Fast Transmigration is fulfilling a wish every day

Chapter 48 Let's start saving money

Chapter 48 Let's start saving money
[Yanyan, when you get better, you can show your might. Although you can't be a witch doctor, nine years is enough for us to catch big fish for a long time.I have checked the information of this country, and it is roughly the same as Zhaojia Brothers and Sisters, but because the country is too poor, many things can’t keep up. Foreigners have no money to buy, and the country has not found anything that can be sold. So much so that the tide of the 21st century is still poor.Except for the well-organized power grid in the capital and the power grid in the surrounding towns, there is only the power grid at the border in the other circles, and there are no electric poles in this small mountain village. 】

Wu Xiyan listened to the words of the system, and felt that she was indeed too backward, but now she was employed as a child, so she might be a supernatural power or something, but the supernatural power she was thinking of was reading, and there was nothing else for the time being.

【Reading can make you a prodigy, but I don’t know how to send electricity. Even if I know how to do it, it’s hard to make ready-made things without materials. What’s more, I don’t know how to do it yet, so I feel pretty useless. 】

Wu Xiyan is not afraid of studying. She bought a lot of books because of the tribal witch doctor. At that time, she tinkered with a lot of things, but time was limited, and she still couldn't figure out why.Although it has been nine years since she was on the job, no matter how powerful she is without money and materials, she can't make it.

[There is still a problem of lack of money. 】

[The system also feels the same: Yanyan, let's start by saving money. 】

【Wu Xiyan said: It's easy to say, but you should tell me how to make money. 】

【Rest assured, I will accompany you and cheer together!Come on, work hard, oil hard...]

【Wu Xiyan:...】

Wu Xiyan, who didn't want to deal with the system, looked at Kezi and the two big brothers had clearly discussed it, but they didn't know what to do with the antler, so they all looked at the antler and worried, like two little old men.

"Brother, the doctor said that the velvet antler can be cut into small pieces and stewed in soup. You don't need too much at one time, two pieces are enough, and the rest can be dried and stored away."

Lin Dali said happily after hearing the words: "Then I'll go get it now, and I will cook two yuan for you to drink first. Sixth Brother, you fan Seventh Sister. It's getting hotter and hotter at noon, and I and she are out." Sweaty head."

"Yes, brother, go and cut it. Sister, I'll get you a towel to wipe it off."

After the two brothers finished speaking, they went to work separately. Only Wu Xiyan lay on the bed and pretended to be weak. She decided to take two steps down the ground after drinking the soup, so that Kezi's two brothers could see the miraculous effect of velvet antler!

Actually, to put it bluntly, Wu Xiyan couldn't see this little Douding beckoning to her. She was an adult after all, and she didn't want to be taken care of by an eight-year-old child, even if it was a "forced" situation, she didn't want to take too long.

Apparently, the eldest brother of the Lin family probably made a small stove for her. I heard from Lin Xiaoliu that there is a small pot made of stone, which is specially cooked on the mountain. Although Father and the others knew about it, they didn't care about them, so they cooked some by chance. When things are not enough for the family, they eat and drink, so everyone listens to the elder brother.

But this time, the eldest brother is worried that the grandparents think they can sell them for money, and they may sell them, and then they may exchange for the rations of the family, but the eldest brother hopes that the younger sister will get better, and would rather the older brother not eat rice grains together, and hope that the younger sister will be well Get up, that's why I told Lin Xiaoliu not to tell the rest of the family.

Near noon.

Before the family came back, Lin Dali came back with a small bamboo tube of velvet antler soup, with two pieces of smashed velvet antler floating on it.

It just added a little salt, so it couldn't cover up the strong fishy smell at all. Wu Xiyan could be said to have twisted her nose and drank it, and she wanted to "be good" quickly, so she didn't care whether it was good or not.

After she finished eating less than half a bowl of porridge, she was driven back to the room to lie down by the two big brothers.

Lin Xiaoliu made a nest made of rice soup and rice bran while taking care of her. When she saw her lying down, the two followed her out.

It didn't take long for Wu Xiyan to hear someone's footsteps entering the yard, and her mother and grandma came in lightly to see her, and went out only after seeing that she was sleeping soundly.

While eating, everyone in the room was talking, but they all said in a low voice, for fear of waking her up.

In this way, Wu Xiyan was secretly fed by his two elder brothers for five days, and he came back to life.

