The girl who travels fast is equipped with a money-making system

Chapter 165 The Female General of the End Times (3)

Chapter 165 The Female General of the End Times (3)

"Hello!" That Dr. Zhou was not as serious as the legendary scholar, but very detached.

"Hello, my name is Song Shiwei." Several people greeted, Dr. Zhou stayed in the car, he seemed to be the type who was cowardly and playful in the legend, he was too timid to come out, but he looked at them The action is exciting.

"Dr. Zhou's physical fitness is not very good, but he is an all-around talent." Song Ziwei pointed to the brain and said, "He knows a lot of knowledge. Our team originally planned to take him to find a suitable place to build At the base, his knowledge of electricity, construction, and even machinery was helpful to us, but we were separated, and some people were infected. In the end, only the two of us were left, originally hiding upstairs, But our food was gone, so we ventured out to find food and water."

Xu Zhiyi understood, looked at the gun in Song Ziwei's hand, his eyes lit up, and asked, "How many guns like this do you have?"

Song Ziwei didn't expect that a girl like her would be concerned about this. He pointed to the upstairs and said, "There should be a few more up there, all of which were left by former comrades before they were infected. Do you need it?"

Xu Zhiyi nodded wildly, and was about to go up with a pistol, but Song Ziwei stopped her: "There are still a few zombies up there, it's dangerous, I'll go up with you."

So the two packed up, Xu Zhiyi handed the pistol to Song Shiwei to defend herself, drew a knife and went upstairs with Song Ziwei.

Because of the damage to the power supply facilities, the building was very dark. The two walked up the stairs cautiously. There was no gun. Xu Zhiyi was very careful. Song Ziwei's gun was powerful, but it would attract other zombies.

Finally arriving at the floor they were on before, Xu Zhiyi ran over quickly seeing the four or five guns and a large box of bullets. For the rest of them, this thing could be regarded as a life-saving weapon.

Song Ziwei was in good physical condition. He was carrying a large box of bullets with ease. Xu Zhiyi took the gun and encountered a zombie in the middle. Before Song Ziwei could shoot, Xu Zhiyi's knife cut off the zombie's head.

Holding the crystal core, Xu Zhiyi just smiled and went downstairs quickly when he saw Song Ziwei's surprised expression.

With the equipment, Xu Zhiyi's mood improved a lot, and the speed of the car was much faster, but with two big men, the space in the car was much smaller, and the most urgent thing was to change to a bigger car.

A few people started to drive around the city, and finally saw a remodeled RV in a large car repair shop. Although they didn't know what the people who remodeled them thought at the time, this car was exactly what Xu Zhiyi dreamed of. Car, there is a place to rest in the car, and the wheels are reinforced. It is no problem to travel through mountains and rivers. The body is also reinforced. There is a simple bed in the back compartment for two to three people to rest. There is a kitchen in the car. But obviously there is no electricity, and the kitchen is basically a decoration.

There are still several large oil drums in the trunk, which are also full of oil, there is only one problem, the key is not in the car.

Zhou Zhifang showed his ability, and he took out a few tools, and within a short while, the car was hit. Several people cheered and moved the original jeep's things onto it, and Song Ziwei sat in the driver's seat.

Xu Zhiyi could finally stop driving, and she gave everyone a gun. Song Shiwei hesitated for a moment, and asked Xu Zhiyi, "Aren't you afraid that someone will betray you?"

In this apocalyptic world, the evil in human nature seems to be magnified infinitely. Many people are abandoned for a bite of food and a little water. Xu Zhiyi knows that Song Shiwei is probably one of them.

"It's okay. Since I saved you, I should trust you. Under the current situation, the chances of winning are higher if there are more people. As long as we help each other, we will always find a place to live. If not, we will build one ourselves." Xu Zhiyi was very casual when he said this.

But the people around her, even Song Ziwei who was driving, looked back at her, and the light in their eyes became brighter, and Song Shiwei even started to sob.

Xu Zhiyi patted her on the shoulder, without much comfort, she needs to rest now.

Xu Zhiyi just fell asleep like this, and dreamed that Jiang Muye was standing in front of a base waiting for him.

When they woke up, they found that the car had stopped, and they had arrived in another city.

In this world, every new city is an unknown checkpoint. Song Ziwei stopped the car to repair.

Xu Zhiyi looked at the map, and after two more cities, they should be able to reach the base established by the male lead. I don't know if Jiang Muye is there.

On Jiang Muye's side, Wei Lisi is worthy of being the hero. His supernatural ability was discovered first. The lightning power can easily knock down zombies. For the sake of experiment, Wei Lili even secretly let some zombies in, trying to find The law of the ability, and finally found that he uses this ability for about 10 seconds each time, but the cooling time in the middle is as long as 1 minute, but if he does not take in enough food and water, the power will be greatly reduced.

He began to urgently need food, Jiang Muye and the others were sent out more frequently to find things.

Finally, during a mission, Jiang Muye's abilities also exploded. Seeing the thunder and lightning in his hand that looked like a sword, Jiang Muye smiled. This ability is very good at combining. As a swordsman before, his swordsmanship is naturally good .

Jiang Muye conducted an experiment secretly by himself. His lightning attribute seems to be more advanced than Willis's. It is continuously output, and the duration can reach an hour each time. Combined with his own swordsmanship, it can be said that he can cut Killing zombies is actually very simple.

Jiang Muye could successfully complete every task, and Weris became more and more interested in him.Later, Weris left him alone, and asked directly, "Do you have any abilities now?"

Jiang Muye shook his head, he didn't want to tell the male lead, the male lead seems to be a very good leader, but in fact, all the people who discovered the supernatural power here were assigned more jobs by him, and many of them served him , but because no one has stronger skills than him at present, everyone lives in peace.

Willis nodded and told him to go back.

Jiang Muye became more careful not to use his abilities at critical moments.

Song Ziwei here was the first to discover the supernatural power. They were just resting in the suburbs, but a zombie suddenly fell from the tree and went straight towards Zhou Zhifang.

Before Song Ziwei could take the gun in time, he stretched out his hand to block it. As a result, countless tree vines drilled out of his hand, tightly entangled the zombie, and finally turned into a cocoon.

Everyone was stunned, and Song Ziwei himself didn't expect it, and was surprised to see his hand.

Xu Zhiyi was very happy, and said with a smile, "Congratulations, you got the ability. It seems to be a wood-type ability."

 If you had a power, what power would you wish for?

  Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for various tickets


(End of this chapter)

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