in ancient times, so the old man wasn't afraid to take the cattle to the county and sell them?
However, after taking another look at the scalper, Lin Ye reckoned that if he thought about it, before he could sell it, he would have to be gutted by the scalper's horns.

Leading the scalper, Lin Ye was on the road again.

The old man waved from behind.

The scalper walked very slowly at first, and after taking a few steps to look back, Lin Ye didn't dare to pull the rope, for fear of making the scalper go crazy again.

The scalper didn't turn back until he passed the corner and the old man was no longer in sight, but a new problem arose. Whenever there was grass on the road, the scalper would stop and eat a couple of bites. Lin Ye pulled the rope slightly, and the scalper Tongling's big eyes showed signs of redness, and Lin Ye quickly apologized.

It took another hour and a half to serve this uncle Niu all the way, and Lin Ye finally saw the city wall of Shangyang County.

It was getting late at this moment, but the gate of the city was very lively. Many carriages drove out of the city and headed towards the official road to the west. Apart from the carriages, there were also many people carrying large bags and small bags, all of them were heading towards Go west on the official road.

Listening to the noisy words of these people, Lin Ye knew what was going on.

Eldest Brother and the others entered Sanhe County, killed the magistrate of Sanhe County, and rebelled.

The news spread to Shangyang County, these dignitaries in the county are going to escape, Sanhe County is not far from Shangyang County, who knows if the rebel team will march this way.

I heard that the people who rebelled were a group of lowly poor people, but it was recorded in the history books that this kind of poor people rebelled, and they liked to rob them, the gentry and noble families, of their money and even kill people wherever they went.

To the west, that is Canglan County, guarded by officers and soldiers, it is safer than the county seat.

Lin Ye entered the city among the panicked crowd, found a passerby and asked the way to Qingfeng Temple, and led the scalper to Qingfeng Temple.

The Qingfeng Temple is in the east of the city. Lin Ye walked through a few streets, and then saw the Taoist temple with the "Qingfeng Temple" plaque hanging on it.

The viewing door of Qingfengguan was open, and just as Lin Ye led the scalper in, he met an old Taoist priest head-on, wearing a blue scarf in his bun, with thin cheeks but bright eyes.

"Fusheng is the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, the old Taoist is the Daoist Dingxuan you are looking for."

The old Daoist made a head start, and Lin Ye was shocked. Did Daoist Dingxuan count himself as the one who came to find him?

"As early as an hour ago, the old Taoist saw the old man Li come to the door and begged the old Taoist to take care of the cattle, and said that there would be a layman coming here to lead the cattle."

Hearing Daoist Dingxuan's explanation, Lin Ye was even more surprised. Since the old man came in person, why did he have to lead the scalper by himself? Isn't it superfluous?

"I know the layman's doubts. Old man Li came here from a ghost. He died five days ago." Daoist Dingxuan explained.

Lin Ye was struck by lightning.

He died five days ago, so what ghost can he see?
"The scalper is psychic, and I can see the ghost of old man Li, and he doesn't want to leave. Old man Li is worried about the scalper. He didn't let go of his obsession until he met the layman. Old man Li asked me to thank the layman."

Daoist Dingxuan turned towards Lin Ye, Lin Ye quickly waved his hand, thanking the ghost, let's forget it.

PS: Happy National Day everyone, I hope you will read more of the new book, two chapters per day
"But Daoist, since old man Li can't let go of the scalper, why didn't he come earlier instead of waiting until now?" Lin Ye asked suspiciously.

"In a place of Taoism, how can ghosts get close." Daoist Dingxuan looked at Lin Ye with a strange look in his eyes, and continued: "The layman borrowed a bowl of water from old man Li, and gave old man Li a mouthful of yang energy. With this yang energy, you can appear in the Taoist temple."

Lin Ye: ...

When did I give Old Man Li Yang Qi?
Why don't I know it myself?
(End of this chapter)

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