The girl who travels fast is equipped with a money-making system

Chapter 174 The Female General of the End Times (12)

Chapter 174 The Female General of the End Times (12)

Kong Jialiang came over with some embarrassment, and said, "You may not believe me if you tell me, but I can only do this." He stretched out his hand, and a light that was as long as one and a half arms appeared, and the strong light made everyone's eyes bright.

Soon he withdrew the ability and said: "This ability can only illuminate. I dare not use it when I go out, for fear of attracting zombies. Before, we only used it when we were working at night. The time is very long, and it can last for one night. .”

"Dizzy! A human-shaped light bulb!" Song Shiwei complained, and Xu Zhiyi quickly covered her mouth. This girl's ability to come up with aliases is really amazing.

Kong Jialiang smiled a little embarrassedly, but didn't mean to blame Song Shiwei at all.

"You try to make him the brightest and see how long it lasts?" Jiang Muye said.

"Okay." Kong Jialiang didn't hesitate, using his best strength, the beam of light in his hand gradually became brighter, until it was so dazzling that they thought they were looking at the sun.

But about half an hour later, Kong Jialiang stopped and said, "This kind of brightness can only last for so long. I haven't tried it before."

"That night, if you recover, remember to tell me, and we will implement the plan." Jiang Muye looked at the time, it was already eight o'clock in the morning, and he wondered if he would be able to recover after twelve hours.

"Are you trying to attract all the zombies?" Meng Yan asked.

Jiang Muye nodded, the top priority, they have to fix the power grid, first clean up the zombies in the factory, and stop the zombies outside, otherwise they will be attacked, no matter how powerful they are, they will not be able to defeat all the zombies.

Everyone stopped their work and began to set up the power grid. Zhou Zhifang's ability finally came in handy. He used the soil ability to split the land in front of the power grid, so that part of the loss would fall into the trap.

Jiang Muye took Song Ziwei to the water source on the mountain. Zhou Zhifang said that the geographical environment here is good because it is here.

The water source here all comes from the mountain, and there is a spring on the mountain, which slowly flows the snow and water from the mountain down the mountain through the spring. Jiang Muye asked Song Ziwei to use his supernatural power to cover the top of the water source with vines, so that even if the zombies come, Do not step into the water to protect the safety of the water source.

Along the way, the two killed several zombies again and returned with the crystal core.

Everything is ready, just waiting for nightfall.

It was the first time that Kong Jialiang felt that his abilities were so useful, and he was ready to fight. Xu Zhiyi took Cheng Syou and Chu Can together to discuss countermeasures. After the previous missions, Xu Zhiyi knew the importance of team fighting. If they have their own abilities, then there is nothing that humans cannot defeat.

When night fell, the electric switch was opened, Kong Jialiang nodded to everyone, a bright light came out from his hand, everyone turned their backs, and soon there was a sound in the distance.

Jiang Muye drove the car over and turned on the headlights. Half an hour later, Kong Jialiang hid. Under the light of the headlights, a large wave of zombies attacked.

Cheng Si sent out some tree needles, and when it was close to the zombie, the fire in Chu Can's hand ignited the tree needle, and the fire needle was inserted into the zombie's body like this.

Meng Yan's lightning ability made him stand still. Once a zombie approached, he would be struck by lightning. Xu Zhiyi threw a fireball, and Jiang Muye still jumped back and forth among the zombies with great agility.

Song Ziwei used vines to control some zombies, and Chu Can and Xu Zhiyi used fire to set them on fire.

This battle lasted for a full night, and everyone was exhausted. At dawn, watching the last zombie being killed, everyone collapsed on the ground.

Zhou Zhifang drew out his knife, and together with Song Shiwei, they picked up the crystal nuclei on the ground and performed a craniotomy to help the zombies that had not been melted by the fire take out the crystal nuclei.

Now Zhou Zhifang no longer felt the nausea he felt when he first saw Xu Zhiyi take the crystal nucleus. Now he only thinks that these are wealth, and they are all useful energy in the future.

Looking at the crystal nuclei all over the floor, Zhou Zhifang devoted himself to the research again. Fortunately, the three of Meng Yan and the others knew a little bit. These three were originally members of the scientific research team. When the four of them were together, the enthusiasm for the discussion was extremely high. Even after fighting all night last night, the researcher's enthusiasm remained the same.

Xu Zhiyi didn't wake up until the afternoon. At this time, the sun had slowly started to set, and there was already a bright red in the sky.

After Xu Zhiyi went out, he saw Jiang Muye sitting quietly on the grass, staring at the sunset in a daze, Xu Zhiyi sat over: "What are you looking at?"

Jiang Muye pulled her to his side, said with a smile, "It's nothing, I feel like it's been a long time since I stayed in such a quiet place, and it's been a long time since I watched the sunset like this."

Xu Zhiyi smiled: "So you also have this kind of sad time."

"Okay, there's still a lot of work to do, let's wake everyone up!" Jiang Muye stood up, and led Xu Zhiyi back. The current situation didn't allow them to sit and watch the sunset for too long.

Back in the house, Jiang Muye said: "After last night's battle, the number of zombies has decreased a lot, but I think it's necessary for us to search again in teams. First, we want to eliminate all hidden dangers. In addition, we also need to find See if there are any survivors."

Several people nodded, and finally decided that Cheng Siyou and Chu Can should be in a group. The two cooperated very well last night. Go to the laboratory building to see. If it is safe there, you can let Zhou Zhifang and the others go in and study the crystal nucleus gun as soon as possible; Meng Yan took the initiative to team up with Song Ziwei and went to the staff dormitory building. They have a lot of people now, at least let everyone have their own rooms; Jiang Muye and Xu Zhiyi teamed up and went to the factory behind. Said that there should be the most people here before, so it is more necessary to check, and the rest of the people stay where they are.

At night, a few people turned on the switch in the factory building, and immediately the place became brightly lit, so that zombies could be spotted immediately.

The finishing work is much simpler than they imagined. After all, the zombies at this stage are just low-level creatures that survive by instinct, so the light and sound last night made them rush up like moths to a flame. They checked There are no zombies in the place.

The next day, everyone was assigned to a room. Song Shiwei happily chose the room next to Xu Zhiyi, and joked with Xu Zhiyi: "Don't dislike me for being a light bulb. After all, I am the only person without superpowers. I always need to be strong." A little bit of human protection."

Because the opposite of Xu Zhiyi's room was Jiang Muye.

Fu Bowen was naturally in charge of the next base reinforcement work. He was an architect in the first place, so these aspects were naturally at his fingertips.

The biggest problem with their base now is that there is no manpower. It is really difficult to rely on ten of them to do all the work.

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(End of this chapter)

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