In fact, Wu Xiyan had already let her family see that she could run and jump in three days, but the family saw her as if she was going to die in an instant, and ordered her not to run or jump, and then the elder brother told her about getting the deer antler come out.

It was true, but the whole family didn't believe it, and finally set a two-day observation period, and five days passed.

It is confirmed that the little granddaughter (little daughter) is in good health, the whole family is very happy, and the work is also cheerful. Lin Xiaoliu started to take her to play outside the yard, but the family members are still worried. You have to tell them right away.

Early this morning.

Wu Xiyan woke up early in the morning. She slept in the same room with her two twin sisters. They were already sensible and used to getting up early to help with the housework. Kezi used to sleep at home, and she was sick and never needed She gets up early, let alone works.

The only amazing thing is that everyone in the family knows that a little granddaughter (little daughter) is born smart, and Lin Dali has taught Kezi all the books he has read. , but because of the dilapidated body, it can be said that the whole family feels sorry.

It's all right now, after Wu Xiyan took up his post, he discussed with the system that he didn't need a witch doctor this time, so he would be a child prodigy. A six-year-old who has learned a lot is not a child prodigy, and he will have a better reason to leave when the time comes.

Young Shang can be said to be the jealousy of talents.

What a good reason, no, one person, one system reached a consensus and started a career secretly.

Watching the youngest brother brushing his teeth, Wu Xiyan also brushed his teeth with her toothbrush and bamboo quilt.

"Xiao Qi, why did you get up so early? Go back to sleep and wake up later."

When the second child came out of the kitchen, he saw the youngest sister squatting next to the sixth brother, brushing her teeth. Although everyone in the family saw that her health had improved a lot in the past few days, they were still worried in their hearts whether the younger sister would be what others said she would be. So there are still some things in my heart that I haven't completely let go of.

Of course Wu Xiyan knew what the whole family was thinking, but she had to start "casting the line", otherwise the big fish would come.

In addition, her life can be said to be one day less every day, and now it has taken five days, and it is too uncomfortable to eat nothing and wait to die.

Uh, actually, being hungry is the most uncomfortable thing.

Even though she can eat what the whole family eats, the chaff nest is really hard to swallow. Two days ago, she was so hungry that she had to take a small piece to eat. After swallowing it, she choked on the third mouthful. Fortunately, the fifth sister at the side saw it, and the whole family helped her fiddle with it. Even the system was startled by her, and she almost threw it I have shredded coconut.

After she vomited it out, Wu Xiyan felt alive. It was really difficult to only have this family left in her heart, and she wanted to change the status quo even more urgently. At least she had to start with filling her stomach first, otherwise she would always be hungry.

"Second brother, I can't sleep anymore. I have been sleeping for so many years, and I wake up refreshed when my body recovers, so I want to wake up with my sister."

Lin Xiaoliu just finished brushing his teeth: "Little sister, there is no work for you at home, you can go back to bed and brother will take you to catch grasshoppers later."

"No, I've had enough sleep."

Wu Xiyan directly refused, brushed his teeth and walked away, took his own small towel (actually a piece of cloth) and put a little water in a wooden basin to wash his face.

After washing, the water is poured into a sewage bucket, which is used to irrigate vegetables, and they have to save water. Every year in July and August, the snow on the mountain has melted, and the mountain water will stop flowing, so the whole village Most people save as much as they can every year.

Looking at the water in the bucket, Wu Xiyan sighed silently in his heart again, the feeling of being left behind was really uncomfortable.

Soon, Kezi's grandparents ate something and took their brothers and sisters to work in the field, leaving her and Lin Xiaoliu alone.

"Little sister, brother will take you to catch grasshoppers and feed them to the chickens."


Wu Xiyan secretly followed Lin Xiaoliu out yesterday, and was discovered by his family, and Lin Xiaoliu was scolded. Last night, Wu Xiyan told them that he wanted to go out to play, and he was allowed to go out today, but he was not allowed to go out. Go to the creek, and you are not allowed to enter the back mountain, you are not allowed to go to the edge of the cliff, you are not allowed to climb trees, etc. After agreeing, Lin Xiaoliu can only go to the grass beside the road to catch grasshoppers and feed the chickens.

Wu Xiyan, who is the soul of an adult, of course would not simply catch grasshoppers. She has already let the system detect the general situation of the village. There is a lack of water and food, so the crop yield is low, and there is only one species of rice every spring. , because the snow on the mountain can moisten the paddy fields for a period of time after hydration.

