Chapter 85
A monarch does not even have a guard, and he has to lead people to hunt prey himself. Although the ministers will also send people to hunt with them, the prey they hunt is divided according to the rank of the ministers, and civilians will also send people to go with them. Yes, can also be assigned.

In the end, Kezi still lived his own life without stopping, it was really enough.

Originally, there were about 2000 people in the entire imperial city, most of whom planted and picked wild fruits to make a living. Only so many people were accumulated in normal and good years, but since the beginning of spring this year, the climate has been abnormal, so that early season The harvest is one-third lower than in previous years, so from the middle of the year to the end of the year, it can be said that almost all of them are eating grass roots, leaves or a kind of low-growing sweet stalk of reed, which is similar to sugar cane but not sugar cane, a kind of grass that is the size of an adult man’s thumb rod diameter.The old and the weak are young and old, coupled with sudden illness and hunger, many people died of starvation, and now the imperial city is less than nine thousand.

Born in a small country in the east, it’s not that I never thought about fishing, but there is only a beach about 2000 meters away from the imperial city. Except for the people in the imperial city who go back, there are almost all the people in the villages around the imperial city. Looking for seafood in that sea area to make a living, let alone a few people, if there are a lot of people, think about it, you can't even find a fish anywhere.In addition, I only know how to fish in tidal flats, I don’t know how to build boats, and I haven’t been able to fish in the sea. It’s not easy to eat Shanghai.

It's just that this beach is the only one to blame here, because the surrounding narrow and long area is full of dangerous cliffs, extending all the way to the country's north and south defensive checkpoints, which is a benefit for Qixia Kingdom, easy to defend and difficult to attack terrain The advantage makes it difficult for the enemy country to successfully capture the city gate. If someone knows how to build a ship, there is only one checkpoint, and it is also a difficulty to attack.

The dangerous terrain has a good side and a bad side.Because of this kind of terrain, Qixia Kingdom is equivalent to a closed country. If it does not develop in the long run, once the countries at the north and south ends develop, the defenses on both sides of Qixia Kingdom will be captured sooner or later, and Qixia Kingdom will be divided into North and South. Attack the country's territory, and Qixia country can only be annihilated in the dust of history.

Speaking of which, Qixia Country is indeed very suitable for her to engage in infrastructure construction. It doesn't matter if the upper limit of favorability is high, and it is natural to have enough.If there was no such thing as Keke being poisoned to death, it would be best if she didn't need to find a murderer, and she would be happier to include this new Keke in the vacation team.

It's a pity that it's not a vacation. In addition to guarding against the national division, there is still construction to be done. Right now, there is an urgent need to find food to sustain life.

Thinking about it, I felt that Yuanshen lived a miserable life.

[The system said: Yanyan, the national teacher! 】

【Wu Xi paused, it was so early in the day, and the national teacher hadn't slept yet, so he asked: Where is it? 】

Wu Xiyan subconsciously stopped, and listened to the sounds around her with her ears up.

At this moment, it is the darkest moment before dawn, but she doesn't know what's going on with her, even if it's so dark that she can't see her fingers, the world she sees is just a dark color, like a night He looked at his surroundings lightly and clearly.

There was no previous shell, and she didn't know if it was because of the shell itself, so besides listening to the movement around her, she couldn't help but turn her head and look around to see where the national teacher said by the system was.

[The system said: Yanyan, he is not around, you follow the fork on the left, walk 300 meters forward, then turn right and walk 200 meters...]

【Wu Xiyan: I remember that there is a small door to get out of the palace over there. Is he going out of the palace? 】

[System: It looks like, let's go quickly, let's follow him to see what bad things he is going to do when he leaves the palace before dawn. 】

Wu Xiyan was also curious, so he went to the small door to leave the palace as the system said, and walked faster.

Trotting all the way, she felt dizzy after a while, and the system had to adjust her body data again, so she could keep up with the national teacher's footsteps. .

The national teacher is not only going out of the imperial palace, but also all the way out of the imperial city. He took a road with few people, so no one saw her and the national teacher when he left the imperial city at dawn. The teacher must have gone countless times.

