Chapter 332 Chu Yixue (10)

Uh-huh, if you don't succeed once, you still want to come for the second time, Liang Yiyi really has nothing to fear.

Originally wanted to have a face-to-face meeting with Liang Yiyi, but Wu Xiyan didn't think it was necessary. When the other party committed suicide and seized all the clues, she didn't believe that this woman could escape the punishment of the law!
When she turned her head away and stopped following, the system said that Liang Yiyi turned around and looked over, but she turned around and walked to the corner of the street, and with the people coming and going on the street, Ling Yiyi and the pirate system couldn't see each other at all. to her.She followed this way, and at this moment, Ling Yi probably relied on her intuition to look back, but unfortunately she had already moved aside, so she was nowhere to be seen.

[The pirated version system said: No one has said it all!You have to say someone, but now you tell me who is following you! 】

[Liang Yiyi said coldly: I clearly feel that someone is following me. Isn't your system able to monitor the surrounding situation? Why can't you even do such a simple function as a monitor? 】

[The pirate system said immediately after hearing the words: You still have the face to say, isn't my energy squandered by you to the depleted?If I used to be able to monitor it every minute, but in this world, you can’t make ends meet, and if you let me turn on the monitoring, you won’t be afraid that I will run out of energy and fail to start it! 】

[Ling Yiyi said impatiently: I know energy, energy, and energy all day long. The luck points I have accumulated over the years have been exchanged for a few broken props. Up to now, I am still overwhelmed by others. You have the nerve to talk to me all day long. Say no energy!If you hadn't told me that Mo Xiao is the son of destiny in this world, how could I have racked my brains to find Mo Yunchuan's heart to change for him, but now that the heart has not been changed, and my luck has been severely cut, I can blame it!And didn't you say that Mo Yunchuan is the villain?The value of the family is several times higher than that of the Mo family, so they don't look down on the assets of the Mo family at all!The information you gave me doesn't match at all!If you hadn't taken me through several worlds, I would have suspected that you were a pirated system! 】

[The system said angrily after hearing the words: You are a pirated version of the system, I am a genuine luck system, and it is obvious that you played badly with a good hand...]

Hearing Wu Xi's words in the corner all the way, his expression was full of joy.

[Wu Xiyan said: Xiao Jiu, I have heard secrets along the way, so today is not in vain. 】

[The system said: I didn't expect that Yanyan could hear the exchange of ideas between Liang Yiyi and the pirated system, but this also saves me from directly connecting and letting you see the information, which is very good. 】

[Wu Xiyan said: It's pretty good. I don't know if such a skill is limited to Liang Yiyi's communication with the pirated system. If so, I won't be able to hear it next time.If not, then there will be a new skill. 】……

[The system said: Then next time we will know whether it is true or not, let's go, Liang Yiyi and the pirated system have already had a rift, it would be better for us if we no longer unite. 】

"It's time to go."

Wu Xiyan looked at Liang Yiyi who was going further and further away, until the other party disappeared at the corner of the street, she walked out from the corner of the street, and then walked towards the previous hospital, telling the system about Liang Yiyi and the pirated system while walking.

The result of the analysis is that Liang Yiyi has a system similar to the deprivation of luck. Speaking of which, Kezi's sister agreed, and Kezi also said similar things, but I don't know how it works.

But the system Xiaojiu said that those who deprive themselves of luck can only end up dead, so Liang Yiyi's approach is equivalent to taking other people's lives to support her own life. This pirated system is also poisonous enough.

It is said that the pirated system is poisonous, and the bound host is not much better. Liang Yiyi and the pirated system together become the endorsement of the gangster.The live version saw Liang Yiyi and the pirated system fighting each other. One person, one system is not of one mind, and in the end it must be the pirated system that will not make Liang Yiyi feel better.

When he returned to the hospital, he happened to see Mo's mother pick up the phone and leave in a hurry, so Mo Xiao had to stay alone in the ward.

When Wu Xiyan walked in, a middle-aged man in the same ward took a look at her, but he didn't know her, so he continued to read his book.

Mo Xiao was lying down, but when he heard footsteps, he turned his head to look over, and then saw Wu Xiyan with too white skin.

"Second cousin?"

Wu Xiyan went to the table, took an apple, wiped it with his sleeve, and took a bite, then walked to the wooden stool at the end of the bed, sat down and looked at Mo Xiao.

Mo Xiao watched her finish everything, she didn't intend to speak, and then said: "Second cousin, what are you up to lately, I haven't seen you come to Mo's house for a long time, uncle, aunt and eldest cousin are not here, what do you want to do?" Take care of yourself."

[The system said: Yanyan, you said that Mo Xiao didn't have the slightest malice towards you?Besides, Mo's mother has nothing to do with the Chu family, so why does Mo Xiao want to look familiar with Chu Yixue? What's going on? 】

[Wu Xiyan was also puzzled, so he said: You ask me, who should I ask? 】

[The system said: Oh, this shell has lost its memory, otherwise it would have known. 】

Wu Xiyan didn't know the relationship between Kezi and Mo Xiao, so he didn't express any extra expressions, but after thinking about it, the wife married by Mo's father's younger brother was Kezi's father's cousin, so it's not surprising that she knew Kezi, or was familiar with her .

Right now when Mo Xiao was talking to her, she didn't know what tone to use to speak to Mo Xiao, so she made up her mind to deal with it in a way that remained unchanged.

"Why did you get engaged to Liang Yiyi in the first place?"

Mo Xiao was stunned for a moment, then looked outside the ward and said: "Father agreed, I don't like this woman, but she always comes to me, I don't know what's going on. Second cousin, I heard Is it true that the Mo family went bankrupt because my father wanted my elder brother's heart to be exchanged for me?"

Wu Xi looked at Mo Xiao firmly, trying to see a trace of unnaturalness in this man's eyes, but she was disappointed.

It was obvious that Mo Xiao didn't seem to know a lot of things. If it was true, then Mo Xiao had nothing to do with what Father Mo did, but if it was pretending, then this person was too deep in the city.

Regarding Mo Xiao's question, Wu Xiyan was silent for a while before responding, "Yes."

Hearing this, Mo Xiao said with a wry smile: "I knew that the Mo family has today's land, no wonder elder brother. I have said long ago that life and death have their own destiny, not to mention elder brother is healthy. Originally, my father could take him back to inherit the Mo family, but Now because of this incident, the Mohist family is to blame for their failure. How can my broken body take the heart of a healthy elder brother? My father is really confused."

(End of this chapter)

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