Wu Xiyan thought that most of the country was dry land, but he didn't expect that there would be semi-dry paddy fields for a season. It was precisely because of this that the lack of water in the harvest season affected the harvest, and the millet obtained was often compared with the paddy fields in developed countries. only one-tenth of that.

Fortunately, the head of state of this country also understands the situation in his own country, so the tax on the land is not high, and there is no requirement that it must be rice, as long as it is a food crop that pays the tax that should be paid. Even so, the people in the village are still poor enough to eat Not full.

Because of poverty and lack of food, many people went to the capital to work, but most of the migrant workers had graduated from primary school. In the past 30 to [-] years, only one person in Linjia Village had graduated from primary school, and that was the village head. His son is also expected to study, but it was a pity that he passed away by accident. The remaining two daughters who are not expected to study have passed the elementary school graduation test, and they will marry when they are old enough to graduate. Therefore, most of their education is in the second to fifth grades, and Lin Dali, the eldest of the Lin family, is also one of them. a member.

After all, school still needs tuition fees, and the whole family can’t even eat enough. The family can’t afford money to study for Lin Dali. In the end, younger brothers and sisters were born one after another in the family. In school, it was said to be in the fifth grade, but in fact it was only a month of study in the fifth grade, and it was made up later on credit.

Just listening to it, Wu Xiyan felt how lucky he was, and he deeply realized that there is no worst, only worse.

The dry fields are also on both sides of the snow-water mountain streams, not many. There is one in Linjia Village, and the downstream converges into a river valley. When there is enough rain, it becomes a small lake, and when there is no water, it becomes a dry pond.Now is the season for dry ponds to appear.

The Lin family didn't allow Lin Xiaoliu to take her to the water there, because there are some places like flowing mud, and people and animals will definitely die if they fall into it and no one sees and rescues them.The son of the village chief mentioned earlier fell into those places, and the people who found it came running, but the son of the village chief was completely trapped and could not be seen, so naturally he could not be rescued.

Speaking of which, this is indeed a sad thing.

Lin's Village is in the mountains, so their side is far away from the driveway, so they can only go in and out by mountain roads.

And the whole small country is covered with dense forests from the border to the foot of the mountains, some of which are like jungles in rainforests, which are caused by geographical reasons, and the more you go to the mountains, the more uneven hills, and the largest mountain ranges are similar to fish bones. The central part is disconnected, there is an inland lake, the capital is nearby, and then there is a town that is developing into a small town on the opposite side, and there are also two on the north and south sides, but they are too poor to compare with other small towns.

The more she thought about it, the farther her thoughts drifted, and Wu Xiyan felt that it was time to pull it back. At this moment, she was following Xiaodouding Lin Xiaoliu to the miscanthus field at the east end of the village to catch grasshoppers.It is said to be catching grasshoppers, but in fact it is impossible to catch them. Most of them are catching insects like grasshoppers and returning them to the two old hens who lay eggs at home.

[Yanyan, did you see it?The place where the rocks are exposed on your left hand side is just halfway up the mountain behind your home. There is an underground water hole, which is about ten meters long if you dig it. Unless someone opens a road or something to open it, no one knows where there is an underground water vein. 】

[Wu Xiyan looked at the small hillside and said: If it is opened, Xiaoliu said that the forest belongs to the Lin family, which is equivalent to the Lin family having water to drink, and then willing to fetch water for the people in the village. The status will be better. In the future, some people in the Lin family will be willing to arrange things in the village. 】

[Yes, but there must be a suitable reason. It is not possible to dig now. It is said that there is a piece of land in that mountain with the foreign surname Zhao. Have you seen it in the past?It is that piece of land that needs to be changed, and it is best to buy the mountain on the side of the hill. 】

Wu Xiyan can naturally see it, so she also agrees with what the system said, so she feels that the matter of making money is more important.

[After two seconds of silence, Wu Xiyan said: Why don't we find a chance, let's go into the back mountain to see if there are people like ginseng. 】

[The system said: It's okay, I think there is snow on the top of the mountain, and the four seasons are distinct, and you won't be afraid of getting lost with me. 】

"Little sister, come on, what are you doing standing there?"


Wu Xiyan responded, stretched his arms and legs and ran towards Lin Xiaoliu. While running, he asked the system to look around for anything that could be sold for money.

(End of this chapter)

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