Chapter 198 Jiang Xueting (10)

Ask Wenzhu to call these people outside the yard and wait until she wants to see them one by one.

Jiang Ying came first.

Wu Xiyan was sitting at the main seat in the hall, and there were several boxes on the ground beside him, and the money that had been counted was placed in boxes one by one.Excluding the part of the money for the steward, there are still eight boxes left. She will not take the silver, she will only take the bank notes.

She has already put away the odds, tattooed the silver and added the ticket, and made up the value of 1000 taels of gold, and then each of them deserved it.

The four coins have also been divided and placed in the study. There is one next to her desk at the moment, which is for the first person who came to see her, that is, Jiang Ying.

"Third mother."

Jiang Ying seemed to have lost a lot of weight in just one month, not to mention her, even the other three seemed to have lost some weight.

The reason, probably only they know, Wu Xiyan pretended not to see it.

Now that the person is here, she can't pretend that she can't see it, and she glances at the person and calls to sit down.

Then Wu Xiyan took a book and read it. He said he was reading a book, but he was actually chatting with the system.

Sitting on the chair, Jiang Ying wondered what Wu Xiyan meant, because since she sat down, the other party had turned over several pages of the book, obviously reading it, and had no intention of calling her here at all.

The time passed by a little bit, and it was already a quarter of an hour. Jiang Ying felt as if she was sitting on a needle cushion, which was simply suffering, but she didn't dare to disturb Wu Xiyan, so she could only continue to wait.

After another quarter of an hour, Wu Xiyan still looked down at the book, but he had already turned several pages.

"Three, dear three. Did you ask the child to come and do you have something for the child to do?"

Wu Xiyan looked at Jiang Ying after hearing the words, "No. I think you have something to tell me. These days, don't you always ask Wenzhu and the others if I'm in the yard? I'm in the yard now, so tell me."

Jiang Ying looked at Wu Xiyan's cold gaze, which seemed to penetrate her soul, her heart was startled, she got up and knelt down in fright.

"San Niangqin...Ying, Ying'er did something wrong, so she wants to ask Sanniangqin to admit her mistake... Please, please forgive Sanniangqin."

Wu Xiyan raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Ying, "What's the matter, let me hear."

"Ying, Ying'er, let San Niangqin down. Ying'er made false accounts for the shops you gave me, and embezzled thousands of taels of silver from it."

"I've known about this since I liquidated the property."

Jiang Ying lowered her head when she heard the words, grabbed the corners of her clothes with both hands, and shivered, showing a tangled look on her face.

Wu Xiyan looked at the kneeling person: "Is there any more?"

Jiang Ying subconsciously raised her head to look at Wu Xiyan when she heard the words, her gaze was indifferent, the kind that seemed to make her invisible.

"Ying, Ying'er, damn it..."

Wu Xi was speechless, watching Jiang Ying finish speaking, her quilt seemed to collapse instantly, and then kowtowed to her.

"Ying'er, you shouldn't be obsessed with ghosts, trying to take the right to head the house from you, and doing unforgivable things to San Niangqin."

Before Wu Xi could ask, Jiang Ying continued: "Ying'er infused your medicinal tea with chronic poison, so... Ying'er should die, Ying'er should die, I beg Sanniang to punish you!" I beg San Niang to punish..."

Wu Xiyan was not surprised at all, but the two maids on the side looked at the eldest lady with chills when they heard the words, but they both knew that her master had decided to leave the Jiang family to travel around the world, so they planned to sell the property of the Jiang family .But I didn't expect Jiang Ying to be so cruel, like Xie Fulang, she did something worse than a pig and a dog, and she looked at Jiang Ying a little more coldly.

Jiang Ying knocked her head several times, her forehead turned red quickly visible to the naked eye, and she was crying bitterly at this moment,
"Three, third mother, please forgive me, Ying'er will never dare to..."

"Wen Zhu helped her up, but don't spill blood everywhere."

Hearing this, Jiang Ying dared not kowtow again, stood up with Wenzhu's support, took the brocade handkerchief from Wenyu, and pressed the wound on her forehead.

Wu Xiyan said lightly: "If I can't wake up that day, the Jiang family belongs to you. It's a pity that I woke up, so the Jiang family still doesn't belong to you. Since you have the courage to admit your mistakes today, you also know that you will do it yourself. What a mistake you have made, I think you are a big sister and child, here are two boxes of silver, and the bank notes here, you can take them away, this will be your private treasury money in the future."

Jiang Ying paused, and obediently took the brocade box Wen Zhu handed over, which was full of bank notes.

"Three, mother, can you forgive Ying'er?"

Wu Xiyan looked at Jiang Ying indifferently, "Then do you think that from that day on, I'm still the third mother you knew?"

Jiang You lowered his eyes when he heard the words, said sorry with difficulty, and walked out holding the brocade box.

Wenzhu asked the nurse to come in and carry out the two boxes of Baiyin that belonged to Jiang Ying. When she came back, Wu Xiyan followed behind her and wanted to see someone for the second time.

Wu Xiyan drew a gourd in the same way, and applied the same method again. In fact, among the three sisters at present, Jiang Dan and the second sister Kezi are the most similar in personality, but the second sister Kezi is more assertive and won't be like Kezi. Like the second sister Zizi, she has a whole bun personality. Of course, many times, Jiang Dan still favors the person who loves her the most, that is her father Xie Fulang.

Wu Xiyan analyzed with the system that the three poisons are all different chronic poisons, one of which is recognized by the shell, and the other two are not.

Kezi doesn't know him, but she does. They are all chronic poisons. If you take too much of them, you will definitely have an accident. What's more, there are three kinds of chronic poisons together, and Kezi has some heart problems in the past few years. It is very coincidental that he took it again before his nap Three kinds of chronic poisons were injected, it can be said that the three poisons accelerated the death progress bar of the shell.

The three kinds of poisons are naturally what the three parties call, the boss admits, then there are two left, one of which is Xie Fulang.

Then the last one left is one of Jiang Dan and Jiang Fan.

According to Jiang Dan's character, it is impossible to poison the shell, let alone if she wants to do it, Xie Fulang will not allow Jiang Dan to be guilty of murder.

Then there is only one person left who poisoned, and that is Jiang Fan.

So when Jiang Dan came, what he wanted to know in the end was why he sold the family property accumulated by the Jiang family's ancestors.

Wu Xiyan returned to her truthfully, because there was no place for her in this family.

When Jiang Dan asked again, she didn't answer, but gave her the same money and two boxes of money, and asked her to leave.

It can be said that in the Jiang family, Jiang Dan is the kindest one among the white-eyed wolves.

Kezi didn't deliberately get close to the three younger sisters of this family, they were just strangers, so whether Jiang Dan knew that her father poisoned her was no longer important.

(End of this chapter)

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