Chapter 40 Earned 3000 Yuan
Chapter 040 Earned 3000 Yuan

In fact, Wu Xiyan knew that even if she didn't say anything, Zhaotong would not accept any of his family's help. After all, he had hurt his two brothers and sisters so many times and wanted them to die. No matter how kind they were, they would not like them. , of course not for this family.

At four o'clock in the morning, fifty people were assembled, and Zhaotong set off with several large plates and buckets holding loach.

Those paddy fields were originally dry fields, but now they have become fertile fields because of the water. The water quality of the mountain springs is good. After the parents of Zhaotong’s brothers and sisters passed away, the family was even more struggling. I can't bear it. For so many years since his parents passed away, he has never killed a single time, and he hasn't even used pesticides on rice. The loach produced is extraordinarily sweet, and it is definitely recognizable at a glance as the artificially farmed one, so it will sell better in the seafood market, and it is also for this reason that fishmongers order such a large amount of loach when they see it.

These Wu Xi words are rooted in Zhaotong's words, Zhaotong understood it, and praised that although she has never been to school, she knows more than his brother. If she hadn't said that cement fish can replenish the body, he would not have known it until now My sister was able to get better with these bony and unpalatable things.

No, now he no longer finds cement fish unpalatable, and since he knew stewed soup is delicious, he no longer finds it unpalatable. In just a few days, he feels that he has the strength to work, and his stomach is not so hungry. I think cement fish bones are all treasures.

In addition, because it will earn a huge amount of money, it makes cement fish even more precious, so when he took someone to catch them, he was still anxious about what his sister said, try not to kill them, and catch them alive .

When Wu Xi woke up, it was already dawn, and the system asked her to get up because the village chief was on his way with a fishmonger.

As for Kezi's elder brother, the system said that he had already taken the cement fish that was picked up and walked back, and it would be almost time for the two sides to meet at Zhaojia.

People from both sides came, those who hadn't gone out to work in the village, or those who were passing by, all came to invite the Tong brothers and sisters to watch the excitement near their house.

After some weighing and weighing, it was more than 670 catties, which means that it was basically the same.

The other party drove to the entrance of the village, so after the fishmonger entered the house and counted the money, Zhao Tong asked the person to deliver the cement fish to the fishmonger's car, watched the other party leave before returning home, and took the 50 After the human labor was sent down, everyone dispersed.

After sending everyone away, Zhao Tong was still in a daze when he returned home, because he suddenly sold it for a huge sum of 3000 yuan, and he felt like he was dreaming.

"Adi, did we really sell it for 3000 yuan?"

Zhaotong lowered his voice and asked his sister who was sitting reading a book. He even held the wad of money in his hand, looking affectionate and in a daze.

"Brother, the money is in your hands, you count it, and if you pinch yourself hard, you will know if it is true."

After Wu Xiyan finished speaking, he continued to lower his head to read the book, and suddenly let out a painful groan, and when he looked up, he saw Zhaotong, who was as happy as a three-year-old child, jumping up and down, holding back a loud laugh, and immediately laughed too.

"Really, haha, really..."

"Brother, put away the money, and suddenly saw that he had made a fortune, and many people in the village were jealous."

Wu Xiyan was right. Many people saw fishmongers counting money to recruit children, and they knew it by the way their eyes were about to pop out.

Of course, some people are normal. After all, they didn’t kill cement fish. They got such a cement fish by chance and made a lot of money. In the future, they will think and learn not to kill cement fish, and then raise them well. Looking forward to selling it for money in the future.But this year they basically killed all of them, because the rice seedlings will be planted at the end of the month, so every household has made preparations in advance, except for the field where the two brothers and sisters were recruited. Because they were poor and reluctant to buy medicine to kill cement fish, they happened to meet such a Those who collect cement fish have made money, and if they want to make money, they will have to make money in the next year.

Zhao Tong nodded immediately after hearing the words: "That's right, I will give you 2000 yuan to keep, and I will keep the rest. And it is all earned by you, and I will take it for you when you need it. Are you not Is there anything else to do? I will listen to you from now on."

Wu Xiyan thought for a while and nodded: "Well, I can't do heavy work, and I have to rely on my brother in the future."

