The girl who travels fast is equipped with a money-making system

Chapter 195 Accidentally Popular in a Romance Complex (4)

Chapter 195 Accidentally Popular in a Romance Complex (4)

After checking the relevant information, Xu Zhiyi carried a simple canvas bag, put on a mask and went out.

Fortunately, she is only an [-]th line, and the show hasn't become popular yet, so Xu Zhiyi can freely wander around in the bookstore.

There was a boy in the middle who came to strike up a conversation, Xu Zhiyi glanced at it, he must be a college student, the boy has a clean face, and he speaks generously: "Hello, can I add a WeChat with you?"

Xu Zhiyi pointed at himself, the boy nodded, Xu Zhiyi took off his mask, and whispered, "Sorry, I'm not a student around here."

But the boy was amazed. He didn't expect Xu Zhiyi's face under the mask to look even better, so he asked, "Is it my sister? My sister is fine too."

Xu Zhiyi smiled: "But I don't like my brother." Then she left to go to the cashier to pay, leaving the poor brother standing there alone.

Someone next to him came to comfort the boy, but the boy still looked at the direction Xu Zhiyi left with some reluctance.

Carrying a large bag of books, Xu Zhiyi took the subway to the villa. The distance from the subway station to the villa was not far away. A car passed by in the middle. Xu Zhiyi looked at the Maserati going away and sighed: "Sure enough. It's a villa area, and all the people who come here for vacation are rich people, when will I have this condition!"

When I arrived at the entrance of the villa, I found that the Maserati was actually parked here. Could it be that the male lead has changed cars, and the low-key and business-like Bentley has fallen out of favor, but if only the male lead is there, Xu Zhiyi is a little hesitant. Today is not the weekend, if there are only the two of them , she is going to be alone with the male lead, according to the current situation, it is better for her to stay less close to the male lead.

Like counting ants, he slowly walked towards the villa. The director in front of the monitor finally couldn't stand it anymore and asked the cameraman to urge Xu Zhiyi to go back quickly. Chief Jiang waited, this was not what he wanted to see.

As a last resort, Xu Zhiyi had no choice but to bite the bullet and open the door to go in. As soon as he opened the door, a person came out, not Jiang Chuan!
Xu Zhiyi was stunned when she saw the same face as her male god. What's going on, did the male god come to this world?
Jiang Muye didn't expect Xu Zhiyi to have such a reaction. Looking down, the bracelet on her wrist was gone, probably the same as his punishment, but he thought she would look at him and smile?

Maybe Xu Zhiyi wanted to show the feeling of meeting for the first time, but isn't it a bit wrong to be so surprised?
"Hello, my name is Jiang Muye." Jiang Muye spoke first, and took the bag from Xu Zhiyi's hand very familiarly. The bag was heavier than he imagined. He looked down and asked, "Did you buy the book?"

Only then did Xu Zhiyi come back to his senses: "Ah! Hello, my name is Xu Zhiyi, I know what I mean, yes, I'll buy some books, I'm bored here alone, and pass the time." When Xu Zhiyi spoke, she was a little nervous, And she didn't know how the male god took her bag so easily. Could it be that he helped other girls before?

The two entered the house together, there was no one in the villa, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward. Jiang Muye actually thought it would be a natural meeting, but Xu Zhiyi's behavior became awkward.

"Have you eaten?" After a long time, Xu Zhiyi spoke again, actually using you, which made Jiang Muye frown, even if he had to pretend not to know each other, Xu Zhiyi's performance was a bit too much, Xu Zhiyi would not know, then It means it's her natural reaction.

[System, come out and tell me what happened to Xu Zhiyi? 】Jiang Muye called the system. The system originally wanted to pretend to be dead and not answer, but it detected Jiang Muye's anger and finally decided to appear.

[This is your punishment for failing the last mission, and Xu Zhiyi's previous mission memory has been deleted. ] 002 answered carefully.

[Didn't you take the space ring and bracelet?Why delete the memory. 】Jiang Muye was puzzled.

[The punishment must be severe enough for you to realize the importance of completing the task. Deleting memory is not only a punishment for the 001 host, but also a punishment for you as the host. How do you get the 001 host to retrieve the memory? Very important. ] 002 pretended to be calm and said.

[So, memories can be retrieved? 】Jiang Muye quickly discovered the loophole, and 002 flashed back quickly, no longer answering Jiang Muye's questions, no matter what Jiang Muye called it.

If he is so guilty, then he guessed it right. Jiang Muye smiled, and instead of looking for the system, he turned to look at Xu Zhiyi: "I've already eaten, how about you?"

"Ah? Me? I ate it when I went out to buy books just now." Xu Zhiyi lied, she originally wanted to come back and make some salad, because she wanted to control her diet, and the food outside was too oily, so her manager wouldn't let her she eats.

"Grunt..." Xu Zhiyi's stomach rumbled untimely, and Xu Zhiyi's face instantly turned red. Jiang Muye looked at her with a smile, and said, "The work lunch at noon was not very good. I'm going to eat some Japanese food. Do you want to eat something?" Together?" Then he picked up his coat and prepared to go out.

Xu Zhiyi wanted to refuse, but Jiang Muye didn't give her a chance: "Let's go, my car is right outside, there are few people at the moment, we don't need to make an appointment."

"Ah, good!" Xu Zhiyi quickly put on his shoes, and followed Jiang Muye into his car.

Along the way, Xu Zhiyi didn't know what to say and could only look at the scenery, Jiang Muye asked, "Is this car comfortable?"

Xu Zhiyi nodded. If such an expensive car is uncomfortable, why on earth would everyone spend so much money on it?This person is a little knowing.

"Then back to the real world, I'll buy one too." Jiang Muye answered.

Xu Zhiyi's face was full of exclamation marks. She looked at Jiang Muye and asked excitedly, "So you are really Jiang Muye, a genius computer expert at Beijing University, a campus male god, the Jiang Muye who runs a film and television company at home?"

Jiang Muye didn't expect that he had so many prepositions for Xu Zhiyi, so he nodded, "Well, I know you too, Xu Zhiyi from the Law Department of Beijing University, my mother Li Meiru is a professor in your department."

"What? Professor Li Meiru is your mother?" Xu Zhiyi was shocked, even more shocked than Jiang Muye when he knew his name.

The two people's travels were not followed by the program team, but because Jiang Muye disagreed, the bullet screen was full of [Why, why did the program team have such good material and didn't follow the filming? What's the point of this empty villa? 】

The director is also suffering, he also wants to follow, but Jiang Muye won't let him work as a worker, what can he do?

What Jiang Muye said about not queuing up seems to be that he himself does not line up. This is an internet celebrity restaurant. As far as Xu Zhiyi knows, it is overcrowded every day. In order to eat this Japanese food, many people line up two hours in advance What about the equal sign?

But after Jiang Muye passed by, the waiter took them directly to the VIP room at the back, where the chef's special Japanese food was served, and Xu Zhiyi ate a lot without knowing it, and looked at the empty plate in front of him with some regret.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for various tickets

(End of this chapter)

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