Wu Xiyan followed the national teacher all the way to a remote mountain, and then went into the trail on the south side of the mountain. She had walked for three hours, and the other party was also panting, but he didn't mean to be hungry. It looks like it came out when it was full.

From Kezi's memory, it seems that in the past three years, the National Teacher doesn't seem to care how much food is distributed. I also heard that the National Teacher will distribute food to other ministers who are not enough to eat from time to time, so there are more ministers in the court. At least I have had the food of the national teacher.

This made her feel strange. When everyone was not full to eat, she, the monarch, was so hungry that she was so skinny, and she was still thinking about the rations of everyone in the palace. Which minister was not grateful, but did not say that she would distribute it. It seems that the teacher never needs to eat much to maintain a normal daily life.

According to the original words of the national teacher, he is the national teacher and has the blessing of the Qixia god, so eating less will be fine, but it will only give him more opportunities to get close to the Qixia god, and then listen to the gods to teach the knowledge and pass it on to the Qixia king. and the people.

Listen, no matter what, I feel that he intentionally or unintentionally preaches the meaning of being able to communicate with Qixia gods, and then teach the Qixia king and people through the knowledge gained from the gods.And what he meant was that because he was close to the gods, he could eat less food for this purpose, unlike the king and people of Qixia Kingdom who are ordinary people and need to satisfy their appetites to maintain their lives.

Kezi is also a fool, but he really worked hard to eat less and work more, for the food of the ministers, even Qingcao gave him more food, but he was so hungry, he even told Qingcao that he wanted to follow him. The national teacher studied and worked hard to get close to the words of the gods of Qixia Kingdom.

From Wu Xiyan's point of view, this national teacher is simply farting!
But Kezi didn't have the slightest doubt. She didn't think there was anything wrong before, but after seeing the dark malicious value of the national teacher, she no longer felt that something was wrong. On the contrary, there was a big problem!

Especially now that he has been walking for several hours, and his footsteps are still steady, it doesn't look like someone who is always hungry can do it!
Obviously not, no matter how powerful a person is, unless they have special abilities like her, the system can't detect other strange powers in the national teacher, that is to say, there is only one possibility, the national teacher can eat enough every day!
Especially after she got suspicious, she asked the system to test the body of the national teacher. This person is actually in normal health, not at all hungry and thin. Although he also looks a little malnourished, it is caused by his poor spleen and stomach, and the whole person cannot eat. Because of being fat and looking tall and thin.

Upon hearing the result, she couldn't help but swear, and almost ran out to question the national teacher.

Fortunately, he just scolded a few words angrily, but he didn't really go to the national teacher to question him.

She didn't believe that the national teacher was really a spirit, and the system told her with absolute certainty that this small world was just an ordinary world without such settings as spirits, ghosts and gods, so it must be a big deal for the national teacher to come out before dawn. There is a problem, if the guess is correct, he will definitely hide the food he found, and then eat himself full.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is that Kezi, the king, gave everything to the ministers as favors. Those who were malicious towards Kezi probably stood by the National Teacher because of the food. If you do something, you will definitely turn to the national teacher.

Thinking about it this way, when she woke up yesterday, the national teacher said that he was dead, and then there was a good explanation for the new monarch Ji Shaoan as the monarch He looks like a person, but his maliciousness towards Kezi is so dark that he knows that this person is definitely not really kind to Kezi.

She asked Chuncao last night, and Chuncao said that the ointment applied to the shell and the medicine to drink are made from medicinal materials collected by the national teacher himself from the mountains. The national teacher handled it.

After hearing this, she and the system both knew that the national teacher was definitely a person who wanted to kill the shell, and the poisoning had already been determined to be the work of the national teacher.

This is clearly: wolf ambition!

After Kezi died, Ji Shaoan didn't understand anything, so naturally he could only listen to the national teacher, and he would do whatever the national teacher said, and he was a proper puppet monarch!
But Kezi is an adult and has his own thoughts. It is impossible for the national teacher to tell Kezi whatever he wants, so in order to become the national teacher of Qixia Kingdom who is fully authorized to act as the national government affairs agent, poisoning Kezi to death is the best choice.

After Ke Zi died, no one can stop the national teacher from doing whatever he wants. If his three nephews die in time, then it is possible for Qixia Kingdom to become a national teacher and ascend the throne without being doubted by the people of Qixia Kingdom. The monarch of this country has the best of both worlds!

