Chapter 67 The Second World
Wu Xiyan curled her lips. She was really greedy, so she accepted the system's sincere apology: "Where is the mountain egg? I'll go pick it up."

[The system heard that the host was not so angry, and immediately said excitedly: It is in the grass about five meters in front of you on the left, you can see the grass nests inside if you push the grass away, there are seven or eight grass nests.It's the grass where the tail grass stands up. You see, the pheasant's nest is right below. 】

[Wu Xiyan: Seven or eight are so many, you can take a few away. 】

With what the system said, Wu Xiyan quickly found the pheasant nest, and there were really eight pheasant eggs. She asked the system to test and took the five freshest ones, and left the rest where the mother hen hatched.Then Wu Xiyan continued to return to the place just now, picked up the previous mushrooms into the back radish and continued to look for mushrooms, she had to find half of the radish before dark.

In other words, she returned to the present world after she had accumulated enough favor points in her first novice world.

Waking up was just like the system said, it was like a dream. If she insisted on saying something different, she felt more tired.

Normally, she wouldn't be tired, but after system testing, it was found that her soul strength had increased, and her body was not getting used to it for a while.

She didn't know that going to the small world to do tasks could also increase the strength of the soul, so she asked the system what was going on.

The system didn't know either, but after asking the higher-level system that brought it, it learned that this kind of situation would not happen to a normally bound host, so her situation is very rare, but not impossible.

The strength of the soul is improved, and at the same time it is more suitable to do tasks in the small world, because the small world is divided into levels, and the corresponding soul strength of different levels will be different, because there are certain risks in walking through the post. She can only do tasks in the lowest-level small world, and she can't go to the high-level ones at present.

Knowing that it is beneficial and harmless to herself, she is naturally relieved, the fatigue will disappear after about three days, and then she will return to the previous sloppy life, going to work, part-time job, writing, spinning top Life.

Because after completing the task in the first world, Wu Xiyan got 80 points. The score is not very good, but it is not bad. What makes her happy, this point can be exchanged for 1000 yuan in this world. It is equivalent to getting 8 yuan in her pocket.

Of course, the points she hadn't forgotten wanted to be exchanged for something else, not money, so she didn't exchange a single point.Before she got what she wanted, she would never use the points unless necessary.

Because the system has been repaired in the small world, it doesn't need her points to buy the repair installation package, and its energy is also sufficient, so there is no need to buy energy or anything. Besides, after finishing this world, the system also gets 50 points. points, it also saves those points by itself, saying that if she needs it, it can be given to her at that time.

She didn't say yes, after all, it was also obtained by working hard with her. The small system also has what it wants, and the thing it most hopes to upgrade the system is. Now it is still a novice system, and it has not even been officially incorporated, so it is quite Yu is still an intern. In case the task fails to pass the internship, the points obtained from these small worlds can come in handy. Bind the host to continue to do the task to get the opportunity to become an incorporation system.

She heard that it was like taking a civil servant test, otherwise she could only work casually. Unfortunately, these small systems are not as good as the world she lives in. She can do other things without being a civil servant, but the system is different, like Qi Zhou. An independent system that is powerful enough to be separated from the administrator, you can go to the system hall to hang tasks, but small systems cannot, like small systems, those with administrators can only continue to be assigned tasks by the administrator, waiting for an unknown fate, Such a comparison is even more tragic than an independent system. If it has not been officially incorporated, it will either disappear after the energy is used up, or consider going back to the furnace for rebuilding.

I heard that mass-produced initialization systems are like fish in the sea, only the strong ones can survive.

Wu Xiyan feels that whether it is disappearing or being remade, it is no different from death, so she will not ask for points from the small system. Besides, it is because of the system that she has the opportunity to go to the small world. Those who want things will never do the thing of demolishing bridges in the river, and they will not be able to do such a thing.

