The girl who travels fast is equipped with a money-making system

Chapter 186 The Female General of the End Times (24)

Chapter 186 The Female General of the End Times (24)

Mo Xiaoqing's spirit became worse day by day, sometimes even with Weris by her side, she still felt scared, and would always wake up from nightmares in the middle of the night.

The fetus in her stomach also began to become unstable. She had no choice but to be admitted to the hospital again. The combat troops who were out had to go to the hospital to find an anti-fetal drug.

Many people don't understand this thing. Cheng Siyou set off with the battle team, and she is more familiar with medicines.

But she accidentally ran into a team of zombies in the hospital, and before going out, Xu Zhiyi asked her to be very careful about Li Zongren who had turned into a zombie.

There was a faint light in Li Zongren's green pupils, he didn't come over immediately, but looked at her, Cheng Siyou's weapon was ready, but he left with the zombie team.

When Cheng Siyou breathed a sigh of relief, Li Zongren actually spoke. His voice was a little hoarse. It might be because he hadn't spoken for a long time. Godfather's last help."

Cheng Siyou looked at the anti-abortion drugs piled up in front of him, feeling horrified.

On the way back with the medicine, she didn't say anything, but when she returned to the base, she told Xu Zhiyi and Jiang Muye immediately.

"Not only does he have human IQ, he doesn't even lose his language system, he also has previous memories." Xu Zhiyi somehow thought of the zombie king in the original plot. It seems that the zombie king in the original plot only had memories of the past, not Speak up, is Li Zongren's words a threat or a gesture of favor?
Fearing that Mo Xiaoqing would be irritated, they quietly called Wei Lisi and told him about it, but Wei Lisi was very happy: "This shows that Li Zongren is still good. He still remembers being the godfather of the child. He may also be the father of the child." I can't help myself, so I said it was the last time, but he probably still wants to be a human being."

The others didn't open their mouths to refute him. This person didn't think too much, which is not a bad thing.But if it's what he said, then what Cheng Siyou saw wasn't the picture of Li Zongren commanding the zombie team.

Probably because of guilt, Weris has been beautifying Li Zongren.

In the end, Xu Zhiyi could only ask Weris to go back and never tell Mo Xiaoqing about this matter, and then he had an internal meeting and decided to pay attention to Li Zongren's recent actions.

But after Weris went back, he was in a state of excitement. Mo Xiaoqing asked several times, but he was unwilling to answer. Mo Xiaoqing was recently pregnant and was not feeling well. After asking several times, he refused to answer. Mo Xiaoqing also didn't have the intention to continue asking. Now she began to get used to Weris. No wonder Xu Zhiyi said at that time that she would never like him. Xu Zhiyi had better vision than herself, and Jiang Muye was really nice. , but as a married and pregnant woman, what capital do I have?

With such thoughts in mind, Mo Xiaoqing fell asleep. The anti-fetal medicine that Cheng Siyou brought back today seemed to be very effective. She felt much more comfortable and could sleep well.

As the weather gradually warmed up, the springs on the mountain melted, and Liu Miao took everyone to reclaim new land, preparing to try the new seeds they brought back earlier.

But as the weather got warmer, the zombies became more active, and the work of the combat team increased.Wei Lisi was a little anxious. Mo Xiaoqing's belly was already eight months old, and her condition seemed to be much better. The obstetricians and gynecologists basically surrounded her every day, but Wei Lisi was a little redundant.

He wanted to join the combat team and continue to work. He and Mo Xiaoqing took up a lot of public resources, but no one was working. Some people around him were already dissatisfied.

But Mo Xiaoqing was still unwilling. She only hoped that Weris would stay by her side until the child was born.

That night, Mo Xiaoqing had that dream again. In the dream, Li Zongren stared at her with green pupils, and said with an evil smile: "Mo Xiaoqing, I became what I am now, because you brought me Yes, since I love you so much, then you can be a zombie with me, and you will never be separated for the rest of your life!"

Mo Xiaoqing sat up at once, her already big stomach pushed her against her stomach, making her feel uncomfortable.

"Qingqing, what's the matter? Are you having nightmares again?" Weris asked hoarsely as he lay on the bed, but he didn't intend to get up.

"I dreamed about Li Zongren, and he said he would turn me into a zombie too." Mo Xiaoqing said to Wei Lisi, tears rolling in her eyes.

Wei Lisi sat up, rubbed his hair, and said: "Qingqing, let me tell you the truth, in fact, you don't have to worry about Li Zongren, he is very good, and becoming a zombie is also a good zombie, you know? Doctor Cheng went to When I was looking for anti-abortion drugs for you, I met Li Zongren. He still remembered that he wanted to be the godfather of the child, and gave all the anti-abortion drugs to Dr. Cheng, and asked her to pass them on to us, saying that he would be a godfather for the child. thing."

Mo Xiaoqing's pupils shrank rapidly, this sentence did not comfort her, Li Zongren remembered everything, when he mentioned children, did he want to hurt their children?

That night, Mo Xiaoqing didn't fall asleep, she stayed up all night, she thought clearly, Li Zongren knew she was in the future base, he would come to seek revenge for him sooner or later, he was blaming them for not waiting for him.

The next day, when Wei Lisi woke up, Mo Xiaoqing told him: "If you want to continue working, you can go. I have a doctor with me. It's okay."

Wei Lisi looked at her with some surprise, and after making sure she was not talking ironically, he happily came to Xu Zhiyi to report, saying that Mo Xiaoqing agreed with him to continue working.

Xu Zhiyi can only agree. After all, the number of zombies around the base has really increased recently. They need people very much. Everyone has been spinning for several days, and some have not rested for a long time. Even if Willis comes alone, everyone can rest more rest.

Not long after Weris took up his post, the zombies around him began to stabilize, not as restless as before. Although she didn't understand why, Xu Zhiyi still cheered everyone up and prepared to fight at any time. She was a little afraid that it was the calm before the storm.

Zhou Zhifang's more powerful weapon has been developed to the later stage, and it won't be long before this new nuclear weapon comes in handy, and everyone will be able to protect themselves.

The standard Xu Zhiyi gave was at least one shot. At critical moments, no matter whether they have supernatural powers or not, everyone is a fighter.

On the day the weapon was developed, Mo Xiaoqing also got one. Looking at the crystal nucleus gun, she fell into deep thought.

The next day, after Wei Lisi got up, he didn't see Mo Xiaoqing, thinking that she had gone for a walk, but at noon, when the obstetrician and gynecologist came to ask where Mo Xiaoqing was going, Wei Lisi started to worry, and he took People searched the entire base, alarming everyone, but they didn't see Mo Xiaoqing.

Xu Zhiyi searched around with some headaches, and only had one thought in her mind: "Why is the heroine in this world so uneasy!"

 It seems that no one has read it recently, and no one knows that the chapters are out of order. Fortunately, it was revised in time.

  Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for various tickets


(End of this chapter)

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