Chapter 303 Shao Qingju (10)

Therefore, even if it is not a day to go to the market, Wu Xiyan can now sell rice cakes made of fifty catties of rice every day. Sometimes some people hear that it is delicious, and after tasting it, they will pack a big bag and take it home to their family members. Most of them say it is. It can be kept for two or three days for the elderly and children in the family, and there is no worry that it will be broken and thrown away if it can't be eaten in one day.

It costs about 30 yuan to make pastries every day. After she sells out, she still has a profit of more than [-] yuan when she goes out. The business is very good.

In less than a month, she has earned nearly 800 yuan, and those around who sell snacks and groceries are already jealous.

In the afternoon, when Wu Xiyan was about to close the shop, he saw two people whose noses and faces were swollen from the beating in the early morning.

Lin Fu's eyes were black and blue, his forehead was bruised, and one corner of his mouth was swollen. It was similar to the person behind him. They could tell at a glance that they had been severely beaten.

Lin Fu said, "Sister, I want to buy two rice cakes."

"Take it yourself, just put the money on the counter."

Wu Xiyan ignored them and continued to tidy up the trays for rice cakes. There were not many cakes left. She either ate them by herself every day, or brought them to the last customer who bought them. If she didn't deliver them today, she kept them for herself.

"Sister, I want two yuan too. I'll put the money here for you."

Wu Xiyan tidied up and responded without raising his head as usual, and the two people at the counter took a piece of oiled paper and sandwiched two pieces of rice cakes.

The two ate in small bites, looking at her from time to time. Even if Wu Xiyan didn't look, the system would report to her.

The two gnawed on the rice cakes at a speed like counting rice grains, looking at each other from time to time, their eyes were in contact, obviously they had something to say, but neither of them dared to speak out.

"Speak up if you two have something to say, don't stand in the way here."

Wu Xiyan planned to go back to the village tomorrow. Even if the store didn't open tomorrow, he still had to make a small amount of rice cakes and bring them back to the village. Naturally, there was no extra time for them to waste.

The two people who were seen with hairs on their backs were shocked immediately, but they just moved aside to make way, but they still had no intention of leaving.

The little fat man said with a look of resignation, "Sister, I, we are here to thank you!"

"Thank you for nothing, I'm just a rice cake seller, hurry up, I'm going to close the door."

"No, no, no, big sister, apart from thanking you, I have something to tell you... Fu, Brother Fu, tell me!"

After the little fat man finished speaking, he immediately pushed Lin Fu forward, while he himself hid behind Lin Fu.

Wu Xiyan glanced at the two of them impatiently, but didn't look back, but it was also obvious that he meant to say something quickly and fart quickly.

Lin Fu quickly glanced at Wu Xiyan, then lowered his head and said, "Sister, I am Lin Fu, and his name is Xu Xiaopang. We came here to thank you for saving us last night. If it weren't for you, we would have been killed by them." Five killed. Also, you reminded us before, let's stop doing those things that take money, we will do it, we will try to find a job to do it, and we will not do these things that are hated by everyone .”

"Yes, yes, elder sister, we will not do those things again, don't worry."

After the two finished speaking, they bowed deeply to Wu Xiyan, then turned around and wanted to leave the shop.

"I said last time that if you don't have a job for the time being, you can come to my place to work as a shop assistant, but think about it, the salary for a small shop is not high."

Xu Xiaopang immediately said happily after hearing the words: "Really? Brother Fu, come here. If your family doesn't collect money, you have to go to Dacheng to do plaster work, and you have to go far away, your grandma There is no way to take care of it. It’s better to help here than to go so far away, so don’t worry about your grandma.”

Wu Xiyan looked at the two of them without making a sound. In fact, before the two of them entered the store, the system had discovered them long ago and detected what they said earlier. Therefore, it knew that the gangster in front of him, who had not graduated from elementary school, had the same relationship with him. Grandma lives with each other.

The other few are not very old, but they are not in the same situation as Lin Fu.

"Okay, big sister, I'll come if you don't pay me!"

"Sister, shall we come over tomorrow morning?"

Wu Xi said, "No need tomorrow, I'll go back to my village home tomorrow, you guys come over the day after tomorrow."

Lin Fu nodded immediately when he heard the words, and said that he would come on time before the door opened the day after tomorrow, and then he dragged Xu Xiaopang and ran out happily.

Early the next morning, Wu Xiyan went back to the village by tractor, and asked the village chief to find someone to help her rebuild the house, and returned to the town after giving her money and blueprints.

Before the store opened the next day, Lin Fu came to the store on time. Besides Xu Xiaopang, there were three other people. Obviously, these four people followed Lin Fu.

There were five more helpers all of a sudden. Wu Xiyan felt that the small shop was crowded and crowded, so she had to find something to do for them. After all, she had to save some money and put it in the storage space of the system for backup. .

So Wu Xiyan gave them some pastries, and pulled a trailer to sell them at the station.

Her purpose is not to sell much, she wants to let passing passengers know that there is a delicious pastry in Dahe Town, and then people passing by Dahe Town want to buy some before leaving. This is also a sales channel.

She and the system have also paid attention to these five people recently, and learned about some situations, and none of them are hopeless. If you do what you hate and hate, you may end up sitting in jail.

As for the few who were sent to the bureau, not only did they have criminal records, but two of them were even fugitives. Sending them to the bureau was the best choice.

Two of these people actually knew about the situation in the system, but they didn't show up after a few days, and they thought they wouldn't come. Who knew that they were ungrateful, and they happened to come and sent them to the bureau, so she didn't need to ask about it later.

After speaking, Wu Xiyan asked the five people to move to sell rice cakes, and the sales volume was surprisingly good.

In a blink of an eye, it was almost the start of school day. On this day, the sixth uncle brought the child to the town and asked her to find a house. They were going to live in the town, because the child Shao Yunchuan was going to enroll in school in September.

This was a great happy event, and Wu Xiyan immediately thought of the situation where the child lived with her and could gain unlimited favorability points, so he immediately asked, what should I do with the land in the sixth uncle's house, I can't just ignore one end, and then it will be a matter of course It's better to just let the child Shao Yunchuan live with her, so that he can come back for lunch when he is close to the school.

The child didn't know what was going on, and as soon as he heard her say that, he immediately chimed in and said that he wanted to live with her.

Wu Xiyan saw that the sixth uncle also began to waver, so she continued to lobby that the place where she lived was a two-story small house, and there were two small rooms on the second floor. She could let the children live on the second floor, and she would get up early to work. The work will not affect the children's study, and even took the two of them to the back house.

(End of this chapter)

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