Chapter 3 Just a Broken Author
Back Mountain!

A remote small yard.

"Eldest brother is kind, I spare your life."

"Be honest, if you dare to escape, you will die!"

Close the door and lock the door!
The original panic and fear on Lin Ye's face disappeared immediately, and he even "poohed" towards the door.

There are 5 minutes left in the countdown.

I am about to leave soon, and the Hundred Days Tour in Another World is over.

Thinking that after he disappeared, Shangqingmen suddenly found that he was gone, and he must have been terrified, and it could be regarded as revenge for being pushed and threatened just now.

It's a pity that the dream of returning to modern times to get rich by relying on antiques has been shattered.

Boring around the yard, Lin Ye sat under the bluestone steps, counting the number of broken stones on the steps, waiting for the return.





When the time panel returned to zero, Lin Ye only felt a sense of fainting in his head, and everything around him began to distort, and the next moment his eyes went dark, and he couldn't see anything.

Recovering his sight again, Lin Ye immediately looked around.

The familiar bathroom, the familiar toilet, and even the sitting posture are the same.

He is back.

Everything remained the same as it was before the crossing.

Lin Ye lowered his head and took a look.

It's still fresh, and time really hasn't changed.

During the hundred days he traveled in a different world, time in the real world was suspended.

Lin Ye breathed a sigh of relief. When he was in another world, he thought about finding an excuse to explain to his relatives and friends, but he couldn't find a perfect excuse. He was even more worried that his relatives and friends contacted the police instead of calling the police.

In modern society, a living person just disappeared so suddenly. After I came back, the police would definitely question me, and I couldn't justify myself.

The time pause in the real world saved him from explaining.

Lin Ye took a look at his clothes in the mirror of the bathroom. He was wearing Shangqingmen's handyman clothes, which showed that he could bring things from other worlds to modern times.

Just when Lin Ye regretted missing an opportunity to make a fortune, the panel popped up again, this time the panel had many changes compared to before.

[Character: Lin Ye]

【This world time: 8032】

【Different world time: 100 (paused)】

In addition, there was a gear-like icon in the upper right corner of the panel. Lin Ye focused on the gear icon, and immediately there was an additional operation message in his mind.

This gear can turn with his mind.

However, Lin Ye was not in a hurry to turn, and he would not operate it until he figured out what the effect of turning would be.

"Panel, can you explain?"

Lin Ye asked politely, but unfortunately the panel didn't respond.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Ye found a pen and paper. When he was thinking about some problems, he liked to write on paper, because when he only relied on his brain to think, sometimes it was not so comprehensive. If he borrowed a pen, he would read it several times. Overlooked details may come to mind.

[Two worlds, one is this world and the other is a different world. This is easy to understand. It should refer to the real world and the different world that I traveled through. 】

[The two numbers can be deduced from the 100 days I have stayed in the different world. This 8032 refers to the number of days I have stayed in the different world. Then [-] is the number of days I have stayed in the real world. From the moment I was born to Now, the time is right too. 】

[What does pause mean? 】

[When I travel back, the real world remains at the moment before I travel, which means that when I was in a different world, the time in the real world was suspended. Now that I have traveled back, does it mean that the time in the other world has been suspended. 】

After writing this article, Lin Ye drew a horizontal line below and added: [The possibility is very high! 】

[The panel did not disappear, and the number of days appeared again. Does this mean that I am not a one-time traveler, and it is very likely that I can still enter another world. Is it a thought, or a shout, or does it require special triggering conditions? 】

[Also, if you can enter the different world, do you want to go in? If it is the same as before, it will take [-] days to go there. Based on your current situation in the different world, it is very likely that you will be in danger. 】

Lin Ye's pen froze. He was wearing a body instead of a soul. If he died in another world, would it mean that he would also die in the real world?

Many issues require him to think carefully.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Ye's head got a little big.

forget about it.

Lin Ye threw the pen on the table, walked to the computer, and opened a certain website.

[Paid question: I am a newcomer author. I recently conceived a novel in which the protagonist can travel between two worlds. I will briefly describe the previous chapters. Let’s see how it goes. Can you understand my setting? I don't think the setting is a bit too mysterious. 】

The wisdom of the masses is infinite.

This was what a certain celebrity said, and now Lin Ye wanted to use the wisdom of the crowd to solve his problem.

He briefly mentioned the situation in the different world, focusing on the panel.

Under the heavy gold, there must be a wise man.

In just ten minutes, there were many replies to the post.

