"Sir, this is my doctor's money that you saved me yesterday. My life is worth a lot of money. I hope you don't refuse."

It means that if you postpone it, you will feel that her life is worthless. It seems to be a proposition. Wu Xiyan is not stupid because she has money.

"The grass-roots thank the past lord for the reward."

Changsun Yan nodded and said: "It's not early, I won't bother you sir."

Wu Xiyan stood up and said, "Master Shijun, go slowly."

When Wu Xiyan was talking, the other party waved, and several people came out carrying the small couch.

She followed behind, sent people to the door, and watched Changsun Yan get into the carriage and leave, still standing at the door.

The people around looked at her with some inquisitive eyes, but Wu Xiyan ignored them, turned around and closed the door, and went to cook.

As for the 1 taels of silver note given by Changsun Yan, she accepted it sincerely and happily.

Because of this money, the starting capital for growing mushrooms is enough.

The big Buddha left, and Wu Xiyan had time to tidy up her basket of mushrooms.

Today's half-day harvest includes the most familiar collybia fungus, and the rest of the fungus and tea tree mushroom.

Speaking of which, these mushrooms cannot be found according to the growth time of this world, so only the small world that plays cards out of common sense can be dug up.

Anyway, there are mushrooms to eat.

So she took some and fried it with the meat she bought, and she was very satisfied with the delicious meal.

The next day.

Wu Xiyan carried his own mushrooms to the restaurant in the town to sell. The other party obviously wanted to collect mushrooms, but he was even more afraid of accidents.

After turning around a lot, she was stunned that no restaurant would buy her mushrooms, which made her feel depressed.

In fact, it’s no wonder that there are only two kinds of fungus and shiitake mushrooms on the table in the restaurant. Other wild mushrooms are afraid of eating dead people.

After much deliberation, to cultivate mushrooms, it will take a month at the fastest to produce batches of bacteria, and then add the growth time of mushrooms, and it will take at least two months to market a small amount of mushrooms.

For these two months, she couldn't just stay at home and grow mushrooms.

The town near Yucheng has more people, and the caravans will not pass by occasionally like when she first went to Shishan Town, but there will definitely be caravans passing by every few days. Stone Mountain Town is much better.

In addition to the caravan passing by, people going to Yucheng and other big cities will also pass through this town, including rich people visiting relatives and having fun. The flow of people coming and going is not insignificant.

And this town called Hejing Town is more than twice the size of Shishan Town. The cross streets from east to west run through the entire Hejing Town, and even the side streets are crowded with people every day. Coming from the surrounding villages to go to the market, you never need to set a time to get lively.

After some thought, Wu Xiyan decided to find a place to open a shop in his free time, and rent a place to set up a stall before the mushrooms hit the market.

Generally speaking, I go to pick mushrooms in the morning, and then come back at noon to clean up and leave the stall in the afternoon.

It’s just that considering that wild mushrooms are not accepted by people, she guessed that few people would dare to eat them at first, but as long as they buy the first ones and know that the mushrooms she picked will not cause any problems, people will come to patronize them naturally, and the income will be a little bit. here.

When more people know about it, find a reliable person, and then plan to open the semicolon of Jinxiu Villa.

After making up her mind, she went to the booth in the afternoon.

I quickly found a small stall, which was originally a small shop selling chaos. Although it was at the corner of the main street, the street was crowded with people, so the rent of the shop was one tael per month, which was indeed quite expensive, because He didn't plan to open it for a long time, Wu Xiyan just rented it for two years.

To put it bluntly, the house and stall she lives in now don't plan to work for a long time. Besides, her working time is limited. She just waits for a way to make money to open up, and then she can start her grand career in Yucheng.

She can eat a lot of mushrooms collected on the mountain by herself, but there are quite a lot of them. Although she wants to share them with the poorer families around, when they see her mushrooms, they probably run to them one by one before she can open their mouths. no shadow.

So from the third day after renting the shop, Wu Xiyan opened it, but these people shook their heads and waved away as soon as they saw the mushroom dishes she was selling.Some thought that she continued to sell wontons, and she was obviously a regular customer of the previous shop owner. When they came, they heard that she was selling mushrooms, so they also left.

She sells fast food, vegetarian mushrooms, fried pork belly with mushrooms, and mushroom bone broth. Small portions cost ten cents, and large portions cost twenty cents.

The mushrooms she collected in the morning took home to clean and pick, and she went out to the stall around 30:[-] p.m. to start cooking. Since it opened the first day, she only cooked [-] servings. She also had a plan in mind. Part of it can be given to the poor if they can't finish it. Of course, the premise is that those people believe that her mushroom dishes are not poisonous, or they are not afraid of death.

Wu Xiyan held the grass in her mouth and looked at the streets full of people coming and going. She had cooked all the food for more than an hour. She asked, but no one bought it.

In the evening, people on the street all went home, and those who were looking for inns to eat looked for inns to eat.

The other small stalls were either overcrowded, no matter how bad they were, they would be patronized one after another, and at worst, ten or eight would go to buy something to eat, but her shop had no diners at all.

Sure enough, if there is no comparison, there will be no harm, and now there is a proper wound.

A gust of wind blew by, and a few yellow leaves fell from an old tree next to it.


Should she find a fly swatter, which would be more appropriate.

Apart from chatting with the system, there was no one around at the opening today, and it was getting dark gradually. Her shop is at the corner of the main street and the small street. There are no people walking around on the main street, let alone the small street. side.

Wu Xiyan looked at the sky and estimated that it would be dark in a short time. There were no beggars on the street, and she was still warming the food. She couldn't earn the money today, so she could only eat by herself at the moment.

Originally, she thought how she could sell one or two copies today, but she still overestimated herself, and she couldn't even sell one, let alone selling, it would be embarrassing if no one wanted to give it away.While eating, she looked at a large plate of vegetables and meat. Fortunately, she only made 30 servings, which could not be sold. It is estimated that no one would want those people in the yard, thinking that they would all be thrown away and stop wasting.

She understood that even beggars didn't want to eat her food, so one could imagine how much shadow these people had on the mushrooms on the mountain.

Well, this is the mushroom that even beggars dare not eat!

After thinking about it, the two brothers and sisters who sold firewood to her yesterday were very pitiful, and thought about whether to send some over.

[The system suddenly said: Yanyan, the sugar water seller over there has been staring at you for a whole day, so why is this person staring at you every day from now on? 】

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