Catch a zombie to farm

Chapter 19 Cultivation of the Corpse King

Chapter 19 Cultivation of the Corpse King
As Cai Cai's level rises, his intelligence is also getting higher and higher, and now he is no different from normal young people.

In appearance, the skin is not as dead white as before, but has the blood color of a normal person.

Now, no matter from appearance, internal IQ, and thinking mode, he is completely like a normal person recovering from illness.

The two arrived at the first 4S store. There was no car in the huge exhibition hall, and the empty parking lot was washed clean by the rain for several days.

It is so clean that one wonders whether there has been any activity here, whether it is really a 4s shop.

The two searched all the 4S stores around them, but they couldn't find a usable car.

Finding a car was out of the question, but they were all here, and Su Ruanruan didn't want to go back empty-handed, so the two followed the system navigation and went to the nearest supermarket.

This supermarket is very big. Before the end of the world, it was the largest supermarket in D city, and the daily passenger flow was also very large. After the end of the world, there are also the most zombies here.

As soon as they entered the supermarket, the zombies inside started to riot like hungry wolves smelling the smell of meat.

"Don't do anything yet," Su Ruanruan held onto Cai Cai to stop him from moving: "Don't kill them, just let them calm down, and we will kill them next time we come back and take away all the supplies we need!"

"Sister, actually, you don't need to kill them!" Cai Cai suddenly had a feeling that she could establish some kind of connection with them and then control them.

"How to say?" Su Ruanruan stopped and asked.

"I'll tell you later!"

After talking about Cai Cai, the entire supermarket fell silent after the Level 6 zombie coercion was released.

Those zombies all stood in place, not daring to move.

"Then you get yours first, I'll look for supplies!" Su Ruanruan found a shopping cart, remembering the extremely cold weather that will appear in the near future, so she went to the electrical department first.

Looking at the size of the heater and the shopping cart, she really felt that she needed a truck.

Otherwise, a shopping cart would be full of such a big heater, and they would go back, just the two of them, at most two of them.

Even if there is one heater for each bedroom, there are exactly four bedrooms now. In such a cold day, I don’t know if one heater for each bedroom will be enough.

The kitchen, bathroom and living room must also be available, otherwise the kitchen and the living room will not be able to stay, and it is estimated that taking a bath can become an ice sculpture.

It is conservatively estimated that if you want to resist the extreme cold, there are backups, such as heaters, the more things like heaters, the better.

When he was in a difficult situation, he saw that the motionless zombies were overtaking Su Ruanruan and came over, making the sound of "drink~drink" from the depth of their throats.

"This, this, this, escort Cai Cai!" Su Ruanruan was frightened, she didn't have the ability to attack, and she was really helpless in the face of zombies.

"Sister, don't be afraid! They won't hurt you!" Cai Cai strolled in the courtyard, her face showing embarrassment.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for starting the SS-level side mission, the cultivation of the corpse king! Trigger mission: take shape.

Reward: Four ability boxes, ten cubic meters of storage space, two non-attribute sixth-level crystal cores, and three spiritual-type sixth-level crystal cores.

The mission has been completed and the rewards have been distributed! "

What the hell?Suddenly she won the jackpot?This reward is too good to take, right?
Wait, what is the cultivation of this corpse king?

"Sheep have a leader, and wolves have a wolf king. Now that zombies have been born in this world, a zombie king is bound to be born to lead them. This is the law of nature, and it is also the way of heaven!" the system explained.

"As for who the corpse king is, natural selection will naturally choose whoever has the highest level and the strongest ability!"

"You mean, Cai Cai is now the one with the highest level and the strongest ability among all the zombies?"


Su Ruanruan's mood at this moment is like going to the supermarket to buy something. After shopping, someone told her to get a lottery ticket for shopping today.

Then she took this lottery ticket and forcibly drew [-] million!

The surprise came so fast, it was simply caught off guard!

"Cai Cai, you can do it! It has to be you!" Su Ruanruan now feels that she is so awesome. The protagonist Liu Zichen lives in her house and becomes her younger brother. From now on, the dead king will be her younger brother.

Now that they have all grown up, wouldn't she be able to walk sideways in this apocalypse!

Cai Cai who was praised was very happy, "Sister, you don't have to be afraid of the zombies in this area, I have given them an order, and they will not attack my sister again."

"There is still such an operation?" Su Ruanruan was shocked and happy.

"Yes, thanks to my sister, I can grow up so fast." Cai Cai smiled, no longer grinning like before, and her smile was imageless.

Now he seems to know how to restrain himself.

"Since you've said that, I'm embarrassed if I don't give you something!"

Su Ruanruan spread the three spiritual system crystal nuclei that the system gave just now in the palm of her hand, and stretched them out in front of Cai Cai.

"Sister, you are so kind!" Feeling the surging energy in the crystal nucleus, Cai Cai was so excited that she was at a loss.

"Okay, you absorb it slowly, I'll go get some more radiators back!"

The reward just now increased her storage space by ten cubic meters, how much more things can be stored!
With a wave of his little hand, he collected all kinds of heaters and air conditioners, and went to the warehouse to collect two hundred bags of rice, white noodles and many sources of life, until the entire storage space was filled.

The two who finished collecting the things didn't stop much, and rushed back directly.

When I got home, I saw at least a hundred people digging sweet potatoes in the same field where she dug sweet potatoes.

The vegetables in the surrounding fields have been harvested by them, and there are many bags filled with green vegetables and sweet potatoes beside them.

Su Ruanruan doesn't care about the vegetables in those fields, as long as these people don't come to her house to grab her things, they are free to go.

I just don't know how these people were found, and when they came, did they find the small courtyard where she lived.

Thinking of this, Su Ruanruan couldn't help feeling tense, after all, a hungry person can do anything.

The two hurried to the small courtyard, and as soon as they reached the door, they saw more than a dozen people surrounding their door.

It looks like it's been a while.

(End of this chapter)

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