"You are my sister, our family has nothing to rely on. However, Adi, I want to tear down our earthen house and rebuild it. Our house always leaks, so I want to build a better house , we will live more comfortably in the future. Although you said that you want to build on the side of the col, it is not in the village after all, and it is so far away from the village. Although the road over there is close to the village head and dam, there are no people around , if there is something that can’t be found, I think it’s better for us to live in the village.”

Wu Xiyan shook his head and said, "Brother, although you can build a house by yourself, I told you the other day that a driveway will be built on the other side of the mountain, and we will build it at the foot of the mountain." There is a yard where we have a rest, and we are opening a convenience store. We will not worry about making money in the future. Most of our family’s fields are in that area, and we don’t have to travel so far to take care of the fields. We can grow fruits and vegetables, and we can make money by selling fruits in the future. It’s not the best place to build a house there, and besides, although the people in the village are far away, if the driveway is built there in the future, those who have land will definitely build there, we just build it first.”

Zhao Tong still hesitated and said: "You are right, but we don't know if the driveway is really built now. If not, where are we not living alone?"

"Brother, you can't look at the short-term development. The country is developing. If the city is saturated, the countryside will start to develop. We also need to look at the long-term development. When I took you to the market last time, didn't you see a lot of trucks? It was sent to a big city. There are not many lanes now, but I have seen it on the map I bought from the library. From our town to the nearest city of Na, and to another nearest city of Shuangdu, the geography The ideal driveway planned at the location will definitely pass there. We will take the initiative to build a house, and when the driveway is actually repaired, others will discover the benefits of that place. It's too late, we have already planned where, and no one can move."

Zhaotong looked at the map in his younger sister's hand. He couldn't understand the geographical structure of these mountains, but his younger sister was smarter than him. This time the money was also made by his younger sister. It seems that his younger sister had thought it through carefully.In fact, taking a step back, my sister wants to build a house there, probably because she doesn't want to deal with those people in the village. Speaking of which, some people in the village talk badly, and he doesn't know, but home is here, and he can't help Taking my sister away and flying high is not.

Now that I have earned some money, I really want to repair the house, as my sister said, I want to build it myself, but my sister hopes to build a new house on the other side of the mountain. In the future, I plan to plant fruit trees to save money. It is inevitable. It can make money, so it is not wrong to listen to my sister.Even if there will be no driveway built there in the future, it will be really close to the fields of my home. I don’t need to worry about my sister being home and sick and getting sick all the time. This is also a good suggestion.

Thinking of this, Zhaotong nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Then I'll go there in the afternoon and exchange the good paddy fields from other places with us, and we'll all work there in the future. It’s good to go somewhere far away.”

"Well, you remember to ask the village chief to record it, and write it in black and white as evidence, so as not to cause their criticism when our place develops by the driveway in the future."

"But if you want to change the land, you have to make up some money. In that case, it won't be enough to buy cement and bricks to build a house."

"Brother, don't worry, it will be March soon, right? There are many ways to make money. At that time, you can bring people from the village to work together. Although you will earn less, you won't be so stupid to offend if you have money. You are not. You will talk to the village head about the land exchange later, so you have to tell the village head like this..."

Wu Xiyan told Zhaotong the idea he had thought up, and asked Zhaotong some tricky questions, and after telling him how to answer, he asked Zhaotong to go to the village chief and the people in the village to relocate the land.

Soon the people in the village knew that the Zhaotong brothers and sisters bought cement fish and made money, and then wanted to gather all the family land in the mountain so that they could farm in the future without running around. The news spread throughout the village. envy.

Of course, there are also people who want to ask for more money from Qiao. With Wu Xiyan's previous advice, Zhao Tong left the word to the village chief, and he just wanted to make it easier. If he didn't want to, he wouldn't force it. I thought I wanted more money, but in the end, after others changed to the best paddy fields, they also changed their own. Of course, I can only envy those who don’t have it. .

Of course, some people kindly persuaded Zhaotong not to exchange the other good paddy fields in the family for the dry land in the mountain col, otherwise their family would have only a few paddy fields left, and after paying taxes and grains in the future, there would be not enough food for the rest.

