Chapter 59

Wu Xiyan opened his eyes, and what he saw was a jungle.

"Little Nine?"

[Yanyan, you're awake, don't talk so much, read the previous post's shell information before talking. 】

Wu Xiyan quickly browsed the identity information of the newly hired Kezi. Although she was very excited after reading it, she also knew that her survival rate in the wild was low.

Shell Alia is a commoner in this jungle country. Because the country they live in is poor, they basically rely on planting and the sale of trees from the forest. Alia’s village is a remote poor village. The villages in the city are poorer. Most of the time, if they can’t get enough to eat, they have to go to the virgin forest to hunt for wild fruits to make a living. Until two years ago, some migrant workers from this village brought back some people, saying You can get money for planting some fruit, so everyone started planting.

The villagers are illiterate and basically have never read a book, so they don't know what the things they want to plant are used for, but the only thing they know is that those people need those crops, as long as they grow them, they can give them money, and they have With money, I can go to places where there is food outside to buy food, and buy all kinds of things I want.

Three months ago, Alia still had the same mentality as the villagers. As long as she planted and sold them for money, she would be able to eat, and her younger brother would be able to eat as well.

But one day her younger brother disappeared. She searched for a long time but couldn't find her. She was very worried and asked the villagers to help her find her, but she couldn't find her after half a month of searching. Everyone said that her younger brother walked into the jungle and was taken away by a tiger. Let her stop looking for it, cultivate the land well, and make more money to support herself.

But Alia knew that her younger brother was very well-behaved and listened to her very well. She had told her younger brother not to go into the jungle because it was dangerous. My younger brother would never go into the jungle alone. So how could my younger brother be so obedient when he approached the jungle? The tiger took it away.

The villagers couldn't count on it, so Alia decided to go into the jungle to find it by herself, but Taki, who liked her, stopped her from looking for it. Alia was stopped by Taki several times in a row, until she was crying and sad. After talking, I realized that my younger brother did not approach the jungle, but went to the factory of those outsiders from the village out of curiosity, and then saw the secrets there, and was killed after they discovered it, so even if she entered the jungle, she couldn’t find it. younger brother.

When Alia heard it, she asked Taki why she knew about it and why she didn't save her brother. Taki said that those people threatened him with his family and wouldn't allow him to tell Alia. Like him, the lives of his family members are threatened. If it is said that not only those who work in the factory will die, but their family members will also be implicated and killed. Alia is shocked.

Taki also said that those people are demons, and they let the village plant poison that exists like demons, but after those poisons can be sold in the outside world, those demons make a lot of money, so those demons will find them. People in jungle villages far from towns plant.

Taki warned Alia not to go to the factory to find those people, let alone get close to it, because once those demons found out that she knew that there was poison in it, Alia would also be ruthlessly killed. Even Taki and his family who told her will be implicated.

Alia wants to take revenge, but she knows her strength is weak, and she can't act rashly, not to mention that Taki and his family are living under the control of those people, and the people in the village you work in that workshop are also... With the same fate as Taki, she couldn't fight against those powerful demons alone, so she painfully buried everything she knew in her heart.

Until half a month ago, Alia met an outsider who was seriously injured in the jungle. At first, she didn't want to pay attention to that person and left directly, but she remembered what those demons had said to the people in the village the day before , It is said that a thief sneaked into the factory, stole important things from the factory and then fled. If he is a stranger in the village, he must report it, and then he can get a lot of money as a reward.

Alia looked carefully, this person was not someone she had seen in the factory, and she had an intuition that as long as she helped this person, she might be able to avenge her brother.So she did not secretly hide him in a secret cave in the jungle. This was a place she found by accident when she went into the jungle to find food. Only she knew the place, and the villagers would not find it here. Those devil people couldn't even find this place.

Alia waited until the man woke up, and asked him if it was really the thief that those devils were looking for.

But this person is not a thief, he said that he was an undercover agent sent by the X government to ambush among those demons, but they found out his true identity, and then he escaped desperately, but because of his heavy injuries, he could not live long .He also told Alia that as long as she goes through this huge jungle, finds his superior, and gives him the USB flash drive he got, his superior can avenge her brother's revenge, and the village will be under control People will also be free, no longer controlled by those demons, living under the shadow of fear.

He also said that those plants are poisonous materials that are banned in the world, and they are things that will harm people.The people in the village don’t know about it now, but if they are all found out in the future, they will control the village in a disguised form to plant for them. At that time, life can only be described as life is worse than death, so for the village and for Alia herself, Hope Alia helps him too.

Alia, who was the only one left at home, did not directly agree. Instead, she went back to the village and secretly approached Taki and asked what happened to the escaped people in the factory. Taki told her without hiding anything. Tell her to ignore it if she sees it, and report it to the factory staff immediately.

Alia asked Taki, if it would be better to live poorly like before, or to live in slavery to these demons, Taki told her that although he didn't have enough to eat before, it would be better to be as free as before, which is better than living in fear now Come strong.

Alia, who has no relatives, only Taki is the closest person, so after hearing what Taki said, Alia made a decision in her heart to help that person find his superior and send the USB flash drive to that person .

After returning home, Alia packed her things, quietly left the house at night, entered the jungle, and then returned to the cave to find the injured person, and agreed to help him deliver the message.

After the man heard that she was willing, he gave him the USB flash drive, and told her some knowledge about how to walk through the jungle, and what was in the bag after his death, and she took it away with her.Not long after he finished speaking, the man died, and Alia silently buried the man by the edge of the cave, and built a lot of stones to cover it. After making sure that the wild beasts could not take it away and eat it, he went to the depths of the jungle. go.

