Chapter 14 Buy a Grapefruit

Ding Dong!

Chen Xin was playing with his mobile phone, when the short video software suddenly popped up an attention reminder.

"Then the magician posted a video again?"

Chen Xin quickly clicked on the video, and when he saw the same content as before, he couldn't help but have a look of disappointment on his face. This is what he was doing, but it just changed from a prickly pear to an orange.

However, seeing the back, Chen Xin's expression ranged from disappointment to shock, and finally to goosebumps.

"How did he do it? How on earth did he do it? Is there really such a thing as a strange transport technique in this world?"


Don't worry about the media.

"Boss, Kid Qimen posted another video."

"It's too unwise to post the second video so soon. Now that the popularity of his first video has not been digested, if he posts a video at this time, if the content is not as exciting as the first one, it will affect the fans. of."

1 minute later.

"Damn it, no wonder you dare to post a video, sign, must sign Qimen kid."

This situation is happening in many media organizations at the moment.

"People are numb again, how did he do it?"

"This is an ordinary orange. The grapefruit peel and flesh cannot be faked."

"You can fake pomelo meat and pomelo peel, but I don't believe that you can fake pomelo juice."

"You idiots, you want to study pomelo. Didn't you see the link for pomelo? Just buy one and try it out for yourself."

"There really are grapefruit sellers, or agricultural products... I've placed an order."

Chen Xin looked at these comments. Although she knew that it must have nothing to do with grapefruit, she subconsciously clicked on the link and placed an order. Anyway, it is agricultural products, so she should support the farmer uncle.



Zuo Xian Town!
"Cheng Zhen, I really want to agree to their conditions. This condition doesn't make any money at all. Why should these people make money?"

"Now that more than half of the farmers in the town grow grapefruits, these grapefruits cannot be sold."

Cheng Xiao smiled wryly. She came to the town this year. Last year, the person in charge of the town started a pomelo plantation, and then took the way of e-commerce to help the sales of agricultural products. The people who planted pomelo made money.

The person in charge was transferred this year, and the other people saw that growing grapefruits made money, so they also planted grapefruits. This year, the production of grapefruits in the town has increased by almost [-] times compared to last year. The production has increased, but the market has disappeared.

It sold well last year, because there were not many grapefruits, and the higher authorities gave support, but this year is different. Everywhere is promoting agricultural products, and the higher authorities have reduced their support, and the online platform does not pay much attention to them at all.

She has contacted those e-commerce platforms, and what they reported was that there are a lot of agricultural products every year, and they can't push them, so they can only put them in the list of agricultural aid projects.

But as other platforms said, so many agricultural products across the country are listed on the list, whether netizens can see it is a problem, let alone place an order to buy it.

The internet celebrity responsible for bringing the goods this time was contacted by her acquaintances, but what she didn't expect was that this internet celebrity would lower the price so low that the common people hardly made any money. After a year of hard work Suffering can only save capital, but capital preservation is better than grapefruits that cannot be sold and end up losing money in the hands.

"They ask for such a high commission, and when they sell it in the live broadcast room, they have to let fans buy it under the name of helping farmers. Isn't he afraid that we will expose him?"

Hearing the indignation of his subordinates, Cheng Xiao sighed. He was just playing side-by-side in the live broadcast room, using netizens' sympathy for farmers to sell goods. As long as he didn't mention how much money he made, there would be no problem.

As for exposing it, it's not that Cheng Xiao never thought of doing it, but they also hinted that there is a circle of Internet celebrities who bring goods, as long as she exposes it, other Internet celebrities will not come to help in the future Bring goods.

To put it bluntly, these Internet celebrities are all the same, but the grapefruit trees cannot be pulled out by the common people just like this, and grapefruits still need to be planted. After this year's unprofitable production, next year's production will decrease, so it will be easy to sell.

"Cheng Zhen, can we sign the contract? After signing, we will contact Shaojie and ask him to come and help farmers sell grapefruits."

Cheng Xiao looked at the man who walked in, and made a look at his subordinates, seeing if they did, they were on guard, instead of coming to sign the contract in person, they found a third-party company to sign the agreement, when the time comes If the matter is settled, push everything to the third-party company responsible for product selection, then apologize, give some compensation, and the matter will pass.


Cheng Xiao signed his name on the contract. Seeing Cheng Xiao's signature, the man was overjoyed.

Agricultural products are not easy to sell, but agricultural products under the banner of helping farmers are easy to sell.

Especially for someone like Shaojie who has many fans, he can sell at a high price and be praised by his fans. As for the price being higher than what they received from the farmers, isn't that normal?
Manual packaging and shipping are also costly.

"Secretary Cheng, don't worry, with Shaojie's ability, he will be able to sell these grapefruits to farmers."

The man took the pen and was about to sign the contract, but at this moment, a person rushed in from outside the door.

