Chapter 337 The Fifth World (3)

Wu Xiyan's forehead twitched when she heard the words, and she didn't even want to say anything to answer the system. Now she can take back what she said before.

The answer is definitely not, but at a glance, you can see all kinds of Apiao, and she wants to scream.

Wu Xiyan said depressedly: Why are there so many Ah Piao over there?Still so, so... Miserable?

She forced herself to keep her eyes straight and pretend she didn't see them, but she could see them no matter where she looked, unless she closed her eyes, she couldn't see them in all directions.

[The system said: Yanyan, you have to face it, you just treat them as ugly, and you have to accumulate their favorability points in the future, if you don’t have the courage to face them, then how can you do the task.There are so many Ah Piao here, I think it should be because there are Luan Graves over there.Don't close your eyes, if you don't dare to look at them, not only will you not be able to do the task to contact them, even if you learn Taoism, you have to deal with them. 】

Wu Xiyan was taken aback, Xuanmen technique?

The system did mention the Taoist technique just now, but she forgot about it just now.

Thinking of his native shell, Wu Xiyan also asked: Then my shell must also be from the Taoist sect, right?

[The system said: Yes, it doesn't count.When entering this world, because of the permission of the will of the world, I dug up an awesome sect for you, called Tiandaozong.Although this sect has been extinct for more than 1000 years, you can rest assured that there are all the treasure books of the sect. It was because of a catastrophe a thousand years ago that this sect was wiped out. As for other trivial matters, the will of the world has automatically helped For completion, it depends on the memory carried by the shell after you take up the job to discover. 】

Wu Xiyan asked again: "Xiao Jiu, there is no fixed shell to take up the post now, so are there any tasks to be done and information about the small world?" 】

[System: Yes, in the small world you enter in the future, there will be a copy of information about Destiny's Child and villains. As for the current world, I will open the light screen for you, so you can read it directly. 】

Wu Xiyan heard the words, and sure enough, he saw an interface opened by the system. The opening sentence was the words A-level transitional spirit world.

Just as he was about to read on, a gray-black face suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

At the same time as the high-octave scream sounded, Wu Xiyan subconsciously retreated a few feet away. The owner of the black and white face seemed to be frightened by her scream, and also turned around and ran away. You can feel it without looking. His own screams immediately attracted the attention of many Ah Piao.

"Xiao, Xiaojiu...they are all staring at me, aren't they?"

[The system wanted to laugh a little, but it held back, so it said: Yanyan, why don't you go into the shell first? 】

Wu Xiyan seemed to hear the system's voice a bit strange, but her soul power became stronger after passing through the four worlds, and her five senses also became stronger. Those who stared at those who were uncomfortable, nodded when they heard the system's words, Then, without looking sideways, it flew towards the dilapidated house on the mountainside at a speed as fast as a vicious dog was chasing after it.

The system looked at the anxious look of the host, and knew that there was no rush, so it didn't say much.

When he got outside the house, Wu Xiyan realized that it was a dilapidated house overgrown with weeds, and there was almost no trace of maintenance around it.

After asking the system, I found out that according to the background of the predecessor of this shell, it was an abandoned baby adopted by a hunter who lived here, and then lived on the mountain since she was a child. After the grandfather of the hunter passed away a year ago, she lived alone on the mountain because she has no soul. After entering, the shell is only the basic ability to maintain its own daily life.

The place where I live is leaking, ignore it.

The yard is overgrown with weeds.

If you have something to eat, you can live without starving.

From the point of view of what the system said, it seems that this shell will not die before she comes, and just wait until she starts working, and take care of the housework and those things that don't exist.

So when Wu Xiyan saw her shell again after listening to it, she almost thought that she had just rolled out of the ashes, with dirty clothes, skin that couldn't see its original color, and hair that was messed up like weeds. Knotted, she looked at it and worried about whether there were lice.

The system said that I was worried about lice and just cut my hair short. Besides, although it was messy, there were no lice.

Wu Xiyan was still a little worried after hearing what the system said, so she took a closer look to see if there were really no lice, and then the entire soul body was sucked in.

Before Wu Xiyan had time to exclaim due to the sudden huge suction force, his eyes went dark, and then he felt the lightness of the soul disappear, followed by the heaviness of the normal body, and he subconsciously opened his eyes.

"I... did I come in?"

[The system smiled and said: Yes Yanyan, I just wanted to tell you, but you leaned over by yourself. 】

"Wow, it stinks! Ugh... well, it's been a long time since I took a shower before it stinks!"

Wu Xiyan wanted to cover her nose, but when she saw the dirty hands, the shells were about eleven or twelve years old, so the palms were naturally not as big as her adult in this world.

[The system didn't expect that a mechanical shell would be so non-hygienic, so it said immediately: Yan Yan, go and wash it, didn't you just see a mountain spring on the mountain behind the house?Even taking a bath in cold water in June will not be too cold. 】

Wu Xiyan nodded, found a slightly musty skirt from the bottom of the supplies box, and found the only half bar of soap left at home, and then rushed to the mountain spring in the back mountain, fearing that if she was too late, she would have jaundice Water was spit out.

There was a small puddle in front of the mountain spring water, so Wu Xiyan simply stepped in to wash himself off, and the clean spring water was also dirty. Fortunately, the mountain spring flowed out continuously, and the dirty water flowed down with the water. Fortunately, no one eats the mountain spring water in this mountain, and the village at the foot of the mountain eats well water. Otherwise, she would have left people with water to eat.She was almost speechless.

An hour after washing, Wu Xiyan finally saw Kezi's normal face, which was when he was in his teens. The face was full of collagen, and he couldn't help but lament that being young is good.

The system saw that she was envious, and then began to amuse her to go to the eternal world residents. Wu Xiyan didn't say yes or no, but just laughed it off.

Seeing that she was silent, the system changed the subject to talk about shells.

There are a few mangosteen trees next to the mountain spring. Wu Xiyan plucked a few and gnawed on them, and then asked the system to check the background information of this world, which naturally included her mission.

This time, the shell is called Wu Yan, which is only one letter Xi less than her name, which is very close.

And in the small world in the past, she felt that the name Wu Yan became her No. 2 word. After all, she used it many times and thought it was a good name.

(End of this chapter)

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