Chapter 350 The Fifth World (16)

At the moment when Wu Xiyan tried hard to cut the door, Ah Piao, who was scrambling to get out of the whirlpool door one moment ago, scrambled back into the open gap of the whirlpool door in the next moment.

They wisely avoided the devil who had his foot stuck in the door and cut the door with his dagger.Of course, there are also those who are not long-sighted, but what is a pity is that those that are accidentally encountered dissipate completely.

The horrific screams in my ears stopped, and even A Piao, who didn't come out of the door but was attracted by the door, had already escaped completely, let alone A Piao with a radius of ten miles, and a radius of hundreds of miles. In that nook.

"Wow, wow..."

Crying sounded on the light screen, and the thoughtful system returned to its senses, and glanced complicatedly at the host who was still trying to cut the door.

The cries of the baby sounded in the delivery room on the monitoring screen in the light screen. There was one, and the second followed, and seven mothers' children were born one after another.

[The system looked at the host who was still cutting the door, and said helplessly: Yanyan, you should hurry up, the children are all born. 】

【Wu Xiyan heard the words and said: I shouldn't be greedy to cut a bigger piece. 】

[The system urges: Hurry up, you've got so many, hurry up and cut off the rest. 】

Wu Xiyan looked at the one-third cut off, and thought of something, he slapped on the doorknob and said, "Give me that small piece, or I'll break half of your door back for research!"

The system was once again shocked by the simple and rude words of the host. When did the host start to look so crooked? Should it reflect on whether it is too much to be a shopkeeper?

What made the system even more dumbfounded was that when the door heard the host's words, the door piece that cut the host's crack almost instantly fell off. If it had hands and feet, it probably could have seen it and immediately broke it off and offered it with its own hands.

"To be able to cut it off by myself, to not say it earlier, it cost me a long time to cut it!"

Hearing the words, the door shook like an earthquake. Wu Xiyan felt his leg was shaking uncomfortably, so he subconsciously kicked it, and the door stopped instantly.

[The system felt that it had been stunned to the point of numbness, so it said: If you get the words, go and put a restraint on the children. Even if you are not afraid that the ghost king will come and stare at you, you can't let the Taoist people find him. You give them Modify the memory so that no one remembers when the child was born. 】

"That's right, we have to hurry over."

Wu Xiyan held a piece of the door corner, glanced at the trembling door that dared not run, then flew up, and the door disappeared almost the moment she lifted her foot.

"It ran really fast, and thanks to the fact that I caught it quickly, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get the door block."

The system complained in its heart when it heard the words, if it had encountered such a perverted devil, it would have run away.

The host, the native, is more and more acting like an ordinary native, or it discovered that in the future, if it has enough points, it will come back to live with the host, and it will also do the legendary thigh hugging!

Regarding the feeling that the system was in a good mood, Wu Xiyan was puzzled for a moment, but seeing that the child Mo Yunchuan was going to be sealed, he didn't think much of it and went to the child's delivery room.

Soon after arriving outside the delivery room, she happened to see the nurse cleaning up the baby. She had an invisibility amulet on her body, so no one around could see her.

[The system said: Yanyan, hurry up and go back to study what you have in hand, so I can recover the equipment. 】

[Wu Xiyan did not follow the words as before, but frowned and looked at the wrinkled child and said: He is actually the son of pure yin from the tenth life, but I know how the Ten Thousand Years Ghost King lost his strength after eating his soul Greatly increased, becoming an invincible existence. 】

[The system said: Don't worry about his son of pure yin in several lifetimes, hurry up.After tinkering, go to recycle those devices, those are worth tens of millions of existences, you can't let them attack and damage things. 】

【Wu Xiyan originally felt a little bit sorry for the children in this world, but after listening to the system's irrelevant words, he really felt sorry for those devices, and suddenly said dumbfoundedly: I know. 】

As Wu Xi said, he gave the child a nine-fold restriction that was previously agreed with the system. If the restriction does not have the perfect cultivation of the Golden Core, it is impossible to open it at once. Opening one by one requires the cultivation of the Golden Core, so as long as If it wasn't for someone above the golden core to open it with their lives, this nine-fold restriction can protect the child until the end of life.

Of course, the restrictions on children are not omnipotent, there are always people who are not afraid of death, so she still has to be watched.

After placing the prohibition, Wu Xiyan took back the things in the hospital. Those people have recovered, but the birth time of the children in that time period was manipulated by her. Unless someone from the Taoist sect has a higher understanding of illusion than her Otherwise, it is impossible to see through the time when the seven children were born.

Back at the villa in Lincheng, Lin Xia, who was trembling badly, was hiding in the corner of the basement. Although she didn't know why this thousand-year-old Da Piao was afraid of being like this, she didn't investigate further, and then went back to Wuling Mountain overnight.

The system expressed deep sympathy for Lin Xia who was found out by the host, and saw the door in her hand again, and was so frightened that she lost her voice again. It is estimated that this night was the most frightening Lin Xia Piaosheng has ever experienced, or the kind of forever Obliterate the existence that cannot be moved by the shadow.

Although Lin Xia has known Wu Xiyan for a few months and knows that this monk is strong, but when she saw that the door of the underworld could be opened by Zuoyou, she really knew how to write the word horror, especially Even if she hid in the basement, she could hear the screams, and at the same time, she was glad that she did not fight against this monk, otherwise the end would only be worse.

In fact, not only Lin Xia, but even the other two thought the same way.

When Lin Xia said that she should work hard to be herself, Wu Xiyan was working hard to study the door block she got.

Lincheng, even Daxia Kingdom and even Taoist people in the whole world are worried about the disappearance of the son of Chunyin, but they don't know that the person who caused this incident is doing research crazily in the laboratory experiment.

In a blink of an eye, another three months passed.

In Wuling Mountain villa, Wu Xiyan's joyful voice came from the laboratory in the back room.

Wu Xi said with a smile: "Xiao Jiu, it worked! It worked! You are right, I am indeed a genius!"

The system is also happy. It feels that the tests it puts out to improve the host's abilities are not as powerful as the products that the host has researched in the laboratory in the past three months. If the host goes in, it feels that the host will definitely have A windfall.

(End of this chapter)

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