The girl who travels fast is equipped with a money-making system

Chapter 172 The Female General of the End Times (10)

Chapter 172 The Female General of the End Times (10)

The female doctor may not have had a rest for too long. She fell asleep in the caravan until dawn the next day. She stretched her waist and got up, thinking that everything before she woke up was just a dream, but no one around her was People she was familiar with, she quickly realized that she was rescued yesterday, and a group of people took her away from the city full of zombies.

Looking back, the city was nowhere to be seen, and the female doctor had too many feelings in her heart.

Song Shiwei poked his head out from the co-pilot and asked softly, "Doctor Cheng, are you awake?"

Seeing the other party seemed a little surprised, Song Shiwei pointed to the position on her chest, on which was a badge that read: Cheng Siyou, Chief Surgeon.

Cheng Siyou lowered his head, looked at his ID card, took it off with nostalgia, approached Song Shiwei and asked, "Where are we going, let me see if I have any friends there."

Song Shiwei looked at her with suspicion, and she asked, "Don't you know? The whole world is full of zombies now, do you think your friend can still wait for you where he is even if he is not infected?"

"The whole world?" Cheng Siyou opened her eyes wide. She has been trapped and unable to contact the outside world. She didn't know anything about the news. She thought that only her own city was infected, and the country would find a way to rescue it, but it turned out that, all over the place...

Song Shiwei patted her on the shoulder and said comfortingly: "It's okay, we are going to build a new base, and we will live there when the time comes, while fighting zombies, while waiting for our relatives and friends to come and join us, you will also meet new people, New friends, new family, everything will be fine."

In the past few days, everyone has been yearning, and they have discussed these words many times. At this time, these words are indeed the most comforting to the newcomers.

At noon, in order to welcome the newcomers, everyone found a flat place again, set up a fire, and cooked a meal of instant noodles.

While eating, Xu Zhiyi asked, "Doctor Cheng, do you have any supernatural powers?" She felt that Dr. Cheng, a woman, could escape from the supermarket either because she had some special ability, or at a critical moment, her supernatural power was awakened to help her escape. I have done her a lot of work, otherwise it is very likely to be infected by the loss.

"Ability?" Cheng Siyou was full of doubts.

"Like this!" Xu Zhiyi threw a fireball, did Cheng Si see it when the fire was ignited just now?

"There's more!" Song Ziwei stretched out his hand, and vines emerged from his palm.

Cheng Siyou bit off half of the noodles, and said anxiously: "This, this, I am similar to you." Then she stretched out her hand, and his vine was not as thick as Song Ziwei's, but it was like a small needle, with with spikes.

Cheng Siyou said: "I think it's a bit like acupuncture, but seeing you like this, I think I should be sharp and thin branches. When I was fleeing, these branches were like thorns, which pierced my attackers, so I can escape."

"Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle!" Song Shiwei exclaimed, saying this, everyone felt like it, a unique hidden weapon, a bit powerful.

"Our team is getting stronger and stronger!" Liu Miao sighed with joy on his face.

After eating, the few people continued on their way. Xu Zhiyi looked at the gradually narrowing space of the caravan, and felt a little troubled. The new recruits were really good, but if they didn't find a place to build a base as soon as possible, then they would divide the people into two waves, and then Looking for a car, but such a car is hard to find.

Jiang Muye saw her troubles, rubbed her head, and said, "What are you afraid of? With me, after another city, the distance between us and the hero and heroine will be almost the same. When they come to hide, we will also be there." It’s not too far away. The city just now is big enough and has more supplies. Let’s go to the outskirts of the next city. Let’s take a look. If the place is suitable, even if there are many zombies, I will sweep out a place for you to build a base. "

Jiang Muye could always give her a sense of peace of mind at this time, Xu Zhiyi nodded, and everyone continued to move forward.

Zhou Zhifang's recent research has a general direction. In the past few days, he has been studying crystal nuclei except for sleeping and eating. Cheng Siyou became his assistant after getting in the car, and the two can discuss a little bit.

Zhou Zhifang clearly told Jiang Muye and Xu Zhiyi: "It is best for our base to find a place that can generate electricity, so that we can manufacture our own weapons."

This undoubtedly made the choice of base more difficult, but for the sake of the future, this point really had to be considered.

When they entered the city again, they had a new goal, a generator, which is available in many large shopping malls, just in case they need it, and they also found a drag-type cargo box, so that the collected The materials and equipment are placed in the cargo box, and the living space can be larger.

The generator is easy to find, probably because the zombies cut off the circuit, many shopping malls have taken out the power generation equipment to supply power.

They found several in a row, moved them all into the cargo box, and left one in the RV, so that many equipment in the RV can continue to be used.

But none of them expected that they actually found a team in this city. Xu Zhiyi frowned. If there is a team here, it means that there is a possibility that there is a base, so they have to move on and look for new ones. The station has established a base.

It was Song Ziwei who discovered it first. After their car stopped, they saw two figures sneaking around. Their actions didn't look like zombies, so they hid and watched. They found that these two people came out of the supermarket and took a lot of money. supplies, then boarded the car and drove to the suburbs.

Jiang Muye asked Song Ziwei to continue driving to follow them. They could only follow from a distance, afraid of being discovered, and at the same time avoiding zombies, it was somewhat difficult to move.

After passing through an alley, as soon as their car came out, several people pointed their guns at Song Ziwei and Jiang Muye who were in the driver's seat.

One of them yelled, "Come out!"

Everyone in the car was shocked, but they also felt that it was expected, Xu Zhiyi and Jiang Muye made eye contact, and they all got out of the car.

The other party didn't seem to expect that there were so many of them. Jiang Muye turned around and grabbed the gun in the other party's hand to counter him. Song Ziwei followed slowly, but unfortunately, the person Song Ziwei was facing was a supernatural being. After the gun in his hand was grasped, he shot directly, and the fire in his hand ignited, coming towards Song Ziwei's face.

Liu Miao immediately raised her hand, and cut off the firelight less than 10 centimeters from Song Ziwei's face.

"Water ability?" The man stopped and looked at Liu Miao in disbelief.

The fighting stopped suddenly, and everyone was caught off guard, but their fight attracted a group of zombies, and the man said, "Follow me!"

Everyone quickly got into the car and left with the two of them.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for various tickets

(End of this chapter)

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