Zhaotong also thanked those villagers who were really good for him, but they changed anyway, so a week later, all the land of Zhaojia was on that hill, and the whole hill belonged to their family. There is a registration file in the land bureau of the town, even if the people in the village object in the future, there is nothing to do. This is signed by both parties, and the state stamps it into legal effect.

The money earned was more than half spent in an instant due to the exchange of land to make up for the money, so Wu Xiyan started to fiddle with making money again.

Of course, the two brothers and sisters are not concerned with making money. Wu Xiyan took Zhaotong to study elementary school knowledge well at night, and even used blank manuscripts to copy the papers included in the system for Zhaotong. Wu Xiyan The brain turns quickly, these are not difficult, so the full score of the exam is not a problem, not to mention that the knowledge and memory of Xia Kingdom is several degrees higher than the knowledge of this country, and there is no need to worry about failing the exam, all she is waiting for is the exam That's all, if she could apply for two or more academic diploma exams at one time, she would definitely apply for three at one go, including elementary school, junior high school, and high school.

Recruiting children is different from him, so she has to give him extra lessons, and then she will take her brother to a junior high school next year, and a high school diploma the year after, at least with this high school diploma, the education in the village is quite high, and it is also popular to find a wife no.

Wu Xiyan made up her mind, and began to encourage her to learn how to recruit children. In order for this shell-shocked brother to find a good wife in the future, she would gild her brother with gold, and the success rate would be greatly increased, right?

After a few days, the paddy fields in the cols will have to be planted with seedlings. If the seedlings are too long, it is not good, and if they are too short, it is not good, so they have to go to the fields when they are not close enough.

Zhaotong also catches loaches every day, but because of the large number of fish caught at one time, he has already caught seven or eight eight, so he doesn't catch many loach every day, but he also catches a few like that, so he simply raises them to make up enough for a meal before eating.

With some spare money, Zhaotong caught some chickens and ducklings in a well-connected house in the village and raised them in circles. Every day, he would pick some vegetable leaves and bring them back. Wu Xiyan chopped them up and fed them with Gu Kang. , One by one, the stomachs are round.

In fact, she wanted to go out, because she could see common medicinal materials wherever she went, but unfortunately, people in this country didn't understand them, and even hospitals didn't want to play with them, which directly killed her idea of ​​making money.

As for the mushrooms, Wu Xiyan thinks that it is better for her not to fix them. She can use the system to detect them, but if those in the village who don’t understand pick up the mushrooms under the poisonous trees in order to make money, they will definitely be involved if they kill people. So she has to keep a close eye on it.

How to do it...

Wu Xiyan was lying on the bamboo bed in the yard basking in the sun, Zhao Tong had breakfast early in the morning and went up the mountain to look for mushrooms, because it rained the day before yesterday, and there were so many gallinaceous mushrooms here that others were afraid of eating them to death, but Their family is poor, and every time they recruit children to pay attention to them, luckily nothing happens to those who recruit children.

[Xiao Jiu, what should I do if no one wants the medicinal materials?This country is not like the Xia country where I live. The ancient Chinese medicine has been passed down for thousands of years. The people here just look at it like grass and don’t believe it. It’s hard to sell it.Mushrooms can, however. The area of ​​this village is similar to that of Jincheng. 】

The system also finds it difficult to handle. The host is not a long-term shell. If you make too long-term plans, you will not be able to gain favorability in a short period of time. Even if the current shell is five years old, it is impossible to open the market in such a short time. Besides, the host is still As a novice, maybe the world will become more powerful after traveling a lot, but now it feels that the host is not unreasonable to worry.

[Yanyan, I also think that too long-term is not good for us, but short-term is okay. I remember that there are many types of mushrooms detected in the mountains near us. Maybe you can use the method of raising mushrooms to make money and drive everyone to make money. Save good feelings. 】

[Wu Xiyan thought for a while after listening to the words of the system, and then said: "I also think that I started growing mushrooms relatively quickly, but herbs may be a conciliating agent. In daily life, I can sort it out by myself. Small villages and towns are not Pay attention, but there must be some people in big cities who know the goods, such as scented tea, clearing heat and eliminating fire.]

 Add more.

(End of this chapter)

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