She was not idle when she returned to the present world, and the system was the same. She started to collect the complete information in this world. Because it was an incomplete system, the collection was limited. .

And the month she returned to the present world, except for work and work, was work and work. Of course, it was during the day, and at night, she wrote and wrote. The speed of code words can be described as astonishing.

After returning home from get off work and packing up everything, it only takes three hours to spend on the computer, so the number of codewords can be compared to her previous day when she was resting.

In addition, she took a break to code during the day, so in about ten days, she coded 20 characters abruptly, which happened to be her experience in that small world. She can't remember what she wishes, but she can't help but have a system. With it, the pointers that I remember from personal experience can only be written completely naturally.

Then post the post as usual, throw it up two times a day, and the three-day collection and votes are unprecedentedly high. When she is on the post again, the date of listing has been finalized, and she can set the automatic posting.

The system suggests that because there are tasks in the small world, she can also save points and exchange them for money. It is suggested that she take part-time jobs on Saturdays and Sundays or rest days and stay for rest. Money is endless, and the body is important, even if the soul is strong. The benefits, but as the strength of the soul becomes stronger, if the body itself is unhealthy, the benefits will also become disadvantages.

Of course she knows, work and rest, but wait until the second world completes the mission and go back to make plans, isn't she in the mission world now?

Wu Xiyan looked at the sky, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that this newly hired shell is actually quite miserable.

[System: Yanyan, there is another brood of wild eggs over there. There are not so many this time, but three can be taken away, so there will be eight wild eggs. 】

Wu Xiyan, who was pulled back by the system's voice, said: "A little bit is still an egg, and it's good to eat."

Indeed, it's really good to eat the shell that you can't eat enough, and headed to the place the system said, so there were three more pheasant eggs in her back.

In other words, the second world where she is currently doing missions is an ancient world. The system said that because she is not proficient as a novice, she will be allowed to do missions in a world with the same difficulty level as the novice world. However, the mall has been transferred due to the system. The online website has been disabled, which means that other than the novice world and the system mall, don't think about other worlds.

And after arriving in this world, the world information obtained by the system is that this world is an incomparably huge continent.

The strange thing is that the racial division is very single, only the Hu people and the Han people. The more north you go, the more obvious the Hu people's blood, and the more south you are, the more obvious the Han people's blood.There are more than 50 countries in this world, large and small, the largest of which is Jin, which is also the only big country in the world that spans the north and south regions.

The state of Jin has become strong, and now the ruler is a wise king. The state of Jin is now in an era of peace and prosperity for the people and the peace of the world.

Having said that, although the current emperor is a rare wise emperor, the land of Jin is extremely large, no matter how powerful and humble, there will inevitably be corrupt officials. As the saying goes, those officials who are assigned will always feel that the sky is high and the emperor is far away. This kind of domineering, the people will naturally suffer unspeakably.

Linshui County is such a place. This town governs an area of ​​[-] li. Because there is a river called Linhe flowing through Linshui County, the fertile land and crops can be harvested by the sky, and the harvest can be considered good.

But since the previous county magistrate retired seven years ago, Zhao County came to fill in. Although the previous county magistrate was also greedy, he also knew not to overdo it, so even if the rent was higher, the county magistrate of Linhe County The people can still eat enough.However, after the new county magistrate businessman surnamed Zhao, the rent was increased by [-]% every two years. Now even if the weather is good, the grain harvested by the people is sold at seven times, and the remaining grain is not enough to support the family.

Under the jurisdiction of the former magistrate of Linhe County, the people can still have a full meal.After Xinzhi County took office, the people were fine for the first two years. After the rent was increased, they saved some money and could survive until the harvest. From the fourth year onwards, the people could not eat enough at all. From the sixth year onwards, after the rent was paid, some families had little food rations. Some can last for three months, and many people can't last for ten and a half months after paying rent and rations.

Those who have money can buy some directly with money, but most of the poor have no money left, and they almost live on wild vegetables.