She had to say that for the foolish people in this country, the national teacher's wishful thinking was very good.

It's a pity that she came to work, and the national teacher will suffer, but she wants to see how he can make her plan come true!

While talking to the system, Wu Xiyan followed the national teacher non-stop, all the way to a small valley. Since the system detected that there was only one way in, and there were small valleys surrounded by cliffs, she had no choice. Don't hide in a hidden place outside the trail and wait for the national teacher to come out.

The small valley is shrouded in mist, and the system monitoring function can't cover it. I don't know the situation in the valley for the time being, so I don't dare to enter the valley rashly. Therefore, no matter how much she wants to go in, she has to wait patiently for the teacher from the country. Come out and go in.

This waited until it was close to eleven o'clock, and it was really long enough to stay.

Wu Xiyan dug a yam nearby, and picked a lot of edible mushrooms, including fungus and a blood ganoderma, plus some useful herbs. Fortunately, the system took her to pick up five Wild eggs, if not for weaving a rattan basket, these things would not be taken away.

When she came back to the neighborhood and thought about whether to get something to eat, the system said that the national teacher finally came out, so she watched the national teacher leave from a distance, and when she was sure that he would not look back, she walked through the dense forest like a national teacher. grove into the valley.

As soon as he entered the valley, the system screamed.

Not to mention the system, even Wu Xiyan had the urge to scream wildly, but her rationality restrained her madness!

[Wu Xiyan said excitedly: Xiao Jiu, [-]% of this national teacher wants to usurp the throne. Look, although weeds are overgrown here, there is not a single big tree in this valley, which is obviously treated. Weeds are only allowed to grow on purpose, this sweet potato, this potato, the wheat over there, corn, the soybean in the corner, and the tomato over there... Hey, are those oranges? 】

[The system also said excitedly: Yes, Yanyan, how many kinds of fruits are there? Look, they are grapes, but unfortunately they didn’t bear any fruit. There’s a banana tree in the corner of Sydney over there, it seems that it hasn’t been long since it was newly planted.I calculated that this small valley with about ten acres of flat land was covered with vines and thorny thorns because of the small entrance and exit.But judging from the small road you came in, the national teacher has walked countless times.Otherwise, this place would have been discovered a long time ago. Even if the people in this country have never seen the things in it, they would find anything that could be eaten, so how could it still be preserved to this day. 】

[Wu Xiyan: I have already said that he must have the heart of disobedience. If it weren't for the people in this country with relatively rigid heads, he would probably have succeeded a long time ago. It is impossible for Kezi to be in power for three years. die.After Kezi's death, the national teacher must lead people to find things in this valley, and then develop and promote planting or something. People who are popular will not be far from the throne. 】

[System: The national teacher is really poisonous, Yanyan, I think you said that the death of Kezi Huangjie was the result of the national teacher's hands and feet, and I agree.This time, in addition to infrastructure construction, we have to pull down the national teacher and make his wish come true! 】

[Wu Xiyan: It is necessary... Sweet potato, Xiaojiu, I dug sweet potato! 】

Wu Xiyan was already squatting in a place that had obviously been dug at the moment. She took a wooden stick to dig up the undug sweet potatoes nearby. , The tender ones can still be eaten, so naturally they can't be wasted.

[System concept: Yan Yan, you should wash it anyway, there is still dirt! 】

Seeing the green light in the host's eyes, the system immediately reminded him, but the host had already eaten, so it seemed that he was really hungry.

【Wu Xiyan said with a smile: It’s okay, I’ll eat small ones, not much muddy ones, sweet and crunchy, delicious. 】

Watching the host look at the larger sweet potatoes dug up and putting them aside, it’s just a taste, so the system will help to detect them and ask the host to dig a few more large ones so that they can have a good meal.

After digging four or five large fruits, Wu Xiyan went to a small pool deep in the valley, and found that there was actually a clay pot there, and there were some traces of a fire that had just been burned, but it was no longer bright after being watered. of.

 Dear Meng, it's Chinese New Year. I wish you all a happy new year, good health and good luck for your family!

(End of this chapter)

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