The girl who travels fast is equipped with a money-making system

Chapter 18 The Little Maid Just Wants to Be Free Sooner (18)

Chapter 18 The Little Maid Just Wants to Be Free Sooner (18)

"I've already told Zeqi to do this. He will screen out suspicious people first. I'll go there for interrogation later. Do you want to go together?"

Xu Zhiyi nodded, feeling that the male protagonist is a bit smart.

She turned around a full circle, but she didn't see any suspicious murder weapon, and she was a little discouraged. If the murderer threw the murder weapon into the lake, they really had nothing to do.

"If you can't find it, then ask the suspicious person first!" Seeing her sighing, Gu Tingfeng said a little bit reluctantly.

"No way, there is no physical evidence. Indeed, witnesses are more important. Did Ze Qi bring the suspect?" Xu Zhiyi sat down on the stool helplessly.

"Suspects? Witnesses? Physical evidence?" Gu Tingfeng imitated her tone, and before Xu Zhiyi could answer, he nodded and said, "Your statement is good and accurate." Then he raised his legs and walked into the cabin.

Xu Zhiyi silently followed behind, sighing silently, fortunately the hero didn't care, otherwise I would have to make up lies to get rid of it, so tired, during this time here, I have told more lies than I have in real life for 20 years.

When we arrived in the cabin, we found that almost everyone was there. Gu Tingfeng raised his eyebrows and looked at Zeqi, Zeqi scratched his head innocently, and said with a silly smile: "My lord, I really don't know how to judge suspicious persons. Ms. Yan said she could help, and then The young lady said that she was afraid by herself, so she also came over."

It's already like this, Gu Tingfeng can't say anything about Zeqi, so he can only look at the people kneeling below, because he doesn't like outsiders to serve, so there are not many people on the boat, three boatmen are in charge of punting and steering the boat.There are also two old women who are responsible for cleaning.There are also five cooks and fire girls who make pastries and eat in the kitchen.

Yan Suyu was just as she said, helping Zeqi to judge suspicious persons. Yan Suyu and Gu Tingfeng cooperated tacitly and asked several people. Xu Zhiyi saw that there was nothing wrong with her, so she sat beside Gu Tingyue and observed silently. With a melon-eating expression, holding pastries and melon seeds in his hand, he listened to the questions and answers of several people with relish.

As soon as Xu Zhiyi came in, he ruled out the cook and the old woman. The deceased was a young and middle-aged man who could pierce a blood hole from his head. The shape is unlikely.

But she didn't rule out Shaohuo girl, this Shaohuo girl is not very old, and she is not tall, but this is in ancient times, it cannot be ruled out that someone has kung fu, that girl looks like a practicing girl, different from ordinary girls.Several boatmen are also powerful, only one is a little older, but not over fifty.

The hostess and hostess probably agreed with her, and soon let the cook and the old woman sweep out.Xu Zhiyi took the opportunity to follow out.

"What's going on here? I feel like there's something wrong on our ship?" One of the young cooks in her 20s whispered as soon as she got out of the cabin.

"I heard that it was a dead person, so he died on the deck." An old woman who cleaned the house answered her.

Immediately, several girls shouted in surprise, and the first cook continued to ask: "Who? Who died?"

"It should be Li Mutou, but he didn't come." Another older cook with a slightly fatter figure whispered.

"Not necessarily, maybe he is the murderer!" The old woman spoke again.

"Li Mutou can kill? I don't believe it. Usually he is bullied like that by the boss of the ship and he refuses to fight back. If he can kill, I will write his name upside down." The chubby cook retorted, and the others nodded slightly in agreement.

"But Li Mutou died, Xiaomei should be sad." The young cook said with some regret.

"This matter is not something we can discuss, so let's not talk about it." The old woman who had not spoken all this time whispered, her eyes pointed to Xu Zhiyi who was behind her.

Then everyone turned to look at Xu Zhiyi, all of them were embarrassed, Xu Zhiyi smiled and said haha: "Sisters, don't care about me, I am the maid next to my lady, my lady's pastries are finished, I will I want to go to the kitchen with my sisters to get some other pastries, there is no other meaning."

Hearing what she said, the expressions of several people relaxed a little, and the young cook even took the initiative to take her to the kitchen. This painting boat is only for the use of big people, so the cabin is also large, and the kitchen is set up separately. It's not small, but after all, it's no different than on land. There is no open fire, but a small stove is used to make some pastries and make tea, so the kitchen is very clean when you come in.

"Sisters, there is no fire here, why do you need to set fire to the girl?" Xu Zhiyi pretended to be ignorant and asked.

"My sister may not know that it's just like us. The fire girl is more needed. After all, it's on the boat. One accident will burn the whole boat, so this fire is a technical job. The fire girl on our boat is all the painters. The best of all, one person can take care of many stoves, unlike other painting boats, each stove is watched by one person, and there are many things that are burned. The repair cost alone, our owner can save a lot. " said the young cook with some pride.

"Then this Xiaomei is amazing!" Xu Zhiyi was also willing to follow her topic.

"Yeah, our boss treats Xiaomei very well. If it wasn't for Xiaomei's unattractive appearance, we would all suspect that the boss likes Xiaomei. But Xiaomei and Mu Mu are a couple. They seem to be planning to get married at the end of the year. Xiaomei no longer works at Huafang, our boss has been a pity for a long time!" The young cook seemed to be a little pity too.

"What does Li Mutou do?" Xu Zhiyi continued to ask.

"He is actually a handyman on the boat. In fact, he is also considered poor. It turns out that our painting boat belongs to his family, and he has read some books. But when he was about ten years old, his father gambled and paid for the painting boat. Maybe he felt ashamed, and committed suicide by jumping into the lake, leaving only Li Mutou and her seriously ill mother, and his mother passed away within two years, a child in his teens, with nothing and no relatives. After taking over, they saw him as pitiful, so they took him in. But the three boatmen were originally employees on the boat. They felt that the former young master had died, so they bullied him in different ways. At first he resisted, but later found that he could not resist. , I endured it silently, and became less and less talkative, so they nicknamed him Li Mutou. It is said that he had a good name before, but I forgot." The young cook While talking, he laid out two plates of pastries for Xu Zhiyi and handed them to her.

"These are the last two plates of pastries tonight. If you want new ones, you may have to wait for Xiaomei to come back. None of us can use her fire stick."

"Fire stick?" Xu Zhiyi looked down at the ground, a slender iron stick was placed in the pile of firewood, only the curled handle at the top was exposed.

When Xu Zhiyi carefully reached out to take it, a female voice behind her said, "Miss, it's better not to touch this fire stick, lest you get your hands dirty."

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(End of this chapter)

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