Chapter 168 Zhang Wumei (17)

The pharmacy in the town has been in poor business since the second day of its opening. There will be some customers at the market, but it will be different after a month. There will be people from traveling merchants who come to buy them every five miles, and they will buy dozens of copies at a time. Since orders are not taken, many medicines in pharmacies are in short supply.

A few women from the Zhang family also started to help dig herbs up the mountain, and help cook and maintain the supply of the store.

Two months later, the Zhang family's house was completed, and the Zhang family lived in their dream mansion.

At this time, the harvest season was approaching, and after harvesting the grain, Wu Xiyan asked the people of the Zhang family to start the big project of planting medicinal herbs.

So everyone in the village found it strange that Zhang's family didn't grow food but medicinal herbs, but they didn't care about their own fields.

Of course, there are people in Shanshi Village who have good friends with the Zhang family. They know that the Zhang family needs medicinal herbs, and they also say that if they want to grow them, they can plant them along with them. They don’t have to worry about selling them. Just plant seedlings at home.

Some people thought it was bad, but felt that there was money to be made, and a few signed the contract, so they planted along.

The days passed day by day, and it was the end of the year in a blink of an eye.

Wu Xi said that besides making medicine, he did not neglect the teaching of children. I have to say that children are talented and can learn everything quickly. In less than half a year, they have already learned the knowledge books of children, and now they are learning the books of scholars. knowledge.

Of course, excluding those books, Wu Xiyan still has some words books about this world, miscellaneous geography, local customs, and great Confucianism and philosophy that Wu Xiyan got from traveling merchants, and some books she copied privately to enrich children. experience.

Apart from learning for the children, he didn't neglect the exercise. Now the little guy is very familiar with the various boxing techniques she taught, plus taking a medicinal bath every day, for more than half a year, he is invulnerable to all kinds of poisons. The physical fitness has also begun to show results, and from time to time, I help the children to make food, and the children have grown taller.

As for the few tenants who followed in the village, they made money by selling the first crop of herbal medicine to Wu Xiyan, and after handing over to the owner’s income to resist the money, there was still a lot of money left. They all began to plant according to the signing of the contract.

The Zhang family, on the other hand, has already bought all the land that Zeng Jiang rented, and bought an additional ten acres of land, even bought the mountain behind the house, and added [-] workers to the Zhang family mansion. People, the Zhang family no longer have to go to the fields to work, most of the work is done by servants.

During the Chinese New Year, the second sister of the Zhang family reported that she was pregnant, and the Zhang family was once again so happy from ear to ear.

One of the three sisters of the Zhang family is enough, so they don't plan to marry again. As for the equipment of the shell, it is arranged by Zhang's mother, and she is asked to marry another one alone. After all, there is no objection to adding another person if she has money.

As for the fourth gentleman of the Zhang family, because he will be 17 years old after the new year, and the Zhang family is now a big family, and there is no need to work under the leadership, and it can be separated from the mud legs, so there are many people who come to propose marriage , naturally for the definition of the Zhang family being rich.

Although Zhang's mother is also somewhat patriarchal, but after all, she gave birth to her own child, so she checked it out. She specially chose a family with only one daughter and two sons among the people recommended by Wu Xiyan. Dear, although the other party is also a tenant, but the character is good in the village over there, so Zhang Sijun can buy it with the land and residence when he marries, so the family will be happy when the other party is selected.

The Zhang family is now a big family and rich. Naturally, Zhang Sijun will not be treated badly by that family when he gets married the day he becomes an adult, and will only treat him well, so Wu Xiyan is not worried that Zhang Sijun, who has a steamed bun personality, will be bullied.

Especially during this period of time, she specially invited her master to teach her family how to read, read, write and count. Her parents were slow learners, but they liked it, and the three older sisters and her brother-in-law would also be fine if they needed to go to the town to start a small business in the future. So they also study hard.The fourth brother hasn't left the cabinet yet, so there's nothing wrong with learning more, so he listened to what his sister said, so he will be knowledgeable in the future and manage his own small family business, so he will not be discredited, so he is serious about learning, and the results are not bad .

Wu Xiyan wrote down the hemostatic powder, antipruritic ointment, and a prescription for rheumatism and bone pain when drawing out the medicine stove. After not going to the ground, she asked her three sisters to follow her to learn how to identify herbs, and then told them The ratio of medicinal herbs to be used as medicine, and the production of these are taught by hand. Although I have not fully grasped the heat, but the configuration of the prescription and the dosage, the medicinal herbs that are needed by the outside world and how to deal with them are already familiar.The only difference is the accuracy of the timing of the medicine brewed by hand. She is not in a hurry, because they will naturally understand it after a long time.

The medicines made by the three prescriptions, the Zhang family will make these medicines and send them to the Huaiantang drugstore in the town. As long as the Zhang family works hard to maintain this production chain, the family will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives, and they can save a lot of money for the next generation. Family property, of course.

It was the first New Year's Eve when she came to this world, Wu Xiyan brought food for the children, and the nanny found that there was something "problematic" about this person, but after confirming that she was not bad, she didn't investigate further.

As time went by, I gradually discovered that the child's personality was a little abnormal, but she always acted like a good baby to her, and showed her fangs to bullies, but she also pretended not to know, she believed that the child Children know the boundaries clearly.

Regarding the fact that the nanny knew that the child worshiped her as a teacher, Wu Xiyan didn't intend to keep it a secret. After all, the child would secretly go out to find her after a long time, and the nanny is the child's last choice in Anjiazhuangzi. Those who are close, know that it is only a matter of time before the child goes out, but I didn't expect that the other party would pretend not to know the stalk. Although I don't know the reason, since the other party didn't expose her, she naturally wouldn't talk about it, so we lived together like this Live without incident.

A small pharmacy gradually changed Shishan Town from a remote town with few business travelers to a well-known town with traveling merchants from all over the country. Even some business travelers did not pass through this town, but they did Deliberately took a detour to pass by this town to settle down, in order to go to Huai'an Hall to buy things that they sell well.

In Shishan Town, everyone used to only grow food, but now most people have signed a contract with the Zhang family to grow only medicinal herbs, or half of the food and half of the medicinal herbs to maintain their livelihoods.

In three years, starting from the very first Zhang family, one after another people lived as small households. At first, all the villages were no longer tenants.

(End of this chapter)

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