The depths of the jungle are full of dangers. Alia was only 15 years old, and her parents died because she was looking for something in the jungle to feed her siblings.Alia was careful again and again, but she still encountered a beast. Although she didn't become the meat of the beast, she fell downhill because of her frantic running. Although there were no broken bones or anything, there were many skin injuries. The most unlucky The thing is that I accidentally stepped on a poisonous snake, was bitten and died immediately.

The strength of her will reached the standard and was included in the system circle, so she came to work.

Last wish: Send things to the designated person, and watch them avenge his brother and save Taki, his family, and those innocent villagers.

Time: 45 days.

Wu Xiyan looked at his thin hands: "Xiao Jiu, this job is getting more and more challenging."

[The system nodded wildly and praised: Well, Yanyan's working ability is also improving little by little. 】

Hearing the system's praise, Wu Xiyan was not happy, and even said angrily: "I'm still a novice, and this is also a novice world. The person who was on the job was a child with no strength to restrain himself. How can I live in the jungle?" ! And you can’t see the map you made yourself? Even if you cross it in a straight line, you will have to walk for at least a week before you can get out, not to mention that there are swamps and rivers in the middle! This is still for people to walk Lu, the person who entrusted him really didn't intend to let Kezi die!"

[Listening to the host's angry question, the system said weakly: Yanyan, we already have 792.56 favorability points after the settlement in the last world, don't worry about eating, we can sit back and relax by buying a medicine for all kinds of poisonous insects and poisons, as for the tiger We can also buy a weapon...]

Wu Xiyan snorted and remained silent. She had managed to accumulate favorability points. Now, this shell has all kinds of scratches on her body, not to mention mosquito bites. She has all kinds of pain and itching on her body as soon as she starts working. , it can be said to be extremely uncomfortable, the adjusted data was not properly repaired for the first time.

The body is uncomfortable, and at the moment she has to buy it even if she doesn't buy it. She spent 35 favor points on medicine, bought a knife, a flashlight, an igniter, and a heat-insulating blanket, and stuffed them into her back. Keep walking in the direction of the goal.

As for water and food, of course, buy it when you are hungry, otherwise it will be too tiring to carry on your back.

Wu Xiyan said that even though he lived in the countryside when he was young, it was not a jungle. Even when he was working as a magic stick in the tribe, he would only follow the tribe to find herbs, and had no experience of going deep into the primitive jungle.

Now, she is the only one, and she has to prevent all kinds of poisonous insects, snakes, and ants. If it weren't for the system to mark the red signs of various alarms, she felt that she had been poisoned countless times during the journey. , It's not enough to collect 999 lives.

"Xiao Jiu, this jungle is too scary."

Because of the heavy rain, Wu Xiyan had to hide under a rock, and also had to give up the journey and take a rest.

[Yanyan, study and study, after this time, you will find that you have learned a lot of knowledge. 】

Wu Xiyan raised his eyebrows: "That's what I said, but look at the surrounding environment. If it weren't for you, this wouldn't be a place for people to pass by. Speaking of this matter, I was thinking of the next post." , it is estimated that there will be something more perverted."

The system was guilty and silent, and subconsciously glanced at the total favorability value, imagining how the host would growl at it when he knew it.

Wu Xiyan didn't know that the system was guilty. He was flipping through the herbs on his back and said, "Forget it, how many kinds of herbs are there? When I find someone, I have to make some green herbal ointment, or those people will enter The jungle is bound to suffer a fate like mine."

[The system immediately said after hearing the words: Yanyan, don't worry, I have noticed that there are all in this jungle, and we can collect enough according to the route we plan to travel. When entering the jungle, there is no need to worry about various poisons coming close to bite. The speed of travel is naturally faster than now, so there is no need to worry too much. 】

Wu Xiyan looked at the medicinal herb. It was an improved ointment that she learned from the tribal witch doctor. It was used for playing with poisonous insects, poisonous snakes, and the like. It has been boiled many times, so I already remember the proportion and how to brew it. The only difficulty is to find it. The corresponding herbs, after all, grow differently in different areas, and she has no extra time to find them, so she can set the system to mark the fastest route out of the jungle and collect enough herbs.

Even if the X government came prepared and carried more advanced things, but in terms of medicine, sometimes it is often not as good as the ointment made by the witch doctor who lives in the jungle day and night, so in order to complete it faster For the task, Wu Xiyan can be said to use his brain and at the same time decide to make the ointment by himself.

Wu Xiyan looked at the heavy rain that was rustling outside and said, "Well, there are three to four hundred villagers in this Kezi village. After being laid off, there should be dozens of settlements. So we roughly estimate that our favorability value should be 400. Then we can go home after a few more posts. We have been here for so many years, I almost forget what I do. By the way, Xiao Jiu, can I remember the adventures here?"

[System: Yan Yan said that he wanted to write these experiences into a book. 】

"Yes, you know what my situation is like in this world. Naturally, I have to write about such a good subject matter. Even if it doesn't make money, I hope to write it down. You also know that I like writing, but my brain can't remember things. The reason why I like to write... If I can remember these experiences, I will have a sense of substitution when I write it, and if I don’t remember it in a dream, I will definitely not be able to write it.”

[The system said: Qi Zhou said that after the host completes a world, the memory will be blurred, just like a dream, and after waking up, you don't need to affect your life in this world because of various experiences and emotions in the small world.But don't worry, the knowledge Yanyan learned in this world will not be blurred, you will remember that you learned it in the small world, as for the specifics, you may not remember clearly, as long as the knowledge is there, you don't have to worry too much. 】

"Oh, then can you mention my writing direction then? And who is Qi Zhou you're talking about?"

[The system said: Don't worry, I will remind you of the writing direction.Qi Zhou is the big boss system that led me in the Voting Department. It named itself Qi Zhou, so I also called him Qi Zhou. 】

(End of this chapter)

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