Chapter 101 Chapter 1 Chapter 80s Female Bully (22)

Xu Zhiyi knew that next, the hero would show his crazy attributes for his lover.

The reason why the male protagonist is the male protagonist is that his identity is not simple. No one knows why Xu Zhiyuan, who was obviously a good prospect to be a soldier, suddenly changed his will and became a doctor.

But Xu Zhiyi knew that this was the setting of the plot. Xu Zhiyuan was arranged by the people behind him to enter the medical school in order to cover up the edge. None of the children joined the army.

But Xu Zhiyuan, who loves the military, is naturally unwilling to give up his ideals like this. He eventually entered the military camp and became a field doctor. His professional skills are better than some ordinary soldiers. The people above naturally noticed that Xu Zhiyuan was sent. The task can be completed excellently every time, so the people above pay special attention to it, but if he wants to have a higher military position, he can only wait until Dad Xu retires.

According to the introduction in the original text, Xu Zhiyuan's official fortune is far higher than that of his father.

It stands to reason that Xu Zhiyuan at this time should want to hide his strength and bide his time, but for Jin Meiyu, he gave up. Like all domineering male protagonists, my woman will never allow others to bully her.

Xu Zhiyi knew that the happy days of the Qin family's father and daughter were coming to an end.This was the content of the original plot. Since Xu Zhiyi had completed the task on behalf of Jiang Muye, there was nothing wrong with her.

She also has a new business to be busy recently, because BB machines have opened up the market, and now many people are asking about Big Brother. Xu Zhiyi knows that Big Brother has not been popular for a few years, and the price is ridiculously high, but influenced by Hong Kong movies, these few days Young rich people have a strong yearning for a big brother.

Xu Zhiyi and Sister-in-law Fang discussed it, and decided to test the waters, advance a few mobile phones, and see how they sell.

The people who purchased this time were still Xu Zhiyi and Li Hongxing. When Jiang Muye heard that Xu Zhiyi was going to Shenzhen again, he was a little worried and said, "Big brother is said to be something that is hard to buy with money. If you are sure to go, I am always a little worried. "

"I'm mentally prepared. If it doesn't work, I will come back. I will treat it as a trip. I will go to the T factory to see if there are new models of BB machines." Xu Zhiyi doesn't care too much. Compared with the world they were in, eight People in the 90s were more honest, and the society was safer than they imagined.

"How about you wait until our task is completed this time before going, and then I will ask for leave to accompany you." Jiang Muye said worriedly.

Xu Zhiyi smiled, she always thought that the male god had a cold temper, but she didn't expect to care about people, which was quite surprising, but she has worked hard and lived outside for so many years, and the accumulated social experience is actually no less than that of Jiang Muye who started his own business.

"No need, don't worry." Xu Zhiyi refused again. She knew that Jiang Muye's unit recently had to conduct annual battle training, which is a very important part of the unit's assessment. The original Jiang Muye still had some experience, but now However, Jiang Muye had never tried it once, so he was extremely nervous.

Besides, when their battle training is over, it will be the end of the new year, and she still wants to take advantage of the new year to make a fortune.

Unable to resist Xu Zhiyi, Jiang Muye had no choice but to compromise. They are now a cooperative relationship, and he can't interfere too much in her decision. The two agreed that Jiang Muye would send her to the train the next day.

That's right, without a letter of introduction, Xu Zhiyi could only continue to take the train. Fortunately, with comprehensive preparations this time, Xu Zhiyi's journey was not too boring. He just had some snacks and read a book.

Li Hongxing also gained experience this time, brought a deck of cards, and soon played with the young people in the carriage.

After getting off the train, Xu Zhiyi and Li Hongxing shuddered at the same time. Even though the winter in the south is still cold, they were a little uncomfortable getting off the air-conditioned train.

The publicity department of T factory sent acquainted staff to pick them up, and they got into the car of T factory, and the two felt warmer. The damp and cold in the south was not much better than the cold in the north.

The two of them went to Factory T to see the newly manufactured BB machine. The BB machine produced this time had a Chinese display design on the basis of the original one. The display content of the BB machine finally no longer existed like a digital password.

Seeing the new functions, Li Hongxing immediately wanted to buy a new phone happily. He said bluntly that this BB phone can definitely surpass foreign BB phones and occupy the market.

Xu Zhiyi knows that this is an inevitable trend. If the domestic machine wants to go out of the model of foreign products, it must have its own innovation, otherwise it will always be a substitute for others.

"When will this model be available?" Xu Zhiyi asked.

"The current product has entered the late stage of debugging, and it will be available for sale in May next year." A member of the publicity department introduced.

"At that time, we hope to ship the goods as soon as possible and sell them at the same time as the dealers here." Xu Zhiyi said.

The director of the sales department next to him said hesitantly: "You should know the current logistics environment. It takes about a week for the goods to be delivered to your side. The Shenzhen market does not need this time. It must have a geographical advantage."

"Have you ever thought about it, first ship it to us, and then sell it simultaneously, causing a sensational news, and newspapers all over the country report it at the same time, what do you think this model will get, I don't think I need to say it What is it!" Xu Zhiyi looked at the two chiefs of the sales department and the publicity department.

The head of the publicity department brightened his eyes. If it is reported nationwide, then their new model will be a hit, and the T brand will inevitably become the leading industry of BB machines, and the profits brought to them will be far more than just this one machine. type.

"Okay, I've discussed with the director of the factory, and I will give you a unified release time when the time comes, and then please make preparations for the early stage, and we will contact you by phone at any time." The chief of the publicity department is a person who has some decision-making power. After the decision is made, the job of the basic factory manager will be much easier.

Seeing that he agreed, the head of the sales department seemed to have nothing to object to, so he didn't say anything else.

Coming out of the T factory, Li Hongxing's eyes were full of admiration, and he couldn't help saying: "Sister Xu, you are really amazing, where did you learn these things, I want to learn too, and I will be like you in the future, to be a knowledgeable university student." boss."

"Rely on learning, Red Star. After our business stabilizes and the sales under your hands have been mastered, you can go to night school to study a university. With knowledge, you will have the confidence to do whatever you do." Xu Zhiyi said earnestly.

The last time I chatted with Li Hongxing's mother, I found out that Li Hongxing was still very good at studying at the beginning, but the family situation made this teenager who was only a teenager take on the responsibility of the family early, and he entered the society too early, so he had no chance to feel at ease. reading.

 Of course, the heroine is always based on the career line, and the hero must also have a career! !
  Continue to ask for collections, recommendations, and various tickets.


(End of this chapter)

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