Chapter 20

When Wu Xiyan heard this, she also understood that her current shell probably had such an obsession, or that the spirit of the shell hadn't been willing to leave before it could affect her abnormal mood.When I saw the middle-aged man before, my mood did become heavy for a moment, but it was only a moment, and I already felt it now.

But the mood at this moment came suddenly and went quickly, which made her feel strange, so she asked the system, and she understood it according to the system.

【Wu Xiyan said: When I saw the middle-aged man just now, I felt an emotion that wasn't my own. It disappeared after a while, as if a long-cherished wish had been fulfilled. 】

[Yanyan, I checked your detailed data and indeed there was a slight fluctuation, but it recovered within two seconds.According to what you said, it may be the same as what you and I think, that middle-aged man is her own son.So what are you going to do next? 】

[What else can I do?Isn't it my wish to go back to my hometown and be buried in the earth? Naturally, I will go back to my hometown according to the original plan. 】

The system was stunned when it heard it.

【Ah, what about the son of the shell? 】

[Wu Xiyan spread his hands and said to the system in his mind: You said that the original owner's obsession disappeared within two seconds. I think, the original owner may also understand that his son is lost. As long as he is not dead, there is hope. Now that he is alive, And she looks like she is doing well at first glance, so she is naturally relieved. It doesn't matter whether she admits it or not. Her current shell doesn't last for a few days, so it's best not to disturb her.Besides, this is the shell of our job, and helping her find it is already a miracle. If I delay my time to complete the task by doing a confession or something, maybe it will be classified as a failure by the superiors. In the end, I didn't even have any favorability points in the lottery, so I won't lose a lot by then. 】

The system thinks about it too. It doesn't want the host, who is on the job, to get little favorability points. In the end, the task fails because of this matter, so it finally approves the host's approach.

[That's true, I don't recognize each other, but I think the superiors should increase the favorability value as appropriate. 】

[Shouldn't I just ask you to know this? 】

【Yanyan, you know that I am a novice just like you, but I still cross the river by feeling the stones as you said...】

【Wu Xiyan said: That's fine, let's not talk about this. Since we know about such a thing, and that aunt obviously doesn't want me to recognize my relatives, let's leave a few words to make her feel at ease. 】

[Yanyan, then leave a note and let's go. 】

Wu Xi said nothing, she carried the bottles and cans, and walked to the doorman.

After asking the doorman, she learned that the doorman knew the mother and son just now, so she used the excuse of being a sister of the aunt, and left her a few words, and simply wrote a few lines for the doorman to pass on to the aunt.

The guard readily agreed to her, and she thanked her and left.

Knowing that the aunt's son was likely to be the son Kezi found, Wu Xiyan didn't continue to pick up things, so he sold what he picked up, had dinner, and went to the office where Police Officer Xiao Chen worked.

Then asked the other party to help eliminate the matter of looking for her son, and the reason was that she didn't want to look for it anymore, and she wouldn't come out again after returning to her hometown.

It's just that Police Officer Xiao Chen was unwilling to withdraw, saying that he would continue to work hard to find her and so on.

Because he knew that she was going to buy a bus ticket to go back to her hometown in the afternoon, he asked her what time the bus would leave, and said that he could come and see her off when the time came.

Of course Wu Xiyan refused, and there was no need to send it off. It's not that she didn't know how busy her job was, so she didn't bother others if she could.

But Kezi was a good person who was good at picking up money before, so several people in the office knew about her, and then they heard Police Officer Xiao Chen say that she was going back to her hometown, so they went to buy some bread and snacks for her to take on the road. She couldn't shirk it and had to thank her for accepting it.

When we arrived at the station, the young man had been waiting for her for a while.Since she didn't have anything to pack, and she took the important things with her when she went out in the morning, the small bag she was carrying could leave at any time as long as she bought a ticket.

And the young man helped her buy the bus after [-]:[-] in the evening, because he happened to meet a ticket refunder, and was very lucky not to have to wait for the bus in the early morning, but it was still early, so he waited in the waiting room until the time and boarded the bus directly.

The young man said he would wait with her, but Wu Xiyan repeatedly refused, so the young man left.

In fact, Wu Xiyan was too lazy to deal with it. After all, there was one more person by his side, and he would get used to saying it to the system sometimes, so if no one was around, people would think she had a problem with talking to herself. Feel comfortable when someone is watching.

Wu Xiyan looked through the clothes that the young man specially bought for her. It was a big coat. The child was really honest. He probably knew that she didn't want to take money, so he went directly to buy a thick and big coat for her. It was enough. careful.

When the time came, I carried my things and got on the train with the flow of people, and sat down on the bed by the window. After the passengers at the station got on, the train started quickly. It was the first time I took a train. I vomited like this last time.

Thinking about it, she still went to the pharmacy to buy some motion sickness medicine, and even bought a few oranges in the fruit shop, in case she would get motion sickness again while riding in the car, so these things would come in handy.

【Yanyan, that young man bought you a coat specially, and it took great pains. 】

【Wu Xiyan nodded: Really.You see, I have no luggage, now I have an extra big thick clothes and a lot of food, those police officers are also kind, so there are still more good people than bad people in this world, you should stick to your own Don't change your mind. 】

[The system said: Well, I don't know how much favorability that young man will receive after the follow-up publication. I hope it won't be too far behind the first shell. 】

[Wu Xiyan smiled: Xiao Jiu, as long as you have it, as the saying goes, contentment is always happy. 】

[Yan Yan, this world had to go to the next world last night, so hurry up. 】

[It's also... well, what is this? 】

Wu Xiyan originally wanted to eat a big bag with a piece of bread, but he didn't expect to find an envelope at the bottom.

[I'm going, it's actually money...Xiao Jiu, aren't you going to explain it? 】

[Yanyan, my hometown also needs funeral expenses, and the money will be used at that time, besides, the original shell has not been home for more than [-] years, and I don’t know what the family is like, and I don’t know if I will live when I go back. In a place where money is on him, things will be easy to deal with behind the shell. 】

[That's right, but you detected it early in the morning and didn't tell me. 】

(End of this chapter)

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