[After reading the landlord's question, based on my many years of experience in novels, this book is a must!Today's readers are impatient, a system is still mysterious, and it is still stuck in the era of Internet literature ten years ago.Ten years ago, to get a golden finger through a journey, you had to write a chapter or two describing the cause and effect, but now you come at random calls, simple and clear. 】

[Actually, the original poster came here to find inspiration. This kind of double-wearing essay is easy to write. Relying on reselling items from the two worlds, being a traitor, and easily reaching the pinnacle of life is not so troublesome. 】

[You all don’t understand, the newcomer author is just stupid, he wants to make the system mysterious, and he doesn’t want to let the protagonist’s IQ drop. Now that Kawen is gone, the protagonist can’t find a reason to go to another world. The situation in the other world is very dangerous. 】

[Eldest brother probably wants to rebel, so join them. With modern agricultural technology, he must be able to accomplish a lot. If you don't rebel through time travel, what's the point? 】

[Upstairs makes sense. Accumulate food widely and become king slowly. First, bring modern agricultural and industrial technology to it, so that it can grow and grow. 】

[Fuck...that's the Workers and Peasants Alliance...]

[The alliance of workers and peasants, the alliance of steel, Davari, please cultivate this red spark that started a prairie fire in another world. 】

[When workers and peasants unite, the red current of steel will be invincible. 】

【Hahaha, decades later, dear Davari, if you want to chase that red star, go to another world. 】

[Through the panel, through the world barrier]

[In the land of another world, sparks are still burning]

[Wrong, the different world at that time was not a spark, but a prairie fire. 】

【Mysterious birds in different worlds have inherited the will of red】


Lin Ye looked at it and found that the screen suddenly turned red.

Refresh the page and a new answer appears.

[I am at the starting point, just finished typing, and saw the question of the subject, as an old author, I would like to share some of my own opinions. 】

[First of all, the setting of the subject is double wear, which is not a novel setting. There are too many such books, and the most common mistake for newcomers is that the wealth and power systems of the two worlds have collapsed. 】

[If you don't pursue IQ and logic, this kind of book is very cool to write, but if you pursue logic online and dual story offline, this kind of book will be very tiring to write. 】

[After looking at the answer above, if the subject of the question is really stuck and doesn't want to change it, I can give you a suggestion. The protagonist must go back. He may encounter some troubles in reality and urgently need to go to another world to solve them. 】

[Of course, in order to show that the protagonist will not lose his intelligence, he should make complete preparations before going there, and prepare for his own survival. 】

[If the big brother really wants to rebel, the protagonist, as a witness, can only choose to join if he wants to avoid being killed. He can master some forging skills, and the rebellion will definitely require a blacksmith. 】

[This is just one aspect. It can also be medicine... food seeds, or even a method of training soldiers. In short, there is only one purpose, to let the big brother know that the protagonist is valuable. 】

[Finally, let’s talk about the panel mentioned by the subject, which is the system. 】

[The number of days on the panel is very simple, it is the number of days the protagonist has existed in the real world and another world. I will blindly guess the role of the cheating finger of the subject. 】

[The protagonist returns to the real world, and the different world is suspended, but this suspension is not forever, but only a hundred days at most, because the protagonist has stayed in the different world for [-] days, if the protagonist still has not gone to the different world after [-] days, The time in the other world will return to normal. 】

[The real world is the same, but because the protagonist has lived in the real world for 22 years, the time in the real world has at least 22 years of suspension, that is, the protagonist stays in a different world for 22 years, and the real world is also suspended. 】

Lin Ye's eyes lit up when he saw this, because he also vaguely had a judgment in this regard.

[Gear, this should be the point. 】

[Traveling between two worlds is the chance of the protagonist, but it is not counted as a golden finger. The golden finger is a gear. I don’t know how the subject will set it up, but if it were me, I would create a time comparison between the real world and the other world. Gears are likely to speed up or slow down the passage of time in both worlds. 】

[Of course, it may be more complicated, it depends on how the topic is set. 】

[From the perspective of the protagonist, the first guess is easy to verify. Just stay in the real world for a day and see if the number of days in the real world has increased by one day, and the time in the other world has decreased by one day. 】

[Let’s make a conclusion at the end. I barely passed the beginning. As for the follow-up writing, it depends on how the subject writes later. The subject can add me as a friend. If there is something to discuss. 】

Lin Ye looked at the number sent in the private message, and glanced at the other party's WeChat name [Jiu Deng He Shan], but after thinking about it for a while, he still didn't add the other party as a friend.

This is what happened to me, not a so-called fiction.

How much help a broken author can give himself.

(End of this chapter)

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