In the past, Linhe County could be regarded as a relatively rich county. If the parents and officials who loved the people like their children, Linhe County would have been richer, but Linhe County is thousands of miles away from the capital, just in response to the saying that the sky is high and the emperor is far away. The two terms were not good magistrates. Now Linhe County can be said to be rich and have been shrunk, while the poor are getting poorer. Especially in this year's famine, there are rumors from time to time that people who have nothing to eat starve to death.

And her two jobs are all in Linhe County, the only difference is that the villages are not in the same place.

The first shell was a man with a husband and son, because the daughter-in-law gave birth in one day, and the family gave almost all the best food to the daughter-in-law, but because she couldn't eat anything before, she had no energy after giving birth to her grandson The grandson was even thinner and weaker, so she decided to go up the mountain alone to find some wild vegetables and fruits for her daughter-in-law and grandson to eat. As a result, she walked a little further into the mountain, but unfortunately encountered a beast and fell off the cliff on the way to escape. He hit his head and died.

Kezi really wanted to see her son and grandson again, so she wished to be the first Kezi to work after she came to this world.

It's a pity that there is only one day's work time, so he hurriedly found some food to go back, let Kezi see his filial son and newborn grandson, and it's almost time to be laid off, so what he can do is very limited.

The first time is so short, naturally I can’t do anything, I only get the favor value of the base, and then the second shell, which is now, a little girl named Da Ya who is only seven years old .

Da Ya’s grandparents have long been gone, and her mother passed away a few years ago due to an accident on the mountain, her younger brother died of illness last winter, and her father also died of illness a month ago. The purpose of the uncle and uncle’s family’s taking her in was to sell her She was a child bride-in-law or a brothel in exchange for money. Fortunately, my uncle arrived in time to stop her, and then took her back to his village. After that, Da Ya lived in his uncle's house.

The grandparents have passed away, and there is only one son, the uncle. The uncle's family also has five children, three boys and two girls. The youngest is only three years old. My cousin is two years older than her, and my cousin is three years younger. Both of her parents died, and when she lived in the uncle's house, she was used by her aunt in various ways. In just one month, she became more aware of her situation, and she was so sensible that even the tasker felt sad.

Uncle is good to her, but she also knows that uncle and aunt quarreled several times because of her, so she knows that she has caused uncle, but she also knows that if there is no uncle, she would have been sold, so she can only spend as little time as possible every day. Eat some, and then help the family with what she can do, and hope that my aunt will see her for her ability, and don't let my uncle send her back to the uncle's house.

Even though she is only seven years old, she is aware of her current situation. She always wants to work more to help her uncle's family, and then hopes that her aunt will not drive her away. She wakes up earlier than chickens and sleeps later than dogs. It’s just to maintain this life, collecting firewood, digging wild vegetables, mowing grass, digging insects, and doing any kind of work that can be done. His face is yellow and thin, and he looks like a five-year-old child, skinny.

Da Ya is sensible and takes care of most of the housework every day. Uncle and aunt go out to take care of geographical crops. The little cousin at home is watched by the fourth cousin who is a month older than her. In the past, the third cousin looked after the little one. Cousin, because she has one more worker, the fourth cousin will take the fifth cousin, and the third cousin will go to the fields with his parents. In fact, he didn’t do much farming when he went there, but just walked along, most of them went to the nearby mountains. Look for wild vegetables, pick up firewood and the like.

Even though she knew that her aunt and younger cousins ​​disliked her, Da Ya didn't feel bad, because if her uncle hadn't taken her in and given her food, she would have been sold to nowhere, and the tragic fate would be death. , so I am very grateful to my uncle's family, even if they don't like her.

Da Ya works hard, as much as possible, and whenever she has free time, she will run up the mountain, either collecting firewood, picking wild fruits, and more wild vegetables, hoping to help the living family share the things within her capacity.

(End of this chapter)

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