"Can't sign!"

When Cheng Xiao saw his colleague Li Ming rushing in suddenly, he was a little puzzled, and the man who was just about to sign with a pen was even more frightened by Li Ming's yelling, and the pen in his hand was scared away.

"Cheng Zhen, what's the matter with your subordinate? You must know that many merchants are scrambling to find Shaojie to bring goods. This time, we came to the town because of Mr. Li's face."

Mr. Li in the man's mouth is a friend of Cheng Xiao, and Cheng Xiao also contacted the other party through him.

"Anyone who likes to ask you to bring goods can go to you. We don't need you to sell our grapefruit." Li Ming choked directly, not saving face for the man at all.

"Cheng Zhen, is this what you mean?"

The man looked at Cheng Xiao with a smirk, Cheng Xiao didn't answer, but looked at Li Ming, Li Ming knew about the situation of grapefruit planting in the town, and he wouldn't say that without a reason, she waited for Li Ming to tell him She has a reasonable explanation.

"Cheng Zhen, we don't have to worry about selling the grapefruits in our town. Netizens have already placed 10,000+ orders for the grapefruits we hang on the short video e-commerce platform."

Li Ming was very excited, he almost yelled out these words, Cheng Xiao's pretty face showed disbelief, how is this possible?
She posted the link on the Internet, but in fact, she was holding the idea that talking is better than nothing, and she didn't expect to sell many. It has been posted for more than ten days, and a hundred orders have not been sold.

"Sell 10,000+ orders, who are you fooling? For the products you list online, the commission is only 5%. Which Internet celebrity will link."

"That's because you don't want to, there are always people who are willing, and they are better than you."

Li Ming nodded, then took out his mobile phone and clicked on a video: "Cheng Zhen, look at this video, is the link linked to us? It has already sold 13 copies."

Cheng Xiao took the mobile phone and clicked on the product link. Looking at the sales displayed, he felt a little short of breath. The next moment he walked to the computer beside him and opened the sales background of the website. When he saw the 134663 orders displayed on the background, Really believe it.

"I'm sorry, I don't think we need to cooperate anymore. If you need to reimburse the fare, you can print the invoice and send it to us, and we will reimburse you within 30 days." Cheng Xiao looked at the man, and when he said this, he felt his whole body All went much smoother.

If it wasn't for the people in the town, with her temperament, she would have told this guy to go out.

The man felt the sarcasm in Cheng Xiao's words, and snorted coldly: "The mountains don't change, let's wait and see."

Seeing the man leaving with a sullen face, Cheng Xiao's subordinate gave a pooh towards the door, and said, "Seeing his sullen face, why do I feel so happy, and dare to threaten us, Cheng Zhen, why don't I find someone to give it to me?" He does something."

"Don't mess around." Cheng Xiao stopped her. After staying at the grassroots level for a year, she also knows some of the working styles of the grassroots. As long as she uses some tricks, she can definitely let these guys go in and stay for a few days.

Cheng Xiao looked at Li Ming, and asked suspiciously: "Li Ming, what's going on, why does this person list our products?"

"I'm not very clear about this. Maybe it's because the magic he performed happened to use grapefruit as a prop, so he chose ours."

"How is it possible that if you use pomelo, you can still sell it so well by linking us?" Cheng Xiao's subordinates felt a little inconceivable.

"Cheng Zhen, you will know after watching the video carefully."

Just now, Cheng Xiao was only looking at the sales volume, but Cheng Xiao didn't watch the video carefully. After watching it now, the expression on her pretty face is a bit exciting. She doesn't know why this magician chose their products to link to, but the reason why netizens place orders She understood the reason.

I was shocked by the magical magic of the magician, and I thought about buying a grapefruit and trying it when I went back.

"Cheng Zhen, this magician really helped us a lot. In this way, many grapefruits grown by ordinary people can be sold, and the rest will be distributed to various counties for easy sale."

"I want to thank you."

Cheng Xiao knew that if she sent a private message to the other party now, they might not necessarily read it, but in the end she still had the mentality of giving it a try, and left a note explaining the situation and expressing her gratitude.

"Now that there is a market, I will report to the higher authorities and try to get some support. It is not an easy task to deliver so many express delivery. Netizens trust us. We must pick good grapefruits and tell the fruit growers that rotten ones and useless ones Don’t want any mature ones, and once you find out, you will immediately cancel the acquisition quota.”

Farmers are very simple, but because of this, their vision is often limited. Some fruit farmers only care about their own interests and have no overall view. In order to make more money and reduce losses, they will package and mail some immature or rotten grapefruits.

On the other side, it took more than an hour to smelt another [-] catties of silver ingots, put them in a sack together with the previous [-] catties of silver ingots, and carried them to another world.

He wanted to let Daoist Ding Xuan know what the power of money is.

(End of this chapter)

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