Chapter 37 People... Traffickers?

real world!

Not long after Lin Ye returned, he received a call from his cousin.

Thinking of his cousin, Lin Ye also had a smile on his face.

He has a good relationship with his cousin.

When he was in high school, his parents died in a car accident. Without his parents, every time he came home from vacation, his sister-in-law would call him to eat at home.

Because of the death of his parents, Lin Ye has a deep understanding of the warmth and coldness of family affection.

The relatives on the mother's side, the uncle also takes good care of him, and every time he visits him at school, he will give him some pocket money, but because the uncle has two children himself, and because of the aunt, he usually does not want the uncle money.

The parents' car accident compensation is enough for his daily expenses.

In addition to his uncle, he also has an aunt, who was also very kind to him, but the aunt also fell ill and passed away in the second year after his parents died unexpectedly. Since then, the contact with the aunt's family has been less.

Dad also has an uncle here, but the uncle moved to other cities a few years ago. After his parents had a car accident, the uncle arranged the funeral for him and asked him to live there. Intentionally moved, but one night when he heard his aunt complaining about his uncle in private, he finally gave up.

Uncles love nephews and aunts love nephews, aunts and aunts are outsiders.

Aunt kiss, don't call kiss, aunt left and broke the kiss.

Sometimes when Lin Ye thought about it, there was some truth to this old saying.



"Nuan Nuan, your cousin is really as handsome as you say."

"Didn't you see the photo?"

"Can you believe the photos?"

"You think my cousin is you, take a picture for 5 minutes, and retouch it for an hour. The photo was taken by me. I guarantee that the original picture will not be modified."

In a dessert shop in a shopping mall, Zhang Nuannuan chatted with her girlfriends. That's right, she asked her cousin to meet this time. Apart from not seeing him for a long time, another reason was to introduce a girlfriend to him.

There is no way, the mother at home is urging, and she cares more about this matter than she does.

Don't others care about whether their children have found a partner? My mother is good, she only cares about my cousin, and she doesn't even ask if she has a partner.

Zhang Nuannuan couldn't understand this, but Lin Ye understood why my sister-in-law was in a hurry.

My parents passed away, which is a plus for young girls. Both parents are dead, which means that there will be no conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future, and everything can be decided by herself.

But my sister-in-law and the others are people who have experienced it, and they understand the heart of the elders. Parents hope that their daughters will marry a happy family.

The death of both parents seems good, but it also means that the future life can only depend on the husband and wife to work hard. Without the help of parents, there will be less movement between relatives. Take the matter of raising children as an example. Everyone has to work, and there is no one to help take care of the child after giving birth. Either one person resigns, or hires a nanny.

As elders, it is rare for a daughter to marry a boy whose parents are divorced or whose parents have died.

Another reason is that without the restraint of parents, it is easy to develop the habit of spending money lavishly outside the society.

Sister-in-law knows this, so she is so anxious to find a good girlfriend and settle the marriage as soon as possible, so that she can start a family and start a business, and she won't waste money carelessly with her wife in charge.

It is also because he understands my aunt's intentions that every time his cousin introduces someone, he will not refuse, and will go to meet them, but unfortunately, after meeting several girls, none of them can be negotiated.

It's not that girls are not good-looking. The girls introduced by my cousin are all in good condition, precisely because of their excellent conditions. Looking at their clothes and consumption attitude, Lin Ye knows that they are not from the same world.

He is a student who has just graduated, and his monthly salary is only more than 7000 yuan, and this money is just the money for these girls to go shopping and buy a set of cosmetics.

Those girls only fell in love with him because of his face and his body.

After a moment of freshness, they will eventually break up.

Girls can be ignorant, but he has to understand.



Henderson Plaza!

When Lin Ye arrived at the square, by coincidence, he ran into the little boy and girl again.

The little boy stood there with a stubborn expression on his face, and the little girl was holding his hand. In front of them, a pair of adult men and women had different expressions.

The man is the little boy's father, with a cold expression on his face, while the woman on the side is a little flustered, especially when the onlookers are pointing and pointing, which makes her look ugly.

"Brother, what's going on?" Lin Ye curiously asked a man who was watching.

"What else could be going on? My wife died and her body was still cold, so she went out shopping with her new love, but was blocked by her son."

Lin Ye actually guessed it in his heart, and he just asked to confirm his guess. Ever since he met this man and the little boy in the cemetery, he had a prejudgment in his heart.

"Bang Bang, are you following me?"

The man asked in a deep voice, not caring about the pointing of the onlookers.

Asked by his father, the boy was a little scared, but the little girl stood in front of the boy and raised her head: "I brought Bangbang, you promised Mommy Bangbang to take good care of Bangbang, but now you Not only did they find dirty women outside, but they also turned a blind eye to Bang Bang."

Hearing "dirty", resentment flashed across the woman's lowered face, but when she raised her head, she returned to normal, and explained: "Mr. Chen and I are just working partners. This time, Mr. Chen I'm going to attend a meeting, so I'll pick out some clothes for Mr. Chen."

"Hmph, a vixen is a vixen. My mother said that except for wives who choose clothes for their husbands, other women choose clothes for men. That means they have a conspiracy and they are vixens."

The woman couldn't stand being run over by the little girl, she looked at the man beside her, hoping that the man could save her, but to her disappointment, the man just looked at his son, as if he didn't notice her current situation at all. Dilemma.

"go back!"

The man looked at the little boy in a deep voice. The boy was a little scared, but seeing the encouraging eyes from the little girl, he still mustered up his courage: "I won't go, you are the one who is sorry for mom."

The man's slap fell, and everyone on the scene was stunned. No one thought that the man would hit his son.

The little boy was stunned, and the little girl was the first to react. She raised her fist and threw it at the man.

"You scoundrel, you heartless man, how can you bully Bang Bang."

The man frowned, and took a few steps back to avoid it. At this moment, Lin Ye, who was standing by and watching, suddenly looked in one direction.

There, stood a woman in a white dress.

It's just that the cold breath emanating from the woman at this moment made Lin Ye a little startled.

Lin Ye just hesitated for a second, then suddenly picked up the stick, and ran away like a gust of wind.

This scene shocked everyone present.

People... Human traffickers?

Are there still such aboveboard human traffickers?

(End of this chapter)

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